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I still like Turner with all his awkwardness and his hippie style. I think he has not been mean in the house even when he was talking bad about Taylor's game. I don't think he ever talked badly about someone personally except of course Jasmine who he didn't like. Calling her the muffin Lady was hilarious. I would be happy if he won.

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21 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

I have more faith that Turner votes out Alyssa (if Monte tells him to) over Brittany voting out Alyssa.  Because I think Turner would be terrified of Monte being pissed at him the next week.  Just like he was terrified that Michael might stay and come after him this week.  

Monte already told Turner it’s fine if he wants to vote to keep Alyssa and make him break the tie lol.

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1 hour ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Monte is in a bad position as to any F2 jury vote, save Brittany who has zero shot.  To me, his smartest jury move is to evict Turner and be able to claim he took down the best competitors when it counted most.  Never mind it is by far the best game move to even get to the F2.

Good on BB to enforcing a rule.  Maybe it will help keep the hamsters from flouting house rules going forward.  Ironic that Monte blew the comp while he was ball-involved. 

I actually think Monte beats anyone remaining except for maybe Taylor. Big threats went home on Turner’s HOHes, but not really of his own doing. Besides, I don’t know who would be a vote for him over Monte or Taylor (except for maybe Kyle or Alyssa). Indy and Jasmine blame Alyssa for their evictions, so I don’t know who’s voting for Alyssa. And I don’t think anyone is voting for Brittany in the end.

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Brittany has weirder issues with Taylor than even Monte plus she’s been desperate to be liked by Alyssa all season.

I have never understood stuff like this. "Ooh these girls don't like me, let me make a fool of myself to win their favor, because I need it that desperately." Fuck their favor! For crying out loud, have some self-respect.

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Monte, alone in HOH room talking to the camera.  He is talking about a convo he just had with Brittany.  Monte said B was full of BS and lies.   She was pushing him to put up Turner, but in his monologue he is sounding loyal to his Final 2 with Turner. 

ETA, it sounds like the plan is to take out Alyssa and not Taylor.  Monte says he will tell Turner that he can claim that Monte was pushing him so that Turner could keep Alyssa's jury vote. 

Edited by Thalia
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After the snooze you lose veto this morning, I decided to go back to day 1 on this thread and here are a few interesting 1st impressions from memory lane. Unfortunately primetimer doesn’t allow us to quote from multiple pages on the same post, so I apologize in advance for the format. 

On 7/7/2022 at 1:11 AM, Callaphera said:

So Alyssa? Is like totally shy? But super deep? But like totally shy? And like hasn't shut up? And like she's totally a Swiftie? And like all she talks about is influencing and social media? So I totally hope she gets into a showmance? With Kyle? So I can hate them at the same time like I did with last season's Alyssa and Christian?

On 7/7/2022 at 1:42 AM, Alice Mudgarden said:

I was done with Alyssa in about 3.5 seconds.

(Well you were faster than Kyle.)

@30 Helens:Too soon to tell, but I think I might like Nicole. And the muscle memory in my fingers is protesting over the very typing of that sentence. 

I think we may have our first bromance with Michael and Kyle. They have been inseparable.

And now they, and Monte, are fretting about what to say or not say to not get cancelled.

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@dizzyd I too scanned through early pages recently, when I was up late and the feeds were offering me only Chinese checkers or Terrance snoring (SO MUCH Terrance snoring, night after night! What was the fascination?) It’s really interesting to see how those early perceptions evolved, sometimes a full 180 (Hi, Nicole! My fingers were right!)

Speaking of 180, when I went to sleep last night, Monte and Turner were all smug about their easy week ahead, and how everything was falling into place so easily. BWAHAHAHA. Thank you to the smug eradicator who was this morning’s comp attendance monitor.

I think Turner will vote to keep Alyssa. If it goes to a tie, I think Monte will vote to keep Taylor because he thinks he can manipulate and control her. (I also don’t think he sees her as a F2 threat because she’s just a girl.) So in effect, Brittany  may be this week’s deciding vote! Oh, the irony.

(This is assuming Monte won’t go ahead and nominate Turner. I’m not convinced he won’t. Brodown aside, Turner is the only one Monte sees as F2 competition. He got rid of Michael when he had the chance, why not Turner?)

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14 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

After the snooze you lose veto this morning, I decided to go back to day 1 on this thread and here are a few interesting 1st impressions from memory lane. Unfortunately primetimer doesn’t allow us to quote from multiple pages on the same post, so I apologize in advance for the format. 

Heh. This is why I try not to form hard opinions about anybody too soon. (I started out with high hopes for Nicole, FFS.) Eventually these people all show their asses, and out of the average cast, I wouldn't cross the room to meet half of them, two or three might make me leave the room, and then there are the occasional saving graces like Donny or Taylor, but those only seem to slip through the filter once every two or three seasons.

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So many conversations today and I have no clue who’s going this week. Brittany has been beating everyone down with long talks and they’re taking their toll on her recipients who are also beating themselves up for blowing veto and what could have been an easy elimination. Alyssa’s been crying and playing the “but I’m so adorable and non threatening, keep me” card and it’s worked thus far but I’m sure she’ll be ok with crying her way to jury this week for at least 2 weeks of privacy with Kyle. Turner hoping Monte sticks to his promise of not putting him up. And Taylor being her usual likable self and Monte may just keep her because she’s stressing him out the least. And then there’s production who I think wants Alyssa to win because she’s half of their golden couple and would be their consolation victor after they lost Kyle so who knows what they’re telling these 5 in their DRs. The target is going to change a 1000 times before eviction and that’s entertainment. 

Edited by dizzyd
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I’m at my peak cynical mood right now, because there’s no unicorns in this game. No way does Monte make a move against his bro. Remember, Michael was never really a bro, so Monte going after him is different. And I can easily see him decide at some point this week that Taylor has slighted him in some way and agree to vote her out. Something I see Brittany also being down for. I’m putting it at 70% chance Taylor goes home this week. 

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47 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

So many conversations today and I have no clue who’s going this week. Brittany has been beating everyone down with long talks and they’re taking their toll on her recipients who are also beating themselves up for blowing veto and what could have been an easy elimination. Alyssa’s been crying and playing the “but I’m so adorable and non threatening, keep me” card and it’s worked thus far but I’m sure she’ll be ok with crying her way to jury this week for at least 2 weeks of privacy with Kyle. Turner hoping Monte sticks to his promise of not putting him up. And Taylor being her usual likable self and Monte may just keep her because she’s stressing him out the least. And then there’s production who I think wants Alyssa to win because she’s half of their golden couple and would be their consolation victor after they lost Kyle so who knows what they’re telling these 5 in their DRs. The target is going to change a 1000 times before eviction and that’s entertainment. 

I actually wouldn’t hate an Alyssa win as much as most people would, but Alyssa has gotten practically no content other than her showmance with Kyle and her clueless moments. So I’m not all that convinced she’s production’s favorite.

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7 hours ago, PhoneCop said:

Thanks! My fear, though, is that I’d go in trying to be Britney…but end up playing like Brittany.

Speaking of: I can’t believe she inherited some of Michael’s veto mojo. Maybe he was the one holding her in check and now she’ll comp-beast her way to the end as she spirals into batshit craziness. 

I mean, probably not, but this season keeps surprising. 

Just tell them your friends wanted you to go Stockholm with them instead, but you thought Big Brother would be more fun than Poland. Or maybe it's in Russia?

You'll be in the house before you can finish the sentence.

  • LOL 3

There were so many conversations today but solo ones are more revealing at least in the moment. This was Monte to the cams earlier today:
I don’t know what to say, that conversation with Brittany was complete and total utter BS. Shall we recall what happened. we were sitting here and she tells me she was having a conversation with Taylor that makes her feel like she’s more aware that everything that happened last week. We talked about everything that happened last week and all the information that happened the night before. So that is a lie. There is no new information that Taylor could have shared that would have anything to do with Turner and Alyssa. She felt like she got NEW information from Taylor. There’s no NEW information I talked through everything with her last night. So that is nonsense. She just talks SO MUCH its like.. there’s so many lies it’s hard to remember. Real hard lies coming out of her there. Then we get into the conversation of next week and what this decision I have signifies in her opinion. She talks about how we were solid in BIG BRO CHELLA and how we established the final four and after Michael left a final 3. We never got into a room and did an official final 3. Nothing like that. Just the fact that Michael went home is why they are bringing up this final 3 thing. She says me putting up Turner would signify to them. .. to her at least that I am truly in their final 3 I am not prioritizing Turner. So I sit here and say to myself.. OKAY.. that is a reasonable thing to say but the funny part is she mentions that next week there is only one person that decides the vote.. SO if you don’t do this she threatens me saying that person that has the vote might not keep you because you didn’t do this action to establish trust right now. OKAY so threats in the game are one way to go about things. She clearly doesn’t know shit about me.. then she brings up the fact that all she needs is.. She’s fine with second place and it really doesn’t matter who she’s sitting next to she feels like she’s crap in Jury.. She is crap in jury that is true. To bring up personal stuff as a reason why you would be fine with certain thing is another sign of manipulation that I can’t believe. I don’t respect honestly. I don’t bring up my personal stuff in game conversations around why people should do things in regards to my game. WE just talk as people. What was the other thing. there was so much she brought in that was nonsense. Ohh she brought up the final 2 thing with Turner and saying that Turner keeps saying he’s really tight with me. Alyssa saying the same thing. I do have a final 2 with Turner that is a fact but.. she doesn’t need to know that at the end of the day I am very openminded with how this game goes logically why would I get rid of Turner this week when he has a much larger target on his back and he’s tight with me so I wouldn’t be the target. She even told me that would make sense. She’s clearly not trusting me there were so many red flags in this conversation it just makes it even more apparent she needs to be on the first way out of here. I’m just not respecting her game right now sitting next to her in a final 2 I guess would be ideal maybe that is a logical path she’s also pretty good at these mental comps. She knows about Big brother she’s a fan it’s not as if these things will go over her head she will be prepared for these. Monte has a laugh at the suggestion he put Turner on the block and ‘Trust and believe ” Brittany he wouldn’t be on the block next week.

So Taylor definitely going up which means Turner will vote her out and Brittany can go either way and if a tie, ? 

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Apparently veto comp involved different size wheels and plugging something in at the end.

8 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Ok Brittany has mentioned wanting 40k to have IVF treatments for awhile. And ... how can anyone's budget for IVF treatments rely on a game show? 

I don’t think she’s relying on the game $ for IVF, isn’t her dad CEO of AT&T or something? She’s just trying to use the empathy factor to advance. 

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13 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Ok Brittany has mentioned wanting 40k to have IVF treatments for awhile. And ... how can anyone's budget for IVF treatments rely on a game show? 

2 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I don’t think she’s relying on the game $ for IVF, isn’t her dad CEO of AT&T or something? She’s just trying to use the empathy factor to advance. 

Didn't she work for Microsoft at one point?  And, she's already said on the feeds that she and her hubby have paid off all their student loans already.  I'm not buying the idea that she needs game $ for IVF either.

Turner wants to evict Taylor because he knows he can’t beat her. Out of everyone, I think he best understands how her journey will impact her chances in F2.

I’m not sure Turner is as devoted to Monte as Monte is to him, though. For one, he doesn’t have that pure Bro mentality. He’s also more pragmatic. I think his ideal F2 would be with Alyssa. Barring that, I think he knows he’d have a better chance against Brittany, but the question is, could he stand to live with her that long. This is all just my supposition. Turner’s strategy has been consistently difficult to read.

The most eye rolling part of that Monte monologue above was his absolute conviction that Taylor would NEVER hold anything back from him, and therefore Brittany MUST be lying. He really sees Taylor as nothing more than a brainless twit and his puppet.

Edited to add: All the more reason I want him to save her this week and then for her to take him down right after. That’s the kind of twist this season needs.

Edited by 30 Helens
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I think Turner is about a bro down personally. His first ally was Pooch for fucks sake! He was all in for The Pound. But he is quick to toss any ally to the side if he’s told to lol. I just don’t see him taking Taylor or Brittany over Monte. Hell, I could even see him actually voting Alyssa out this week if Monte pushes him.

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Omg so tedious! Taylor knows her ass is on the line yet she’s the one telling Brittany to chill and the overplaying flea is just not getting it. It’s like she’s itching for Taylor to respond with something incriminating that she can then use against her. Taylor needs sainthood for enduring this. B just doesn’t have an off switch. Bb needs to give these guys a fly swatter or some Frontline.

Eta: for anyone not watching, this conversation has been going on for over an hour and is primarily one-sided. 

Edited by dizzyd
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Brittany stewing about how Monte needs to put up Turner but won’t. Taylor trying to pretend that she’s listening, but sighing the sigh of someone who knows bros are gonna bro and she’s on the block. The thing with Brittany is, she has good reads. She has good ideas. But there’s something about her way of articulating her thoughts which is just SO annoying, people can’t get past their annoyance to deal with her. Myself included, quite frankly.

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Anyone following what’s going on coz I’m not understanding either conversation.

B suggested not using POV to gain Monte’s trust. Surely I heard wrong because she may have a lot of flaws but she’s not Marcellus. She even said something about giving Monte her wedding ring to gain his trust. I wasn’t paying close attention because she’s still talking but this is just whack. 

And monte asking Turner to convince B to vote out Taylor while Turner will act like he’s voting out Alyssa and set up the tie.  

Edited by dizzyd
54 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Apparently he threatened Taylor's life or something. 

After Terrance apparently did a 180 and started praising Taylor in his exit interviews? (I didn't read them because I give zero shits about Terrance's opinions.)

I dunno, I know I'm that person when it comes to the conspiracy theories but I find it kinda sus that everyone who hated Taylor in the house, would turn so that their backs were to her during a conversation, said the shittiest things... almost immediately start praising her and her (lack of) game as soon as they get out to do their exit interviews. It's weird and it makes me think that somehow these exiting HGs are getting some sort of heads up - direct or indirect - and pivoting to save their social media lives.

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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

SpoilerGirl says Terrance is in big trouble with production. 

She must have deleted the specific Terrance tweet(s).  All I see on her feed is a tweet about a jury member being in hot water with production.

eta:  Although Michael's exit interview with Julie has been released, I don't see Terrance's.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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6 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Said not very many nice things about women, for starters.  In fact, quite often.  Especially about Taylor.  He has an obsession with evicting her that I just don't get.

Game talk is different than personal talk. Wanting to evict someone is not bad. It means he is afraid of her winning in the end.

I have seen nothing bad said about women by Turner except that he wants to remain loyal to the Pound, but that's not something against the women.

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Speaking of early hamster assessments that turned out to be wrong, wrong, wrong....I had high hopes with Terrance.  Yes, as the oldest and a minority he had two major strikes against him, but I thought his job as a bus driver would give him people skills and the ability to read a room and defuse personality driven situations.

Turns out.......not so much.

I could take some solace in my erroneous reading to say that Terrance did go deeper in the game than his original double strike of race and age would ordinarily warrant, but really his longevity is more due to sloth camouflage than any sort of strategery.

The fact that he turned out to be a major asshole disappoints, but does not surprise me.

I'm also likewise disappointed in Brittany.  I thought she'd be a better player.  I mean, in a way she had a great strategy--find a strong player and cling hard--but she forgot she has to be an equal in that relationship and work her own contingencies.  At least she's now trying some endgame jury management, but why?  It isn't like she's gonna need it.

So, my pre-game favs suck.

I'm all in on a Taylor or Turner win now.

Taylor would be satisfying as a bully victim revenge, and so nice people can be rewarded.  She's by far my number one. 

Turner wouldn't bug, because personal hygiene aside, he's actually been trying to play the game.  Sometimes it is a weasel game, but...eh.  He's a freaky and quirky dude, so not really a CBS "ready for prime time" avatar to parade around, so I like that.

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45 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I could take some solace in my erroneous reading to say that Terrance did go deeper in the game than his original double strike of race and age would ordinarily warrant, but really his longevity is more due to sloth camouflage than any sort of strategery.

Sloth Camouflage will be the name of my garage band. It's a perfect description of him. 

42 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

I called the Brittany Crazy Eyes the night of the premiere.  She has NOT disappointed in that regard, lol.

For me it was the rocking back and forth. She kept things together a lot longer than I thought she would. 

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