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Nicole and Terrance talking. She said that when the POV was used, Taylor started shaking and she was crying. So that shows . . . something. I guess Monte told Daniel he didn't want him to use the veto because he didn't think Nicole would be safe on the block, and Daniel and Nicole thought he wanted to keep Taylor safe, so that's why Daniel used the veto. (I wonder if Taylor was shaking from suppressed laughter.)

I'm not so sure Taylor is safe. Votes to evict Nicole: Joseph, Kyle, Michael, Brittany, Turner - who am I missing? Votes to evict Taylor: Daniel, Alyssa, Indy, Jasmine. I don't know who Terrence would vote for.  Well, maybe she is OK, since if there is a tie, Monte would probably vote to keep her.

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Nicole and Daniel were talking about how fake Brittany is and Daniel said how she's not a good actress. Nicole reminded him that Brittany is an actress. To which Daniel replied, " A community theater actress. I'm a part of Actors' Equity."

So funny!

Edited by Blissfool
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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

I have to say, Daniel using the Veto to put Nicole and Taylor on the block and then feeling proud of himself, seems like something out of I Love Lucy or Flintstones or maybe Barney from Andy Griffith.

It fits in nicely with the moves of such past players as Marcellas (not using the veto on himself),  Lawon (asking to be voted out to get some nebulous "power") and Kaitlyn (both for backdooring "Swaggy" and failing to put together a 6 piece puzzle of herself.)  Actually, pretty much every member of FOUTTE could make this list.  Daniel's "big move" may even top Pooch's self-nomination as the dumbest move of this season.

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13 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Daniel and Nicole are going over the votes.  She's pissed at Monte and says she refuses to talk to him.  Daniel:  Why would you?  He has no power anymore. 

I've been watching this show faithfully for 12 years and I continue to be amazed by Houseguests that NEVER think beyond the current week.  

Not to mention, Monte could break the tie this week.  So I guess they feel Nicole would have Daniel, Jasmine, Alyssa, Indy, Terrence and...Michael?  Kyle?  Are they still bamboozled by both of them?

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1 hour ago, Slider said:

Nicole: If they played us, they played us pretty good.

Nicole was a cop, but clearly not a detective.

1 hour ago, vb68 said:

I would say Kyle probably finds a way to flip Alyssa. She's very flippable.

But sadly, not in the way she wants to be flipped.

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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Sounds like Daniel made the dumbest move ever and used veto and now Nicole and Taylor OTB.

Last week they were blindsided. How could they possibly not have learned from it? Fool you twice, shame on you and good riddance for despicable behavior AND poor gameplay!

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Out in the backyard, Jasmine says she wants to do a charcuterie board. The camera shifts from her, passing Monte, and focuses on Turner, who slaps his hand on his forehead in despair as Jasmine continues to talk about charcuterie boards.

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20 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Not to mention, Monte could break the tie this week.  So I guess they feel Nicole would have Daniel, Jasmine, Alyssa, Indy, Terrence and...Michael?  Kyle?  Are they still bamboozled by both of them?

They think they have Kyle (Daniel reported back to Kyle on his convo with Monte earlier), but Michael was part of the group they caught up in the HOH until late last night so they know he is not with them.

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This is going to be even more satisfying to me that Daniel would be responsible for sending Nicole home than the sympathy vote he gave Terrance to send Ameerah home. Thursday can’t come fast enough!

Edited by dizzyd
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47 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

And that confirms my suspicions (and hopes) that Michael definitely doesn't want to risk a bro alliance domination.  And now I'm surprised that Brittany doesn't want that to happen, either, given how desperately she tried to work with the guys.

Michael and Brittany aren't going to turn on The Leftovers.  You don't betray your own winning team to jump on a sinking ship.  Let The Leftovers steamroll.  Get rid of Nicole, Daniel pre-jury.  Then cut Jasmine, Alyssa, Indy.  And Terrance after that.

Edited by thestorm
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8 minutes ago, thestorm said:

Michael and Brittany aren't going to turn on The Leftovers.  You don't betray your own winning team to jump on a sinking ship.  Let The Leftovers steamroll.  Get rid of Nicole, Daniel pre-jury.  Then cut Jasmine, Alyssa, Indy.  And Terrance after that.

But an alliance doesn't win, 1 person does. It's tough. 

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Michael and Brittany are at the bottom of the Leftovers and Terrance isn’t a member.   I think that once Nicole and Daniel are gone, Michael and Britt have to think about flipping the game and leading their own alliance, but it is too soon for that right now. 

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I think Taylor was genuinely shook up at being on the block again because the plan, as she knew it at that time, was going to be to keep Indie and Alyssa on the block. I don’t blame her for being shook up. She’s been put through the wringer and being continuously nominated for eviction must take some sort of toll in an emotional sense.

Edited by TimWil
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6 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I think Taylor was genuinely shook up at being on the block again because the plan, as she knew it at that time, was going to be to keep Indie and Alyssa on the block. I don’t blame her for being shook up. She’s been put through the wringer and being continuously nominated for eviction must take some sort of toll in an emotional sense.

Definitely sucks for her, but what was the alternative?  Target Jasmine?   

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This is what I hope:

That Nicole is evicted and afterwards, Julie shows her the clip from last Wednesday's show where Taylor asks Monte to say a prayer and expresses concern about her mother, alternating with Nicole bad-mouthing Taylor. Of course Nicole will find some way to justify her actions, but still . . .

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I hope they show the clip from yesterday with Nicole being particularly vulgar describing Taylor strutting around the backyard.  They can bleep the word out, and everyone will get it.    

There's no way for Nicole to walk that back.

Edited by vb68
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39 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I think Taylor was genuinely shook up at being on the block again because the plan, as she knew it at that time, was going to be to keep Indie and Alyssa on the block. I don’t blame her for being shook up. She’s been put through the wringer and being continuously nominated for eviction must take some sort of toll in an emotional sense.

Taylor does not want to be on the block, but she is not surprised. Before it happened, she was already planning her eviction night speech, which she promised would be explosive. She believes the Leftovers have her back, but she also knows pawns can go home, so she would be an idiot (Pooch) to be totally ok with it.

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She WAS surprised because the plan this morning was for Kyle not to use the veto. It wasn’t expected for Daniel to use the veto, either. She was preparing her eviction night speech last night BEFORE the tables were turned on her.

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Right after the veto, Nicole was trash-talking Monte for having the audacity to lie to her about whether Jasmine and Alyssa really supported her.   And, as noted above, Monte was stupid enough to warn Daniel about using the veto.  

Three hours later, she's telling the same story to Turner, suggesting that Monte told her the truth about Jasyssa.  Also, she told him that Monte tried to protect her by telling Daniel that Nicole would be in trouble if she was on the block.  What happened to "reverse psychology, motherfucker!"? 

Turner is doing a good job of stroking her.  He's even telling her she should join him and Jasmine as a bestie if she stays.

Edited by Thalia
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I think it is too early for Michael/Brittany flip. They need to get out at least Daniel and Nicole. It is tricky with Alyssa in the house due to her obsession with Kyle lol. It also depends when they win HOH since that would be the ideal time.

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Turner's talking about speeding away from a traffic stop in a school zone one time and "I was in a Model 3" so he thought he could outrun the cop -- he owns a Tesla? Is he wealthy? 

Taylor says "I would have been dead at the end of that." 

He also talks about being a jerk 3 years ago behind a slow car, hitting his high beams, but it's nothing harmful. 

Oh yes it was a Tesla. 

eta: in his own story, Joseph keeps talking about his mother's "Honda Santa Fe." Sorry Hyundai! not good enough marketing. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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Yes, Turner owns/owned a Tesla. Apparently he is very successful. I believe I hear someone say he got rid of it, though. A bit much, maybe?

As much as Alyssa annoys me with her flirting that is dialed up to 12 at all times, it would actually be kind of hilarious if this was just her game plan. Like, if she’s coming on so strong because she knows he won’t follow through, but she could still get in his head and both distract and influence his gameplay.

Nah, I’m giving her too much credit. Also, he’s just one vote. She’s just horny.

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Taylor, Brittany and Turner were just speculating about what the show’s intro would be since none of them filmed anything specific for it like casts did in previous seasons. They thought maybe they’re using “the Brady Bunch thing” or when they all had to hold up signs which were blank. They also discussed previous seasons, when the first one was (2000) and why is this season the 24th. It was explained that because of a writers strike they did an extra winter edition. 

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Nicole says that if she wins HOH next week she's putting Michael and Brittany on the block.   If they win the veto (altho they won't, "not while I'm fucking HOH"), then Monte goes out.  She wants Brittany to go because she's a liar.  Well, she's a "F***ing liar," but I'm tired of Nicole's favorite word.  

"I hope I get HOH next week.  I'm going to blow up this whole house." 

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All cameras on Terrance/Nicole. Nicole talking about when she's HOH that door will be locked; she says "I'm 41....." which if I had a nickel for every time I've heard her say that... Terrance agrees that his HOH room would be locked. He'd be in the tub. 

Daniel joins them and Nicole says everything will be fine when they send Monte home next week. 

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You know, I really hope the Leftovers can pull off another blindside for a second week in a row.  Just because I want to see the dumbfounded looks on the faces of Nicole, Alyssa, Indy and Jasmine again.  And see Taylor smirk at Daniel while he explodes and rages that he will NEVER speak to her again.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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10 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

You know, I really hope the Leftovers can pull off another blindside for a second week in a row.  Just because I want to see the dumbfounded looks on the faces of Nicole, Alyssa, Indy and Jasmine again.  

Do you think they will put the pieces together this time? Or will they continue to blame the results on accidents and confusion? I would say nobody’s that dumb, but I’ve spent far too much time watching these people for that.

5 minutes ago, vb68 said:

How sure are we that Terrance is a vote to evict Nicole? Has anybody actually pinned him down?

Terrance knows how the rest of the votes are going, so if he votes for Nicole, it’s just a “sympathy” vote to save face with Daniel. He says he’s on the side of the Leftovers, but I think he’s straddling the line as much as he can.

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10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

How sure are we that Terrance is a vote to evict Nicole? Has anybody actually pinned him down?

Even if he throws her a sympathy or a make it interesting vote, Monte would have to be the tiebreaker. Please nobody on LO flip votes this week, stay strong for a couple more eliminations to exorcise the house and then disband to protect yourself.

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Brittany and Taylor are talking and Brittany's saying that no amount of apologies will be sufficient for not saying anything while Taylor was being abused. Brittany didn't expect that the show would challenge who she was a person. 

Taylor said she was surprised by the way people talk about each other; she said "I'd never condone that." And how hard it is to combine that with playing a game. 

Brittany says that she can't think of people in the jury who would vote for her. She thinks it's important that she and Taylor stick together. 

Taylor said that all she's thinking about is getting rid of Daniel and Nicole. 

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Jasmine likes to put ranch seasoning on top of her spaghetti. 

She has three air fryers at home. They don't use their oven. One time they had people working at the house and her husband threw their dishes into the oven to clear the kitchen, and later Jasmine turned on the oven and burned the plastic dishes and regular dishes. 

She keeps haranguing Monte for not finishing his plate of food that Nicole made. What does she care?

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One of the things about Nicole is you can tell she's been told that she's a "badass" (maybe legitimately so) so many times that it has totally gone to and warped her head. I saw that today when she bragging to Daniel that she told the girls she was a cop. She eats that up and thrives on it.

Columbus Day had the same problem. 

Edited by vb68
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Brittany just told Taylor that Dan Gheesling made this look like so more fun, but it's really not.  Then she says maybe it's just this group. Everything is so personal. 

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10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

...Dan Gheesling laid on the couch and read the Bible for 90% of his time in the house. Yes, so much fun. Woo. Party.

That was BB10. BB14 he pretty much ditched the Bible and was a full-on villain all season.

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7 minutes ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

Callaphera Alyssa was just explaining Foutte to Indy. "These people kept getting blindsided week after week." Indy: "Like us."

LOLOL FOUTTÉ had moments of self-awareness, too, but then they would talk themselves back into believing that everything was fiiiine. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. (I love being able to bust out my Googling skills high school French once per season.)

7 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

That was BB10. BB14 he pretty much ditched the Bible and was a full-on villain all season.

Kids these days, not appreciating the classics.

Edited by Callaphera
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5 minutes ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

Callaphera Alyssa was just explaining Foutte to Indy. "These people kept getting blindsided week after week." Indy: "Like us."

Don't worry, Indy, you'll soon forget this moment of self-awareness!

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