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S03.E06: Chapter Twenty Two - Guns for Hire

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On 4/5/2023 at 5:06 AM, vadare said:

All in all I'm enjoying this season. I understand ratings have dipped, but I really think it's because people are waiting for the whole season to drop so they can binge it.

I read that Disney+ subscriber numbers had dipped in the last quarter. Wouldn't that affect the ratings for all their shows as well?

I still get up real early Wednesday morning to watch the new Mando episodes.  I certainly wouldn't do that for any other show.

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On 4/5/2023 at 5:06 AM, vadare said:

I understand ratings have dipped, but I really think it's because people are waiting for the whole season to drop so they can binge it.

I’m thinking the same thing. Particularly since there isn’t anything else big releasing on Disney+ right now. The stories of the ratings dropping are probably overblown. Streaming ratings are delayed so the only numbers available is for the first two episodes of the season. It’s still solidly a top 5 of streaming shows.

5 hours ago, Shanna Marie said:

Has he ever actually done all that much? I think the difference in the past hasn't been so much what Grogu has done, but rather that he's been the motivation behind what Din has been doing. Season one was about finding a safe place for him and keeping him away from the bounty hunters. Season two was about finding his people -- the Jedi. The action revolved around him, but in a lot of episodes he was just in the background looking cute. I don't think the amount of stuff he's actually doing is all that different. It's just that he's no longer the reason for the actions everyone else is taking. It's not about him anymore. He and Din are a clan, he chose Din over the Jedi, and that seems to have settled everything. I suppose perhaps that one reason Din wants to re-establish Mandelore as a home world is to give Grogu a real home and a place where he can belong as a Mandelorian foundling, but that's been less up front in the plotting than Din's previous quests.

I agree. If anything Grogu did more in The Mines of Mandalore than he did all of season 2. 

The main difference I see from the first two season is the lack of an obvious central looming threat. Otherwise the episode structure feels very similar with mostly self contained episodes. I am split between thinking we will see a storyline culmination on the next two episode and thinking this season is just setting the chess board for next season. I’m enjoying the individual episodes either way. 


Beat me to CSI: Mandalore. That was my first thought.

Or, how to cheat at croquet with a baby jedi. 

I feel like Clone War Bo would have made shorter work of Axe, but she still has it. 

I see again we skirt 'rules' when we need to with Bo getting the blade back on a technicality, even though Sabine gave it to her before. I know it's reasonably logical, but it seems that we will jump through whatever hoops are needed here to suit the ending we need. That is been a continuing theme this season, it seems. If that didn't work, I heard Bo was just going to push him down the stairs or pull a chair out from under him and claim victory. They did that on the wheel of time with the horn too though.

However, joking aside, it is good plotting because it was mentioned in the Mines of Mandalore episode here that technically he did lose the blade. 

I didn't not like this episode, but even on the Clone Wars, droid themed episodes weren't my favorites. 

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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3 hours ago, magdalene said:

Grrr. I gotta stop reading comments to certain youtube videos.  To those who are bitching that Grogu got knighted for

'helping Lizzo cheat", here's a novel concept: Sometimes nice people give rewards to small children simply for being charmed by them. Nobody thinks Grogu saved the Holy Grail or something.  IMO every time this traumatized child gets to make a friend, gets shown affection, gets to have fun is reason to be glad for him.

People are complaining about that? lol. I loved that Grogu got knighted. And I loved his friendly rapport with the Dutchess.

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1 hour ago, magdalene said:

I read that Disney+ subscriber numbers had dipped in the last quarter. Wouldn't that affect the ratings for all their shows as well?

My understanding is that the dropped subs were almost exclusively in Asia.  They had been airing Cricket matches through a partnership with a provider there, but when that agreement ended, they lost a ton of those customers.

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They missed a huge chance by not having The Duchess play a Crystal (looking) flute.  I too felt Lizzo acted better than Jack Black.   He overemotes.  Also yeah there is something highly suspect about this "REHABILITATED, TOTALLY FOLKS."   Also the look Christopher Lloyd gave him when he denounced him.   It was definitely a "dude, this was YOUR plan."  

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I try to be as forgiving as possible with these shows, for sure, but I'm sorry, I just can't get past that this just isn't a good season of television. Yes, it's still a worthy star wars franchise, but I'm seeing a number of different issues. First, they don't seem to know what to do with Din and Grogu at all. That dynamic drove the first two seasons. I'm not saying it can't change, but the show needs a driving narrative, whatever it is. This doesn't have one, and if it does, it's not compelling.

Maybe it's Bo Katan's story, but with two episodes to go, you have done zero work on the character and instead are relying on the uberdorks like me who would be like "Hey! Bo Katan Kryz, cool!" She's got an insane rich backstory, but we don't know who she really IS (you need to give her back story if you want the audience to care about her or the dark saber).

Question fellow fans: are any of the episodes in this season better than the two episodes that were in Book of Boba Fett? Seems like a couple of real wasted bullets there, particularly as it eliminated one of the potential drives of this season (their reunion).  

My problem is there's 22 episodes of this show, and it seems 4 of the last 5 AT LEAST would be ranked below 15, without looking. 


Edited by Uncle JUICE
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13 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I see again we skirt 'rules' when we need to with Bo getting the blade back on a technicality, even though Sabine gave it to her before. I know it's reasonably logical, but it seems that we will jump through whatever hoops are needed here to suit the ending we need.

I thought it was a clever means of getting the dark saber back to Bo without them having to actually fight over it. I recall several posters last season kept saying they'd need to "fight to the death" which seemed stupid to me becasue when Moff Gideon defeated Bo to claim the dark saber--obviously he didn't kill her. When Din won the dark saber from Moff Gideon, again--Moff Gideon wasn't killed. So Din having to admit to the other Mandalorians that he lost the dark saber to another foe, who was then defeated by Bo when she came to Din's rescue--I think--is less embarrassing/shameful than having Din and Bo have a dual with her as victor and Din having to concede defeat (or worse, having Din end up the victor and stuck as the ruler of all Mandalorians, which is a role he did not want!).

I like Din and Bo together--I think they're both strong but their individual strengths are different--so the two of them working together make a formidable combination. She is more direct, an experienced military style warrior, definitely a leader in battle. Din is scrappier and more "streetwise", learning through his experiences as a bounty hunter, living the life of a loner with no one to really care about other than himself, and to a lesser extent his loyalty to his covert, until he found Grogu. 

Edited by kimaken
spelling matters!
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It was clever, but that was kind of my point. With the Armorer last episode and now, we have two of the hardcore This Is The Way people finding ways around This being The Way. 

To be fair to Mando, it's not like he ever coveted the sabre. He fought Gideon and took it but was quick to try to give it back to Bo. I actually wanted to see them fight because you know it would have driven Bo insanely horny. 

I mean, I'm enjoying it, and I think it's deliberate on the how's part. I'm calling it out because I'm in agreement. We could argue that the galaxy is in the mess it's in because the Jedi Council didn't want to promote Anakin to Master because Rules. We're seeing a similar theme with the New Republic flummoxing around and causing the First Order. 

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17 hours ago, magdalene said:

Sometimes nice people give rewards to small children simply for being charmed by them. Nobody thinks Grogu saved the Holy Grail or something.

I figure it's the equivalent of little kids getting pilots' wings when they travel on an airplane. It's a nice little treat to make them feel special. It doesn't mean they got a pilot's license for sitting in an airliner and will ever actually fly the plane.

Did the Duchess even realize Grogu was cheating for her? She seemed to think she was just having a good game, and he was doing his Jedi stuff down at her feet while hidden behind her skirts. They didn't announce that he has Jedi powers. I guess there was the leap into her arms, but for all they know, that's just something his species does. The impression I got was that he was helping his friend because he liked her and she gave him fishies, not that it was some sort of collusion between them. Then she gave him the knighthood as a fun little treat.

  • Like 15
4 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

I try to be as forgiving as possible with these shows, for sure, but I'm sorry, I just can't get past that this just isn't a good season of television. Yes, it's still a worthy star wars franchise, but I'm seeing a number of different issues. First, they don't seem to know what to do with Din and Grogu at all. That dynamic drove the first two seasons. I'm not saying it can't change, but the show needs a driving narrative, whatever it is. This doesn't have one, and if it does, it's not compelling.

Maybe it's Bo Katan's story, but with two episodes to go, you have done zero work on the character and instead are relying on the uberdorks like me who would be like "Hey! Bo Katan Kryz, cool!" She's got an insane rich backstory, but we don't know who she really IS (you need to give her back story if you want the audience to care about her or the dark saber).

Question fellow fans: are any of the episodes in this season better than the two episodes that were in Book of Boba Fett? Seems like a couple of real wasted bullets there, particularly as it eliminated one of the potential drives of this season (their reunion).  

My problem is there's 22 episodes of this show, and it seems 4 of the last 5 AT LEAST would be ranked below 15, without looking. 


I just can't with Star Wars anymore. There's a new series and/or movie announced what seems like every day. They can't all be good, and some of them are going to be downright bad, as they've already been. 

With the exception of The Mandalorian, I haven't enjoyed anything that's been released since Disney took over. And with the way this season is going, I may be bailing out of this one too.

52 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

It was clever, but that was kind of my point. With the Armorer last episode and now, we have two of the hardcore This Is The Way people finding ways around This being The Way. 

The more we see of the show the more I view Mayfield’s line about how rules adjust out of perceived necessity to be a defining theme of the entire show if not the entire Star Wars universe.  Pure ideologists are so rare. 

4 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

No this episode didn't work for me. I'm going to finish this season since I started it but I'm out. The first season of this show was awesome but I've never watched the animated Star Wars series and this season seems to be more of a continuation of those shows then what we got in the first season.

I agree with you on the way the series changed. I loved the first season and the first half of season 2, because you didn't have to know anything beyond the movies to enjoy it and apperciate it. While they were may have been references to expanded universe/legends/other things, they were not critical to the plot. If you recognized the thing it was a fun bonus, but if you didn't, you didn't feel like you were missing something. That changed in season 2. 

Edited by Sarah 103
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1 hour ago, Dani said:

The more we see of the show the more I view Mayfield’s line about how rules adjust out of perceived necessity to be a defining theme of the entire show if not the entire Star Wars universe.  Pure ideologists are so rare.

I've already said that's my favorite monologue in the entire franchise. Maybe now, there aren't purists, but there were, which was why I was saying we're in this mess because Windu and Yoda were all Rules about Anakin going up for Master. Not for nothing, Kenobi didn't argue for him much either iirc. 

Not too get too deep, but as I understand, Feloni is involved with the story development on this show, but one could argue that the first kink in this rigid rule structure was Ahsoka going, "I'm out thanks" because then you're supposed to be a Jedi right? What else are you supposed to do?

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To be fair, Anakin ended up proving her innocence in the end, but I think it was her not at all getting the benefit of the doubt from any of them at first was the start. I think it was setup because Kenobi didn't really speak up in front of the council then, and didn't either much when they wouldn't let Anakin to advance to Master. 

Okay, I keep on getting stuck on Grogu. I know he is a cat, loosely speaking. The big, baby eyes and the ears, looks like a human baby, evokes a response. Chases and stuffs bugs and so on into his mouth. He's getting better. He was watching those rock crabs and not eating them. But I see why people think he is cute. But he is not actually a child, and when he acts like one, it is a sign of damage.

He's a swamp critter. Big eyes for dim surroundings; big ears to hear the smallest ripple and the hop and slither of his prey, insects and worms.  He comes from a species that is sentient and lives 900 years. Grogu is 50 years old. Unless he was a nonsentient tadpole for the first 47 years of his life he has spent a long time learning and growing. I understand that, in such a long lived specie, his childhood would be prolonged. But. Even if he had a very limited and protected life (and he didn't, he trained with the Jedi, right, so he met many different people and learned different languages) he has to be a person. While frogs eggs may contain nutrients that he is lacking from his diet, or seem particularly delicious because he is far from home, he should have been able to control himself, and if he can't, well, there is something wrong with him. He is either evil or broken.

Yes, he is broken. Apparently he developed ptsd and retreated to infancy. He breaks out the force occasionally, the mudhorn. He is now making judgements and responding to language, and probably his morality will kick in at some point.

This is fine. It is even admirable, i suppose, having the character develop in this way. But neither a baby or a pet.

I wonder if there are any more of him.

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38 minutes ago, Affogato said:

Okay, I keep on getting stuck on Grogu. I know he is a cat, loosely speaking. The big, baby eyes and the ears, looks like a human baby, evokes a response. Chases and stuffs bugs and so on into his mouth. He's getting better. He was watching those rock crabs and not eating them. But I see why people think he is cute. But he is not actually a child, and when he acts like one, it is a sign of damage.

I can't agree. Because from word go, Grogu, before the name reveal, was SPECIFICALLY referred to as "The Child". That is what he is. Just a different species of child, with some human characteristics.

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4 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

I agree with you on the way the series changed. I loved the first season and the first half of season 2, because you didn't have to know anything beyond the movies to enjoy it and apperciate it. While they were may have been references to expanded universe/legends/other things, they were not critical to the plot. If you recognized the thing it was a fun bonus, but if you didn't, you didn't feel like you were missing something. That changed in season 2. 

Yes.  I don't watch all the Star Wars shows and really only care about the original 3 movies.  I don't want to have to do homework to understand a nice little evening diversion.

Could be why ratings are down.  The casual fan is checking out.

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5 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

I agree with you on the way the series changed. I loved the first season and the first half of season 2, because you didn't have to know anything beyond the movies to enjoy it and apperciate it. While they were may have been references to expanded universe/legends/other things, they were not critical to the plot. If you recognized the thing it was a fun bonus, but if you didn't, you didn't feel like you were missing something. That changed in season 2. 


16 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Yes.  I don't watch all the Star Wars shows and really only care about the original 3 movies.  I don't want to have to do homework to understand a nice little evening diversion.

Could be why ratings are down.  The casual fan is checking out.

I agree too.  I've seen all 9 movies, and only the shows that have come after this one (Obi Wan and Boba Fett).  I'm still okay with the fact that I don't know who some of these characters are, because I think this show alone tells us enough of what we need to know.  Bo has told us her background, Ahsoka has told us enough too.  I know that there are easter eggs and other characters from other shows, but I'm okay with not immediately recognizing them.  I have friends who put me in a group chat and they are all "Star Wars nerds" who recognize all of these people and things and then discuss - and I feel like they are spoiling it for me.  I don't honestly care, but they are definitely discussing spoilers.  

All will be revealed to us in due time.  I'm okay with that.  

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1 hour ago, WendyCR72 said:

I can't agree. Because from word go, Grogu, before the name reveal, was SPECIFICALLY referred to as "The Child". That is what he is. Just a different species of child, with some human characteristics.

Yes he is a child but a fifty year old child. Can you imagine living fifty years old and having the adorable  moral and emotional development of a three year old? Alien yes. Maybe not sexually aware, sure. But compared to humans hes learned a grown up amount of stuff. If hes retreated to being an infant its disturbing trauma. . When you think about it. 

Edited by Affogato
1 minute ago, Affogato said:

Yes he is a child but a fifty year old child. Can you imagine living fofy years old and hving the adorable  moral and emotional developement of a three year old? Alien yes. Maybe not sexually aware, sure. But compared to humans hes learned a grown up amount of stuff. If hes retreated to being an infant its disturbing trauma. . When you think about it. 

Because you're looking at it from a human. Other species = different rules.

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3 minutes ago, Affogato said:

Yes he is a child but a fifty year old child. Can you imagine living fifty years old and having the adorable  moral and emotional development of a three year old?

No but I also can’t imagine living to be 900. I think that long of a life would be a curse but that doesn’t mean 50 years old isn’t a toddler for his species. There is too much we don’t know but all signs point to him being a very small child developmentally. 

Just now, Dani said:

No but I also can’t imagine living to be 900. I think that long of a life would be a curse but that doesn’t mean 50 years old isn’t a toddler for his species. There is too much we don’t know but all signs point to him being a very small child developmentally. 

Yes. I think it is trauma. I think it has to be. It doesn’t mean he isn’t a child in relation to his species. 

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11 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I noticed Grogu was grasping part of Lizzo's dress when he was standing next to her. 

He may have been velcroed to it so the puppet can stand up.

Just now, paigow said:

Grogu might end up as a child soldier version of Rambo? 

Some Gideon minions torture him, triggering PTSD so he wipes out them out with a thought.

They won't go there. Damn, it might be interesting, though. However, it probably is a good justification for him becoming a mandalorian soldier and letting the force lie fallow.

2 minutes ago, Affogato said:

He may have been velcroed to it so the puppet can stand up.

The puppet can stand and walk on its own, can't it?  That's why we never see his feet.

Also, are you saying that he's only still a toddler because he has PTSD?  Did you see the episode where he understood exactly what Din needed, knew how to get back to the ship, told the R5 unit where to pilot, and then led Bo back to Din?  Not many 3-year-old humans could do that.  Grogu is smart, he just can't talk yet to show us all what he knows.  He's no pet.

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10 hours ago, cmfran said:

I just can't with Star Wars anymore. There's a new series and/or movie announced what seems like every day. They can't all be good, and some of them are going to be downright bad, as they've already been. 

With the exception of The Mandalorian, I haven't enjoyed anything that's been released since Disney took over. And with the way this season is going, I may be bailing out of this one too.

I haven't watched a lot of the shows, liked the animated ones. Liked the extended universe before it became the legacy. Anyway, I like this season better. Grogu is becoming a person and not a cutie and I hope that continues. i like worldbuilding and we are getting more of that. There was a certain charm about the taciturn guy in armor wandering around with his cat, bounty hunting, but this could eventually be a good story. Maybe. But it is becoming something that is different than what it was in the beginning.

3 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

The puppet can stand and walk on its own, can't it?  That's why we never see his feet.

Also, are you saying that he's only still a toddler because he has PTSD?  Did you see the episode where he understood exactly what Din needed, knew how to get back to the ship, told the R5 unit where to pilot, and then led Bo back to Din?  Not many 3-year-old humans could do that.  Grogu is smart, he just can't talk yet to show us all what he knows.  He's no pet.

I assume that when they carry it the actors have a hand up the puppets butt.  I doubt it walks on its own, because it is a puppet. Someone works a puppet. The flips are done on wires. There are a variety of ways people do this and their may be one that is animatronic, but mostly they pick him up and move him from one place to another and someone sticks his hand up his butt. Elmo too.

No, and he is a different character than he was at the beginning of the show. I'm saying that he was traumatized and retreated to being infantile and is coming out of it. Yes, you prove my point, not many five year old humans could do that, he is apparently fifty years old. And he is presented in the first one or two seasons as very much like a cat. Think of when Din talks to him about not eating the frog eggs. If you have ever had a cat you know that look. What you say...what they hear (blahblahblah). It was funny and almost certainly intentional. But we are seeing him come out of it and show more of his real self. No, I don't think he is any kind of a child or pet in any way that we can understand.

3 hours ago, Dani said:

Yep. And because Grogu is by far the youngest we have seen of his species they can give when whatever development they want. 

Even in space opera, though, it should stand to reason. So the development has to make sense. If it turns out it doesn't it loses me as a viewer, and a bunch of other people as well. Your mileage may vary :-)

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6 minutes ago, Affogato said:

I assume that when they carry it the actors have a hand up the puppets butt.  I doubt it walks on its own, because it is a puppet. Someone works a puppet. The flips are done on wires. There are a variety of ways people do this and their may be one that is animatronic, but mostly they pick him up and move him from one place to another and someone sticks his hand up his butt. Elmo too.

Sorry, but he's not that type of puppet.  There are behind the scenes videos and explanations of how he works.  He's all remote controlled.  If I'm remembering correctly, there are 2 people who operate his facial expressions and one who does at least his arms, but I think legs too.  Pedro, or whoever is in the suit or holding him for that scene, is not also the puppeteer.  

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6 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Sorry, but he's not that type of puppet.  There are behind the scenes videos and explanations of how he works.  He's all remote controlled.  If I'm remembering correctly, there are 2 people who operate his facial expressions and one who does at least his arms, but I think legs too.  Pedro, or whoever is in the suit or holding him for that scene, is not also the puppeteer.  

Huh. I’ll maybe look. Explains why he really isn’‘t doing it for me. I respond to kermit as if he is fully a person. Grogu seems like a doll. And he is!  He would still likely fall over a lot. Velcro still makes sense. 

1 minute ago, Affogato said:

Huh. I’ll maybe look. Explains why he really isn’‘t doing it for me. I respond to kermit as if he is fully a person. Grogu seems like a doll. And he is!  He would still likely fall over a lot. Velcro still makes sense. 

From Wikipedia:  "The puppet cost about $5 million to make, and is relatively heavy due to the amount of wires and animatronic technology inside it.  It is controlled by two technicians, one who operates the eyes and mouth and another who controls other facial expressions."  I think if he wants to sit or stand, he's heavy enough that he can do that on his own.

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9 minutes ago, Affogato said:

Even in space opera, though, it should stand to reason. So the development has to make sense.

To me it does make sense that different aspects of personality can develop at different rates. There are many examples of genius children who have an intelligence far beyond their years but still struggle with things like impulse control and empathy. 

1 minute ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I think if he wants to sit or stand, he's heavy enough that he can do that on his own.

He can. They brought him out at celebration last year and the crowd loved it when he sat on the table on his own. 

2 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

From Wikipedia:  "The puppet cost about $5 million to make, and is relatively heavy due to the amount of wires and animatronic technology inside it.  It is controlled by two technicians, one who operates the eyes and mouth and another who controls other facial expressions."  I think if he wants to sit or stand, he's heavy enough that he can do that on his own.

Of course. I have a plastic godzilla that stands on its own. Really wasn’t my point. I’m sure it is a very expensive snd well designed animatron. I believe you. Really I do.

2 hours ago, Dani said:

To me it does make sense that different aspects of personality can develop at different rates. There are many examples of genius children who have an intelligence far beyond their years but still struggle with things like impulse control and empathy. 

He can. They brought him out at celebration last year and the crowd loved it when he sat on the table on his own. 

26 years old for human makes, very often. Not joking.
but back to our conversation. It isn’t intelligence. It is experience. Those children you speak of lack experience. Grogu apparently was in a jedi training center with a lot of different races. 50 years is more experience than many of the viewers have. He may be a yoda toddler but he is certainly not a human one. Not like a human one.  If he acts like it nay be to get security or protection. 

On 4/5/2023 at 6:34 AM, Chyromaniac said:

Monorails and Geodesic Domes?  It was all my Epcot dreams come true.

It took me right back to Logan’s Run (yeah, I’m old).

The shiny black C-3PO and R2D2 doppelgangers that greeted them made me think the planet was going to be inhabited by a bunch of Empire sympathizers.

Loved Grogu and the Duchess together!

Wow, Christopher Lloyd twice in one week — here and a quick cameo on A Million Little Things.

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On 4/7/2023 at 6:21 PM, FnkyChkn34 said:

I have friends who put me in a group chat and they are all "Star Wars nerds" who recognize all of these people and things and then discuss - and I feel like they are spoiling it for me.  I don't honestly care, but they are definitely discussing spoilers. 

If your friends are discussing Clone Wars and Rebels, those events are in the past [relative to this show] so not technically spoilers - more like educated guesses

On 4/5/2023 at 7:46 PM, WritinMan said:

I was mentally putting in the Law & Order "dun-dun" sound at various points in their investigation.

Before arrival at Droid Bar, this was missing...


Edited by paigow
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Grogu waved goodbye!

id he IS a toddler shouldnt he be speaking? Maybe language development is slow for his kind.

I don’t understand what Hellgait was trying to do by getting the rogue droids.

in star trek universe the nicer the aliens the more sinister it’s going to turn out to be so I was relieved they didn’t go there- that Lizzo wasn’t trying to kidnap Grogu etc- because it’s so trite and predictable.

but Grogu’s wave!!


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13 hours ago, Dani said:

but all signs point to him being a very small child developmentally. 

Human brains are not finished until we are around 22-23.   Given an average lifespan of 80 years, that's one-quarter of your life with a brain that is still learning things like impulse control and YOU CAN DIE IF YOU DO STUPID STUFF.   No seriously, this is actual science.

So given a species whose life span is roughly 900 years, the same equivalent would be 200 something (rounding here because math is NOT my strong suit).   Grogu is only 50, so a quarter of the way to having his brain be finished (also assuming that it is an equivalent evolution to human brains).   A quarter of a way to being finished for a human is about 4 years old.   Or late toddler.   Where you still have to teach them not to touch things and don't take other people's stuff.   Obviously, different species with different evolutionary needs (hence the big eyes, ears to handle swamp dangers as pointed out), but the equivalent of a toddler with how he behaves is just about right.

Edited by merylinkid
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In the minority since lots of folks here seem to be ohhh Lizzo, ahhh droid bar. Didn't care for Lizzo (don't know who she is) nor her "acting" and the droid bar to me was a big WTF?!?

Star Wars droids have all shown to have distinct personalities for sure, but that bar reeked too much of sentient life. Since when do droids congregate together, much less express a "we don't mind being your slaves and doing the crap work for you." ??

Random obscure laws on the planet to forbid them from using the Mandalorian force already at their beck and call was just dumb.

The claiming of the Dark Saber went pretty much by rote, since once Bo had freed Din in the prior episode it only made logical sense.

Guess all episodes can't be winners, and this was at least far better than any 1st half episodes of BoBF.

1 hour ago, lucindabelle said:

id he IS a toddler shouldnt he be speaking? Maybe language development is slow for his kind.

We know he can communicate telepathically so that might be the norm for his species and verbal communication comes later. 

53 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Star Wars droids have all shown to have distinct personalities for sure, but that bar reeked too much of sentient life.

I’ve come to except that the droids are sentient in Star Wars. It’s impossible to explain some things otherwise. 

55 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

Random obscure laws on the planet to forbid them from using the Mandalorian force already at their beck and call was just dumb.

actually that one is rooted in history.   At least earth history.   Rome had a law that forbade the army from entering the city, or even crossing the Rubicon.   that is why it was a BIG deal when Ceasar did it.   The US has the posse comitatus law which prevents the military from being used as a police force except in EXTREME circumstances.   So that one made sense to me and not just a plot device.

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