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6 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

What killed me was in the episode where Amber moved into her house she had the movers pack her clothes which were scattered all over her bedroom, dirty mixed with clean, and she ordered them to separate the dirty from the clean as they carefully packed them. In a million years it would not occur to me to ask movers to smell my clothes and pack the ones that seemed dirty separately from the clean ones. The looks on the movers faces were priceless. You could see them seriously contemplating how much they needed to keep their jobs versus just quitting and walking away.

Hahaha, was she sitting on the sofa at the time?   I've moved multiple times and it's my experience that professional movers pack everything without sorting, and by everything I mean the entire contents of the junk drawer, all the stuff that disappeared into the linen closet, contents of the pantry - even the expired stuff in the back.  Laundry is packed with the hampers, assuming it's in the hamper.  Then it's all labeled.  It only took me one move to realize that I needed to sort drawers, cupboards  etc. before they arrive.  

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On 6/29/2024 at 11:29 PM, Cosmocrush said:


Agree with all of this but as far as I can tell this show is the main, if not all, source of Gary's income.  It's why he never really left.  

As I recall, he has used his TM income to purchase land and investment properties that he rents. But didn't he also get a job at the local sheriff's office?

On 6/29/2024 at 11:29 PM, Cosmocrush said:


Agree with all of this but as far as I can tell this show is the main, if not all, source of Gary's income.  It's why he never really left.  

As I recall, he has used his TM income to purchase land and investment properties that he rents. But didn't he also get a job at the local sheriff's office?

On 6/29/2024 at 11:29 PM, Cosmocrush said:


Agree with all of this but as far as I can tell this show is the main, if not all, source of Gary's income.  It's why he never really left.  

As I recall, he has used his TM income to purchase land and investment properties that he rents. But didn't he also get a job at the local sheriff's office?

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On 6/29/2024 at 11:29 PM, Cosmocrush said:

Agree with all of this but as far as I can tell this show is the main, if not all, source of Gary's income.  It's why he never really left.  

That may be the case, I'm really hoping Leah (and the other kids) have funds set aside for their future higher education needs. If anything good comes from this franchise, it would nice to see them actually break the cycle of teenage pregnancy and drug abuse. 


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This is what Kristina posted in 2019:


kristina_shirley3 Words cannot describe how proud I am to be his wife. His dream, hard work, and dedication became a reality. Tonight, this handsome man was sworn into duty as a police officer. Thank you to ALL our friends and family who have supported him, kept this a secret and most of all believed in him.

On 7/9/2024 at 3:15 PM, ginger90 said:

This is what Kristina posted in 2019:


kristina_shirley3 Words cannot describe how proud I am to be his wife. His dream, hard work, and dedication became a reality. Tonight, this handsome man was sworn into duty as a police officer. Thank you to ALL our friends and family who have supported him, kept this a secret and most of all believed in him.

I'm pretty sure he was/is a reserve officer (unpaid).

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On 7/12/2024 at 3:53 PM, Snarky McSnarky said:

I'm pretty sure he was/is a reserve officer (unpaid).

I'm positive he was/is a reserve officer (unpaid). 

I gave Kristina the benefit of the doubt at the time, and thought maybe she was just kind of exaggerating.  But a bunch of websites picked up her post and added even more; I think it was The Ashley that even talked about Gary graduating from the police academy, which he most certainly did not do.  Other sites talked about how it's a job with benefits. 

And I bet if you google it now, you will be hard pressed to realize that he's not a police officer with a salary and benefits.

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I cringe anytime Amber is in a scene on TM.  

Poor Leah has to deal with this week after week at her age.  I hope school kids are kind to Leah.

We all know and Leah knows Amber is never present when she has a new man in her panties!

Gary tries sooo hard but his efforts are in vein with Amber.

Amber will always turn any situation around and make herself the victim.

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Watching Mackenzie this episode was so excruciating.  She is trying to explain to the IVF rep and to Khes that the hormones etc can make her diabetes go haywire in the worst way and also she is very concerned about her suicidal level depression she experienced after her last baby and both of these assholes are like 'whatever, I'm sure it'll all be fine, this is what we are doing' and ignoring her real concerns. I wanted to smack both of them. Mack doesn't just have diabetes she has very difficult to control diabetes. It can disable her. It can kill her. And they both are reacting like she is just being a dramatic debbie downer. The IVF lady needs to check herself before she interacts with any more patients and Khes needs to step back and really listen and respond to what Mack is actually saying. I felt so bad for her. 

Nova looks like a teeny tiny version of April.

I wish Briana had some idea what kicking methadone was about (the worst) because all I ever hear from her is how Roxanne's recovery affects her. I'd love to hear more about how she is concerned for Roxanne. The person from the recovery center was awful. Okay, Roxanne isn't doing well. She hasn't been participating like she is supposed to. That should provoke concern not some gossipy counselor who sounded like she was just put out and frustrated and had had it with Roxanne. To her daughter. Concern. Understanding that this happens with addicts. Understanding that it doesn't always work the first time. Etc. That is what I want to hear from the counselor. Not some version of I can't be bothered to waste my time on your mom she is so annoying! 

I would like to think that IVF lady and annoyed rehab counselor were actually just from MTV central casting and did not actually do the jobs they were identified with because if they are both for real then I am very disappointed on what quality of 'help' there is out there for folks.

Another talk from Leah. This time about gynecolgy and possible birth control.  Those poor girls.

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I thought the IVF lady was very casual about Mackenzie's problems. I am wondering if Mac should really risk having any more children.

Regarding Leah's segments, OMG, was this a public service announcement for taking your daughter to the gynocologist? Leah talks to her daughters like she's repeating talking points from her therapist or something. I get that her own childhood was screwed up (thanks Mama Dawn) and she doesn't want her daughters to repeat her mistakes, but to have "taking the twins to the ob/gyn" as a storyline. The girls must be mortified.

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4 hours ago, applewood said:

I thought the IVF lady was very casual about Mackenzie's problems. I am wondering if Mac should really risk having any more children.

Regarding Leah's segments, OMG, was this a public service announcement for taking your daughter to the gynocologist? Leah talks to her daughters like she's repeating talking points from her therapist or something. I get that her own childhood was screwed up (thanks Mama Dawn) and she doesn't want her daughters to repeat her mistakes, but to have "taking the twins to the ob/gyn" as a storyline. The girls must be mortified.

I so agree! I have a daughter (who's 34 now) but when she became a teen at 13 I didn't take her to OBGYN. I had the "talk" with her and made it clear that she could come to me with any questions or problems whatever they were. I did not take her to an OBGYN at all..our primary care doctor (who is excellent) saw her when she was 15 for gyn appointment as well as giving her a full physical. She put her on the pill at 16 to help regulate her menstrual cycles. I certainly would not have had these discussions on national TV! I'm sure Leah thinks she's performing some sort of public service message on TV...and maybe she is but still...I felt her daughters' uncomfortability.

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Maci was a wrestler and good enough to be a high school coach? I so don't recall any mention of this previously. Curious, do recovered heroin addicts take ongoing meds that cause voice pattern changes? I ask because both Ryan and his new girlfriend seemingly have affected speech patterns.

Not shocked he's already dating nor am I shocked that Jenelle already has a new creepy dude.

I don't fault Leah for making the lack of sex education in schools a storyline and I'm glad that the girls were good sports about it. Why shouldn't they talk to an OB/GYN at 14? I'm sure they both menstruating. They didn't get a full exam but having them meet the Dr. now and giving them the opportunity to ask questions while stressing the importance of their sexual health & wellbeing was impressive, IMHO. Leah's a good mom.

I must be hormonal myself because I teared up watching Tyler & Novalee on their Daddy/Daughter dance date. I appreciate the way he talks to her. We're heard him rave about how smart he thinks she is and watching her reaction when he said he trusted that she tell him anything important was so cute.  That's how you connect with your kids.

Are fertility/IVF clinics run like medical spas in that there's little oversight or regulations. That rep couldn't appear to care any less about Mackenzie's medical history and seemed unaware that she's a type 1 diabetic. IVF is literally the worst choice for someone with her history. 


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4 hours ago, snarts said:

Are fertility/IVF clinics run like medical spas in that there's little oversight or regulations. That rep couldn't appear to care any less about Mackenzie's medical history and seemed unaware that she's a type 1 diabetic. IVF is literally the worst choice for someone with her history. 


At the same time, though, she already knows the perils both medically and psychologically, for her, with being pregnant as a hard to manage diabetic not to mention getting pregnant in a really intense way. *

So why is she there? Maybe she wants some reassurance she can do this but that doesn’t seem to be coming. Even with a surrogate and to get her eggs she will have to go through crazy hormones but at least she will not be pregnant for 40 weeks with it.

* She said she was suicidal and suffered from PPD. I remember her being very depressed after her mother died mostly because I could not believe what a grade A asshole she was married to at the time. Was she also postpartum? 


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7 hours ago, snarts said:

I don't fault Leah for making the lack of sex education in schools a storyline and I'm glad that the girls were good sports about it. Why shouldn't they talk to an OB/GYN at 14? I'm sure they both menstruating. They didn't get a full exam but having them meet the Dr. now and giving them the opportunity to ask questions while stressing the importance of their sexual health & wellbeing was impressive, …

If I had popped out kids at 16 you can bet there would be lots of conversations about sex and sexual health the minute they started menstruating- especially in West Virginia! But maybe not in front of TV cameras.  The girls might be used to it though since they’ve had cameras on the since birth. 🤷‍♀️

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On 8/3/2024 at 10:33 PM, Cosmocrush said:

If I had popped out kids at 16 you can bet there would be lots of conversations about sex and sexual health the minute they started menstruating- especially in West Virginia! But maybe not in front of TV cameras.  The girls might be used to it though since they’ve had cameras on the since birth. 🤷‍♀️

I'm torn on this. On the one hand, there is nothing shameful about seeing a gynecologist, and getting the facts from a medical professional about your body and your sexual health should be applauded. I am sure there is a lot of misinformation floating around the schools and also a negative stigma for any young girl who does see a gynecologist- particularly in rural West Virginia.


On the other hand, 14-15 is a pretty fraught age and not sure I'd want the responsibility for being the poster child for normalizing frank and honest conversations about sex and sexual health at that age. I am hoping Leah got their blessing to make this a storyline. I mean, it's hardly the first potentially embarrassing thing that's happened since they started filming, but still...

Edited by Tatum
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On 8/7/2024 at 12:50 PM, Tatum said:

I am hoping Leah got their blessing to make this a storyline.

Based on tonight's ep, the  girls are all in. Good on them for not shying away from a positive, proactive storyline. 

Cheyenne's dude Zach is a scammer, right? I hope she has a pre-nup and glad to see he's not on the title of that $2M house. 


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Has Zach ever had a job?    I loved it when Cheyenne's father told Zach  that he would have cleaned toilets if it paid enough to take care of his family.   If Zach feels like conversations with Cheyenne are more mother-son than partners it's because he is living like a teenager.   She must have wanted a wedding more than a marriage because tying her future to this loser doesn't make sense; he's over 30, a father, and a husband.  Figure it out Zach.

And don't even get me started on Jade and her "I wanna be a record producer" husband.  


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4 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Has Zach ever had a job?    I loved it when Cheyenne's father told Zach  that he would have cleaned toilets if it paid enough to take care of his family.   If Zach feels like conversations with Cheyenne are more mother-son than partners it's because he is living like a teenager.   She must have wanted a wedding more than a marriage because tying her future to this loser doesn't make sense; he's over 30, a father, and a husband.  Figure it out Zach.

And don't even get me started on Jade and her "I wanna be a record producer" husband.  


THIS!!!! Zach has zero ambitions and zero motivation. I don't understand why she married him at all. All these guys don't work...Tyler works out at the gym and then has his wife take photos of him for Fans Only. Corey just does MTV The Challenge...and he's getting a little old for that now. He brings zero to the table for his common law wife and kids once MTV gives him the boot. Taylor has his T shirt business but that's it and I would imagine sales are down at this point. Are people really buying those t shirts anymore? Not one of these guys has a solid 9-5 job or a career plan. I think Jade's husband is at least trying at this point. Time will tell.

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4 hours ago, zenme said:

This is gonna sound mean, but who would put their purchase of their house or their sale in the hands of Jade. She seems so incompetent. All I can think of is young first-time homebuyers.  


"I am an Indianapolis local, born and raised. I specialize in first time home
, and pride myself on my dedication to my clients."

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I am working on the assumption that the whole Cate and Maci go visit Amber and Gary and insert themselves in Leah and Gary's business was somewhat scripted. It's hard to believe real people would go so far out of their way to put themselves in the middle of someone else's family matter. Especially something as sensitive as a child wanting their stepmother to adopt them, because that's their real mother. Their egg donor isn't a consistent presence in their life.

Also, on a shallow note Maci looked rough.

Also, a little tired of the Momma Dejesus drama. She's sober. That should make her kids somewhat happy. The old Mom that they seem to want back, was probably using. Maybe they need to let her go, and work on forging a healthy relationship with their sober Mother.

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5 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:


Also, a little tired of the Momma Dejesus drama. She's sober. That should make her kids somewhat happy. The old Mom that they seem to want back, was probably using. Maybe they need to let her go, and work on forging a healthy relationship with their sober Mother.

I missed some episodes; what was she using?

Cate and Maci need to mind their own damn business. 

Amber lying on her couch with a new Gary who proposes to her after only seven months of dating? In front of two other women he just met like five minutes ago??? Seriously...this girl/woman has some issues that really need to be dealt with. And...what happened to her college classes to be a shrink??? 

Brianna and her sister could be a little more compassionate. Maybe hire a sitter and take her out for dinner and start to rebuild and repair their dysfunctional family? Or go to a family therapist as a threesome? I mean Brianna seems to be a little more sympathetic than her sister who is just mad and vindictive. Their mom needs ongoing therapy. You don't just come home from rehab to zero after care. 

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Nova is such a pretty young woman. And I think Stella has grown into her looks. I was a little worried there because her resemblance to Louis is strong and well ….

I can’t believe anyone bought TTM crap. I think they all owe money to the IRS or have? 

eta: To me, all of the men are losers, Gary included. I keep hearing he has rent houses but I am sure they depend on TM money because why else would you subject your daughter to this kind of humiliation? And he is always down and has the time for more camera time. Plus Kristina’s ex wants nothing to do with this, which is why you never see her daughter, as it should be. To me that should be enough to get off reality TV. 


Edited by lilmarysunshine
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I have never seen Brianna or Brittany relate to their mom as a separate human being with her own past, her own life, her own anything. It is always always about them and what she does for them, how she relates to them. If she isn't how they want her to be in relation to them then they get mad. It just never occurs to them -- women in their thirties now -- that their mother is not just an extension of them. It's weird and it's heartless in a situation such as this.  Apparently unless they get her back to how she was 'before' then she can't be part of their lives. I've got news for them: she isn't going to go back to 'before'. And it could very well take a couple of years before Roxanne even begins to feel 'normal' for her. Going to rehab for methadone (not a recreational user but a maintenance user they don't seem to be getting at all btw) is not just a fix and now everything should return to the old Roxanne. They are so selfish. They are too old to be relating to their mom like teenagers this way.  I've always thought Brianna was selfish and short sighted but when it comes to her mom she and Brittany really have outdone themselves. Roxanne did a fantastic job in spite of her background and her shitty life and instead of being thankful for all she has done for them they just criticize her heartlessly for not being perfect in their eyes.  I can't stand them.

Jade had it way worse and Christy fails Jade at just about every turn but Jade loves her and has tried to help her. Christy is pretty awful and Jade gets hurt all the time but you can't say she hasn't tried and that she doesn't love the woman. Same with Tyler.  Roxanne, on the other hand, has bent over backward to help her girls and they just treat her like this. Damn them.

Maci and Cate shoving their noses into private family business of this magnitude with Amber and Gary and Leah is beyond ridiculous. They need to take several seats. This isn't high school and you have to tell your bestie that their boyfriend is cheating on them.  This is adult life with huge consequences and they need to stay out of it.

Leah really does well in situations that are simply awkward and you can tell she can't relax and just have fun when Amber is around. Amber mostly ignores her anyway. It really bothers me that Amber always addresses Leah as Bugger or some disgusting so-called 'endearment'. I guess James is Bubba and Leah is Bugger or Buggerbutt. I don't know how Leah feels about that but it would irritate me that of all the endearments in the world my mom chooses one that is disgusting. But I'm sure that Amber has never given a minute's thought to what Leah feels about it.

The proposal was very cringey. Who does that? 

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On 8/25/2024 at 5:59 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Maci and Cate shoving their noses into private family business of this magnitude with Amber and Gary and Leah is beyond ridiculous. They need to take several seats. This isn't high school and you have to tell your bestie that their boyfriend is cheating on them.  This is adult life with huge consequences and they need to stay out of it.

Glad I'm not the only one who got twitchy watching this. They have absolutely zero right to insert themselves into the family dynamics. What I call practicing without a license. For Leah's sake, I wish Gary and company would stop filming. Does there come a time when Leah herself could say she's done? That birthday dinner that Amber ruined drove me to tears. Amber has more issues than prison, rehab, or therapy could fix, and needs to not be rewarded by having her poor choices played out on TV.

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Wow, Maci & Ryan (and their respective) families really have come so far. I actually teared up a bit watching Ryan's dad apologize to Taylor. It's nice seeing Ryan looks happy & healthy, Bentley is such an accurate combination of the two of them.

Amber thinks two dinners together suddenly makes them a big happy family. That's not how it works. She disappears for months at time, only to reappear with a new man on her arm (again) and expects Leah to welcome her with open arms and continually cater to her moods. Kids crave constancy.

Poor Jade, she wants so much for her mom to be sober. She's continually bent over backwards trying to help her family. When grandma showed up in the new truck, I thought to myself "I bet Jade bought that for her".  I wish she'd move away from Indiana, being around that isn't healthy for Sean or Kloie (seriously, that's how it's spelled?). 

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Gary will never quit this show. He makes too much money from it. But  he should quit it for Leah's sake. And he needs to quit being Amber's babysitter. He owes her nothing. She has trashed him and Christina on social media, embarrassed Leah over and over again and is really just a passive aggressive narcisstic mess. She does nothing to improve her life...same patterns of behavior that we've seen since day one of this show. she has no job and never has, no skill set to make a living off of, continues to seek out men online that clearly are in it for fame and fortune...she acts as though she can ignore her teenage daughter for months on end because she's dating someone new and then just reappear and want to be in her life again. Gary is enabling all these behaviors by being her crutch. 

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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Every relationship Brianna has in her life seems to boil down to "what have you done for me lately?"  She has to call the shots, be in control, set the tune everyone dances to. If other people have needs or other ideas she just gets petty and mopey and feels sorry for herself. I can't stand her. Her kids are cool though.

Gary better wear a cup when he tries to talk to Amber about Leah this time. I don't envision that going well.


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