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The scene with Gina over dinner really made me wonder if her boyfriend is as happy as she is.  He never piped in that he felt the same way as she gushed and teared up over being so happy.  It also seemed like he pressured her into cooking that Italian dinner  from the scene where they are in the park discussing it.  And in that discussion she didn't seem happy about the criticism.   I get the impression they both want different things.  

If Gina hadn't cooked in over a year and also hadn't worked in over a year, what did Gina do all day?  I know she has children but wouldn't cooking squeak its way into a daily routine at least once in awhile?   I can understand not cooking all the time but--not at all?  Maybe if she went to work that would make sense.  I don't understand it.

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41 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

What makes you think this? We know very little about Amin. 

Same.  I have no outside info- just what we’ve seen.

But the way Tamra kept talking about her and the stuff she supposedly said and then bringing her to the party felt like she was pushing this plastic blonde to someone; someone like Bravo.

Plus, she clearly doesn’t like Jenn to the point that she continues to bully her about stuff that’s none of her concern.  I’m thinking she’s pissed that Jenn got the spot instead of Heather A.

Edited by Cosmocrush
Damn autocorrect
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11 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Same.  I have no outside info- just what we’ve seen.

But the way Tamra kept talking about her and the stuff she supposedly said and then bringing her to the party felt like she was pushing this plastic blonde to someone; someone like Bravo.

Plus, she clearly doesn’t like Jenn to the point that she continues to bully her about stuff that’s none of her concern.  I’m thinking she’s pissed that Jenn got the spot instead of Heather A.

I think she brought her on to just further tear Jenn down.

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Tamra’s super threatened by Jenn, but when it comes to Heather Amin, not so much.   She acts like she’s SUPER jealous of her and can’t stand that the other women are bonding with her and stepping in to defend her.  

She really seems to want to inflict pain upon her, doesn’t she?!  I don’t care what anyone says, Tamra is and has always been MEAN.

Edited by CallmeCray
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On 7/27/2023 at 12:53 AM, RoseAllDay said:

It bothered me a lot to hear her describe the domestic violence as “isolated”. It was like she was trying to rationalize it somehow. Good for them that they’re able to get along, but don’t trivialize DV like this. It only takes one “isolated” event to hurt or kill. If she wants to knock the charges down to misdemeanors, that’s her call. But it was DV that Matt answered to.

IMO, she needs to process her feelings about that, and not the affair. 

Gina grates. Period.

I wondered  at the time, if the domestic  violence  truly was a one off. She seemed  very scared to go to court, and sometimes  that means , this has happened more than once. She really  didn't  want to get Matt into trouble.

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15 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

All their behavior is so juvenile and so worn out.  Screaming and drinking like idiots.  Bragging about the sex they have.  (Just imagining Vicki makes me sick.)  Throwing themselves down to slide  on their old implants--hope that works out okay.    The  Heather friend is like an ad for plastic surgery gone bad (yikes her face).   And  all this concern for Jen is so clearly fake.  It looks to me like this was one way for Tamra to get the  Heather friend into the filming to possibly get on the show.     Tamra was so vicious and mean to Jen and used her until she figured out she could move on the Shannon and John.  


I loved when Taylor said she was sick of Ryan and didn't even know him.


That nearly got a standing ovation from me, and now I’m one of Taylor’s biggest fans, 😂. If only that would be said to Tamra’s face. Ryan is Jenn’s problem, if she decides to make him one.

Please tell me again why anyone should care about this? AFAIK.

I really took offense at Tamra chomping at the bit to go to Shannon about whatever Heather told her about John. The way she just couldn’t wait to spill it put the big fat lie to the “Heather is not being a good friend and Shannon needs to know that” BS. Just look in the mirror, Tamra, if you want to see a backstabber.

Tamra IS vicious and mean. Full stop.


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15 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

Tamra was truly evil there (and I'll admit, smart). But come on Shannon, you've been on this show how long and you're going to let her play you like that? If Heather told Tamra things Shannon confided in her, that's wrong of Heather. But clearly Heather didn't do so on camera. It's also possible that Heather has barely said anything to Tamra and Tamra is just letting Shannon believe she did. 

Co-sign all of this. I can 100% see Tamra probing Heather for info on Shannon's relationship, Heather saying something vague like "From what she tells me, it's not going well" and Tamra gleefully picking up that ball and running with it. For all of her (myriad) flaws, I do believe Heather is more trustworthy as a keeper of secrets than many of these other HWs, as we've seen in prior seasons.

I feel like I've been defending Heather a lot this season - and I don't even like her! But Tamra is obviously the true villain in this scenario. As you said, evil but smart. It would be an interesting plot twist if it turns out Tamra is actually smarter than Heather. 

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I have to applaud Gina for putting aside her personal hurt/betrayal to support her ex-husband because she knows that his success & happiness significantly impacts their children. That's often a very hard thing to do.

Tamra is uber competitive and has to be the prettiest girl at the prom. I agree with @Cosmocrush she's pissed that Jenn has a orange, is prettier, has a better body, a hotter partner and a profitable yoga studio. She's trying to tear her down. It's rather pathetic to watch. 

Even more pathetic is watching Shannon & Heather fall for her shenanigans AGAIN and watch Emily gladly saddle up as sidekick just to avoid her wrath.

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1 hour ago, snarts said:

I have to applaud Gina for putting aside her personal hurt/betrayal to support her ex-husband because she knows that his success & happiness significantly impacts their children. That's often a very hard thing to do.


I agree it's good they're getting along since they are co-parenting. Makes sense to lessen the financial impact on the kids. But I'm thinking there might also be financial impact on Gina herself that she's trying to ease.

If her ex is now unemployed or under-employed, it's possible that she's having to pay him child support as she may be making more money than him at the moment. I have no idea what their divorce decree says, but if there is child support being paid, it would likely be going from Gina to him as she's making HW money.

It is all impactful on the kids regardless, so it's good they're making an effort. I'm just cynical enough to think there might be other more 'centered on Gina herself' reasons.


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Ugh Tamra is vile. Her scrunched up face and the way she purses her lips in every picture bothers me. Whatever Heather said about Shannon and John, she never said on camera. Tamra and Emily brought it up on camera. Hopefully Shannon sees that's where the fault lies. 

I really don't care about Vicki and all the sex she is supposedly having. I did laugh at the editors doing a slow mo zoom on her boyfriend's picture when she said "I mean, look at him." I see him Vicki and I recoiled. And of course she starts screeching drunkenly about ceviche being raw fish. Why does anyone want to hang out with her?

I did get a genuine laugh from something Shane said. When Emily brought him donuts at the office they were talking about the pool party. Emily was saying "is the sky blue, is the grass green?" Shane says "is Shane handsome?" I like Shane is these small snippets.

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3 hours ago, snarts said:

and watch Emily gladly saddle up as sidekick just to avoid her wrath.

Right -- can we talk about Emily?? I feel like she often gets a pass because she's more "relatable" (Hey, I also eat lots of tacos and yell at my kids! I get it!), but she's just as much of a shit stirrer as the others. Not to mention, she is doing the exact same thing she is critiquing Heather for doing. Emily has talked shit about Tamra for years and now once Tamra is on the show they're hugging and singing kumbaya. It's ridiculous.  


Edited by ladle
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If Jenn wants to continue with Ryan, knowing full well that he cheated on her, then that's her business.  Sometimes we have to sit by our friends and just observe, rather than judge or offer opinions for which we were not asked.

I have a situation with a friend right now where I think she's in the most ridiculous situation ever.  But she's happy, and it's not my place to judge.  So hard to keep my mouth shut when she talks about how wonderful he is, but whatever.  Similar situation:  my friend knows all the stuff, nothing is being hidden from her, and she chooses to continue.  C'est la vie.

Tamra is holding onto her half-peeled orange for dear life, trying to interject herself in Jenn's relationship, and now, Shannon's relationship, as well as Shannon's friendship with Heather.  

Tamra just has to be in the middle of something to feel relevant.

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I’m just feeling really sorry for Shannon right now, out of all these shrews. Shannon and John are clearly having problems, and “good friend” Tamra with her cruel “I’ve got a secret” bomb-dropping bullshit at the table deserves to have every drink and napkin thrown in her face.

I hate these games Tamra constantly plays — setting people against each other, spreading/starting gossip, using others (see: Heather Amin) to do her dirty work so that she keeps her hands (relatively) clean, and literally running away when people push back and then tearfully begging forgiveness because she was angry/drunk/(fill in the excuse).

Who would EVER associate with someone like that IRL?

If they had to bring back somebody from the old days, and if Tamra was the best they could do, just take out this trash now and start over with a new cast. She has brought nothing to this season, other than to make it unwatchable. Some people may find a serial disruptor entertaining, but I don’t. And if Vicki comes back?? Double nope.

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38 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

I’m just feeling really sorry for Shannon right now, out of all these shrews. Shannon and John are clearly having problems, and “good friend” Tamra with her cruel “I’ve got a secret” bomb-dropping bullshit at the table deserves to have every drink and napkin thrown in her face.

I hate these games Tamra constantly plays — setting people against each other, spreading/starting gossip, using others (see: Heather Amin) to do her dirty work so that she keeps her hands (relatively) clean, and literally running away when people push back and then tearfully begging forgiveness because she was angry/drunk/(fill in the excuse).

Who would EVER associate with someone like that IRL?

If they had to bring back somebody from the old days, and if Tamra was the best they could do, just take out this trash now and start over with a new cast. She has brought nothing to this season, other than to make it unwatchable. Some people may find a serial disruptor entertaining, but I don’t. And if Vicki comes back?? Double nope.

Tamra is a one trick pony.  She has no other game but showing her boobs and creating fights.  I thought maybe Vicki might add a little to the show again.  Nope.  She and her wayward nipples can move along.  

Please Bravo, never show an asshole waxing again.  As my sister said, it is great she and Shane have a peppy love life.  Don't need the deets.  And it brings to mind the picture of a toy poodle mating with a Great Dane.  Which by the way, Emily has a beautiful figure so I am not shaming.  I love that there is a normal sized person embracing her curves.  However, she needs to stop shopping at Forever 21 type stores.  

Heather Amin is thirsty and just as icky as Ryan.  She and Tamra with their fake concern need to stfu.  Tamra may like her better because of the 3, Heather is the homely one.

Heather D looked great with her hair like that.  Shannon needs to dry out.  I suspect a lot of lone drinking.  Why is Shannon's relationship off limits?  Or Tamra's for that matter?

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1 hour ago, RoseAllDay said:

I’m just feeling really sorry for Shannon right now, out of all these shrews.

Yeah, Shannon has her share of flaws. She's myopic, self-centered, wrong about science... need I go on? But she does appear to have genuine emotions and she doesn't seem meanly calculating in the same way that some of these other women are. In some ways, she's an easy target for bullies and people who want to take advantage of her. (Tamra: "You rang?")

That said... I don't know if you get to say your relationship is "off limits" when you're filming a reality show about your life, it's a serious relationship in your life, and you are in fact filming scenes for said show with your boyfriend. 

This season truly is like a weird RHW version of The Prisoner's Dilemma. They could take down Tamra so easily if they all teamed up to do it. But they're all too scared to try. 

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12 hours ago, snarts said:

I have to applaud Gina for putting aside her personal hurt/betrayal to support her ex-husband because she knows that his success & happiness significantly impacts their children. That's often a very hard thing to do.

Tamra is uber competitive and has to be the prettiest girl at the prom. I agree with @Cosmocrush she's pissed that Jenn has a orange, is prettier, has a better body, a hotter partner and a profitable yoga studio. She's trying to tear her down. It's rather pathetic to watch. 

Even more pathetic is watching Shannon & Heather fall for her shenanigans AGAIN and watch Emily gladly saddle up as sidekick just to avoid her wrath.

I’d just like to emphasize this - everyone’s motivation when it comes to ANYTHING related to Tamra is just that - AVOIDING HER WRATH.  

Not fun, not entertaining.  She’s abusive and toxic, which has been a recipe for disaster (and further devolvement of the show in general) in the past. She is a serious liability at this point. 

Edited by CallmeCray
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I have a problem with Gina side stepping the domestic violence to secure child support.  This is exactly why so many women have difficulty getting justice.  Maybe it's just me, but no amount of money in the world would make me accept being punched or dragged down the street.  I would mop floors to make enough money for my children before I would enable an abuser  to make more money and who will just go on abusing the next woman he can find.  If he did it he did it. It's a crime.  Do the time.   Going back and rewriting the story only makes it harder for the next person trying to get free. 

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Tamra's no friend to anyone which is why they all ghosted her when she was booted off the show. Now, she's back and they know she gets alot of camera time. So, they're playing along. I guarantee if she got fired again, they'd all drop her again immediately.  She's toxic as hell, will spill all your secrets after getting you drunk and love bombing you to death. 

The pressure to start fights is ruining these shows.

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I STILL like Tamra! She is relentless trying to wear down Jenn and get her to admit Ryan cheated on her. I thought what they were saying earlier in the season was Ryan cheated while on a "break" with Heather Amin or something. Heather A and Tamra are on a mission to get Jenn to admit it-- and I think this episode she did-- she said that she wasn't with anyone on their break, and it hurt that he was, but she is over it, and doesn't want to go back there. I think there is A LOT more to the story and Jenn is no way going there, and Tamra way is.

I like Taylor's supporting role. She's around, but she isn't obsessed with camera time, and she adds some fun commentary here and there. 

Heather Dubrow has been desperate for Tamra's friendship forever. Back when Tamra got married, and Tamra said something about not caring if she was in her wedding, Heather literally broke down. I think Tamara is the popular girl that she always tried to hang with, and now she is living out her teen dream. 

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14 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

I have a problem with Gina side stepping the domestic violence to secure child support.  This is exactly why so many women have difficulty getting justice.  Maybe it's just me, but no amount of money in the world would make me accept being punched or dragged down the street.  I would mop floors to make enough money for my children before I would enable an abuser  to make more money and who will just go on abusing the next woman he can find.  If he did it he did it. It's a crime.  Do the time.   Going back and rewriting the story only makes it harder for the next person trying to get free. 

Considering how many HW's have made statements about being physically abused, and started (faux) charities to help the women who have dealt with DV...Gina is not getting shamed on social media one bit and I think it is odd considering the crap a HW gets if she wears something ugly, social media really goes hard on that but walking back a DV charge so Shane can make money is just not a good look.  

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2 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

I do like Emily for some reason

She is not whiney so she earns points for that, I like her too so we both can't be wrong, lol.

There was a time where the public (pubic, get it?), waxing had gone by the wayside but oh dear it came back like a bad penny.

What we need is a solution for Tamra, she is not the cure for this show and I cannot believe for one second Heather is desperate to be friends with her but I get that it is probably better to be friends with Tamra better than being enemies, she is a terrible friend but a way worse enemy.


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On 7/28/2023 at 1:58 PM, ladle said:

Yeah, Shannon has her share of flaws. She's myopic, self-centered, wrong about science... need I go on? But she does appear to have genuine emotions and she doesn't seem meanly calculating in the same way that some of these other women are. In some ways, she's an easy target for bullies and people who want to take advantage of her. (Tamra: "You rang?")

That said... I don't know if you get to say your relationship is "off limits" when you're filming a reality show about your life, it's a serious relationship in your life, and you are in fact filming scenes for said show with your boyfriend. 

This season truly is like a weird RHW version of The Prisoner's Dilemma. They could take down Tamra so easily if they all teamed up to do it. But they're all too scared to try. 

It’s kind of like Denise Richards and the “Bravo, Bravo effing Bravo” thing. This came totally out of left field for her, so a gut reaction like that is understandable. It  will be interesting to see how this plays out. I just have a problem with Tamra taking pleasure in ambushing people with personal stuff. She didn’t take too kindly to the Eddie rumors awhile back, IIRC, but it’s OK when she does it to others.

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On 7/27/2023 at 5:48 AM, Pi237 said:

Just because someone is over 50, doesn't mean they can't dress or be sexy. However, there has to be a better way to appear attractive and alluring than telling everyone you're wearing crotchless underwear or waxing your ass on tv cuz your husband loves butt or having your boobs on full display.  I've never met up with a friend and immediately started telling them how cute or hot they look or talked about sex with my husband. But maybe I'm just out of touch.

Shane did make me laugh when he told Emily she'd be the fastest on the slip & slide 'no friction'

I have two friends that I have known since Elementary school. We are now 68 years old. We have been through first loves, marriages, divorces, children, loss of parents and in one case a sibling, parents divorcing, you name it. Yes, we discussed losing our virginity, but not in any detail. In all these years, although we have certainly discussed the men in our lives, we have never discussed our sex lives in any detail. I see it all the time on these shows. I suppose it could be generational with the new batch of NY women, who were discussing details on the first episode, but the OC Howives are not that far behind us in age. It's weird to me.

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On 7/29/2023 at 5:45 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

She is not whiney so she earns points for that, I like her too so we both can't be wrong, lol.

There was a time where the public (pubic, get it?), waxing had gone by the wayside but oh dear it came back like a bad penny.

What we need is a solution for Tamra, she is not the cure for this show and I cannot believe for one second Heather is desperate to be friends with her but I get that it is probably better to be friends with Tamra better than being enemies, she is a terrible friend but a way worse enemy.


Well, Tamra has done one favor for Heather. Last year it seemed every post was about how horrible Heather was. Now, they are focused on how bad Tamra is. I agree, she is a truly Vile human being. Heather is pretentious as he'll, but she doesn't seem to spend every waking hour deliberately trying to hurt someone else. Probably because she is so self absorbed, but still.

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6 hours ago, chlban said:

I have two friends that I have known since Elementary school. We are now 68 years old. We have been through first loves, marriages, divorces, children, loss of parents and in one case a sibling, parents divorcing, you name it. Yes, we discussed losing our virginity, but not in any detail. In all these years, although we have certainly discussed the men in our lives, we have never discussed our sex lives in any detail. I see it all the time on these shows. I suppose it could be generational with the new batch of NY women, who were discussing details on the first episode, but the OC Howives are not that far behind us in age. It's weird to me.

It's only weird to me because they're essentially colleagues and not close friends. I'm 43 and I've definitely talked about sex with my closest friends. As long as all parties involved are comfortable with the conversation, why not? I don't think it's weird to not talk about sex with your close friends, but it's not weird to do it either.

That said, when the RHW talk about sex it often feels... performative.

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The champagne slip and slide was boring.  Tamra takes her top off.

sam winchester yawn GIF

For once I agreed with Heather, it was a waste of champagne.  

Tamra suggesting to Shannon that Heather cannot be trusted to keep a secret, then planning to blurt it out on camera said it all.  She is playing the same games she always has.  She gladly attacks others.  Then she'll give another fauxpology focused on how bad SHE feels.  

While it does feel like a bit of a pile on on Heather, no one is wrong about the way she speaks to people.  She does come off like she thinks people are below her.  She then always uses the excuse of no one knows how hard her life is without then thinking about other people are also dealing with outside issues.  

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On 7/30/2023 at 10:46 AM, chlban said:

I have two friends that I have known since Elementary school. We are now 68 years old. We have been through first loves, marriages, divorces, children, loss of parents and in one case a sibling, parents divorcing, you name it. Yes, we discussed losing our virginity, but not in any detail. In all these years, although we have certainly discussed the men in our lives, we have never discussed our sex lives in any detail. I see it all the time on these shows. I suppose it could be generational with the new batch of NY women, who were discussing details on the first episode, but the OC Howives are not that far behind us in age. It's weird to me.

It is generational.

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