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S15.E08: Party Ways

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Five newlywed couples settle into their lives in San Diego and prep to be reunited with friends and family for the first time since their weddings; they plan their first housewarming parties together; grievances are aired and advice is shared.

Airs Wednesday, August 24 at 8:00PM EDT.

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1 minute ago, Crashcourse said:

All of these parties are quirky, so I don't think Mitch's idea of a party is that strange.

So Lindy is a registered nurse and she doesn't have health care? 

Lindy is a physical therapist who only works part time.  

it brings up a question. These couples are legally married.  If they want to put their spouse on their group benefits, there is a time limit for that.  I wonder how they handle it? 

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Just now, Kiss my mutt said:

I don’t think Lindy works enough hours to qualify which is odd. 

Yes, that is odd.  You would think she would want to work full time so she could have health care, and not wait until she was married to get it.  

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Just now, Crashcourse said:

Yes, that is odd.  You would think she would want to work full time so she could have health care, and not wait until she was married to get it.  

Not to mention her student loans she has to pay back. You’d think want to use your degree as much as possible and get the experience. 

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2 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Lindy is a physical therapist who only works part time.

Yeah, I got her confused with Morgan, who's the registered nurse.  Even so, it's strange that Lindy wouldn't try to get a full-time position so she could have health care.

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10 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Lindy is a physical therapist who only works part time.  

it brings up a question. These couples are legally married.  If they want to put their spouse on their group benefits, there is a time limit for that.  I wonder how they handle it? 

If she has debt, why isn’t she working full time?  Is it her choice, or is that how physical therapists work?  How can she have an apartment, debts and only get part time pay?  Doesn’t make sense.

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Alexis likes to argue - that is obvious.  Newton is her dog.  How does she not know he hasn’t eaten  in two days?  Isn’t she the person feeding him?  If not, then yes, Justin should have told her after every feeding that he didn’t eat .  They went downhill fast 

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Lindy needs to calm down about insurance and stop trying to make him look like a bad guy. I think she wanted her PhD to say she has a PhD but wants a man to take care of her financially. I wouldn’t be surprised if she quit her job. 

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19 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

If she has debt, why isn’t she working full time?  Is it her choice, or is that how physical therapists work?  How can she have an apartment, debts and only get part time pay?  Doesn’t make sense.

And she made sure that she told Miguel that he cannot be judgmental about when and how often she worked and what she did in her free time. Considering that she does have student loan debt, that seems too irresponsible and self-indulgent to me. If it were me, you bet I would be passing judgment!

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I could never live with Mitch.  Too many restrictions.  Screw that.  He belongs by himself.  She has too much patience just because he wants to save the world.  They have completely different views, and why does she have to comply.  If they have a baby, all toys are plastic of some kind.   He’s too much.

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50 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

All of these parties are quirky, so I don't think Mitch's idea of a party is that strange.

So Lindy is a registered nurse and she doesn't have health care? 

I believe that Lindy is a Physical Therapist.  Morgan is a Registered Nurse.

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20 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Lindy needs to calm down about insurance and stop trying to make him look like a bad guy. I think she wanted her PhD to say she has a PhD but wants a man to take care of her financially. I wouldn’t be surprised if she quit her job. 

I was thinking the exact thing.  She might be a little lazy.  Part time is not enough.  Work full time and pay your debts.  She has to hustle a bit.  

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12 minutes ago, PupCal said:

It costs over 400 dollars to change your name in California. I'm sure it costs far less to add someone to your insurance.

I can’t imagine it does. Lindy saying all it took was a phone call? Uh, no the premiums will also increase. I’m single and my rate through my company is far less than if I were also insuring a spouse and/or family.  

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13 minutes ago, PupCal said:

It costs over 400 dollars to change your name in California. I'm sure it costs far less to add someone to your insurance.

I didn't pay a dime to change my name when I got married… because I did it within 10 days of my marriage and it involved signing a form 

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Did I hear right?  When talking with the guys, Nate said they didn’t have sex yet, BUT the other thing that was quite satisfying.  Does that mean what I think it means?  Lol.  She’s holding the sex, but the other thing is o.k?

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2 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

I can’t imagine it does. Lindy saying all it took was a phone call? Uh, no the premiums will also increase. I’m single and my rate through my company is far less than if I were also insuring a spouse and/or family.  

All true…. But married couples wilL normally put their spouse on their policy if they don’t have coverage elsewhere.  It’s actually still The reason some  couples marry rather than live together 

Akexis - stop arguing in front of your guests 

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41 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Lindy needs to calm down about insurance and stop trying to make him look like a bad guy. I think she wanted her PhD to say she has a PhD but wants a man to take care of her financially. I wouldn’t be surprised if she quit her job. 

She just might pull off a pregnancy and let Miguel worry about the bills.  Easy breezy.

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So, let me see if I understand this.  Lindy doesn’t want to be known as Mrs. Santiago, but she wants to be on her “husband’s” medical insurance plan.  Alrighty then!

I am not surprise Mitch and Krysten are getting along great.  After all, he didn’t have to change anything about himself, compromise or make any sacrifices, because she was more than willing to do so.  As my grandmother would say, "she is either a Saint or a fool."

I don’t like when they get together to talk about their relationships.  It seems to cause problems and unnecessary drama.  Which is most likely the objective. 

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Alexis is extremely annoying. When her and Justin bicker, I'm yelling "Shut up" at the tv. She complains that he doesn't communicate, but to her communication means agreeing with her or repeating what she just said. She is not interested in what someone else's definition of communication is.

22 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

So, let me see if I understand this.  Lindy doesn’t want to be known as Mrs. Santiago, but she wants to be on her “husband’s” medical insurance plan.  Alrighty then!

I never took my husband's name cuz I didn't like it. But I am on his medical because he is my husband. Keeping a name doesn't mean you're rejecting the husband.

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Lindy's DMs are going to be messages from men who couldn't care less if she takes their last names or not.

As soon as Miguel said that they're "supposed to live like they're married" I realized he's not taking this process seriously. Nowhere is it written that married people have to take one name for the marriage to be legal. The show has said, from day one, this is a legal marriage so she legally belongs on his medical whether he likes it or not. He forgets he's married.

Edited by Chalby
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Hmmm, not loving some of the women in this episode. 

1. Morgan is so unforgiving. If she’s going to hold every single thing over this guy’s head, this relationship is done. Interesting that she admitted that she lied to the producers about having completed her schooling, and she doesn’t seem to feel that that lie is a big deal. But when Bini verbalized concern about that lie she saw that as the problem -granted he probably shouldn’t have verbalized it outside of the marriage but he quickly forgave her lie and he ended up being the one apologizing, to a still unforgiving Morgan. When she was the one that lied. They both need to forgive and forget. Hard lines like Morgan’s are recipes for failure.

2. Alexis takes zero responsibility for her own mistakes. Every single issue is all Justin’s fault. And yes, despite what she thinks, she does like to argue, because she always has to be right. So if someone doesn’t agree with her, she argues, shuts down the conversation snd storms off. I’m trying to understand why she thinks so highly of herself - I find her to be quite unpleasant. 

3. Lindy with her insistence of being on Miguel’s insurance after only 2 weeks of marriage seems a little pushy. Is it urgent? Has she deferred seeing a doctor until she was married, hoping her new stranger spouse would insure her? It almost makes it seem like getting insurance was actually one of her reasons she wanted to marry a stranger. That’s just weird. She lives in CA where health insurance is heavily subsidized if you have lower income, sometimes as little as $1 a month. Why doesn’t she have insurance? Why doesn’t she have a full time job? All of that, plus her debt and her insistence that he not question how she spends her excessive free time, are warning signs - she’s really sending a message that she can’t take care of herself, which is a bad message to a guy like Miguel who explicitly didn’t want to be a sugar daddy. I think they both should wait until the 8 weeks are over to discuss all of the standard considerations of a normal marriage -medical insurance, name change, joint accounts, etc. Plus, adding her to his insurance requires more that a phone call (there’s a bit of paperwork) and will almost surely cost Miguel extra money each month. Does she just expect him to cover that?? Plus if they get divorced, he’ll have to wait for documentation to take her off the insurance (remember how long Amber had to wait for her divorce from her nomad basketball playing husband from a few seasons ago?). Also, do you really want to document with your company that you were married for only a handful of weeks (a la Britney Spears)? Bottom line- I think they should of held off on the name and the insurance for a bit, but it looks like Miguel agreed. Very kind of him.

Krysten continues to be pretty chill and accommodating though. I’m a fan. I wonder if she really can accommodate Mitch’s rules forever though. He’s quite uncompromising. Stacia seems to be calling the shots in her relationship but Nate seems fine with it, so far anyway. But again, that could wear him down over time too. We’ll see. 

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I cannot bring myself to like Alexis.  She’s domineering and she doesn’t listen.  I’m so sorry for Justin.  There’s somebody better out there for him.   Nothing tonight about Justins best friend.  I hope Justin chooses his puppy over Alexis. 

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Also,  hot and cold re Mitch and Krysten. Really I like them as a couple the more their relationship matures.   Mitch seems to have greater depth more I watch.  Seems kind.  

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Fuck. I'm so tired of hearing about Morgan and her damn walls. If this is the way you are now, leave and get some damn therapy.

Changing the last name is such a thing now. It used to, more often than not, just happen. It was common. Now there is lot of push back from women on it. I don't really care if you change it legally but if we were described as Mr and Mrs my last name in public I would hope that's not a problem.

Edited by Racj82
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4 hours ago, kristen111 said:

I was thinking the exact thing.  She might be a little lazy.  Part time is not enough.  Work full time and pay your debts.  She has to hustle a bit.  

I'm glad someone else is saying it. Initially I heard a bunch of people dumping on Miguel for making it clear he didn't want to pay for her debt and him being weary of dedication to it getting paid off.

She is far too young to be living her life like she's done all the hard work and now she can relax. I can understand a grace period after all that school but she needs to buckle down. She is just getting started.

4 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Did I hear right?  When talking with the guys, Nate said they didn’t have sex yet, BUT the other thing that was quite satisfying.  Does that mean what I think it means?  Lol.  She’s holding the sex, but the other thing is o.k?

He went down on her. He said nothing about reciprocation. Not that she has to but it seems like that's all there was.

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5 hours ago, Racj82 said:

[Lindy] is far too young to be living her life like she's done all the hard work and now she can relax. I can understand a grace period after all that school but she needs to buckle down. She is just getting started.

I agree. If you know you need health insurance and have a ton of debt, you need to ensure that you’re covered and can afford to chip away at it. She doesn’t want to work full-time, well, neither do most of us, but our circumstances require it. So do hers, seemingly. What was she going to do if she didn’t get picked for the show? Did she look into buying health insurance? Getting Obamacare? As a care provider, she knows how important coverage is so you’d think she’d make it a priority. 

11 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Not cool of Alexis to bring up the business between her and Justin in front of their friends.  This is a party where they're all supposed to be enjoying themselves.

So tacky. You don’t discuss personal business in front of company. Inserting their friends into their fight was rude. They didn’t come there for that.

10 hours ago, PupCal said:

It costs over 400 dollars to change your name in California. I'm sure it costs far less to add someone to your insurance.

I doubt it. The cost to change a name is a one-time fee. Miguel’s premiums will increase, which means every check is smaller. 

11 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Nate and Stacia look cool in the afro wigs.  That's all I got.  

But did any of their guests do the theme? Same with Alexis and Justin. Most if the guests were in regular clothes. Miguel’s people sure did - that woman dropping knowledge while dressed as a bunch of grapes cracked me up.

Krysten acting like her broken engagement is a huge secret is really weird. “I was engaged before but I broke up with him when I found out he was cheating” is all she needs to say. People should get that. 

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Justin, no matter how complicit he is in this, will never win with Alexis. It’s her way or the Highway and she’s keeping track of every word he speaks.  Nothing will ever be her fault.  It’s always going to be his fault, whether it is or not. I do not like her at all. And how she was all “I know we promised to never talk about our issues in front of others BUT” all smug.  
Mitch is so immature.   Lindy and work.  How does she pay rent and bills if only working part time?  I feel like there’s lots more to that story. 

Edited by Meowwww
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