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10 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Does HoH pick the full team or his picks pick the next like schoolyard?

Julie said it was schoolyard style, so I presume it will go back and forth with Michael then Terrance picking one person until all the HGs are chosen.  Jasmine or Brittany are probably gonna be pissy at being picked last.

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I’m very curious to see how this pick will go. Hopefully better than the comp picks. Turner picked Alyssa and Terrance to compete, which meant one of them would be eliminated… but it also meant one of them would stay. Why not pick one from your alliance and hope to knock the other out? Michael did the same by picking Terrance and Jasmine. The only way this was going to work is if the Leftovers controlled both households, and they don’t.

So as far as I can tell, with Terrance being a HoH, one Leftover is going home this week. Unless Terrance does something stupid, which is always a possibility.

Michael picks first, and he should pick a non-LO, to ensure a nominee. But he can end up with one of three scenarios: 1 non-LO and 3 LOs, 2 non-LOs and 2 LOs, or 4 LOs. In either of the first two scenarios, he can evict someone outside his alliance.

But here are Terrance’s scenarios: 3 LOs and 1 non LO, 4 LOs, or 2 LOs and 2 non-LOs. The only chance a leftover has here is either in the first scenario or in the third. Even so, both of those scenarios would require Terrance to nominate at least one non-Leftover, which is unlikely. 

I think the Leftovers may be regretting their decision to boot Indy. Even if she became one of the HoHs, there are people in the Leftovers (Joseph, Michael) she liked and may not have targeted. Terrance doesn’t like any of them. One of them is toast.

Edited by 30 Helens
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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:

I think Michael will pick Alyssa early knowing that Jasmine WILL be the last pick and Terrance will be stuck with her. 

Given Michael is positively salivating to fracture the LO alliance early, I fully expect him to attempt to pick every non-LO HG he can, thereby making Terrance’s crew (almost?) exclusively LOs - which, if it doesn’t dictate a LO eviction, will certainly increase the odds of such.

Edited by Nashville
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5 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Given Michael is positively salivating to fracture the LO alliance early, I fully expect him to attempt to pick every non-LO HG he can - thereby making Terrance’s crew (almost?) exclusively LOs, which will result in a LO being evicted.

Well, there are only 2 non-LO HGs to be picked - Alyssa & Jasmine.  I'm almost positive Michael will pick Alyssa first over Jasmine.  I don't know if Terrance will pick Jasmine first or someone else - it's not as if he likes any of the other HGs, I don't think, lol.

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26 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I think the Leftovers may be regretting their decision to boot Indy.

I was thinking that very thing. It looks pretty dumb in retrospect. 

I can't believe the LO didn't take Terrance out in that competition.  (In the first round, I thought he and Brittany would be up there until Julie called them both out.)

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1 hour ago, HighQueenEB said:

Twitter account with BB crew connections.  Somewhat reliable this season.

It's seriously messing with me that SpoilerGirl is correct about shit this season. She used to just make wild ass guesses or horoscope-like predictions where you could read into it and see whatever you liked but now she has an actual insider connection and I have to fight the urge to post a "Don't believe this shit" disclaimer like I did in previous seasons. She's no Vegas but she'll do, I guess.

Edited by Callaphera
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5 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I don’t care who’s together or not, I just want to know who’s in Terrance’s group. Because they are the ones in trouble (Leftovers, that is.) If Jasmine ended up with Terrance, she’ll be fine, and that’s just wrong.

Not necessarily.  If the other person not on the block wins veto and takes someone down, then Jasmine goes up and the 2 LO houseguests can save the LO who is on the block, regardless of Terrance's desires as HOH.  And, I don't think he'd argue if Jasmine's as annoying being on the outside as we're anticipating.

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Things I Have Done Since The Feeds Went Down:

- a load and a half of laundry (and I remembered to change the dryer settings to delicate, go me!)
- cooked two breakfasts
- washed a sink full of dishes
- watched a Law and Order: SVU rerun and started a second
- washed down my kitchen counters

Things I Could Have Been Doing Instead:

- watching Jasmine suffer in the backyard (hopefully)
- watching Turner suffering because he's with Jasmine (hopefully)
- watching Turner take apart the hammock to macrame himself a noose (maybe, he seems crafty enough)
- blink and miss Kyle and Alyssa having sex

I say we riot.

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12 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Not necessarily.  If the other person not on the block wins veto and takes someone down, then Jasmine goes up and the 2 LO houseguests can save the LO who is on the block, regardless of Terrance's desires as HOH.  And, I don't think he'd argue if Jasmine's as annoying being on the outside as we're anticipating.

Best case scenario for Leftovers in Terrance’s group is two of them (say, Turner and Joseph) and two others (say, Alyssa and Jasmine). Turner and Joseph get nominated, Joseph wins veto and pulls himself off, then Jasmine goes up. Alyssa votes to evict Turner, Joseph votes to evict Jasmine, Terrance breaks the tie and Turner goes home.

The only other possibilities are 4 Leftovers in that group (which means one of them is definitely going) or three of them. Say it’s Jasmine, Joseph, Turner and Brittany. Turner and Brittany get nominated. Turner wins veto, Joseph goes up in his place, and either Joseph or Brittany goes home. OR, Joseph wins veto, pulls Turner off, and Jasmine goes up in his place. Now we have the same scenario as the previous paragraph, only this time Terrance breaks the tie to send Brittany home.

This is all presuming Terrance knows who’s on his side and who is in his best interest to nominate.

Is my math wrong? Am I missing something?

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The outside crew isn't allowed up on the balcony because that's where the DRs are being done? Or something?

Terrance gets a cot to sleep on, the rest have sleeping bags on mats on the ground.

In other news, Jasmine's cake is still in the middle of the table and she can't reach it.

Edited by Callaphera
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Kyle moved over to try laying out on the outdoor couches so Alyssa moved over there, too, because it's against the rules for Kyle to be more than three feet away from her for longer than five minutes. Joseph and Turner pointed out that the sun hits that place pretty hard at 10 am but at least the showmance can play footsie together.

Inside the house, Jasmine and Taylor are bonding by complaining that the outside crew took all of their pillows.

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To go with the janky ass sleep situation, see their janky ass kitchen/living room set up! (It's hard to get a shot of it because they're swarming the bananas and something called a squincher?) It sounds like they've got a Fyre Fest style food stock. It's all MREs and celery sticks and peanut butter.

Turner: "This is fire. I'm excited for this week."

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I think it would be a waste of Michael's HOH to get rid of Taylor this week especially if Joseph goes this week in the other group and this is the perfect opportunity for Michael to get Monte out. She basically has no where to go alliance wise. Unless he truly believes in Kyle's microagressions which would be gross. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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Turner is at least pretending to be happy about living outside. I’m sure he is happy to be away from Jasmine, at least. But he thinks everything is fire. I’ve heard “fire” about 15 times in the last few minutes.

One things that is not fire is the lack of a bidet. He will miss that. Alyssa never used it because it’s too loud and she didn’t want anyone to hear. Turner also confesses to stealing Jasmine’s wipes, although he didn’t know they were hers. Alyssa says she was accused of taking them.

Why did we not get Wipegate?

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Michael is starting his one-on-ones. First up: Jasmine. She is very grateful he picked her, so she didn’t have to live among the ants. He says he wanted Monte and Turner, but Terrance snagged Turner first. (So I was right, Michael did pick Monte first.) Jasmine says Terrance really likes Turner. Michael tells Jasmine his target is Monte.

She grovels, she volunteers to be pawn if necessary, she says a lot of shit that I frankly don’t listen to. She did say that she would hate to go up on her Birthday Week, because of course. If she survives, next week she’ll be saying she can’t go up in her birthday month. But then finally she leaves and Michael whispers to the camera: “She’s going on the block.”

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Terrance and Alyssa are whispering. He asks for her block recommendations. But before she can answer, Terrance says Turner is a hard no, and Alyssa is a hard no. So that leaves Joseph and Kyle. Does she have a problem with that? She does not. 

I wonder if Terrance’s “friend” Turner can somehow convince him that Alyssa has been working against him and needs to go? Doubtful. But then again, Terrance just told Alyssa that no way is Jasmine in danger on the other side. If anything, she’ll be used as a pawn.

Terrence next talks to Joseph. He says he promised Alyssa she won’t go up, even as a pawn. So what should he do?

Terrance says Turner’s been his bro since Day One, so it can’t be him. Joseph pushes for breaking up the showmance. He insists he’s voted for Terrance every time, always had his back. And he’s worked so hard to protect Jasmine and Alyssa! He also tried to save Nicole!

Terrence says Kyle is his real target, and he’d be crazy not to take the shot. Joseph says if he sits next to Kyle, he will probably leave, because Alyssa will vote to save Kyle. If he sits next to Turner, he will also go. But if Alyssa sits next to Kyle, Kyle goes and Terrance gets his wish.

Terrence is reluctant, because Alyssa will be mad at him. But Joseph keeps pushing. This is the time to break them up! Terrence insists Joseph is not going anywhere. “I got you, bro.” Is there anyone he hasn’t said that to?

In addition, Terrence says Kyle pissed him off by not using the veto on him. He does not want to be the third wheel in a showmance.

I’m not sure if Joseph wants Alyssa to go up so he can get rid of her, or if he’s willing to make a move against Kyle. Either way, I’m good.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Turner, Joseph and Alyssa huddle under their blankets as Terrance talks to Kyle. They’re freezing.

Terrence tells Kyle that he’s promised safety to the others. But at the end of the day, Joseph is the one he wants to go. How should he go about that?

Kyle says take the person who wants Joseph to go the most, and keep them off the block. He thinks that is Alyssa, because Joseph broke her trust by going against the Swatters. Kyle says put me up as pawn. If Turner wins veto, he won’t use it on Joseph because they’re not close. The only danger is if Joseph wins veto. 

I’m guessing Kyle thinks he’s safe because Alyssa would vote to save him, and Terrance would break a tie in his favor. I’m sure he’s fine with Joseph leaving. Kyle blows a bunch of smoke up Terrance’s ass, then he’s done.

I’m kind of loving how Terrance’s HoH room is a couple of janky wooden chairs and everyone wrapped in blankets. 

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5 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Turner, Joseph and Alyssa huddle under their blankets as Terrance talks to Kyle. They’re freezing.

Terrence tells Kyle that he’s promised safety to the others. But at the end of the day, Joseph is the one he wants to go. How should he go about that?

Kyle says take the person who wants Joseph to go the most, and keep them off the block. He thinks that is Alyssa, because Joseph broke her trust by going against the Swatters. Kyle says put me up as pawn. If Turner wins veto, he won’t use it on Joseph because they’re not close. The only danger is if Joseph wins veto. 

I’m guessing Kyle thinks he’s safe because Alyssa would vote to save him, and Terrance would break a tie in his favor. I’m sure he’s fine with Joseph leaving. Kyle blows a bunch of smoke up Terrance’s ass, then he’s done.

I’m kind of loving how Terrance’s HoH room is a couple of janky wooden chairs and everyone wrapped in blankets. 

Thank you for working  so tirelessly for us! No way I’m hell BB am I staying up for two hours of your BS! 

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