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10 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think Michael is way overestimating how much Turner will care.

Also, Michael, dude, "I kept this in my backpocket this whole time" looks TERRIBLE for you, as well, so it's not as great of a weapon as you think it is.

"Kyle's all-White plan is SO horrific that I...kept it a secret and kept playing with Kyle this whole time until I was in danger in the game." I mean, come on, dude.

5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Turner would presumably know that America knows that Michael ALSO knew this for all of this time and did jack shit about it until he was in danger.

Oh man, I hate when that shit happens on BB, and people start to try to vilify the people they fucked over. It's so gross.

Except that Michael DID pretty broadly hint at Kyle's suggested all-White plan to Turner back when Kyle first started suggesting it a few weeks ago.  It isn't a good look, for either of them. 

Though, I do think you're right that Turner probably won't care as much about it as Michael thinks he will.  Turner's been only too willing to bro down this entire time - first with Pooch, then with Kyle, Joe & Monte.  So, as far as Turner is concerned, he isn't the racist and he saved Taylor too.  

1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

OK, I kind of need Michael to win the veto now just to watch the shitshow of an aftermath Michael seems to want to give me. I mean, I’m still not rooting for his ass, but I’ll enjoy the hell out of it if he manages to blow up Kyle’s spot. At least a tiny bit. 

Yeah, I do agree that it would be fun to watch in a trainwreck sort of way. I just can't get over the guy being so smug about his position on this. Like it's this poker chip he has. Blech. 

6 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

It's a big contrast from Hannah's constant quizzing of everyone last year. 

I also remember Vanessa and her alliance doing nightly study sessions. 

1 minute ago, choclatechip45 said:

My only concern about Michael winning veto is that Taylor goes home. I know he said he would use the veto on her, but it makes me nervous. I also can't stand Brittany. 

He’s using it on Taylor bc he feels the house won’t waste an HoH on Brittany. Not a bad plan.

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2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

OK, I kind of need Michael to win the veto now just to watch the shitshow of an aftermath Michael seems to want to give me. I mean, I’m still not rooting for his ass, but I’ll enjoy the hell out of it if he manages to blow up Kyle’s spot. At least a tiny bit. 

I don't.  I'm fine with anyone winning veto but him.  I'd rather see him go out in a blaze of glory next Thursday, blowing up Kyle's game in his "on the block" speech.  That would cause the most chaos for production because they've shown NOTHING of KKKyle on the broadcasts and average viewers would be all WTF?!?  Heck, I'd be down with Brittany confirming everything in her "on the block" speech and asking to be evicted because Michael's the only one who can take on KKKyle and evict his racist ass from the BB House.  Now, THAT would be #TeamFeeds gold!

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9 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

I don't.  I'm fine with anyone winning veto but him.  I'd rather see him go out in a blaze of glory next Thursday, blowing up Kyle's game in his "on the block" speech.  That would cause the most chaos for production because they've shown NOTHING of KKKyle on the broadcasts and average viewers would be all WTF?!?  Heck, I'd be down with Brittany confirming everything in her "on the block" speech and asking to be evicted because Michael's the only one who can take on KKKyle and evict his racist ass from the BB House.  Now, THAT would be #TeamFeeds gold!

Yeah, I think going to Turner is a bad move because all Turner would care is if he was included and, since he was, he'll just go to Kyle and laugh about it. It's why I want him to do it as a speech at the POV meeting...harder to edit around it. Live TV would be great, but that would be crazy, and do no good because they would just say it was Michael being bitter.

If Michael DOES win veto and goes to Turner, one thing that will bug Turner is that Michael CAN play for HOH next week and if Kyle wins veto, Turner will be the backup plan. Openly siding with Kyle might be more than Turner can handle.

So, I DO want Michael to win, just to see how Turner responds. I think he responds by throwing Monte on the block, but if Michael is willing to let Britt go, they might be able to pull Terrence in and send Britt out.

3 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I don't get villifying someone you voted out as some sort of "justification" as though that makes you look good. It's a game! Just call it what it is: a game move! How is that worse than being an asshole for no reason?


Find a powerless target and unify around hating that target, especially by claiming victimization status. It's how Kyle operates in the real world and he kept hunting for a team that would reflect that back to him in this house. It's how he has built every alliance and why he dumped anyone that didn't buy into his victimhood. (They wanted to make me betray my showmance who was ot I the alliance. How could they do that t me???)

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Looking at feeds muted - POV must not have started yet? Anyhow it looks like Alyssa, Kyle and Turner are having a fun time reading the ingredients of first Cheez-Its, and second, Little Debbie Honey Buns. Turner is wearing Kyle's baby blue bucket hat and looks quite debonair. Michael's standing around. Brittany's doing something, probably dishes or cleaning up. 

Now it's WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK. OK feeds coming back. The four small camera views above the main view always lets me know what's coming up next. All cameras are on the kitchen, but each one has a different view. Camera 3 is focused on Turner. Oh gosh, his coffee mug matches Kyle's powder blue bucket hat that he's wearing. Kyle is doing his Linus impression by draping a brown blanket around his shoulders, wearing sunglasses.

LOL - for once, Kyle said something smart.  Even Michael agrees, after a few seconds thought, that eating a Hot Pocket before Veto is probably not a good idea.

ETA - looks like Brittany fixed a quesadilla.  And now I want to order Baja Fresh for delivery, but I already did that once this week, so I probably shouldn't.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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Now a closeup of Kyle with that blanket around his head and shoulders. He looks like he's sporting a long-eared poodle costume. Camera 3 gives us a break and shows Michael instead. Kyle has more fun reading the ingredients on a Honey Buns box. Maybe Kyle is trying for a Honeybuns clip similar to Taylor's with Lay's.

All cameras on Brittany crying as she talks to someone, probably Taylor. Nope, Alyssa. Alyssa moves fast, she was just in the kitchen.

2 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Admittedly, I haven't had the feeds on a lot today, but I've yet to see Taylor.   But maybe I should be happy about that, since all I've read here is how people are gaslighting her about Joseph.  

Taylor likes to hang out in the tiki room and talk to the camera so she might be up there.

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5 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Good god, the only reason to engage in an extended conversation with Alyssa (like Brittany is doing right now) is to gather intel out of her big ol’ blabbermouth. The rest are empty calories.

Yes, and Button Boy just cut away as Brittany was setting up the "secret" she and Michael have been keeping.  She's definitely laying the groundwork for Michael to blow KKKyle out of the water post-veto.

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18 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:


LOL - Kyle can't stand Joseph because he was playing a better double agent game.  Jealous much there, Kyle?  

Also, I think this recapper is missing some context in what Kyle is saying regarding Monte - I don't think Kyle means that Monte was actually a villain, only that he allowed the other side of the house to perceive him in that way, because it benefitted the LOs for the other side to believe that Monte was the "biggest threat/target" of three successive HOHs, none of whom had any intention of going after Monte.  As long as he was still there, the other side of the house perceived him as "the villain" and they were so hyper-focused on Monte that it deflected from the true LO plans.  Now, I'm not sure Alyssa understands this entirely, but seeing the whole conversation and how Kyle came to say what he said would be useful.

And now, I need to go shower, because I feel gross defending Kyle.

5 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Feeds back. Michael won POV. Lol let the chaos begin!

Do we know if it was Zingbot?  Their clothes are all pretty messy from the POV.  

ETA - sounds like it was slip & slide?

Edited by HighQueenEB
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I am so fucking choked by the decision to make that comp a Veto now. There is nothing I love more than watching the assholes fall on their microphone packs live and they keep taking that little piece of happiness away from me. Yes, I'm evil and want to see people hurt themselves on a comp, they usually deserve it at this point.

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There was no cash prize this time around but it sounds like there was a movie screening which yay, there goes 10 minutes of a 40 minute show dedicated to HGs pretending that they liked the shitty movie they're being forced to watch.

Monte is complain-joking about the fact that they gave him super tight pants for the comp and he's not blaming his losing the comp on them buuut...

2 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

LOL Monte made a funny about his pitch for not going up: "You can always go wth the Jasmine pitch. It's my birthday summer. My birthday year."

That was about watching the movie, not the block.

Edited by Callaphera
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11 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Apparently Michael didn't fall once. Jesus. Alyssa did horrible.

Michael is in the bathroom talking to Kyle and Brittany - he said that he fell at least 2-3 times.  And he's comparing his technique for this to walking on his toes when there's ice during the winter, to keep from falling.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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12 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I mean, give it up to Michael. NEVER would have called him winning the slip and slide. He clearly needs to win almost all the comps at this point, but he just might pull it off.

Yeah, it's extremely impressive. Comp beasting is HARD. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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At this point I think Michael deserves the win. Turner did a 180 for me this week and lost that spot. I don’t usually like a lopsided season where theres clearly 1 front runner but got to give it to Michael, he played hard and earned it. There’s no one else I like for the win, maybe Monte would be my 2nd fav but you’re all saying Monte is out this week since Michael made himself unavailable. Taylor can get AFP but she wasn’t good at the game. Hope Kyle goes next week. If Michael wins HoH and takes out Kyle he deserves both rewards. 

ETA: Michael was the last pick by Brittany for veto. They’re saying Alyssa took the most falls but Monte and Turner had the gnarliest because Alyssa wasn’t going fast. Kyle wants credit for the win because he talked Michael out of eating a hot pocket before comp and was in his opinion a great side line pep talker 🖕🖕

Edited by dizzyd
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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

So Monte is going to be up and out? 

Probably.  Brittany just asked Michael if he was going to use the veto on her and he said yes, he just needs to talk to Monte & Taylor first.  It sounds like he's going to use the KKKyle Whites-Only plan info with Turner and force Turner to make a decision about how he wants to look with America.

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4 minutes ago, lilabennet said:

Turner is a performative gen-Zer so that might actually work.  So I guess this means Michael is all in on a Monte, Taylor, Brittany final four?

I would be, if I were him.  It's not like Monte or Taylor are comp beasts, but they're at least loyal to him & Brittany - far moreso than the other four left in the house.  They'll both target Kyle next week, once he tells them about KKKyle's plans.

I hadn't thought about Turner in the way you describe, but it's a very apt assessment.  It could work - we'll see.  If he does perform, he stands a chance of having a greater influence over every single POC left in the house.

6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

If they're gonna keep cutting the feeds away every time Michael talks about exposing the Cookout 2.0 thing, I'm gonna go take a nap.


From what I could gather of the tail-end of the conversation Michael/Brittany were having in the atomic bubble room...  They're going to talk to Monte/Taylor first and explain why they are only just now coming forward with this information - play it that this transcends game (though the timing is awfully convenient, ain't it?).  If they're receptive, then they're going to approach Alyssa and spill all.  Turner is the last one they plan on talking to, based on how the rest of the conversations go, so, by process of elimination, Terrance will be told after Alyssa.

They were also discussing who Michael is bringing with him to the movie prize - Alyssa is on the list and someone else (not Kyle) from the Dyrefest crew, and I think one of either Monte or Taylor as the 4th person.

ETA - Kyle's whining in the bathroom to Alyssa about how he "just wants to go to the movie" and she says "you're not going".  Gawd, he's such a spoilt, vile, man-child.  You just know he's going to be that husband who is DYING every time he catches a common cold and needs to be waited on hand and foot by the missus.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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4 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

They're going to talk to Monte/Taylor first and explain why they are only just now coming forward with this information - play it that this transcends game

It's so fucking disgusting. Kyle sucks and his racist shit sucked, as well, but handling it this way is sooooo gross, as well. To try to use this shit as fucking STRATEGY is disgusting, and Michael should feel ashamed. 

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

It's so fucking disgusting. Kyle sucks and his racist shit sucked, as well, but handling it this way is sooooo gross, as well. To try to use this shit as fucking STRATEGY is disgusting, and Michael should feel ashamed. 

Oh, I agree 10000000% and I said as much last week when it became apparent that's what Michael's intent was with this information.  It pisses me off because it is so gross and offensively callow and cynical on his part.

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Literally, all it takes is Monte (not Taylor, I love the girl but she's not always the quickest) asking "So why didn't you say anything before?"

It's super gross because you have Kyle with the racism, you have Turner with the performative allyship, and now you have Michael trying to be the white savior figure but only because his game was threatened. Like what?

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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's such a bad plan and it's so easy for Kyle to spin and weasel his way out. I can't see this ending well for Michael.

Well, I can't see Kyle spinning this well at all.  But, it will succeed in making all three of them (Kyle, Michael & Brittany) look terrible.  The person who benefits from this is Turner.  Any way you shake this, he gets out a "big threat" this week - whether it's Monte or Kyle is irrelevant, and the focus of the rest of the HGs is probably on whomever is left of those two plus Michael & Brittany.  Turner's gonna coast to at least F4 with this plan, lol.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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The hilarious thing is that Monte going up and out is WHAT MICHAEL WANTED before he realized that HE was Turner's target, and not Monte. So then suddenly, "Oh man, Monte, I just have to unload this burden on my soul about Kyle's racism" when he was TOTALLY willing to go along with Turner and Kyle (and, ergo, Kyle's racism) when he thought he was still on their side. 

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