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S02.E07: Absolutely Shredded

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Lol, bless their Gen Z hearts, Elton John is from Utah 🤣 The moment the coat of many colors came out, I knew someone was going to say Elton John and they didn’t disappoint. Gabriel actually came close with Joseph and naturally that was dismissed immediately. It was funny to watch Gabriel have to pull his own clue and Chris had quite the poker face in saying he figured that blatant clue was Nick Cannon which we guessed here a while back but clearly Chris didn’t. Sad to see Hugo go, he was very entertaining and will miss his big smile.

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I never liked Hugo, found him annoying, right up until he talked about his grandfather.  Then, I felt bad for him.  I just keep saying, they are just too young to understand clues like coat of many colors, teen idol in the 70s, and even Utah.  Still, that none of them knew that Elton John was British . . .I'm not sure that can be said to be because of their age.  Have they never heard him speak?

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9 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

This is the first episode I've seen this season, but Chris's person has to be Donny Osmond, right? Amazing technicolor dreamcoat?

Yes! And we’re just all blown by how he was not the 1st person guessed coz he looks just like him. I thought he was going to be this season’s Adria Biles.

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10 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Yes! And we’re just all blown by how he was not the 1st person guessed coz he looks just like him. I thought he was going to be this season’s Adria Biles.

That's exactly what I was thinking! I figured he'd be the first to go or everyone's ace in the hole - instead they have misidentified him twice!


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Man, I refuse to believe this shit! Billy Idol?! 80s, Dear Ones!!! As a teen in the 80s & little kid in the 70s, this is driving me nuts! I saw Chris smile for a split second in the trailer & knew his dad was Donny Osmond. I don't care that they're young! This is bullshit. I hope they never figure it out & all go home cos they guessed wrong. And to Chris the Victor go the spoils!! HARUMPH!


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I’m starting to think that if the players were actually told that Chris’ relative is Donny Osmond, most of them would be like, Who?

I thought for sure Karsyn was going home tonight. She’ll probably be going home soon though since everyone seems to know who her relative is. How stupid of that JR to not even look at the clue for Gabriel because he was so sure that he knew the answer. But he’s wrong. I would have liked to have seen what [Gabriel's] paper shredding clue was. I don’t think they showed it.

I teared up a little when Hugo was talking about his grandfather. I thought his words were heartfelt. 

Also loved Chris’ Elton John impression!

Edited by pezgirl7
Edited for clarification.
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I believe the reason they're not finding the resemblance between Chris & his dad is because they probably only know Donny of today. I seriously doubt ANY of them had the opportunity to watch the Donny & Marie show of the decades ago.

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11 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

This is the first episode I've seen this season, but Chris's person has to be Donny Osmond, right? Amazing technicolor dreamcoat?

I said that on the 1st episode...he looks just like Donny Osmond!  And "Puppy Love", Las Vegas residency...all those point to Donny

Slapping my head!  Why would they think Elton John is from Utah?!  Certainly the young folks know Elton's story(there was even a movie recently), even if they dont know who Donny Osmond is.  I feel OLD...I remember Amy Carter as a young girl in the White House.

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I am pretty out of touch with more modern "celebrities".   But, Chris being a carbon copy of Donny Osmond was so obvious to me, I feel superior to all these contestants.   Teen idol in the 70's?  Billy Idol?  Elton John?   Elton John might wear colorful coats, but he is not KNOWN for that -  maybe colorful outrageous GLASSES, but not coats.  ANd thinkng he might be from Utah?   Wow.  even when Gabriel talked about Joseph's coat of many colors, he was shouted down. Donny Osmond's most known acting role was playing that role.   gabriel HAS to know, right?   

As out of touch as I am, I could certainly see that "10 babies"  is Nick Cannon, rght?  isn't that what he is most known for these days?  having multiple babies with multiple women?  

Amy Carter's son?!?!?!  Awesome!  I remember her as the cute freckle-faced girl with the strawberry-blond hair, often in braids, who lived in the White House. 

Edited by tinkerbell
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13 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

I’m starting to think that if the players were actually told that Chris’ relative is Donny Osmond, most of them would be like, Who?

I am a the older spectrum of millennials and realizing these people must be way younger than me! My points of reference for Donny Osmond are my mom having the cassettes of JOSEPH — she subsequently dragged me to every local high school production whenever one was happening and I joke that seeing so many well-sculpted high school seniors in loincloths made me gay — and his infamous appearance on the first season of THE ROSIE O’DONNELL SHOW where he made a fat joke and she berated him on TV for months and he came back to apologize to her while singing “Puppy Love” in a dog costume. Donny and Marie on Rosie

Still, what a gamut of emotions I had. I was eye rolling at everyone being convinced it was Elton John to crying when everyone else was when Hugo talked about his grandpa being in hospice. There’s something very sweet about this show in that the housemates all seem to like each other and there’s not a lot of cutthroat cattiness (thank goodness Carly left right away). Monay could have been a total bitch about how bad Hugo was doing as a partner but she just took it in stride.

1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

Amy Carter's son?!?!?!  Awesome!  I remember her as the cute freckle-faced girl with the strawberry-blond hair, often in braids, who lived in the White House. 

Ana Gasteyer of SNL fame grew up in DC and was childhood friends with her because her dad was a diplomat, I think.

Yes, Nick Cannon is the baby clue. I wouldn’t have got it had Gabriel not said something in the confessional! Then I saw the other pictures and remembered his breakthrough was a movie called “Drumline”. I couldn’t be in the house knowing that or I’d just keep asking him if he ever got to meet Mariah.

Edited by JakeyJokes
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It's so interesting how once they think they know the answer they don't worry about the clues that don't support that answer and bend other clues to support it.

Hugo wasn't long for the show as they had all pretty much figured out that he was related to Jimmy Carter, but it was a nice farewell and they all seem to sincerely get along.  

I am so enjoying this show!

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Maybe one or two might have seen Donny in Weird Al's **White and Nerdy**  video, even if they didn't know who he is.

Gabriel "colorful coat could be referring to Joseph". Everyone else " crazy talk!!"

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I’m late to this game and still catching up. 😂 My question is - does Gabriel know who Chris is? I thought they had an “alliance” but it seems like Gabriel was offering Chris up when he threw out Joseph.

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2 hours ago, JJ1 said:

I’m late to this game and still catching up. 😂 My question is - does Gabriel know who Chris is? I thought they had an “alliance” but it seems like Gabriel was offering Chris up when he threw out Joseph.

When Chris saw Gabriel's clue he told Gabriel that he had an idea of what the clue meant. That made Gabriel nervous, so now he's willing to vote Chris out since Chris is the only houseguest who might have an idea of who Gabriel is related to. 

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4 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

It's so interesting how once they think they know the answer they don't worry about the clues that don't support that answer and bend other clues to support it.

This show would be a great teaching tool for psychology classes and learning about various kinds of self- and group-induced biases.

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From next week's previews, it looks like:


Gabriel turns on Chris, calling him a snake.  Gabriel must have been told that Chris didn't keep Gabriel's clue to himself.  If that's the reason, Gabriel's a hypocrite--he conspired against Chris with the others.  It's a game, Gabriel.


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3 hours ago, Blissfool said:

When Chris saw Gabriel's clue he told Gabriel that he had an idea of what the clue meant. That made Gabriel nervous, so now he's willing to vote Chris out since Chris is the only houseguest who might have an idea of who Gabriel is related to. 

I don’t think Chris has a clue (no pun intended), as he has said that his wife knows everything pop culture and he has no idea. However, he’s such a damn good player that he doesn’t let it show. Every time Lil Nas X comes up he smiles and nods, and I don’t think he has any point of reference for him other than Old Town Road.

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I could not stop laughing at their Billy Idol and Elton John guesses. I especially lost it at "is Elton John from Utah?"  I think last week, I heard, when they were talking about the 70's teen heartthrob clue, still trying to fit it to Jim Carrey, and someone said they didn't think he was a 70's heartthrob, then someone said "was he a 60's heartthrob?" I had quite a "get off my lawn" type reaction to that one. 

I really don't get Hugo's thinking there, other than just wanting to go along with the crowd. Guessing Karsyn was the smart play for him on multiple levels. First, the confidence level in guessing her relative was much higher than this last minute Elton John surge. Second, nobody knows much about Gabriel, and if he sent Karsyn home, he was going to get to see Gabriel's clue. Yes, Chris does seem to have all that power, but, why not take another challenge and make sure you've got his relative right instead of taking that risk right now? 

I love how happy Hugo got when his relative was about to be revealed, and how clearly he adores Jimmy. He has absolutely had the coolest famous relative from either season. 

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1 hour ago, JakeyJokes said:

I don’t think Chris has a clue (no pun intended), as he has said that his wife knows everything pop culture and he has no idea. However, he’s such a damn good player that he doesn’t let it show. Every time Lil Nas X comes up he smiles and nods, and I don’t think he has any point of reference for him other than Old Town Road.

Right. Chris has no idea who Gabriel's relative is. He told us as much in the the diary room. However, he told Gabriel that he kinda did know. Dumb move on his part. Why would he make someone believe that he figured out their secret!?

I've seen Monay's relative revealed here. I don't think anyone would guess it. In my opinion, very obscure. (Apparently Donny Osmond is obscure too. Ha!)

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Gabriel is totes Nick Cannon -- 10 babies and Drumline.

Donny is better known than J. B., I think, but not to these folks.  Karsyn is probably next out, then the remaining four will take themselves out with bad guesses.  Do any of them really know who any of the others are?  Gabriel was close with his "Joseph" guess, but I don't think he got to Donny either,

I think we have everyone now:

Known (via Google):

Monay: Father, Athlete, Emmy 


 J B Smoove

J.R. Brother, *Singer, *NBA Championship Ring


 Lil Nas X

Chris: *Father, *Singer, Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame


Donny Osmond

Karsyn: *Uncle, Musician, *Some kind of Hall of Fame


Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Gabriel: Brother, *Athlete, NAACP Award


Nick Cannon

Carly -- Tom Hanks

Travis -- Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Jane -- Dolly Parton

Shayne – Eddie Murphy

Cole – Alicia Keys

Olivia – Jenny McCarthy

Hugo -- Jimmy Carter

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On 8/8/2023 at 1:10 AM, pezgirl7 said:

I would have liked to have seen what [JR's] paper shredding clue was. I don’t think they showed it.

They showed the part that said 'First LGBT [redacted].' That's when someone (maybe Hugo) was like 'Is Dwayne Wade gay?'

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This episode really solidified the "Gabe and Chris are the only two who know what they're doing" narrative. Similar to LC and Logan last year, but better, because I like both Gabe and Chris a lot more than Logan, and find Gabe's likeability to be presented more naturally than LC's (not that she wasn't likeable, but I thought the show was trying a lot harder to make her the "hero" than they are with Gabe.)

Hopefully (preview talk):


Gabe and/or Chris won't cross into unlikeable territory as a result of this fight they supposedly have next week. Everyone's double-crossing everyone and it's mostly been seen as fair play - please don't ruin it, guys!


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The Elton thing was sooooo outrageous (especially, Is Elton from Utah?) that I kept thinking it was all editing and that Hugo would guess correctly.  Since I really like Chris and want him to win, I sat there for those several seconds before the reveal, chanting "please say Elton, please say Elton" .  and then laughed histerically when everyone was SCHOCKED that it wasn't Elton.  

How can they not see it?  He's literally the spitting image of his father.  

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The Elton John guess was hilarious. Particularly because they were so smug over figuring it out. Other than Chris and Gabriel the group gets tunnel vision despite having someone point out potential issues. Clearly they aren’t aware of confirmation bias. 

On 8/7/2023 at 10:10 PM, pezgirl7 said:

I would have liked to have seen what his paper shredding clue was. I don’t think they showed it.

They only showed one part.

First LGBT (redacted) to win a Country (redacted) award, featured on the Forbes 30 under 30 list, was #1 on (redacted) longer than any other (redacted) in history. 

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13 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Right. Chris has no idea who Gabriel's relative is. He told us as much in the the diary room. However, he told Gabriel that he kinda did know. Dumb move on his part. Why would he make someone believe that he figured out their secret!?

All season, we've seen (and everyone in the house has seen) people getting clues, not understanding them, and then running to someone else to help them figure it out. Chris probably figured that if he told Gabriel he knew what it meant, Gabriel would have no reason to suspect he was showing it to anyone else. If he admitted he didn't get it, then Gabriel wouldn't believe him when he said he wouldn't show it to anyone. 

And, to be fair to Chris, he really assumed Karsyn was going to be gone, so showing it to her wouldn't mean anything down the road. He wasn't counting on Hugo playing himself like that. I think Chris's intention is fully for him and Gabriel to get to the final 2. He just majorly screwed that up by showing Karsyn the clue. 

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8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

They showed the part that said 'First LGBT [redacted].' That's when someone (maybe Hugo) was like 'Is Dwayne Wade gay?'


5 hours ago, Dani said:

They only showed one part.

First LGBT (redacted) to win a Country (redacted) award, featured on the Forbes 30 under 30 list, was #1 on (redacted) longer than any other (redacted) in history. 

Thanks, but I meant I wish they would have shown Gabriel's paper shredding clue. With JR saying he didn't even need to look at it, and Hugo's team not getting to it in time, I don't think they showed it on air. I also don't understand why Karsyn didn't look at it, because before the competition, she mentioned that she needed clues for Gabriel.

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First off, my 12-yr old granddaughter started laughing out loud when the group said Elton John. Thanks to Dua Lipa, even she knows who he is and that there was no way he was related to Chris.

Secondly, as a child of the 80's I remember Donny Osmond making a little bit of a mainstream comeback with two songs - Soldier of Love and Sacred Emotion. Both were hits in 1989 and his face was everywhere while he promoted the songs. Chris is the spitting image of his Dad at that time. 


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Poor Donny is no doubt getting roasted by family and friends for being completely unknown to these folks.  Maybe they should have gone with Marie as the celebrity relative and put in one of those meal plans she hawks all over tv?

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44 minutes ago, kassa said:

It's got to be easier than DEAN MARTIN, though!  I honestly thought Utah would lead to thoughts of Mormons and then somebody might have had an inkling.

No, Utah just leads to thoughts of British people, obvs.

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1 hour ago, kassa said:

It's got to be easier than DEAN MARTIN, though!  

I’m not sure that it is when you are trying to figure it out from clues. With Dean Martin they made the connection through the Rat Pack. That narrowed it down to a very small group which isn’t really possible with Donny Osmond. His clues have all been pretty broad or very specific. 

I do find it funny that colorful coat is the second Donny Osmond clue that could also apply to Dolly. 

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Anyone else seeing a link between Claim to Fame and the Masked Singer? Jenny McCarthy is a judge and Donny Osmond came in 2nd place on the show one season...

That is another reason these contestants may know Donny - he experienced an uptake in publicity in 2019 because of the show and appeared on the show in 2022. It's not like Donny has been hiding in the shadows.

Also, could the mask and dog clues be for Donny and not Jim Carrey? As we saw last night, the clues can be manipulated by the contestants to connect to any celebrity. 

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