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22 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Daniel got in his head that he knows all this information, so he told Kyle Daniel HAS to use veto now. 

WTF.  Such an idiot.

Somewhere the members of Foutte are laughing their asses off.

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27 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Well, it looks like the backdoor Nicole plan is back on, because Daniel got in his head that he knows all this information, so he told Kyle Daniel HAS to use veto now.  I'm not sure what he thinks he knows, but Kyle/Monte just now in the HOH laughing about how they tried to help him out, but he shot himself in the foot.  And they just went to puppies, so veto ceremony shortly, I guess.

Daniel thinks Monte wants to keep Taylor as a number on Monte's side, but that Monte has realised that Nicole has enough votes to stay causing Monte to lie to Daniel that he doesn't want the veto used b/c Monte is "worried" Nicole will go home. Daniel thinks his genius brain has figured out Monte's lies, and so Daniel is going to use the veto in order to protect Alyssa and Indy (who Daniel thinks are votes on his side) and get rid of Taylor (a vote on Monte's side).

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

So it sounds like Production got in Brittany's ear about this, she's the one who raised the idea to the Leftovers, and now the group of them that were discussing it are all "Yeah! Let's vote out Alyssa, convince Indy to join Michael and Brittany as her new festie besties, and it's totes cool to keep Nicole and Daniel around for another week."

I don’t know why anyone thinks Indy would be so easy to direct. Indy is a wildcard who will gravitate toward whoever she likes at the moment. She also keeps pushing for a kinder, gentler BB, so she can’t be trusted to follow your backstabbing plans. I wouldn’t want to work with Indy.

Alyssa going would be fine with me. This “showmance” is even more boring than the one with last year’s Alyssa, her flirty purrs and giggles are embarrassing, and Kyle’s constant push/pull indecision is making me lose all respect for him. Either do it or end it, please.

I think everyone is at least semi-intrigued by Nicole’s constant mentioning of secrets that she will reveal “later”. Turner seems especially curious. Last night she was hinting at some deep dark family stuff that will come out “in time”. There’s something else involving her ex wife that she promised to reveal in lockdown. And of course the cop stuff, that nobody would care about but she thinks should be guarded as tightly as JASMINE’S TOP SECRET NAIL BUSINESS THAT BEYONCÉ ONCE MENTIONED, SHHH.

Now that Nicole is pretty much on to them, I kind of want them to lull her into complacency and wait to do a real blindside later, when she doesn’t expect it. But that would mean listening to her paranoid rants for at least another week. 

Is there any way we can just ditch them all?? 

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9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Speaking of which, I hate this year’s BRB screen. In past years, you could say “fish” or “bubbles” and it was self explanatory. What am I supposed to say this year, “undefined oblong orange shapes”?

They look like 1950s lamp bases to me. I might start using "lamps."

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23 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Why is Daniel so dumb? He actually got himself and Nicole in a good spot last night.

It wasn't so much Daniel's doing, as it was Michael and Brittney trying to ensure their safety if they get put up.  

Edited by Slider
Missed a word.
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I want an Oktoberfest (which actually starts in mid September in Germany) veto comp with Zingbot in a dirndl blouse, lederhosen and a blonde pigtailed wig. And identifies as they/them. And real beer is used but they can use plant based bratwurst.

Edited by TimWil
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33 minutes ago, OldWiseOne said:

Daniel thinks Monte wants to keep Taylor as a number on Monte's side, but that Monte has realised that Nicole has enough votes to stay causing Monte to lie to Daniel that he doesn't want the veto used b/c Monte is "worried" Nicole will go home. Daniel thinks his genius brain has figured out Monte's lies, and so Daniel is going to use the veto in order to protect Alyssa and Indy (who Daniel thinks are votes on his side) and get rid of Taylor (a vote on Monte's side).

How can someone be overthinking and not using their brain at the same time?

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4 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

With few exceptions this is a terrible cast. I think they are so obsessed with having people from different races and backgrounds that they don't even care if these people know the game. Indy was such a horrible choice, she doesn't even know what she is doing there. At least Paloma and Nicole were willing to play the actual Big Brother game. Jasmine just wanted to sit there and do nothing all day. Turner same, he had no idea what this game is, he just got lucky by winning the HoH and having an alliance fall on his lap. Pooch? Nothing. What are you doing Big Brother? If you don't care for the game anymore just cancel it and let someone else take over.

This is Michael's game to lose at this point with all these useless Idiots.

It's kind of funny how the person you claim was playing the game quit. I don't think different races have anything to do with this describes season 16-22 that did not have very much diversity.

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I hate seeing Nicole and Daniel happy. She told "the girls" she was a cop, and they said "you're such a badass."

So veto wasn't used?


ETA, maybe he did use it? So confused. Taylor doesn't look happy.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Nicole and Daniel are talking about a hypothetical big alliance and how Monte is nervous that there is one because he's not in it. LOL, and Nicole says it's stupid to think that because she would be in it with Alyssa...  She's not that bright.

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I think Joseph was saying he was still sleeping when they went to the ceremony. He said "BB said they were closing the gate" and they cut the feed real fast.

That's funny.

Edited by vb68
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So, Daniel, Alyssa, Indy and Jasmine will vote to keep Nicole

Joseph, Kyle, Michael, Brittany and Turner will vote to send her home. 

Terrance’s vote is irrelevant. In a tie, Monte is the tie breaker.  Nicole is going to be so pissed when she ends up talking to Julie. Daniel is such an idiot. 

Edited by DEL901
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56 minutes ago, Slider said:

Nicole: If they played us, they played us pretty good.

Not to take away from The Leftovers, but that doesn't appear to be very difficult, Nicole.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
forgot an entire word. how, i do not know.
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After the vote, Taylor can join Daniel and Kyle or Indy and Alyssa so if they end up on the block, the Leftovers will have options.  .  

Edited by DEL901
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4 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

So, Daniel, Alyssa, Indy and Jasmine will vote to keep Nicole

Joseph, Kyle, Michael, Brittany and Turner will vote to s3x d her home. 

I would say Kyle probably finds a way to flip Alyssa. She's very flippable.

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Daniel muttering to himself in the storage room, now back in the kitchen. The camer's following him for some reason. Indy's top is not leaving much for the imagination.

I have to say, Daniel using the Veto to put Nicole and Taylor on the block and then feeling proud of himself, seems like something out of I Love Lucy or Flintstones or maybe Barney from Andy Griffith.

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7 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

The Leftovers aren't that bright, either.  I really don't get the praise they seem to be getting here.  They're just lucky that Daniel and Nicole were major idiots this week.

A few seasons ago a group like the Leftovers got together.  I think they were called Fouetté and the leader was Fessy.  They had the majority but every week, someone from their group went home.  Every single time.  The leftovers may not be strategic geniuses, but so far, they are staying united. 

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I have to say, Daniel using the Veto to put Nicole and Taylor on the block and then feeling proud of himself, seems like something out of I Love Lucy or Flintstones or maybe Barney from Andy Griffith.

I was thinking of Wyle E Coyote trying to set a trap.  Lol

Edited by vb68
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Turner looks like he's eating the Slop equivalent of Ry-Krisp.

Turner says he's gained weight on slop. He was 158 at the beginning of the show and is now - 158!! (I wish I was 158.)

Edited by Lamb18
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18 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

The Leftovers aren't that bright, either.  I really don't get the praise they seem to be getting here.  They're just lucky that Daniel and Nicole were major idiots this week.

If they weren't lucky, then Alyssa would be going home, which would be fine for them, too. Not as good as Nicole going home, though, of course. 

I still can't get how Nicole thinks this is a good plan. She is egotistical, but not usually quite this stupid. 

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15 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Taylor is genuinely upset about being on the block yet again but Joseph and Brittany did their best to assure her she wasn’t going anywhere.

I feel for her, but the only other target would be Jasmine and she isn’t worth the energy.  

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29 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I have to say, Daniel using the Veto to put Nicole and Taylor on the block and then feeling proud of himself, seems like something out of I Love Lucy or Flintstones or maybe Barney from Andy Griffith.

Don't you DARE insult Lucy Ricardo!!

Cbs No GIF by Paramount+

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Whoa - the camera must have been knocked by something because suddenly we see what looks like a ceiling with a bunch of wires coming out.

3 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Don't you DARE insult Lucy Ricardo!!

Cbs No GIF by Paramount+

Her tongue looks like a pickle.

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17 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I still can't get how Nicole thinks this is a good plan. She is egotistical, but not usually quite this stupid. 

I know that Daniel is with Nicole wholeheartedly, but if I was Nicole, I would be so skeptical of him. Last week he voted to keep Terrence (major side-eye). This week he convinces her that being on the block is a good idea. Nah, I'd be flipping tables if I was her.

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27 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Taylor is genuinely upset about being on the block yet again but Joseph and Brittany did their best to assure her she wasn’t going anywhere.

Wasn't she so excited about giving a scathing eviction speech last night. One in which she was gonna call out Nicole for the bitch that she has been to her.

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33 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I have to say, Daniel using the Veto to put Nicole and Taylor on the block and then feeling proud of himself, seems like something out of I Love Lucy or Flintstones or maybe Barney from Andy Griffith.

I think we've officially entered Homer S. territory now.


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37 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

A few seasons ago a group like the Leftovers got together.  I think they were called Fouetté and the leader was Fessy.  They had the majority but every week, someone from their group went home.  Every single time.  The leftovers may not be strategic geniuses, but so far, they are staying united. 

I don't think The Leftovers are like Foutte at all. Foutte was truly dumb managing to get themselves evicted week after week. The Leftovers are strategizing. They are not revealing their alliance and managing to manipulate the other side. If anything, I'd compare the group of Nicole, Daniel, Jasmine, Alyssa, and Indy to Foutte. They are managing to get themselves nominated and evicted every week. 

4 minutes ago, Lucas Rowan said:

She still can, especially now that she is on the block again.

I know. I'm saying, why is she being all upset about being nominated. She was accepting the that fact last night and even excited about her speech.

Maybe it's an act. 🤷‍♀️

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10 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

I don't think The Leftovers are like Foutte at all. Foutte was truly dumb managing to get themselves evicted week after week. The Leftovers are strategizing. They are not revealing their alliance and managing to manipulate the other side. If anything, I'd compare the group of Nicole, Daniel, Jasmine, Alyssa, and Indy to Foutte. They are managing to get themselves nominated and evicted every week. 


Sorry, I probably did a poor job expressing myself.  Someone posted that they didn’t think much of the Leftovers strategic capabilities.  I was using Fouetté as an example of what terrible strategy looked like.  I didn’t mean the Leftovers were like Fouetté…in fact, I agree with you that Daniel, Nicole etc. are much closer.  

Edited by DEL901
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Daniel and Nicole are going over the votes.  She's pissed at Monte and says she refuses to talk to him.  Daniel:  Why would you?  He has no power anymore. 

I've been watching this show faithfully for 12 years and I continue to be amazed by Houseguests that NEVER think beyond the current week.  

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Brittany - and I think Michael - were whispering about Nicole and Daniel, then talking about a fake alliance that would include Daniel and Terrence. They were saying after Nicole is voted out, Daniel will be stuck with the three girls and will want to be in with the guys. So there will be a decoy alliance to keep Daniel from joining Leftovers. They could put Jasmine in the decoy alliance.

The feeds are so weird today. The camera switched to the bathroom, there's Jasmine with her scooter. Then suddenly she's gone. Like Bewitched or something. Maybe it's a magic scooter that teleports her from room to room. 

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2 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I've been watching this show faithfully for 12 years and I continue to be amazed by Houseguests that NEVER think beyond the current week.  

Hey, Nicole said it herself last week: they have nothing to worry about, they're safe.

What is she basing that on, you ask? 


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