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Janelle - the only wife that sees the true picture 

Kody can’t see the truth- he’s ignored 3 of his 4 families for 10 years. He doesn’t understand the consequences of his actions 

Edited by mythoughtis
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Man, if I was sitting on that porch, it would take everything in me not to get up and throw my chair at that dipshit. The nerve of him.

Christine, this is the smartest decision you have ever made in your life.

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Lord, you stupid Kodouche, Robyn, Meri. There’s no religion.  There’s no legal contract.  Kody has said all along if a wife isn’t happy, it’s ok if they leave….until Christine did.  The kids who aren’t “fitting in well with the family”.   FU Kody. He said he and Robyn and their children are bonding.  And blaming the other wives kids for not bonding.  What an ugly human. 

Edited by Meowwww
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He'd have been JUST FINE to kick Christine to the curb for not being a "good" sister wife but man, she takes off on her own and he just throws FITS!!  Looks like he was YELLING at her in the preview.  Be about the time I'd say, "GET OFF MY PROPERTY RIGHT NOW!!"

It's your EGO, asshole.

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3 minutes ago, Kerrey92 said:

I really don't want to wait until next week when Kody does his performative freak out and Christine tries not to laugh at him.  

I have to agree with all the pods that say she must have a good therapist she’s working with on dealing with a narcissist 

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What the hell is wrong with Meri? Kody is practically telling her to leave. He’s just said that he does not consider himself married to her. This woman is going to be hit like a ton of bricks one day that she is such a fool! Lady, please stop doing this to yourself-especially on national television! Kody ONLY loves himself! He only really wants to sleep with Robyn. I’m so happy that Christine is getting the hell out! Janelle, girl you’re no idiot. You should follow Christine out!

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Meri understood what Christine was saying. And Janelle knew she was unhappy.

I love that Janelle sees that Robyn and Kody are trying to invalidate Christine's feelings.

Janelle sees the gaslighting.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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"...everything I've worked for, for so long."

Kody, you narcissistic piece of shit. Everyone worked - harder than you.

And divorce doesn't invalidate the past relationship. It doesn't mean that it wasn't good or valid at some point in the past. It means that it isn't working now and isn't going to work in the future.


Janelle sees the gaslighting.

She does and if she is smart, she will know that it's going to be aimed in her direction next. 

Edited by Elizzikra
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Here we go gang!! Now he's going to cross over to the other side of the camera frame so he can get the whole "acting" thing when he throws his fit!  It's gonna be EPIC!! LOL!!!

SHUT UP SOBBYN!!!! In your head is a bunch of AIR!

Edited by goofygirl
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And so the gaslighting starts.

He denies he was excited about moving back to Utah (we all saw the video).

He says that Christine was in the marriage for the man (Kody) as a resource and not about the family (we saw her put everyone before herself).

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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Kody's talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. They have no business having this conversation in front of anyone else. Except he apparently didn't get close enough to Christine to have that conversation.

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