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If I don't like him, I'm not all that much bothered by him. He fucked up with David. OK. He's a famewhore. Ok.


I still like him better than Slade the deadbeat dad, over controlling Jim Bellino and Simon Barney, drunk Matt Keough, cheating ass Mario, ape Joe Gorga, jailbird Apollo Nida, shady Peter Thomas, crook Tareq Salahi and creepy Wakile. 

Oh, and I almost forgot Brook. Not an official husband but tomato-tomahtoe. Or more accurately for the OC potato-potahtoe. 

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If I don't like him, I'm not all that much bothered by him. He fucked up with David. OK. He's a famewhore. Ok.


I still like him better than Slade the deadbeat dad, over controlling Jim Bellino and Simon Barney, drunk Matt Keough, cheating ass Mario, ape Joe Gorga, jailbird Apollo Nida, shady Peter Thomas, crook Tareq Salahi and creepy Wakile. 

Oh, and I almost forgot Brook.


This is an interesting conversation. I agree that, on paper, Terry is certainly a much more upstanding citizen than a lot of these guys: he hasn't deserted his kids, he doesn't cheat the government or his fellow citizens out of money (that we know of), and he does seem to genuinely adore Heather. All that said, he is still my personal most loathsome househusband. I think because he embodies just the most sympathy-less archetype: the rich, privileged good ole boy who has all the resources in the world and doesn't care about anything other than his own fucking greed and ego. I mean, as strange as this may sound, I can at least look at guys like Slade and Jim Bellino and say, "Hey, these are men who are not fully functioning in their lives - they have major issues - they exhibit criminal behavior - they need major help - they need 12-step programs or spiritual intervention or jail time - their lives are clearly mismanaged." But Terry? He doesn't even have the inherent human folly of a mismanaged life. He has everything going for him. And yet he is still that shallow and judgmental and self-obsessed. And excessive and mean-spirited. He has all the money in the world. And yet he wants more of it. Just because. He is a douche bag. As much as I hate to say it, Tamra was on point with her, "Prick with a Porsche" comment - there is no existential crisis there, there is no deep seated suffering there, there is no warmth there, there is no pain of failure there - there is just a prick with a Porsche (and I am not saying that is true of all pricks with Porsches - just this particular prick with a Porsche).


And now I have just unwittingly stumbled upon my vote for title thread - Miss Terry Dubrow: Prick with a Porsche.


Edited because the "c" word is apparently not allowed on this site.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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I nominate for the title of this thread:  "Miss Terry Dubrow:  Prick with a Porsche"


Was also considering "Miss Terry Dubrow:  Penis with a Porsche" but it doesn't have quite the same ring.  


Maybe "Miss Terry Dubrow:  Watch Out or I'll Call You a Penis" ?  

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Terry, through his own hard work got an MD and P&S license.  It is the underlying insecurity he has that gripes me.  Terry claims he grew up in a two bedroom apartment in Van Nuys.  Meager beginnings and he has turned his hard earned medical education into a money printing machine.  It is the way he treats others and how much value he places on material goods that is a turn off to me. 


When asked if he was Jewish, he replied, " no, I am a Buddhist."  He then went on to say he was trying to convert Heather to Buddhism.   I find Terry to be one of the most judgmental people I have ever seen on the show.  Worse he and Heather always seem to be counting other people's money.  First they went after the Bellinos-for no reason other than Alexis said she had never heard of Heather as an actress.  Well of course she hadn't the name Heather Dubrow -she was not an actress until after her name change.  Then there was the -we will be looking down on the Beadors and our house will be larger and grander and don't care for their décor.  Not very Buddhist of him or her.


The fact Terry stepped on his penis with the construction worker slams and vocabulary digs and the whole put down the Beadors is more than enough evidence to me that insecure Terry could not stand sharing the stage with the Beadors. One just knows that Terry wants their return to the show being all about picking out the most expensive finishes and furnishings next season-because he is the insecure person that thinks that will bring him admiration.    I don't know if I could tolerate a season of the Dubrows shopping for their new mansion.


SO yes there are slimier RH husbands but Terry should have known better than to be the condescending fool he has become on the show.

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I posted this in the reunion thread.  I caught a tweet on Terry's feed that someone mentioned he was going to be the first "househusband" on Dancing With The Stars.  He responded "How did you find out"    Excuse me while I vomit.



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I posted this in the reunion thread.  I caught a tweet on Terry's feed that someone mentioned he was going to be the first "househusband" on Dancing With The Stars.  He responded "How did you find out"    Excuse me while I vomit.

I'll hold your hair back, then. Then I'm next.

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Well, in advance, I apologize for the upcoming rant.


What the fresh fucking hell is THIS shit????





'Real Housewives of Orange County' Season 10: Terry Dubrow shows no interest in returning


Again, the fuck???


He's not a goddamned housewife, he's Heather's bitch maybe, but he's NOT a housewife.


Did Andy give him a freaking orange while our backs were turned?  Why is whether HE wants to return the subject of this article?


I can totally see Heather being the subject of the article, but the last I checked, this was the Real HouseWIVES, not Real HouseHUSBANDS.  Shouldn't it be Heather's decision (at least for the record, even if Miss Terry does make the rules)?


This chucklefuck is getting more publicity out of this franchise than Peter from RHOA, who's been doing everything but anointing Andy's feet with oils in a desperate attempt to get a peach.  


Seriously, this headline just pisses me off because it gives him far more power on this franchise than any of the husbands should have (not to mention this Prick with a Porsche).


I realize Miss Terry made sure he had his honker in every scene imaginable this season but that headline just pisses me right off.  


(Okay, end rant and thanks for reading it!)

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Maybe he should expand his reality TV fame whoredom and just get a show on HGTV and showcase his mansion. 


The Terry Dubrow on DWTS is a joke.  He and the rest of the girls were snickering about it.

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If Miss Terry is a Buddhist, then why did they show "The Big Show" of showing the whole family at Temple last year? When Coco was acting up and Grandma was there.


Oh, Coco, everybody's favorite little bitch?


I do hope something is said about that at the reunion.  Some of the things these people say on camera just make me cringe.  

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Quotes from the man I love to hate:

"As of right now, I don't want to go back next season. No way. But that remains to be seen. I mean, I have my own TV show and I'm busy working on that — I have no idea,"

Dubrow added that if he does decide to be included in Season 10 of Real Housewives of Orange County, he'll be sure to show off the home he has built,

"If we do another season of 'Real Housewives', you will see this house really come together. It's a masterpiece. This is going to be my crowning achievement in terms of non-plastic surgery and non-family things. We're creating something really special," Dubrow added.



He'll be sure to show off the house he has built.  Maybe he doesn't want to come back to appear with Mrs.Puppetface because he's finding out how much people are finding him an obnoxious bore.


Oh, I absofuckinglutely agree.  


I don't think a stick of dynamite up his ass could blast him off of this show.  Probably the usual fucknuttery, wanting more money and making Bravo "entice" them to come back.  


I'm hoping Madame Puppet gets signed to a full-time regular role on a mainstream network channel and can't participate next season.


Kill 2 vultures with 1 stone.

Edited by Persnickety1
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If Miss Terry is a Buddhist, then why did they show "The Big Show" of showing the whole family at Temple last year? When Coco was acting up and Grandma was there.

See, now this pisses me off. Regardless of what religion he practices, he will always be a Jew. That's his ethnicity. Freaking dumbass.

Secondly, much like everything else about these idiots, it was all for show. Wholesome family, blah blah blah.

Quotes from the man I love to hate:

"As of right now, I don't want to go back next season. No way. But that remains to be seen. I mean, I have my own TV show and I'm busy working on that — I have no idea,"

Dubrow added that if he does decide to be included in Season 10 of Real Housewives of Orange County, he'll be sure to show off the home he has built,

"If we do another season of 'Real Housewives', you will see this house really come together. It's a masterpiece. This is going to be my crowning achievement in terms of non-plastic surgery and non-family things. We're creating something really special," Dubrow added.


He'll be sure to show off the house he has built. Maybe he doesn't want to come back to appear with Mrs.Puppetface because he's finding out how much people are finding him an obnoxious bore.

Sing it with me, everyone.

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I'd REALLY like to believe these breathless articles about "Miss Terry... will he rejoin the Housewives?" are meant to be taken ironically-- in other words, that the authors are doing these pieces as a way to poke fun at Miss Terry and highlight his whoring housewife status.  It is not something to brag about as a man, that you are the subject of articles about a shitty Jerry Springer-type reality show featuring mostly talentless, mostly damaged, grown ass women whose job description is to fuck with each other.  Does he talk to his men friends about whether he's returning to his role on the Housewives show?  Does he understand he's embarrassing himself when he does?  He's a pathetic laughingstock, and these articles merely highlight that fact.  Fame does not equal respect!  

Edited by OhGromit
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I'd REALLY like to believe these breathless articles about "Miss Terry... will he rejoin the Housewives?" are meant to be taken ironically-- in other words, that the authors are doing these pieces as a way to poke fun at Miss Terry and highlight his whoring housewife status.  It is not something to brag about as a man, that you are the subject of articles about a shitty Jerry Springer-type reality show featuring mostly talentless, mostly damaged, grown ass women whose job description is to fuck with each other.  Does he talk to his men friends about whether he's returning to his role on the Housewives show?  Does he understand he's embarrassing himself when he does?  He's a pathetic laughingstock, and these articles merely highlight that fact.  Fame does not equal respect!  


I bet a shot of water downed tequila (in honor of David) that Miss Terry has Slade on speed dial and read the Slade Silver Lining Playbook on how to get camera time.  What a drama queen twat.  Yes, Miss Terry, I did not call you a penis.


I hope all those construction workers are lining your foundation for your masterpiece with piss and shit.  Hope they bring their dogs there too.  I hope they 'hollar' every time they do so.  Idiot.


In August, Heather, "What's that smell?"

Edited by Lablover27
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This is going to be my crowning achievement in terms of non-plastic surgery and non-family things. We're creating something really special," Dubrow added.


How is this his crowning achievement? He's not the architect, he's not the one physically building it. No, I think this would be the crowning achievement of the architect, designer, the construction manager and all the subcontracors who do the work. All Terry has to do is write a check. No talent required for that. He may look down his nose on construction workers but they are the ones who deserve the glory.

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If Miss Terry is a Buddhist, then why did they show "The Big Show" of showing the whole family at Temple last year? When Coco was acting up and Grandma was there.

There were cameras on him.  I think Terry would go to the opening of a supermarket if there cameras in tow.

See, now this pisses me off. Regardless of what religion he practices, he will always be a Jew. That's his ethnicity. Freaking dumbass.

Secondly, much like everything else about these idiots, it was all for show. Wholesome family, blah blah blah.

Sing it with me, everyone. Douchebaaaaaag...

I was a little surprised at his response.  More surprising was he said he was in the process of converting Heather.

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Good luck converting Heather to Buddhism. I've only ever seen Buddha sitting in a cross legged position. He obviously had no giant stick up his ass. I'm Christian but I'm also pretty sure Buddha didn't look down his nose at others. Again, though, I am uneducated in that religion. However, upon exploring, I found this on the google:

"A statue of the Buddha with hands rested gently in its lap and a compassionate smile reminds us to strive to develop peace and love within ourselves." and also:

"Buddhism is a path of practice and spiritual development leading to Insight into the true nature of reality" That does notnotnot scream the Dubrows to me. They're posing at that like they pose at being humble and telling the damn truth.

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How about Terry Dubrow: Botched Buddhist Penis?


How about just "Terry Dubrow:  Botched Penis"?  I would totally vote for that.  

I bet a shot of water downed tequila (in honor of David) that Miss Terry has Slade on speed dial and read the Slade Silver Lining Playbook on how to get camera time.  What a drama queen twat.  Yes, Miss Terry, I did not call you a penis.


I hope all those construction workers are lining your foundation for your masterpiece with piss and shit.  Hope they bring their dogs there too.  I hope they 'hollar' every time they do so.  Idiot.


In August, Heather, "What's that smell?"


All it takes is some tuna can juice, some half and half spilled in the air ducts and any where else.  Just enough.  Nice and stinky when it's hot, or when they use the hvac system.  Poured in the right places so the smell never quite comes out.  


ETA:  and some cat pee.  Cat pee smell never quite comes out if it's in the right places.  That would serve Heather F Pants right, it would be a little buddhist karma if you will, for using the rental house as a puppy shit dumping ground.  

Edited by OhGromit
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Drapery rods are mostly hollow, and nobody ever thinks of taking them down and unscrewing the finials to look for the deceased seafood.


Real fireplaces vomit smoke because no one thinks of using a broomstick to break the pane of glass mortared into the chimney as a contactors' lein.


If I say any more, the ghosts of boyfriends past may haunt me, so I'll be quiet now, I promise

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I watched some junk on E! (Do they show anything else?) called Secret societies if Hollywood, and guess who did the talking head pieces for the plastic surgery segment? Terry's ass is getting more acting gigs than Heather.

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I watched some junk on E! (Do they show anything else?) called Secret societies if Hollywood, and guess who did the talking head pieces for the plastic surgery segment? Terry's ass is getting more acting gigs than Heather.


I've come to the conclusion that Miss Terry has never met a camera he didn't like.  

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Drapery rods are mostly hollow, and nobody ever thinks of taking them down and unscrewing the finials to look for the deceased seafood.


Real fireplaces vomit smoke because no one thinks of using a broomstick to break the pane of glass mortared into the chimney as a contactors' lein.


If I say any more, the ghosts of boyfriends past may haunt me, so I'll be quiet now, I promise

Ok, I need to know more about this boyfriend.

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Ok, I need to know more about this boyfriend.


You probably don't,  ncsocialworker.  He was a danger ... to me.  Ancient history and a hard life lesson, if you know what I mean.  ;-)


Much like some software people with a secret "back door", construction people will sometimes build an "insurance policy" into their project - something that could cause a major headache to a slow or non-paying client, but is a relatively easy fix.  Old timers know a lot of dirty tricks.  The construction industry also has more than it's share of the anti-social types, shall we say, who have an independent streak and a willingness to retaliate, if someone's being a dick to them. 

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How is this his crowning achievement? He's not the architect, he's not the one physically building it. No, I think this would be the crowning achievement of the architect, designer, the construction manager and all the subcontracors who do the work. All Terry has to do is write a check. No talent required for that. He may look down his nose on construction workers but they are the ones who deserve the glory.


I am gonna need a bath for this, but in a way I get what he is saying. Yes the architect is putting together the drawings of the house and contractors are building it but they are doing so at the DuBrows direction and to their specifications. That being said, my problem with his statement is that the house they are building will be like any other nouveau riche 15k square foot monstrosity. It will be devoid of any new, original architectural detail, not reflective of the owner's personality because the only thing they are really interested in doing is impressing others and most of all it look like a reception hall lacking any kind of inviting feel or familial warmth. There is something about walking into a house where you know many small children live and it being completely devoid of any evidence that young children live there. Not saying that it has to be strewn with toys, but it just looks like no one, especially small children, are allowed to be or even sit there for fear of ruining it.


The Dubrows mansion will be like all others drowning in marble, granite and other precious stone materials with wrought iron details throughout. There is no danger of it ever being featured in Architectural Digest. It wouldn't surprise me if they did a survey of all their friends homes and their main intent was to outdo all of them. "Oh, the Smiths have a 8 car garage. We are getting a 12 car garage."  "Oh the Larsons have a barber chair in their bathroom. We will have a full service hair salon in ours." Terry has been more braggy about it than Heather. Who can forget him mentioning that the Beadors don't have that stupid car thing they keep going on about.  That house ain't nothing but another Queen of Versailles money pit. Speaking of which, I have an idea for the title of this thread:


Miss Terry: Queen of Versailles. 

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Architectural Digest. It wouldn't surprise me if they did a survey of all their friends homes and their main intent was to outdo all of them. "Oh, the Smiths have a 8 car garage. We are getting a 12 car garage."  "Oh the Larsons have a barber chair in their bathroom. We will have a full service hair salon in ours." Terry has been more braggy about it than Heather. Who can forget him mentioning that the Beadors don't have that stupid car thing they keep going on about.  That house ain't nothing but another Queen of Versailles money pit. Speaking of which, I have an idea for the title of this thread:



Spot on...they are exactly those people.I remember in the hoe down house breaking how proud Terry was that some of their neighbors would be professional baseball players (I guess he never had to pleasure to meet earlier season Jeanna's husband or he would realize that not all professional athletes are that nice, though I am sure some are great people).  I also remember during Shannon's Christmas party, she hired a sugar sculptor.  Terry and Heather just had to say about how they have seen that before.  I did not think Shannon's decor at the party was the most original, but I have to say the sugar sculptor was more creative than anything Heather has come up with.

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I am gonna need a bath for this, but in a way I get what he is saying. Yes the architect is putting together the drawings of the house and contractors are building it but they are doing so at the DuBrows direction and to their specifications. That being said, my problem with his statement is that the house they are building will be like any other nouveau riche 15k square foot monstrosity. It will be devoid of any new, original architectural detail, not reflective of the owner's personality because the only thing they are really interested in doing is impressing others and most of all it look like a reception hall lacking any kind of inviting feel or familial warmth. There is something about walking into a house where you know many small children live and it being completely devoid of any evidence that young children live there. Not saying that it has to be strewn with toys, but it just looks like no one, especially small children, are allowed to be or even sit there for fear of ruining it.


The Dubrows mansion will be like all others drowning in marble, granite and other precious stone materials with wrought iron details throughout. There is no danger of it ever being featured in Architectural Digest. It wouldn't surprise me if they did a survey of all their friends homes and their main intent was to outdo all of them. "Oh, the Smiths have a 8 car garage. We are getting a 12 car garage."  "Oh the Larsons have a barber chair in their bathroom. We will have a full service hair salon in ours." Terry has been more braggy about it than Heather. Who can forget him mentioning that the Beadors don't have that stupid car thing they keep going on about.  That house ain't nothing but another Queen of Versailles money pit. Speaking of which, I have an idea for the title of this thread:


Miss Terry: Queen of Versailles. 


But don't forget the "motorcade."  


That's the crowning glory of Miss Terry and Madame, because no one else in the area has a "motorcade" in front of their home.  


Well, unless the President is cruising down their street.  


Talk about needing a thesaurus, "Fancy Pants," your moronic twit.  

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But don't forget the "motorcade."  


That's the crowning glory of Miss Terry and Madame, because no one else in the area has a "motorcade" in front of their home.  


Well, unless the President is cruising down their street.  


Talk about needing a thesaurus, "Fancy Pants," your moronic twit.  

You know I couldn't think of the word 'motorcade' for the life of me.  I for one am surprised that they call it that. I have never heard it referred to as such. Maybe the Dubrows need a thesaurus because by my accounts I have heard it called a porte-cochère or carriage porch. Going by wiki and a pic of their home, that is exactly what it is


A porte-cochère (/ˌpɔərt koʊˈʃɛər/), coach gate or carriage porch is a porch- or portico-like structure at a main or secondary entrance to a building through which a horse and carriage (or motor vehicle) can pass in order for the occupants to alight under cover, protected from the weather.



The Dubrow model of their home




So I don't know why they call it a motorcade, which sounds infinitely less fancy than than the alternative of porte-cochère. You would think Heather would jump at the chance to throw around some schmancy French words. Maybe she was afraid of pronouncing it wrong and looking the fool. Maybe motorcade is a regional thing?


This is gonna being a European style American nightmare house. 

Edited by islandgal140
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I think what the twit was going for was "motor court," which is an amazing circular driveway.  


I've never attached a picture before but I'm gonna give it a try....Because it's Monday and everything else I do today will be all sorts of fucked up so might as well start here with my fellow patient posters (OMG IT WORKED...WINNING!!!)



Edited by Persnickety1
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I think she meant a motorcourt - a glorified driveway.  Big.  Really big, sometimes circular.  I believe Lisa Vanderpump had one in the front of the house that burned down.


A motorcade is a procession of cars - think JFK assassination.


ETA: Brilliant minds, persnickety

Edited by ryebread
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You know I couldn't think of the word 'motorcade' for the life of me.  I for one am surprised that they call it that. I have never heard it referred to as such. Maybe the Dubrows need a thesaurus because by my accounts I have heard it called a porte-cochère or carriage porch. Going by wiki and a pic of their home, that is exactly what it is



The Dubrow model of their home




So I don't know why they call it a motorcade, which sounds infinitely less fancy than than the alternative of porte-cochère. You would think Heather would jump at the chance to throw around some schmancy French words. Maybe she was afraid of pronouncing it wrong and looking the fool. Maybe motorcade is a regional thing?


This is gonna being a European style American nightmare house. 


"Motorcade" is fairly universal I think.


It looks like there is a dusting of snow on the architectual model--even on the shrubbery (or is this how all 3D architectual renderings look?); of course, a covered car porch in southern California is always so very necessary with all of inclemate weather we have.


That house is a self-aggrandizing monstrosity.

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think Terry would go to the opening of a supermarket if there cameras in tow.


I was thinking more along the lines of the opening of a newspaper or paper bag or Burger King or something equally useless.

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So if Miss Terry's spouse is so delicate, her sexuality so sacrosanct, that an off-color joke must not be uttered in her direction... why did the DuLoBrows sponsor a game of marry, shag, kill at their own dinner party?  

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So if Miss Terry's spouse is so delicate, her sexuality so sacrosanct, that an off-color joke must not be uttered in her direction... why did the DuLoBrows sponsor a game of marry, shag, kill at their own dinner party?  


I think Madame was trying to show she's not the uptight twit people seem to think she is and more of fun-loving party girl that she and Miss Terry know she is.  She said something about showing that she can be more fun, sneer included with her answer, when Vicki (or someone else) asked why they would play such a horrible game.  Of course, either by design (yes, pot stirring) or ignorance, the DuBrows chose to play the game using supposed friends and their spouses rather than the less destructive version of using celebrities, fictional characters or other well-known people.

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I think Madame was trying to show she's not the uptight twit people seem to think she is and more of fun-loving party girl that she and Miss Terry know she is.  She said something about showing that she can be more fun, sneer included with her answer, when Vicki (or someone else) asked why they would play such a horrible game.  Of course, either by design (yes, pot stirring) or ignorance, the DuBrows chose to play the game using supposed friends and their spouses rather than the less destructive version of using celebrities, fictional characters or other well-known people.


Back in the day, the television game show The Newlywed Game was on television and my parents and we kids were watching it.


The seemingly innocuous question, "Which of your wives friends do you find the sexiest?" was posed.


Mother Persnickety turned to Papa Persnickety and asked, "Which one of my friends do you think is sexiest?"


Sensing danger, Papa Persnickety did all humanly possible to avoid answering this question, even stating, "None of them," but Mother Persnickety would not be dissuaded.


Finally, Papa Persnickety named a friend (not an attractive woman, to my young eyes, but was she ever a firecracker in the personality department and could light up a room with her giggle).  


I'm still recovering from the traumatic household aftermath that evolved from that one simple question.  And no LOL.  It was WAR.


Yes, these questions and the (IMO ridiculous) Marry/Shag/Kill game are best kept to public figures that are unlikely to ever result in an actual encounter.


I think the DuBrows were fully cognizant of the potential fallout from playing this game.  I don't think they ever do anything without putting a lot of premeditation strategy involved.  


In fact I wonder if they ever even answered the questions themselves or just posed them to their unsuspected guests, kind of like pulling the pin on a hand grenade and lobbing it into a crowd to see the explosion.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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I've come to the conclusion that Miss Terry has never met a camera he didn't like.  

I'm pretty sure Terry gets a monthly colonoscopy for the extra camera time and close ups. 

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I am gonna need a bath for this, but in a way I get what he is saying. Yes the architect is putting together the drawings of the house and contractors are building it but they are doing so at the DuBrows direction and to their specifications. That being said, my problem with his statement is that the house they are building will be like any other nouveau riche 15k square foot monstrosity. It will be devoid of any new, original architectural detail, not reflective of the owner's personality because the only thing they are really interested in doing is impressing others and most of all it look like a reception hall lacking any kind of inviting feel or familial warmth. There is something about walking into a house where you know many small children live and it being completely devoid of any evidence that young children live there. Not saying that it has to be strewn with toys, but it just looks like no one, especially small children, are allowed to be or even sit there for fear of ruining it.


The Dubrows mansion will be like all others drowning in marble, granite and other precious stone materials with wrought iron details throughout. There is no danger of it ever being featured in Architectural Digest. It wouldn't surprise me if they did a survey of all their friends homes and their main intent was to outdo all of them. "Oh, the Smiths have a 8 car garage. We are getting a 12 car garage."  "Oh the Larsons have a barber chair in their bathroom. We will have a full service hair salon in ours." Terry has been more braggy about it than Heather. Who can forget him mentioning that the Beadors don't have that stupid car thing they keep going on about.  That house ain't nothing but another Queen of Versailles money pit. Speaking of which, I have an idea for the title of this thread:


Miss Terry: Queen of Versailles. 


Miss. Terri is building that 20,000 square foot mausoleum so he doesn't have to anywhere near that bitch Coco.

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