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Utopia (US) Live Feed Discussion

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Tina cc - I've wracked my brain trying to figure out the pun, euphemism, symbolism, etc. to explain how that term means judge/jury/executioner.

can't help on the Tina part, but CC  is sometimes an acronym for commander.


Nah, Mike's too lazy to think of that.  I'm thinking its something simple like--he's a big fan of Glee and Tina Cohen-Chang is his favorite character?

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I just received this email from The Project Utopia Moderator: 


"It's Time To Banish A Pioneer!  Cast Your Vote Now!"


Dear Candall,

We hope you enjoyed last night's episode! Now that 3 Pioneers are up for banishment, we'd like your vote on who should pack their crate.

Click here to cast your vote today!




Spoiler alert:  Anyone who cares already knows what happened and YOU are the stupidest production team in the history of television.


These people must all be on the pipe.

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 I say turn off the feeds and lock the compound from the outside.


These people should not be allowed back into society.

I like my idea from a few weeks ago better.   The show gets cancelled.  Nobody tells the Utopians.  The compound is locked.  The cameras are still there, running, but there's nobody  watching - the feed doesn't get broadcast, the production team packs up and leaves. the show has been replaced with something else.  The Utopians continue to think they're on TV, nobody tells them otherwise.  They continue to pretend they're building a society, they act out their little dramas for the camera, but nobody is watching, nobody cares.  


 In a few weeks, We all forget about them. 

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I think the vast majority have already forgotten. We have barely a page today in this forum. With all the hiding of the animals, practically no feeds, and the most ridiculous bullying and shifty behaviors, I truly don't know what the hell  show these people thought they were coming on. This is NOT the Mole, where those behaviors would have been game play (I guess). 

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I just saw something that said that the ratings for last night's show were up over 5% from the previous show. Dammit - I hope this doesn't make Production think that what they are doing is successful - especially as what happened on the feeds last night with Red getting ousted and what aired on the show last night are quite different. The TV show is, of course, several days behind the feeds, not to mention horribly edited.

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We hope you enjoyed last night's episode! Now that 3 Pioneers are up for banishment, we'd like your vote on who should pack their crate.

Click here to cast your vote today!



That's hilarious.  Is there anybody in any department for this show who actually knows what he's doing?

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The new pioneers are here--Katy is from Sacramento, says she works with animals in animal rescue, she is blonde, a vegan and has big boobs.  Cal arrives decked out in suede from head to toe and says he is a farmer, a hunter and he's into animal husbandry.  Luckily for the CKC they are both under 40.  This should be interesting.


ETA:  Cal is 39, lives on a 10 acre farm in Oregon with 7 other people.  They are process oriented, not goal oriented and they work toward harmony in his group (haha, this should be good).  They grow their own food and they use pigs to till the land (Bella probably just fainted).   He is a teacher of ancestral living skills for the past 20 years.  Hopes to bring "safety" and harmony to Utopia.  He wants to bring storytelling and his ability to build and fix things to Utopia.  He believes everything has a spirit and that is his "religion."  I think Bella and Nikki are getting hot. 


Katy is a single mom of 2 girls 6 and 9 yrs old, they are animal rights activists, loves to cook vegan food, doesn't need organic food, wants to learn how to garden and be told what to do, wants to work with the animals and wants to "make sure the animals here are happy and safe."  She has chickens at home and her grandfather has a cattle ranch and she has worked with the cows there (before she was vegan, she castrated calves, artificially inseminated cows but she disagrees with all of this now).  She is upset that the calf has been separated from Honey.  Her Utopia has minimal rules, no religion, everyone can trust and rely on each other and work hard as a group.  Apparently she has been watching the show (or the feeds, she only said she has watched and she saw when Red brought the deer in).  She wants to make jewelry to sell, cook vegan food, help in the garden and work with the animals. 

Edited by 4leafclover
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Well Bri was a veterinarian aide and proclaimed how much she loved animals so I am not going to get my hopes up to high Show.


Maybe it is a typo and she is a veteran's aide...



We hope you enjoyed last night's episode! Now that 3 Pioneers are up for banishment, we'd like your vote on who should pack their crate.
Click here to cast your vote today!

I say vote anyway!  Maybe we'll get a bonus eviction.

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Possible Newtopian Cal lives on a farm in Portland with 7 other people. They try to have harmony in the group, and they are process-oriented, not goal-oriented. He also says he was part of the "test cast" and was there at the ranch a month ago so he's familiar with where everything is. He's also handy and can fix things.


Katie is a vegan, and says she's getting into gardening. She wants to ensure that the animals are well-taken-care-of and was sad that the baby was taken away from the mom. (Hex pointed out that that was done on the vets' advice.) She says she has castrated bulls in the past but she no longer believes in that. (I'm not sure if she doesn't believe in bulls, or castration, or what.) She has 2 daughters, ages 6 and 9.

Edited by Etta Place
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God.  The first thing Cal tells the group is that he is a storyteller.  Yes, with all the lies these people tell each other they need more stories to keep them occupied.  He also sounds like a male Bella. 

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One difference is that hopefully her children are not still nursing.


(I am not necessarily representing my own views here, but I couldn't resist saying it.)


Also now she's talking about how she was working a lot and leaving her kids at daycare or with her mom a lot of the time so she felt like she was only seeing them when she was sleeping. And so she chose other jobs where she doesn't make as much money and can see them a lot more.


Until she signed up to leave them for months.

Edited by Etta Place
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I wonder if the storyline that leads into the cancelation ends up being Bri being in charge and burning the place to the ground.  I think I would enjoy that (assuming we get the animals removed first).


I'm hoping for the Melrose Place ending.

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Um....I think Katy just implied that she works 10 hours a week, cleaning houses topless.  Yes, that's what I think I heard.  


Cue the raunchy jokes from Rob--"what will happen when gravity takes over?"   "You're just playing fast and loose right now?"


Rob just stomped off in a huff after asking Katy why she was so adamant about putting the calf with her mother when she herself is leaving her children to be there.  Her answer, "I'm not nursing my daughters.  They're weaned."  


Rob the welcome wagon. 

Edited by 4leafclover
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4leafclover: OHHHH, well that makes a lot more sense, then. I know that she was talking about how she got the idea to change jobs by asking what her mom paid her maid and then wondering "what do I have that they don't have?" And apparently the answer was boobs if you heard right.

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Oh, and Cal was a mid-wife assistant for awhile (so far, he's done everything. He was part of the test cast for the show and spent a week there).  I think either Bri or Chris just asked Katy if her boobs are real--she was saying "they feel real.  Nobody can tell.  I've lied to people and they can't tell."  Bri indicated that Chris wanted to feel them.  

Edited by 4leafclover
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Taylor and Bri in the barn trashing the new people.  Bri "we've worked so hard to build all this and they just stroll in......."   What???  She said "we've"  worked so hard?  And didn't Taylor just stroll in not too long ago himself?  


Bri--"why do I think this woman is an alcoholic?  She just walked in and took a bottle of liquor out of her box and said she needed a drink."  Pot...kettle.  

Edited by 4leafclover
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Well, she's been there less than 2 hours and she has already started drinking the "180 proof homemade whiskey" she brought and she has disrobed in front of the cameras and jumped into the pond.  The guys are ecstatic.

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Well, she's been there less than 2 hours and she has already started drinking the "180 proof homemade whiskey" she brought and she has disrobed in front of the cameras and jumped into the pond.  The guys are ecstatic.

My money is on her being the one to stay.  The big breast comment is what made me think that (and that the guys are essentially the voting block to beat) but this just cinches it.


Not like they are going to be there for much longer though.

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So I log in for the first time today.  I'm immediately treated to new girl pulling a sport bra off of her humongous boobs (almost zoomed in) followed by a quick turn so I could see her naked butt.  Then, they switch over to Hex, who's pulling pants on over her panties.  It's Hex that got the blurred out footage.  If I were the women in Utopia, I would send the new girl on her way.  These guys aren't getting anything done with boobs like that around - even production was paralyzed.


By the way, isn't it cold at night?  Mike and new girl are skinny dipping.

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By the way, isn't it cold at night?  Mike and new girl are skinny dipping.


From the looks of things, its quite nippy out tonight.  


New girl is getting loud and tipsy.  Taylor whispers to Kristen--"she better eat something."  Kristen whispers "she said 'it was brought here for you guys.  She said they gave it to me to give to you guys.' "   More production intervention with the alcohol it seems.

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What the hell, is this show Playboy Tonight?  And that was the dopiest  show in the history of dopy shows.  And it was in the 70's - I think, I'm a dame and watched one time for the comedy factor.


I just really have no words, ironically - I am still typing -words.  :)


What in the hell is this show trying to be? And perhaps, more importantly, who the hell is the audience for this?  How stupid are the teen age boys of this country.


Yeah, college boys will tune in to see 'boobs', except I really have to believe that most college age boys actually see enough 'boobage' in real life these days - not like my generation.





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Golly, I love this forum but am almost hate reading it.


I LOVE you all, funny, sarcastic, witty and wise.....about a show that I haven't watched since the second episode because it was none of the things that you all bring.


And when you make a lovely subtle pun that I miss the first time, I laugh and love the poster who responds.


Love you all

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I just started watching the live feeds (free) a few days ago and now I see that they have cut that down to 10 minutes.  


Then I come back here and learn that Red left/was voted out.   Did we ever learn who "America" had chosen out of the 3?  (I would put my money on Bri - but did they ever announce / post it)?  Just reading a few more comments here - seems like Rob is turning into Red, wanting everything his way. 


Are TPB trying to kill this show?  I am pretty much done...

Well maybe I'll have to hang around here I little while longer,  I am really enjoying the hate-watching and conversation here.

Edited by EverCat
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This is a joke, Rob says. It's a fucking joke. What are we doing? We aren't creating a society we are just sustaining ourselves for 365 days, that's all.

That's genius-level insight for a Utopian. And it's coming from... Rob? Excuse me while I go scrub myself clean with steel wool.

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Well, she's been there less than 2 hours and she has already started drinking the "180 proof homemade whiskey" she brought and she has disrobed in front of the cameras and jumped into the pond. The guys are ecstatic.

Where do they GET these people?

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Thanks DeLurker.   I hope they announce who actually got voted out by the passport holders on the show on Friday.


Just went on the free feeds (I'm having a hard time managing my addiction to Tope) to see if I could catch a glimpse of the new Utopians.

Katy (I guess) is drunk/belly dancing with deDe, Hex, Bella, & K.  Haven't seen the new guy yet.

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Thanks DeLurker.   I hope they announce who actually got voted out by the passport holders on the show on Friday.

Oh, they won't. They'll either act like the audience vote never happened, or pretend that everybody voted for Red. My bet is on the former.

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You're probably right.   I could probably overlook that the TV show is nothing like it was advertised if it at least resembled the live feeds.

It makes no sense.  The feeds are so much better. 

Are people here watching the premium feeds?  Am I missing out? 

Edited by EverCat
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Seems that Katy has some "association" with polyamory (per Dedeker to Mike, I missed the original reference) and Dedeker is concerned because Katy is so "outspoken." (code word for loud and obnoxious?)  You can check out more on Cal at nagdeofarm.wordpress.com (although his name on the farm is apparently Jaydee). 

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Katie better look out - Bri is not going to like that.

Guess I will have to wait to see the new guy. Sounds like he is on the outs already.  (unless the Utopians get sick of Katies voice first)

"Kristen and Aaron are doing their heart to heart (or shriveled soul to shriveled soul) talk where Kristen listens and asks questions occasionally while Aaron drones on and on and on out in the blue hammock"

Ha!  I don't know how she does it.

Darn. It sounds like the premium feeds might be worth it.  Too bad, I can't subscribe because I am outside the country (Canada).
Are you able to use the 360 degree camera?



Went to Cal's blog:

"Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
Join 3 other followers"



Edited by EverCat
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I havent watched the feeds today so I don't have first hand opinion on the two newbies. From what you all describe, Katie is loud and a bit flighty, but her bountiful 'charms' maybe be the deciding "votes" (eh, I won't even complain) whereas Cal has Bella-like tendencies and for some reason he's already somehow ruffled the feathers of the cabal.

That said... if he's actually done some form of communal off-the-grid living, then he probably represents the very first person to walk into Utopia who is like the kinds of people who I hoped they'd be casting from the outset.

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Aaron told Bri the breakdown of last night's votes.  Told her that he is part of a group that wants to "rattle cages," namely the "cages" of Nikki, Amanda and Josh.  It's a secret how they plan to "rattle" because they don't want production to hear their plans.  They've chosen these three people to eliminate because they are "in it for themselves."  Nikki must go first because she is trying to take over everything, including the gardens and the food.  Amanda next because Nikki is her only friend here and she'll be powerless without Nikki (so, why get rid of her, you ask?  No answer for that one).  Last to go will be Josh because they need him to finish building the infrastructure and the workshop before he is eliminated.  Bri asks if she can be part of this elite group but Aaron says no, then he backtracks and says he'll ask the rest of the group if she can become a member and he'll let her know but he asks for her solemn promise for secrecy.  She'll know something is "going down" if she hears someone say the codeword "rattle."  



So they're going to bully and attempt to ouster the three individuals who have been the least troublesome (excepting Josh's first day), most level-headed, and productive?


Just when I think this group has hit an all time low they pull a prank like this.  I weep for humanity.  

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So they're going to bully and attempt to ouster the three individuals who have been the least troublesome (excepting Josh's first day), most level-headed, and productive?

Of course, because they get in the way of their partying on Production's dime. Being reminded of work and responsibilities is a total buzzkill.

And although I hate them so much, their thinking kind of makes sense. Production isn't going to let them starve, and if things ever get tough, they can just quit. So, why not just ride it out and have some laughs? It's not like they are ever going to be self-sufficient in any way. There are zero stakes here.

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If he did, no one there or listening on the feeds caught it.  He's meeting with Ernesto at 2:00 Utopia time, I'm assuming to get the lowdown on Mike's "vision" of Tina CC's power.  


Aaron is continuing to campaign for "Operation Rattle."  He and Bri are discussing the details.  Bri wants to switch Nikki for Josh and have him eliminated first because "he's against me."  Aaron said absolutely not, this is not about personal vendettas, its about what's good for the group (hmmm......isn't Nikki his personal vendetta?).  Bri wants to know why they didn't have this plan when she was on the "chopping block."  Aaron's answer is they didn't know how everyone was going to vote at that time, they needed a starting point to know how everyone thinks.  With the new "rattle" group consisting of Bri, Aaron, Taylor, Mike, Chris and Kristen, Aaron's sure that they have a lock down on the voting process, regardless of how America votes.   Bri said even though she's going to move back in with Chris because she can no longer trust Nikki, "I'll still cuddle with her and tell her I love her."  Aaron told her not to do that because she'll look "two-faced" and that won't look good for their own group.  Bri is worried that if she suddenly starts acting cold toward Nikki, Nikki will know something is up.   What is this show called again?  Utopia???



I, just, there are no words.  


Do they actually believe this crap their spewing?  They're only doing what's right for the group; in what universe is any of this good for the group?

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They are doing what is right to protect their ability to hang out for a year, stealing from the community, and getting paid a weekly stipend.


Obviously the Producers didn't take this show seriously because look at the people they are bringing to the show. I get bringing in your Bella and Red's. They are eccentric but really good people at the core who will work hard while pushing buttons with their eccentricity. But Aaron, Kristen, Bri, Chris are not eccentric, they are mean bullies who should have been identified in casting.

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