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S02.E13; S02E14: The Journey


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Gavin leads his family toward a new way home, but each step inches everyone closer toward his devastating vision of Eve's death. Levi, ostracized from the others, is given a chance at redemption when an old foe proposes a deal.


With Gavin on the verge of dying, Eve and her family make a desperate attempt to set things right -- even as an unexpected twist threatens to tear them apart forever. Veronica reveals a secret that sends her relationship with Lucas into jeopardy.

Airdate: February 28, 2023

Well, that was an unexpected cliffhanger. More world building, more mythology, more unknown people. Is the show smarter than the audience thinks? Or is the Dino footprint a clue.

Levi is connected to that symbol that is on the German girl’s locket that shows a pic of her mom. Will that be the previously unknown. Gavin’s sister? How is the woman connected to Scott and his job interview with the company with the same symbol on the business card?

Gavin dies but because of the four hour time reset doesn’t do so. And the wormhole sucks Eve to…. Where?

Lucas changes because of impending fatherhood?


Let's see what else we got during the episodes (as always few answers, and more questions):

-- a 2nd portal (how that got built on the down-low so that no one else knew about it is a whole other different question)
-- unexpected pregnancy (Veronica)
-- redemption of outcast (Levi), kind of
-- appearance of a teenager named Petra that seemed to only speak German (but lied and does speak English) who has a dark-haired mother
-- Gavin dead/then not dead
-- Lucas finds a horse (a domesticated horse)
-- a photo of an Army barracks that might be located somewhere else in 10,000 BC
-- Eve gets sucked into a portal to a random time period
-- hundreds of auroras to different time periods appear in the sky
-- T-Rex shows up (probably from the 66 million BC aurora, that was clearly highlighted on the portal control display)
-- a pep-talk from Sam to Lucas
-- mysterious group of dead guys that were likely killed by the giant lizard, one of whom had a mysterious symbol on a locket, the same symbol that Stoner Scott had on a business card (for a company that he had a job interview with) and the same symbol that Levi now has tattooed on his upper right arm
-- James is dead (so now both of Gavin's parents are dead).  in fact, Gavin killed James.  So Gavin might need a few sessions with Ty to resolve that.

I'm thinking the T-Rex probably ate the horse.

ETA: completely forgot SealDad's divorce papers

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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You tease a T-Rex and then don't even show it to us? Lame, lame, lame. Also, those people had the calmest reaction to a fucking T-Rex standing in front of them I could possibly imagine. Or was it just bad acting?

That T-Rex is really going to mess up scientists when they find the fossil in the present time. Assuming it dies in 10,000 BC anyway.

Hey, Gavin. When you see a vision of your wife dying in a white T-shirt, you tell her to get rid of all her white T-shirts just to avoid any chance of it happening.

Why did Eve and Izzy need a portal to "get back" from their mission to save Gavin? They went back in time 4 hours! Just wait 4 hours and you will be back. What am I missing? I'm also so confused about how they changed things though. She left a note telling Gavin, what? Not to save her from the lizard? Then shouldn't she be dead instead? They obviously still went into the damn cave.

Also why did everyone wait to use the portal? Weren't Scott and everyone just on the other side of the trees? Go get them and then go back to the present. What was taking so long? Also, if I was everyone else I'd be pissed that Eve and her family blew my shot by wasting time saving worthless Gavin. Or I'd be like, screw the people not here, I am jumping home.

Did Lucas and Veronica seriously have unprotected sex in 10,000 BC? Idiots. At least Lucas around to being a dad instead of hiding in 10,000 BC to avoid parental responsibility. I know he thinks he's a leader there, but everyone else is leaving, so who did he think he was going to lead?

So now Scott was on his way to a job interview when he got dropped in the sink hole? Wasn't he high at the time? Great interview prep. Also, didn't he work at the La Brea museum or did I make that up?

Is this new kid and her missing mother going to be Levi's wife and kid that didn't really die but got sent back in time? Or forward and then back, since Scott seemed to know her in 2021.


Edited by KaveDweller
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So they all survive the tower falling how? Also Gavin went from I love my dad so much he'd kill Levi over him to no reaction at all or even a scene of him finding out what happed with Eve and that he was a fool?

They should have left Gavin dead, this whole show has become a mess since he and Izzy came. It was better before when it first started.



Edited by Artsda
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When Gavin shot James through the portal, why didn't the bullet waft off into 1988, or 2023, or whatever?  That could make for an interesting crime scene investigation.

It wasn't a T-Rex.  It was a giant chicken.  By the way, did everyone forget that there is a wounded and very angry lizard hanging around the tunnels containing the portal?  And that domesticated horse.  I'm pretty sure the various horse ancestors did not look anything like modern day horses.  So how did it get there?  Did it gallop through a portal at some point?

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This show is simply abysmal. Watching it makes me better appreciate the acting and even the writing on Lost, which this show clearly aspires to be (I mean, they even had a hatch - er, locked box in the ground).

Eve isn't wearing her shearling jacket when she enters the cave, but she's wearing it in every other scene in these two episodes. Was that just because she needed to match Gavin's vision?

Petra looks too old to be carrying around a toy bear, but apparently the actress is only around 13 years old. Her clothes look in great condition. Ugh, another mysterious facility and group of people. 

I agree that Petra's mother might be Gavin's sister. I also agree that Petra's mother might be Levi's wife, which means Petra is Levi's daughter. I don't think Levi ever saw Petra during these two finale episodes. She was still off with Scott at the end. Maybe Petra's mother is both Gavin's sister and Levi's wife. If so, then Levi will be forever connected to the Harris family, which should make Eve happy. (It would also mean that Levi slept with both Gavin's wife and Gavin's sister.)

If this new portal allows people to travel back in time and change the future, why didn't Eve go back to before the sink hole opened in Los Angeles and warn everyone about the sink hole happening? Or at least keep her family away from that area? That way, they never even fall through to 10,000 B.C. and Gavin is never injured.

Edited by tv echo
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Well, this was... a finale. 

I guess we're just gonna ignore the fact that there's no possible way anyone would remember the conversations once Eve and Izzy changed the future to save Gavin. Yes, I know, I know, don't put any logic in La Brea. But it was just so distractingly bizarre. 

So, Scott bonds with fake German girl, who I assume is someone's daughter from the future. Either Pilot Pete's kid (I'm convinced his family didn't die but fell through the sinkhole) or Veronica/Lucas' kid or, hell, Wolf Snack and Pre Med's. Either way, I'm not totally invested in this new development with whatever company Pilot Pete is tied with and tried recruiting Scott for BUT it involves the best character on the show so more Scott is all I need. 

I really, really don't care what time period Eve has landed in. I wish she would stay gone but alas, that won't happen.

Those bullets should have gone through the portal. That would have been real funny to see it go through. Actually, it would have been funny to see someone hit by a bullet or grazed by a bullet earlier in the episode, and then we see how that happened. 

Listen, if season 3 is gonna be the last, they might as well throw their entire budget into showing us some goddamn dinosaurs. 

So, Doctor Seal's big secret is that...he and his wife are getting divorced? Seeing as we'll never actually see that side of the family again, who cares? And now WHO THE FUCK IS THIS LADY WHO RANDOMLY SHOWED UP? Jesus, Doctor Seal doesn't need a random love interest two seconds from the end of the second season. 

I really don't care about Veronica/Lucas' baby drama. But I guess it's better than Wolf Snack and Pre-Med having a baby.


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That whole sequence with Eve going back 4 hours to warn Gavin was so dumb.  She didn’t need to go back through the portal again if the reason she went through in the first place was to warn Gavin, he ended up safe, negating the reason for her to go back in the first place - like the whole thing didn’t happen.  Then she interrupts the sequence of events that gets her to the spot where James can send her back 4 hours by helping Ty and Levi.  The time travel “rules” are so messed up on this show.  

I agree, I think Petra’s mother is Gavin’s sister.  So with 6 episodes left they’re introducing more characters.  Ugh.  

I don’t care about Veronica, Lucas and their baby either.  Once she first talked about how she wasn’t feeling well I figured she was pregnant.  

My guess is since Eve got sucked in to the giant time vortex to wherever she’s going to be the one who will come back with the way to get home.  

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22 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Eve isn't wearing her shearling jacket when she enters the cave, but she's wearing it in every other scene in these two episodes. Was that just because she needed to match Gavin's vision?

Even weirder -- for most of the first hour Eve is wearing a dark green sweater under her jacket, and then suddenly she is wearing a very clean white shirt.

Here's the list of years spotted on the portal control panel:
-- 500 BC
-- 2155
-- 1995
-- 1986
-- 1653
-- 66,000,000 BC
-- 2021
-- 1601
-- 1402
-- 9000 BC
-- 1843
-- 1764
-- 3091
-- 1597

66,000,000 BC seems oddly out of place in that list -- since every other date is in the future from 10,000 BC.

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Good grief, what a colossal clusterfuck this was. 

How on earth did everyone survive the explosion that collapsed the Tower in an instant? I guess I can see why the Harris family would rescue Levi because they're such "good guys" but why on earth would Ty let him stay in Paara's camp, and wouldn't the La Brea survivors be getting out pitchforks and torches to murder the guy who destroyed their only way of getting home? Instead, they hold an election for a leader? WTF? And what about the swarm of wasps - where did they go? Maybe first order of business is find a new spot where there's not a swarm of wasps.

Not only did everyone survive the atomic blast, they didn't even get dirty. Eve's white t-shirt looks like she just came out of a commercial for Clorox. Everyone's hair and clothing are perfect.

The time thing is so messed up. If the portal can send someone back four hours to change something that happened, then why didn't James just send himself back to prevent baby Gavin from being taken from him? Isn't that his whole deal, "Project Blue Moon," and couldn't he have done that all this time? Why did Levi and Ty go into the portal with Eve? Aren't there two Levis and two Tys now?

Why did Eve and Gavin go "let's all go back to the clearing and tell everyone we can go home now!"? So suddenly they know how to work the time machine? Is it like the DeLorean? Do you just plug in the date you want to go to? And they just left the machine on when they left? Aren't those power rods going to run down? And they just left James sitting there tied up with what looked like a bungee cord? Idiots.

And how did James get the fuel rods? Last we saw, Paara's group saved Levi and Silas, took Kira and her goons captive, and headed back to their village. Did they leave Levi behind with the fuel rods? And where the hell did Ty come from?

On top of everything else going on now they throw yet another group of "others" into the mix, like this show isn't convoluted and confusing enough, and they haven't already dropped several plot points like the Exiles running a slave camp to mine for Unobtainium to power the Tower. 

This is just a small thing, but at one point Josh said "I'll go finish doing my chores." Chores? What kind of chores does Josh have in the clearing? Milking the cow and feeding the chickens? Also, Ty said Paara had been teaching him about the land which is why he knew where to go. Huh? They were fifteen miles from base camp, when in the hell has he had time to go exploring that far?

Everyone on this show is too stupid to live. Eve knows she's supposed to die in a field of those red flowers, she's just been told there's a monster in there so she heads right in. 

How on earth did this get renewed? NBC must be desperate.

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

I agree that Petra's mother might be Gavin's sister. I also agree that Petra's mother might be Levi's wife, which means Petra is Levi's daughter.

When they showed Levi's tattoo, I figured Levi had something to do with the army group that Petra's mother was a part of, so my guess is that she's going to be Levi's wife. Maybe she's also Gavin's sister, which would make Gavin and Levi brother in laws! There's an interview with the show creator, and the only thing he said about Petra's lineage is


She is not Lucas and Veronica’s daughter

Also from the interview, I liked that the interviewer was basically calling the show out on the contrivances:

TVLINE | Those magically appearing divorce papers that Riley found, that read to me like you just want Sam available for romantic action in Season 3.
We want him to be, yes. He’s had these divorce papers the whole time, and he’s hoped the whole time that “when I do get home, I’ll be able to fix things.”

TVLINE | Has he had them “the whole time” though, David..? Or did he only start having them when you got deep into writing Season 2 and decided they’d suddenly appear in his backpack?
[Laughs] I can’t reveal my secrets.

1 hour ago, Cobb Salad said:

That whole sequence with Eve going back 4 hours to warn Gavin was so dumb.

I didn't understand this sequence of events at all, although I do think she needed to go back through the portal, otherwise there would have been 2 of her in the timeline. But I don't understand why Levi and Ty went through the portal? Wouldn't there have been 2 of them in the future then? I guess it's pointless to try to understand.

I did get a chuckle out of that one guy calling Lucas 'Old Spice' when he showed up on the horse.

5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

And that domesticated horse.  I'm pretty sure the various horse ancestors did not look anything like modern day horses.  So how did it get there?  Did it gallop through a portal at some point?

I think it came through a portal at some point. The one thing I am looking forward to next season is seeing all the various people and things that came through all the different portals that just opened up. It's one of the more interesting aspects of the show that they haven't really taken advantage of.

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 I figured Levi had something to do with the army group that Petra's mother was a part of, so my guess is that she's going to be Levi's wife. Maybe she's also Gavin's sister, which would make Gavin and Levi brother in laws! 

But Gavin would know that. So would Eve. Gavin and Levi were supposed to be best friends at one point. If Petra is Levi's kid Eve would have known her.


The one thing I am looking forward to next season is seeing all the various people and things that came through all the different portals that just opened up. It's one of the more interesting aspects of the show that they haven't really taken advantage of.

Bwah! It could be like Ghosts: there could be Vikings, and Native Americans, and Revolutionary War soldiers, and Victorian Era robber barons, and 1920s jazz singers, and hippies from the 1950s . . .

Now that might actually be good.

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17 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

-- hundreds of auroras to different time periods appear in the sky
-- T-Rex shows up (probably from the 66 million BC aurora, that was clearly highlighted on the portal control display)

Sorry to bring up basic laws of gravity and whatnot, but wouldn't the weight of a T-Rex dropping through the sky burrow itself into a deep abyss and pulverize its bones? 


17 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Did Lucas and Veronica seriously have unprotected sex in 10,000 BC? Idiots.

Lucas and Veronica having unprotected sex in 10,000 BC was the most realistic part of the series, to me. 
But I was a single mother with 3 kids.


14 hours ago, Artsda said:

They should have left Gavin dead

I was so sure Gavin was going to die so Eve and widower Levi could renew their romance in modern times.


7 hours ago, tv echo said:

If this new portal allows people to travel back in time and change the future, why didn't Eve go back to before the sink hole opened in Los Angeles and warn everyone about the sink hole happening? Or at least keep her family away from that area? That way, they never even fall through to 10,000 B.C. and Gavin is never injured.

Okay. I guess there was an off screen conversation in which they discussed using the portal to go back to Season 1 Los Angeles, and then recalled how nobody believed it in the 1980s so . . . .

But after going back 4 hours and realizing they had no way of predicting the butterfly effect, I thought Izzy and Mom were going to look at each other and realize they'd been had by James, who took advantage of their foolish hopes that they could fix things in time to save impaled Gavin. 

But then: Up pops Gavin.


An extra reason to burn off double episodes was that TPTB knew no one would still be watching at this point otherwise.

Edited by shapeshifter
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8 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

My guess is since Eve got sucked in to the giant time vortex to wherever she’s going to be the one who will come back with the way to get home.  

That will be the cliffhanger at the end of next season. 

7 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

66,000,000 BC seems oddly out of place in that list -- since every other date is in the future from 10,000 BC.

Well they clearly wanted to show dinos. But they could have done a bunch of really far out years.

6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And how did James get the fuel rods? Last we saw, Paara's group saved Levi and Silas, took Kira and her goons captive, and headed back to their village. Did they leave Levi behind with the fuel rods? And where the hell did Ty come from?

That actually made sense. Levi and Ty decided to go look for the machine because they wanted to help the people in the clearing (I think that was the reason). Then when Eve went back 4 hours, they showed James holding them at gunpoint. It is possible he originally killed them to get the rods, but Eve and Izzy changed history. Or maybe he never killed them. But either way, they did show Levi and Ty setting out and James stealing the rods.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

But Gavin would know that. So would Eve. Gavin and Levi were supposed to be best friends at one point. If Petra is Levi's kid Eve would have known her.

How would Gavin and Eve know that? Levi didn't meet his wife or have his daughter until he got stuck in 1988. Then he met his wife, had his daughter, and in 1998 came back to 10,000 BC telling everyone he'd gotten married but she died and so did his kid. 

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18 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Also, if I was everyone else I'd be pissed that Eve and her family blew my shot by wasting time saving worthless Gavin

This exactly. They're always going on and on about how THEY have to get home and doesn't James care about their precious family and it apparently never even crosses these twits' minds that there are lots of other people stuck in 10KBC and they might like a bit of consideration? 

I knew Greazy would come back to life, but while he was dead, he was awesome. Apparently the portal can be tuned to hourly time frames? Oh, the conveniences of this place. 

Looks like Eve got sucked into either the TV from Poltergeist or the Everything Bagel from Everything Everywhere All At Once. Bye, Eve. Maybe Greazy and family will follow you (Izzy will need to say her line through gritted teeth for the umpteeth time: I'm. Coming. With. You. We. Need. To. Help.) and you'll end up on the Titanic. Gavin! I'm flying! 

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Sorry to bring up basic laws of gravity and whatnot, but wouldn't the weight of a T-Rex dropping through the sky burrow itself into a deep abyss and pulverize its bones? 

Anyone falling from that height would be killed the instant they hit the ground so the laws of physics clearly do not apply on this show.

Edited by iMonrey
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Yes, the tower falls, a huge tower literally explodes with people inside and collapses, nobody gets a scratch, only Levi has some pain from a huge piece of metal hitting him.

The actor playing Izzy needs urgent acting lessons. URGENT. Stop hyperventilating girl, you will pass out with every line you say.

Which first aid kit carries pregnancy tests? 

So, Ty got his pills. But the pills will end. He wants to stay in 10,000 BC. Conundrum? 

Scott finds a locket that has a symbol of a card some people he was going to meet near the sinkhole. The most logical deduction would be: the people I was going to meet fell through the sinkhole too, they were in the coffee shop. But no! it is a MYSTERY!

How old is Petra supposed to be? The actor looks like at least 20, but the kid has a teddy bear? WTF writers! Hire a kid or ditch the bear. 

Had to stop watching. It is too much bad stuff to snark about. I Just want them all to die. I am team Saber Tooth. 

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16 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Google says the Petra actor, Asmara Feik, is 12. 
I agree, the teddy bear just confused the audience by making us expect to see a child of around 4-6.

12? She looks much older. Bad casting, imo. If you are going to cast a kid who is supposed to carry a teddy bear, you better cast a kid that looks young. I really thought that the actress was about 20. 

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6 hours ago, circumvent said:

Which first aid kit carries pregnancy tests? 

I thought it was weird Riley was going through this box of medical supplies, and Veronica waited until she walked away to steal the pregnancy test, then seconds later the both of them just walked off together and left the box sitting there by itself right out in the open where anyone could grab anything they wanted out of it. Way to guard the medical supplies there, Riley!

6 hours ago, circumvent said:

So, Ty got his pills. But the pills will end. He wants to stay in 10,000 BC. Conundrum? 

And I'd have thought the futuristic tech that cures brain cancer would be something a little less mundane than  . . . pills. Plus, no James, no instructions, so how many pills? If he takes enough of them will he eventually be cured? Why didn't James give him the required amount for the cure to start with? Did he have to go back to the tower every day so James could dole out the pills one by one? 

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21 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

And I'd have thought the futuristic tech that cures brain cancer would be something a little less mundane than  . . . pills. Plus, no James, no instructions, so how many pills? If he takes enough of them will he eventually be cured? Why didn't James give him the required amount for the cure to start with? Did he have to go back to the tower every day so James could dole out the pills one by one? 

Now we know how Big Pharma came to be.

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There weren’t two of Ty and Levi.  The portal just took them a couple of hours into their future. So they skipped a couple hours - like changing time zones when you fly.  It’s when you time travel into the past that there are two of you. 

All I could think of during the four hour jump was if Hermione had her hourglass necklace.  

We didn’t need new characters at this point. Sam doesn’t need a love  interest for six episodes. We don’t need an entire new group of Others.   

Just how many Lazarus people ended up in the  village over the years.  Silas, and now we found out Moore buried fuel rods there.  

Edited by mythoughtis
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So, I finished the episodes. Nothing much to add to what was already said. 

Lucas, shut up. You have no right to tell everyone that Veronica is pregnant. Shallow point: I can't stand his face. To me, one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. Good thing that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I fell the same about Gavin, with the added feature of forever brooding face

Petra did look more like a young human in this second part of the second episode, at least to me.

Now, why does a super advanced technology like the portal that takes people anywhere, anytime, needs a pipe to dump water inside of a drain? People were able to build that super machine but it needs water in an pipe to keep running? are they using engine of cars built in 1950? Oh, the brilliant minds of the future!

I wish they had sent all the extras back home and left the main characters trapped in 10,000 B.C. 

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1 hour ago, circumvent said:

Now, why does a super advanced technology like the portal that takes people anywhere, anytime, needs a pipe to dump water inside of a drain? People were able to build that super machine but it needs water in an pipe to keep running? are they using engine of cars built in 1950? Oh, the brilliant minds of the future!

I wish they had sent all the extras back home and left the main characters trapped in 10,000 B.C. 

About that portal, good point.  When they were in the future developing the portal how would they have known that where they were going that there would be enough water to keep it from overheating?  Aren’t any of these people from the future aware of droughts from their (relatively recent) past like what’s going on at the Hoover Dam to take that type of thing into account when they’re planning this thing? Regions have had droughts over time.

I was thinking that this show could be so much better if they eliminated a lot of those side characters from 2021.  I agree, sending them through the portal to go back home would be a great idea.  Since the writers seem so interested in focusing on the Harris family they should have had the whole thing start with them getting sucked down the sinkhole while on a trip in a remote area, then there wouldn’t have been all of these annoying side characters and stories.  

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19 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

There weren’t two of Ty and Levi.  The portal just took them a couple of hours into their future. So they skipped a couple hours - like changing time zones when you fly.  It’s when you time travel into the past that there are two of you. 

No . . . it was Eve and Izzy who jumped four hours into the past, then returned to the "present." Ty and Levi were both already in the "present" when Eve and Izzy jumped four hours into the past, saw four hour-ago Ty and Levi, and took them both back to the "present" - where Ty and Levi already were. 

Now, if you're suggesting they "merged" with present time Ty and Levi, that's one thing, but neither Eve nor Izzy would have any way of knowing that would happen so it doesn't make any sense that they'd take four hour-ago Ty and Levi with them back to the present time where Ty and Levi four hours later already were. 

16 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

No . . . it was Eve and Izzy who jumped four hours into the past, then returned to the "present." Ty and Levi were both already in the "present" when Eve and Izzy jumped four hours into the past, saw four hour-ago Ty and Levi, and took them both back to the "present" - where Ty and Levi already were. 

Now, if you're suggesting they "merged" with present time Ty and Levi, that's one thing, but neither Eve nor Izzy would have any way of knowing that would happen so it doesn't make any sense that they'd take four hour-ago Ty and Levi with them back to the present time where Ty and Levi four hours later already were. 

No I don’t think it worked that way.  Eve and Izzy changed the future. Dying Gavin disappeared because he never got impaled in the new timeline.  Ty and Levi were no longer where they were in the present in the old timeline because they went through the portal.  The present was changed due to the time travel.  It’s the theory that time travel to the past changes the future.  It’s why Josh and Izzy wouldn’t exist if James set Blue Moon in action 

  • Like 1
49 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

No . . . it was Eve and Izzy who jumped four hours into the past, then returned to the "present." Ty and Levi were both already in the "present" when Eve and Izzy jumped four hours into the past, saw four hour-ago Ty and Levi, and took them both back to the "present" - where Ty and Levi already were. 

Now, if you're suggesting they "merged" with present time Ty and Levi, that's one thing, but neither Eve nor Izzy would have any way of knowing that would happen so it doesn't make any sense that they'd take four hour-ago Ty and Levi with them back to the present time where Ty and Levi four hours later already were. 

When Eve went back in time, she changed things so Ty and Levi no longer did whatever they did originally. Instead they jumped in the portal, so there was no longer another version of them that were in the future. Just like there was no longer a dead Gavin.

But there should have been a second Eve and Izzy. Because since they changed things, new Eve and Izzy would have had no reason to go back in time.

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14 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

When Eve went back in time, she changed things so Ty and Levi no longer did whatever they did originally. Instead they jumped in the portal, so there was no longer another version of them that were in the future. Just like there was no longer a dead Gavin.

But there should have been a second Eve and Izzy. Because since they changed things, new Eve and Izzy would have had no reason to go back in time.

This is the time travel stuff that gives me a headache.  They left the original timeline by jumping in the portal. So the second they did that they ceased to exist in the present.  When they returned they returned a few seconds after they left.  So only one version of them…. except you are correct  on that under the new timeline they didn’t jump in the portal at all.  But if they didn’t jump in the portal at all then they couldn’t return via the portal because they never left through it.  Nor should they remember any of it.  Yet in every  travel tale ever told, the time travelers  always retain their memories of both the original timeline and their  time travel jump experience. They come back to a changed present.  No one has ever explained it 

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Maybe it's like in Loki, where a new variant timeline is created. So the original timeline continues on, where Gavin is still dead, and Eve and Izzy are no longer there because they went through a portal. I think some of you might prefer watching that timeline. lol

7 hours ago, circumvent said:

Lucas, shut up. You have no right to tell everyone that Veronica is pregnant. Shallow point: I can't stand his face. To me, one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. Good thing that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I fell the same about Gavin, with the added feature of forever brooding face

Wow, I think Lucas and Gavin are the two hottest guys on the show. 🤷‍♀️  To each their own.

3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

This is the time travel stuff that gives me a headache.  They left the original timeline by jumping in the portal. So the second they did that they ceased to exist in the present.  When they returned they returned a few seconds after they left.  So only one version of them…. except you are correct  on that under the new timeline they didn’t jump in the portal at all.  But if they didn’t jump in the portal at all then they couldn’t return via the portal because they never left through it.  Nor should they remember any of it.  Yet in every  travel tale ever told, the time travelers  always retain their memories of both the original timeline and their  time travel jump experience. They come back to a changed present.  No one has ever explained it 

In the movie Frequency, he didn't time travel, but he sent a message to the past and changed things. There was this scene where it suddenly hit him that things changed and he said he remembered two versions of his life, but that one was fading. Only movie I've ever seen portray it like that.

I think it does make some sense that they'd remember their trip back in time, because they were outside of the new timeline when things changed. I just don't get what happened to other Eve and Izzy.

I think none of it will ever make total sense since time travel isn't possible and can never make total logical sense. It could be done better than it was here though. 


And that domesticated horse.  I'm pretty sure the various horse ancestors did not look anything like modern day horses.  So how did it get there?  Did it gallop through a portal at some point?

I assumed it was from the tower.  They said all of the animals got out of containment which is why the tower was deserted when Levi blew it up.  I just figured they brought some modern animals with them from the future. 

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It took me awhile to get myself to watch this finale.  Maybe because it was another 2-hour "event".

It's tough to decide who's the dumbest person in 10,000 BC.  Eve might win with her decision to go marching into the plains of the red petals since no one but her can go warn her family about the giant lizard.  Or maybe everyone wins since they all thought it was a great idea to leave a sloppily tied-up James alone by the portal room without a guard.

I too thought it was ridiculous how everyone escaped the multi-story tower explosion with nary a scratch.  The funniest was when Levi got out from under that metal beam and was immediately able to walk around on his own.  

I still don't get how Moore managed to build that high-tech portal room in a cave by himself.  With a killer lizard as a neighbor, no less.

Isn't it good to know Navy Seal still has the hots to get a woman's number?

The time travel stuff with Eve and Izzy was ridiculous, even by this show's standards.  They even saw the portal fizzle out in "real time".   How did Eve open the box with the map before Gavin got there with Moore's key?   How did they manage to survive the lizard in this timeline?  

I guess overall, these two episodes were entertaining enough.  But the writing is such a joke.  Run out of ideas for the next season?  Let's throw in more secret organizations and people with secretive motives.  Let's have a dozen cuts in the skies so anything from anytime can fall from the skies (I thought Moore's machine wouldn't create new sinkholes?). 

No need to have complex new story ideas... just throw in dinosaurs in one episode, maybe invading Mongols in another one, what about bubonic plague victims, evil terrorists with nuclear weapons, etc. 

Plus since we burned through Gavin's evil dad and nebulous mom, let's throw in Gavin's nebulously evil sister!  Oh yeah, and let's separate Eve because what's this show without lines like "We're not going to rest until we get ____ back!"  and "But we have to do this (incredibly stupid thing) or we will never see ___ again!"  

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