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Trace and Lydia: Can She Become a Citizen Now?

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4 hours ago, SMama said:

 Even if it wasn’t a family member, have some respect and dress like you do every Sunday for church. Dump the tie if you want, but be respectful. 

not defending by any means, BUT, at my church and most around here, we wear jeans to church. john would fit right in. even shorts, in summer, have been seen.  its much less formal than in my childhood. seen the movie, the Jesus Revolution? i think that is when things changed. i lived through that time period and remember the dress code well. i still see men is suits sometimes too, so dont misunderstand. its all a matter of preference of the person.

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9 minutes ago, zoomama said:

not defending by any means, BUT, at my church and most around here, we wear jeans to church. john would fit right in. even shorts, in summer, have been seen.  its much less formal than in my childhood. seen the movie, the Jesus Revolution? i think that is when things changed. i lived through that time period and remember the dress code well. i still see men is suits sometimes too, so dont misunderstand. its all a matter of preference of the person.

I completely understand but in John’s case he should have read the room. He certainly does not wear jeans to church. At least I haven’t seen him in jeans in any of the Sunday church pictures. 

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I think it's just about fitting in. If you know you're headed to a church where jeans/short are all good, great; or if John knew he was headed to a funeral where the family had requested casual, fine. But reality is John and Trace KNOW that this is a family where most will wear button down shirts and slacks, some will wear ties, Gil will wear an ill fitting suit. So really what makes them think jeans are all good?

Clearly John goes out of his way to show his inlaws he doesn't give a $hit about their side. Controlling as Alyssa is, I'm shocked she allows it - though I feel like she plays her cards on not cooking/feeding the girls cheese and crackers and not what her parents/family expect of her husband. Because this is the same dude who goes to church every weekend with HIS family in a full suit and tie coordinated to his wife's outfit. And takes his 4-5 year old daughters on daddy daughters dates to McDonalds and then plays hide and seek or whatever in a full suit and tie and dress shoes, looking like an utter jackass.

And he's done this before - at one of the recent weddings - so this isn't some case of OMG airline lost my luggage and I'm 7 ft tall, I can't find a suit here in small town SC (and they likely drove anyway).

I get it's just what younger people do now and it does seem like Trace was using his time to reconnect with all his siblings but really you're there for a funeral - do you need to make it seem like you're there for a happy party!? I mean Erin posted a pic with the widow as I was like - uh please let that be an old pic instead of forcing the widow to say CHEESE!? I get it these people "rejoice" because the person is in heaven but my god still . . . .

Looks like the Carlin/Trace relations are thawing. No pics with Carlin but Trace posted a pic holding Zade and also one with a group of brothers/BILs that included Evan. Not surprising as Trace is one that has always been cool with all of his sisters - actually seems like the Bates boys tend not to have friction with their siblings generally. Yet after dragging them on their housekeeping for the rental house he and his wife took over + quoting such a high price on C&E's new floors or whatever that they'd go with someone else - seems like Trace was trying to distance himself from C&E. Though sometimes things like funerals have a way of reminding people that annoying people are still your family.

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Looking at that picture, John fit right in with the Bates boys. He was not the only one in a jeans and a shirt. But Gil had on a dress shirt and a tie and dress pants.  Kelton had on a white shirt and I can't tell if he had a tie on but he did not look like he was wearing jeans. Brandon was wearing a coat and tie and a dress shirt and  Travis was in a dress shirt and tie.  It looked like Bobby Smith was wearing a dress shirt. Chad had on a blue shirt. It's the Bates sons who look like slobs.  I don't know about Nathan. It is so bizarre to see the women dress up and their spouses in jeans and an untucked shirt.  You have to wonder what Travis, Kelton, Bobby and Brandon think of their in-laws. 

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

You have to wonder what Travis, Kelton, Bobby and Brandon think of their in-laws. 

That they're ill bred? Were born in a barn? I mean it's telling that the ones who were raised by other people know that for church in the south - esp with grandparents involved - you put on pants that aren't jeans and some kind of button down shirt.

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Lived in NYC for a decade so yep my first reaction was - uh Ryker like the prison?? They really want their kid’s name to conjure images of a cruise around a notorious filthy NYC prison?! These 2 may want to leave their east Tenn bubble once in a while or you know use the internet - you know that thing they and all their sibs are trying to make a living off of?!

Isn’t the wife German or Austrian or something? I recall she was seeking a visa or asylum or something - some immigration status that they consider a-ok for her bc she’s blonde haired, blue eyed but you know they’d oppose it for certain other populations. Why not any nod to the German or Austrian or wherever roots w a middle name like Christian, Hans, Nico, Lukas etc?! Bc Cruise to me seems South American/Hispanic though I realize that would be Cruz.

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Don't worry. Rikers Island was named after a Dutch man.

The island is named after Abraham Rycken, a Dutch settler who moved to Long Island in 1638 and took possession of the island in 1664. Rycken's descendants, the Ricker family, owned Rikers Island until 1884, when it was sold to the city for $180,000.



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2 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

All of the Bates and Duggar names together have a long way to go to match the name of this man, who rests in an old cemetery near the East Village in Manhattan:


I'm originally from New England, and the old cemeteries where I grew up featured gravestones with some whoppers for names. The Braxtons, Daxtons, and Jaxtons got nothing on the folks from the 16-1700s! 

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18 hours ago, Dehumidifier said:

Don't worry. Rikers Island was named after a Dutch man.

The island is named after Abraham Rycken, a Dutch settler who moved to Long Island in 1638 and took possession of the island in 1664. Rycken's descendants, the Ricker family, owned Rikers Island until 1884, when it was sold to the city for $180,000.



I wonder how the descendents feel about their last name now being more famous for a prison.  I think I might feel a little proud of that if it was me. 

Trace and Lydia released their latest vlog. Normally I find these two duller than dishwater, but I was curious to see the holiday weekend on the farm. Some things that stood out:

When they arrived, Trace asked Mama Jane how Bill was doing and she replied, "Just pitiful, he can't remember who he is." I thought Bill looked physically better than he had in a while but it sounds like he's having memory issues now. I really hope they have a lot of support on the days the Bates horde doesn't invade their space. 😥

To his credit, Trace got up early every day to help Papa Bill and Lydia assisted with the food, so it was good to see not all of the family members are totally useless. 

We got two brief glimpses of Tori and she didn't look pregnant, which was genuinely shocking. I guess it could be early stages, though. 

Mama Jane is such a hot ticket. She's the kind of elderly person that needs to live forever. 

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:


Mama Jane is such a hot ticket. She's the kind of elderly person that needs to live forever. 

She seems like she’d be a hoot!  
Trace & Lydia (in her stories IIRC) mentioned that the baby is now measuring small & he needs some testing. Fingers crossed everything turns out ok. 

Edited by Tdoc72
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52 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

According to reddit their baby has restricted growth or something. He might be delivered early. Hope their baby will be okay. 


IUGR= intrauterine growth restriction.  It means the baby is smaller than expected for how far along she is.  Ultrasound is not all that accurate for estimating fetal weight, but it's all we've got.  It could be the baby is 'constitutionally small' meaning it is just genetically not going to be large.  For example, Asian babies tend to be smaller than Caucasian babies and, if you measure them on ultrasound using the standard tables, which have a predominance of Caucasian babies, an Asian child might look 'too small' when, in fact, it is perfectly normal.

There is also a 10-15% range of error on the weight estimate which can mean a lot with a smaller baby.  The algorithm that the computer uses to calculate fetal weights is most accurate when the baby being measured is medium size.  When a kid is smaller than average, the algorithm tends to underestimate the weight.  When the baby is large,  it tends to overestimate the weight.  This is why so many people are told their baby weighs 5 lbs only to discover it is nearly 6 at birth or someone is told to expect a 10 pounder and the kid is 8 and a half.

If a baby is truly IUGR, there are a multitude of potential causes.  Usually it is because the placenta is not providing sufficient nutrition.  Smoking, chronic high blood pressure and some abnormalities of placenta development can cause that to happen. Worst case scenario is the baby dies in utero due to placental insufficiency; which is why we do regular testing once we discover IUGR to try to prevent it. Another cause is that  a baby has a significant medical issue, like Down syndrome or other chromosomal anomaly, it just won't grow as well as kids without problems.

That is surely more than anyone ever wanted to know about IUGR.

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6 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Last week, Lydia said he had dropped from around the 23rd percentile to the 6th. I don't know if that's the most recent info we have. 

Ok.  The definition of IUGR is 10th percentile or less.   If you remember from statistics in math class; that means that 90% of babies at that gestational age would be larger than the baby being measured by US EFW (estimated fetal weight).  So, the initial ultrasound which showed the baby to be 23rd percentile meant the baby was at a normal weight, although smaller than 77% of kids.  So, a baby that was going to weight a healthy 6 lbs at term rather than a healthy 7.5-8 like the average kid.  I presume there was some ongoing concern about the baby's growth and now a repeat ultrasound shows the baby to be 6th percentile which is definitely IUGR range.  Also, it indicates that, for some reason, this baby has 'fallen off the curve' for fetal growth and is not growing as rapidly as it should.


Edited by Notabug
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Trace and Lydia had Ryker's shower today. I really hope the little guy is okay. 

eta Someone at FJ watched this week's  video (I jyst saw an Insta post). Ryker's is apparently now up to the 9th percentile. There's also concern that his umbilical cord is too close to the placenta, or something to that effect. Monitoring will continue. 

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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1 hour ago, Tdoc72 said:

@Notabug—Thanks for all the info. What does IUGR mean for his future?  Can he be born healthy?  Will his future health or development be impacted? 

Most IUGR kids do fine although it does depend on the cause of the problem.  Kids with genetic syndromes are often IUGR and have other issues due to their genetics.  For example, Down syndrome kids are intellectually impaired and often have heart defects and other issues like bowel problems and are prone to leukemia as they grow..  IUGR kids can and do catch up to their peers as far as growth goes although some severely IUGR kids will always be smaller.

As I noted before, things like stillbirth are more common in IUGR due to the placental insufficiency.  After birth, problems with feeding can be an issue as can a susceptibility to newborn infections, jaundice and such.

Edited by Notabug
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11 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

@NotabugNotabug please see my previous post with updated info. I'd love to have your expertise.

Not much to say, looks like he's still small, but perhaps growing a little.  There's such a wide range of error on fetal weight by ultrasound that a 3 percentile increase isn't necessarily meaningful.

I have no idea what the talk about the placenta and cord is about.  The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, of course, they're all part of the same organ, so to speak.  Maybe they're saying the umbilical cord is unusually short?  That would be really hard to diagnose on ultrasound, though.  With IUGR babies, they look at the blood flow through the vessels of the cord as it can predict worsening problems.  Maybe that's what they mean.  How far along is she?  IUGR kids usually get delivered around 38 or 39 weeks presuming everything is fairly stable.

15 minutes ago, Notabug said:

Not much to say, looks like he's still small, but perhaps growing a little.  There's such a wide range of error on fetal weight by ultrasound that a 3 percentile increase isn't necessarily meaningful.

I have no idea what the talk about the placenta and cord is about.  The umbilical cord is attached to the placenta, of course, they're all part of the same organ, so to speak.  Maybe they're saying the umbilical cord is unusually short?  That would be really hard to diagnose on ultrasound, though.  With IUGR babies, they look at the blood flow through the vessels of the cord as it can predict worsening problems.  Maybe that's what they mean.  How far along is she?  IUGR kids usually get delivered around 38 or 39 weeks presuming everything is fairly stable.

She's in her third trimester, but I don't know her due date. 

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