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All Episodes Talk: Save the drama for your mama ... and sisters.

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Lord knows I don't like Tamar, but I was so looking forward to the mama bear beatdown coming to the stage interlopers. Trini got played big time. She knew the thing was a disaster in the making but she fell for it and because she got hurt in Tamar's rampage, she wouldn't even speak up that she warned them; even when Towanda's lying ass was claiming she had no idea that this would cause trouble. Of course Towanda said in her TH that she would never say this was a bad idea. It worked exactly to her plan.

Edited by Iguessnot
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Trina, Traci and Towanda showed themselves to be spoiled brats.  For Trina to be all "Toni always shared her stage with us" as if that justifies what they did was ridiculous.  Tamar is not obligated to do what Toni did.  Toni did absolutely pave the way for them (yes, she did, Tamar) but that does not mean that Tamar has to follow suit.  If Tamar owes anybody anything, she would owe it to Toni and Toni isn't asking.  Not to mention that Toni has expressed that it has stressed her out over the years to have to carry her sisters on  her back.  Why would they want to visit that same stress on Tamar?  She doesn't owe them anything and the sisters have made it clear that they're the kind of folks who take a mile if you give them an inch.

In S1 when Toni would whine about not having anything to herself and wanting to go out on her own, I would roll my eyes at the screen. I really didn't get it. How much of a burden could it possibly be to hire your sisters as background singers? Hell, you need background singers anyway, why not use your sisters. It's a benefit to Toni as well since she had people behind her that could blend with her voice perfectly because they had been harmonizing since childhood. I really didn't get it.


Now I get it. It's not that Toni's middle sisters wanted a bit of help in starting their own careers by earning money as background singers and being introduced to people in the business (that seems to be all Tamar wanted), they wanted to share in Toni's shine. I watched Toni's Vh1 Behind the Music, and the sisters were put up in the good hotels like Toni instead of the regular hotels like the band. They were Toni's opening act for a while. They flew first-class with Toni instead of coach with the band. When Toni walked the red carpet, the sisters were right there. Tamar seems to have always wanted her own shine, but the middle sisters seem to always want to share in Toni's (and now Tamar's) shine. While Tamar has always worked toward a solo career, I believe that the middle sisters have always wanted and dreamed of being a Mary Wilson in a Braxton girl group. They don't have the confidence, charisma, or the creative talent to do it on their own. The rental house situation proved it. I haven't heard of any of the middle sisters writing songs in their entire careers, which is why their time in the rental house was wasted without the creative input from Tamar or Toni.


Evelyn makes the whole situation worse for Toni. She inserts herself in their sisterhood and their careers and pushes her agenda for the sisters to be in a group together and have equal success - which puts a lot of pressure on Toni who doesn't want to disappoint her mother, but also doesn't want to be responsible for grown ass women or be in a girl group with them. 


I know I've said it before, but it can't be said enough - fuck that quack "Dr." Sherry. She ain't doing shit but making the bickering worse by validating mean girl behavior and the mean girl's sheep.


Their sisterhood is not going to get any better until they 1) fire Sherry, 2) have the courage to tell their mother to back off, 3) have Tamar disappear for a while so they can't use her as their scapegoat for their problems, and 4) have Toni disappear for a while so she can't be their savior and their worlds can't revolve around her.



I hope Tamar doesn't come back for another season of this. Just do your own show, make your music and be done with these women for awhile. Let them share the stage with Toni and mess up her shows.

I do and I don't want her to come back next season. It's probably best for Tamar that she doesn't come back. She's gotten all that she's gonna get out of this series. She has a successful career, a booked tour, a talk show, and all the attention she will ever need to transform her 15 minutes of reality fame into a lasting career. Tamar has played the reality show game like a boss and she's come out better than any other reality personality (well, maybe not better than Bethanny Frankel, but close). She doesn't need this show anymore. If she wants attention for her next album, she can do another season of T&V.


On the other hand, for purely selfish reasons, I want Tamar to stay because I doubt this show will be picked up for another season without Tamar and I want to see Traci grow professionally now that she is finally stepping out there and I want to see Trina work through her issues with Gabe and grow her Bar Chix business and maybe get her band back together. These storylines aren't compelling enough on their own for a network to greenlight another season, so they need Tamar (Toni's interesting, but she's too private to fuel the show).

Edited by WimminWinning
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Tracy: whoa girl. When I saw the cover for her single, I couldn't really decide why I didn't like it. It just struck me on a visceral level that the energy was not right. Now it makes sense. All that complaining during her photoshoot for her own album proved to me that she does not want to do the work it takes to be a star but wants the glory and fame. When she was recording her single, she showed up to the studio with a hangover and a raspy voice. Plus she was really disrespectful to the producer. She can't dance choreography and doesn't even try. Now, her photo shoot for a career she claims she wanted more than she wanted air itself, she is not in the correct vibe, doesn't know how to turn it on, and complains about everything a little thing. Plus she was overwhelmed and over posed in all her photos. It was also interesting that she knew she was having a photo shoot for several weeks, but only decided to go to the gym a few days prior to get her body tight. It is obvious from this that she is not star material at all. I laughed when the guy was telling her that she was going to be the one to take it over the top out of all the Braxton sisters.

Toni: has always had a double standard in the family because she was the main breadwinner for a while. Maybe this is also part of the reason why Toni has had so many financial problems. When you start to pay your family, they end up siphoning all of your money for their livelihood. It's obvious that Towanda did this for a very long time---probably longer than the other 3 did. Evelyn feeling upset by Toni's abortion...she needs to pump her brakes. Evelyn has always believed herself to be the disciplinarian and expects her daughters to maintain a high moral code. If Toni got an abortion it was probably because she was pregnant outside of wedlock and did not want her mother to be embarrassed by that fact. I was a hardcore Toni fan, until I started watching this show. Her behavior and portrayal on BVF has opened by eyes the same way MaryMary opened my eyes.

The Tamar Surprise

Trina: Why did she go along with that BS? She knew that it was a bad idea and should have excluded herself or given Tamar the heads-up. Why is she only speaking up about it in her TalkingHead? Why can't she follow her own intuition?

Towanda: when she first talked about it in her talking head, she looks almost like Maleficence. The way she rolled her eyes and had her hands up was really evil. Then she kept wagging her F U finger as she was talking about how 'great' the surprise was. You can tell that she had a nefarious scheme in mind. Her reasons for this surprise were obviously to throw her sister off and ruin her show. Plus Towanda wanted to be onstage in Atlanta, their hometown and get some star-shine. Now they are free styling? Changing the dance moves and not following the choreography? Not only did she want to throw her off, she wants to outshine Tamar at her own concert? And then suggesting that they should not let Tamar's real dancers on the stage? Talk about evil.

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Watching the aftermath of the Hot Sugar dance...wow, these heifers are delusional. They made a joke of her entire show! Tamar was pissed, and rightfully so. Not only did they appear from the wrong side, they crowded the stage, and even at one point stood completely in front of Tamar, the STAR! Omg! They did not know what they were doing at all, and ruined the aesthetics completely. If they had talked to her about wanting to be on stage, Tamar could have found a way to include them in the program so it did not look ratchet. Even the fans didn't like it. That was the peak of the show, and ruining that moment obviously threw off the energy and flow to the rest of the show. The fans were probably wondering if the sisters were going to come back, so even the fans got distracted.

Beyoncé does not let just anybody run out on her stage. Toni includes her sisters in the show, but it's all preplanned and rehearsed. Flash bombing someone's show is not cool. Especially when you know how hard they have worked to put it all together. Doing that is the ultimate disrespect to an artist. Even when Lil Mama ran up on the stage at the end of Alicia Keys and Jay-Z's performance at the video music awards, you could tell Jay-Z was super pissed. Lil Mama's career has never recovered from that. Tamar has a right to be pissed, upset, and angry. I sure would have been that and a lot worse. I would have found them where they were hiding in their dressing room, cussed them the eff out, maybe gotten physical, and personally kicked them out.

In that hour, Tamar probably went through the 5 stages of loss and grief. Denial (double look as if she couldn't believe it), Anger (when she threw the water bottle), Bargaining (when she said in the mic, 'you might as well come up here'), Depression (when she went back to her dressing room, probably cried, railed, and broke down), and Acceptance. She had to go through most of that onstage in the middle of her biggest show. The Braxton Sisterhood is officially dead.

Of course they should have got kicked out. Her team probably did that to protect their artist. How is she going to smile and put on a happy face when it was such a bad situation? Tamar was probably crying her eyes out and didn't even realize until way later. And why should Tamar be the one to apologize? They need to go sit over in the corner with their bullshit hurt feelings. And for Toni to act like what they did was okay...what a cop out. Tamar kicked them out because they messed up her show. I rewatched their so-called performance on a loop four times. Stop the madness! They did not dance at all. And Towanda acting like she wasn't the mastermind, and that why is 'Tamar all upset about is supporting her'. Wow...they really are cray to think what they did was nice. Hope after watching this episode, the sisters will see how ridiculous they looked and how they made mockery out of Tamar's show.

Once again it's all Tamar's fault. So over this travesty. They really have no respect for her artistry. Even the faces Towanda was making during the 'performance', so clownish. And she loved it when she was front and center dancing right in front of Tamar. Towanda claimed that 30-seconds specifically to ruin the show. Probably because she was jealous that Tamar was even having a wonderful show, and not 'sharing' the stage with her. And asshat Towanda 'never' acknowledging that it was a horrible idea. Even Dr. Sherry said it was a bad surprise. What a bunch of mean stupid girls. Dr. Sherry doesn't hold people accountable and just tries to smooth things over, that was a stupid session. They need to get Iyanla to come fix their lives.

The sisterhood is total bullshit. The girls poured kerosene on it, danced around like deranged hippies, and lit it on fire. Led by the malicious puppet master who is so jealous of her sister, she can't see straight, aka Towanda. Next week looks like more drama. Tamar needs to step back, ditch this show, and let this train-wreck run it's course. As soon as she quits the family album project,/single project, Toni will find a reason to quit too (since she never wanted to do it anyway). Obviously the three other sisters have no marketing pull and the project will not climb the charts like they think it will. For a bunch of people so desperate for success, they should stop ganging up against a key factor to their potential futures.

Toni does have a bigger fan base, but Tamar has a growing, eclectic, younger, more current fan base. Combining the two fan bases makes a lot of sense and will be a key factor to the success of the BFV project. Toni acting like her decisions are the best, and she is the decision maker on the BFV project is annoying. If she was so great at the music industry, she would have attained and retained more heights of success than she currently has.

Toni is so grrrrrr, I just want to shake her...omg! She claims that she had an exclusive Motown contract, but then throws it in Tamar's face that Interscope didn't offer the BFV's a deal. Even if Interscope (or any other label) had offered them a record deal, Toni had previously stated that she would not take it since she is exclusive to Motown. So why is that even a point? Plus, the Motown deal obviously still requires some upfront capital from the Braxton's, ---that doesn't sound like a good deal to me. The rest have limited disposable income, so the coin will come out of mostly Tamar (and maybe Toni's) pocket. Tamar feels that if she is going to be putting up some money, they might as well go Independent and have more creative control. Reasonable request, but as always it turns into a fight.

Then the real tea comes out, the girls are still hurt about getting kicked out of the concert. It's once again 4:1 even though Toni wasn't even there, she has picked a side. No wonder Tamar feels ganged up on. I get now why she just says her piece and walks out. Give those who don't appreciate your presence the gift your absence. Plus she has so many other amazing things going on for her right now. She can't get too caught up in BFV drama that she loses focus on her solo career, amazing talkshow, and other opportunities. Let the haters hate. Do you and keep shining girl.

Edited by Spiderella2
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Did a long post, but iPad froze (PoS IOS 8, this has been happening since the update) and it got lost.

Long and short: Towonda, is an evil B who is manipulating everyone and sitting back and loving the fall-out.. Tamar is 80% right. Toni did pave the way for Tamar, who better check herself because she could easily find that sans reality show, there are no Tamartians. Trina needs to get out of her feels because she knew before and during the show that they were wrong. Mama Evelyn needs to stay out her of her daughters lives because it's not about her.

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Did a long post, but iPad froze (PoS IOS 8, this has been happening since the update) and it got lost.

Long and short: Towonda, is an evil B who is manipulating everyone and sitting back and loving the fall-out.. Tamar is 80% right. Toni did pave the way for Tamar, who better check herself because she could easily find that sans reality show, there are no Tamartians. Trina needs to get out of her feels because she knew before and during the show that they were wrong. Mama Evelyn needs to stay out her of her daughters lives because it's not about her.


I don't think Tamar really believes what she said in that moment. She was backed into a corner and she was trying to fight her way out.


Trina was invalidating Tamar and her experience in the business. Tamar was making very valid points about how this album/single should be made and put out, but the sisters would never take advice from Tamar, so instead of refuting the ideas Tamar had by bringing better ideas (which the middle sisters couldn't do because they have little experience and Tamar's proposal was solid) Trina instead tried to invalidate Tamar as not being worthy of giving an opinion by saying that Toni is the veteran who paved the way for Tamar and thus Toni's proposal should be used. That would infuriate me too because Trina wasn't saying that Tamar's idea was bad, Trina said that Toni paved the way in order to make the argument that Tamar herself wasn't good enough to have an opinion. If cooler heads prevailed, Tamar could have responded to Trina's invalidation of her by saying that the sisters should think through which proposal would give them more coins, not which proposal came from the more experienced or the more novice artist. But in the anger of feeling invalidated, Tamar lashed out and denied Trina's very true assertion that Toni paved the way.


This has been a long time coming. The sisters have been invalidating every suggestion Tamar has made about this album and really, Tamar has been right so far. She suggested that they get a producer first and find some direction while Toni wanted everyone to come together and write first and then let the direction creatively find itself and then hire a producer. What did they do? The took Toni's advice and got a house to write together and nothing got accomplished. When the middle sisters were together for a month, they did nothing, and when they all got together, they did nothing but fight. They needed a producer to lead them. Tamar is also right about the label/independent thing. Toni sat at that table and said that the label pays for everything, but that's not true. They essentially give you a loan and you pay them back - plus more. 


Tamar needs Vince around. First, the sisters can't pull that "you're on that new new" shit to invalidate Tamar if the proposal is coming from both Tamar and Vince because clearly Vince is a veteran. Second, Vince has a way of calming Tamar down so she can respond to situations with a cool head instead of lashing out with anger when she feels disrespected. Like the model fitting last week, Tamar felt disrespected - like what she had to say about the dancers' costumes wasn't being heard and it was her show. Her natural instinct is to lash out in anger but after talking to Vince in the car, she came back with a cooler head and was able deal with the situation.



Watching the aftermath of the Hot Sugar dance...wow, these heifers are delusional. They made a joke of her entire show! Tamar was pissed, and rightfully so. Not only did they appear from the wrong side, they crowded the stage, and even at one point stood completely in front of Tamar, the STAR! Omg! They did not know what they were doing at all, and ruined the aesthetics completely. If they had talked to her about wanting to be on stage, Tamar could have found a way to include them in the program so it did not look ratchet. Even the fans didn't like it. That was the peak of the show, and ruining that moment obviously threw off the energy and flow to the rest of the show. The fans were probably wondering if the sisters were going to come back, so even the fans got distracted.

Beyoncé does not let just anybody run out on her stage. Toni includes her sisters in the show, but it's all preplanned and rehearsed. Flash bombing someone's show is not cool. Especially when you know how hard they have worked to put it all together. Doing that is the ultimate disrespect to an artist. Even when Lil Mama ran up on the stage at the end of Alicia Keys and Jay-Z's performance at the video music awards, you could tell Jay-Z was super pissed. Lil Mama's career has never recovered from that. Tamar has a right to be pissed, upset, and angry. I sure would have been that and a lot worse. I would have found them where they were hiding in their dressing room, cussed them the eff out, maybe gotten physical, and personally kicked them out.


This! I don't think Tamar's reaction was over the top at all. If they flashbombed my show, they would be lucky if all I did was throw some water around and have someone escort them out of the building. Not only did they mess up her show, but they did it early in the tour when nerves are high for the artist and the kinks hadn't been worked out yet, so a lot is going on in those first few performances. On top of all that, they decided to pull that shit in Atlanta - which everybody knows is the Black Hollywood, so playing the Atlanta crowds for an R&B artist is playing to the core fan base. And it is Atlanta, so I'm sure that there were industry people in the audience - producers, label execs, other artists, etc. To put the cherry on top, the Braxtons have a lot of family and close friends in Atlanta given that most of them lived there at one point. Who wants to deliver a janky show to family and friends and have to hear them talk shit at every gathering? That was a high-stakes tour stop for Tamar and Towanda knew it.

Edited by WimminWinning
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Yeah, we're only getting the sisters version of what happened when the cameras were off and they watered their version down for Toni. Toni is full of shit, too. They all act mad that Tamar is becoming successful. Towanda's jealousy of Tamar is borderline dangerous. Her obsessive need to sabotage everything Tamar does is sick.

I don't how much more of this toxic sisterhood I can watch.

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While I think that Toni has something to do with The road Tamar took in the industry I don't think she has a lot to do with Tamar's success. There are levels to help if Toni really wanted to help Tamar when her first album came out she would have done a feature. Toni was HOT at the time and that would have helped Tamar similar to the way Jay-z helped Rihanna by putting her on his song and doing features on her songs. I'm not saying Toni is obligated to help Tamar in that way or give her that level of help but having Tamar sing back up is not helping Tamar go platinum. Again introducing Tamar to the right people was help but it is NOT the the reason Tamar is a success if that was the case both Traci and Trina's albums would be hits.

Edited by Easyspreestep
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Tamar definitely worked to get where she is, but Toni broke down doors for her.  Being a big star herself, Toni did have the networks to introduce Tamar to important people, the most important being: Vince.  Tamar now has the music career she's been wanting, but beyond that, she found herself in the lifestyle to which she has become accustomed because of the man she married, who, by the way, is also managing her in the musical career she's now establishing.  Not to mention that part of the interest in Tamar is based on this reality show that no one would've watched if Toni wasn't on it.  Tamar has now become a known entity but Toni was the original Braxton star and still has the biggest fan base.  She is the reason why Braxton Family Values got made.

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I think the reason Tamar balks at saying Toni paved the way is because even though she did pave it, she put up a whooooole lot of effort herself.  She's been with Vince 8 years, only since the show has she made any major moves with her career. Also, the show was her idea and when the network said "not without Toni" Toni's ass wasn't altruistic and agreed to put her sisters on. No, Tamar browbeat her sister until she agreed. And the TV show has been a boon to ALL of them, Toni included, so she can stop acting like she's doing her sisters a favor any time now.


Tamar is the one who took the baton from Toni and tried to get them all to the next level.  She already had money, used this show to get her music out and expand.

Trina now has her bar company.  Traci is releasing a CD and Towanda is doing...Not a fucking thing, besides being a sneaky bitch.

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I think that's one of the reasons the other sisters kiss Toni's ass so much. They will probably one day need Toni's money(if she's not bankrupt again) and connections. Tamar doesn't need that. As much as they like to say Toni is the veteran with 20 years of experience, I doubt Tamar will go bankrupt twice the way Toni has. And Toni's career the past ten years hasn't been the best, in my opinion.

As mean as it was I laughed my ass off when Trina asked Tamar to spell tell and Tamar said "T-E-L-L, bitch! How about that?!" It was so wrong but was funny as hell to me.

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When I saw Tamar address the dancers in the episode before last, I paid really close attention. And she never actually said "sorry" in any way to the dancers. She just explained herself. I think Tamar may be one of those people who can't apologize.

About the sisters going on stage during Tamar's peformance, I don't think it messed up the show. It was half a minute.

I do wonder if Towanda thought Tamar would be able to handle a surprise like that because Toni can, like not realizing Tamar's still finding her way...just judging her by Toni standards.

No disrespect, but my jaw dropped during that prayer before the show. Does that dude think God listens more when you call Him out in every sentence? My friend said it was like a kid bugging their parent, "Dad. Dad. Dad! Dad? Dad! Dad. Dad. Dad! Dad? Dad! Dad. Dad. Dad! Dad? Dad!" LOL

I don't think Towanda's intention in suggesting they crash Tamar's show was to grab some spotlight -- they were the background dancers BEHIND the background dancers.

I think she may have been high from performing because she likes to perform, not because she's attention-hungry.

Did the sisters "look a mess" because they were unprepared? Mama E said they looked good. Or did they look a mess because of Tamar's reaction? The throwing the water (even though she claims she always does), the comment. Did that throw them off? (Trina and Traci.)

I'm leaning towards Tamar threw her sisters out in a pique of anger. Trina said she asked the tour manager, "Even me?" And he was like, "Yeah."

I disliked Tamar Season 1, warmed up to her in Season 2, but it's been rough since. And in the last episode, she really disgusted me. Cussing out her sisters, throwing them out of the venue. So wrong!

I don't think Towanda was smiling after their 30 seconds during "Hot Sugar" out of any malice. I think she thought it went well because she didn't see like Traci and Trina did that Tamar was upset. I think it took Towanda a while to realize the other two weren't just worrying they didn't perform well. It seemed to me like Towanda had no clue Tamar was upset, and it took some time for it to sink in.

But Towanda was right. The crowd loved it. That *is* all that matters, when you're a performer. They roared when the sisters came on stage. IMO, Tamar could've reacted more like a professional. Rolled with the punches, you know? Pros would act like that stunt was planned. She should've reacted like, "Of course! Here are my sisters!" Or even, "What a surprise! Hey, folks, welcome my new backround dancers!" She didn't act like a performer in that instance. She acted like the baby sister who always expects her siblings to make fun of her. "That's not funny." I guess she thought they were mocking her.

I don't believe Towanda had bad intentions. She placed her and Traci and Trini in a SUBordinate position to Tamar, as her do-wop-pop-pop background. They were even behind the official background dancers! For a mere 30 seconds! Tamar went too far. But to be fair, she didn't know how long they were going to be there.

And it says a LOT to me that Mama E gave her blessing to the idea. I think she'd know her daughter. But here's the thing: it looks like Tamar has changed and maybe not for the better. THAT is, I think, Towanda's problem with her. I speak from (painful) experience when I say it can crush you to watch a once-close sibling change for the worse.

What really disgusts me is Tamar is using her fame to balance out the power dynamic amongst the sisters. She had an assistant get between her and Traci. She had her tour manager throw her flesh and blood out! It's like the revenge fantasy of the baby of the family.

And Tamar was NOT referring to the outfits with the Teletubbies comment. She was calling them fat -- period.

Guess what, Tamar? Not only did Toni pave the way, but you owe her AND the other three sisters for the opportunity for the success you have now. Were they going to greenlight The Tamar Values Show? How about the Toni & Tamar Show? Nope, it had to be all five. And that show is a big part of where you are now. You are not an island. Your voice, your sisters -- especially Toni, your husband, Jesus. All of them helped to get you where you are right now.

BTW, can Toni ever speak to Traci without criticizing her? ("Your voice is always hoarse.")

I hated how Tamar went after Trina.

--Trina: "I don't have time for this."

--Tamar: "I can't tell." (Meaning Trina has nothing going on in her life.)

Tamar's so mean! I wish Trina would've dropped it there and let Tamar look like the nasty jerk she was being.


[Edited due to formatting issues.]

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My bad if somebody has already posted Traci's music video, but I'm just finding out about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQwSDsxbee4. It looks like her team did the best they could for her, but she just doesn't have it. The video itself has a tried-and-true concept and gorgeous production quality, but her overacting makes it uncomfortable for me to watch and I'm mad at the auto-tuning. There's something about her in this video...it's like she's trying to be someone other than who she is. She's trying to pull off that sexy diva thing that Tamar and Toni do, but she's clearly too uncomfortable in her own skin to do that.


The sisters were talking about Traci's album in the last episode - I hope Traci hasn't autotuned the whole damn thing. I like her natural tone. She sings with much more ease than any of the other sisters. Her use of auto tune and her lack of confidence pisses me off cause I am really rooting for Traci and she's sabotaging her big break. When she's not bucking on Tamar, Traci is my favorite Braxton. Damn.

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My bad if somebody has already posted Traci's music video, but I'm just finding out about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQwSDsxbee4. It looks like her team did the best they could for her, but she just doesn't have it. The video itself has a tried-and-true concept and gorgeous production quality, but her overacting makes it uncomfortable for me to watch and I'm mad at the auto-tuning. There's something about her in this video...it's like she's trying to be someone other than who she is. She's trying to pull off that sexy diva thing that Tamar and Toni do, but she's clearly too uncomfortable in her own skin to do that.


The sisters were talking about Traci's album in the last episode - I hope Traci hasn't autotuned the whole damn thing. I like her natural tone. She sings with much more ease than any of the other sisters. Her use of auto tune and her lack of confidence pisses me off cause I am really rooting for Traci and she's sabotaging her big break. When she's not bucking on Tamar, Traci is my favorite Braxton. Damn.

Amen.  I really like Traci but that wasn't the best they could do.  Way to much autotune for a first single.  Too much overacting in her movements.  The director should have advised her to be a lot softer.  Now Traci isn't an "old" woman but would it have killed them to find an "age appropriate" man for the video. The ending looked like she was hugging up on her son.  The only exciting part was the cameos of Toni, Trina, and Tamar.  It gave the video a jolt of excitement.


Not horrible, but could of been a lot better. 

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My bad if somebody has already posted Traci's music video, but I'm just finding out about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQwSDsxbee4. It looks like her team did the best they could for her, but she just doesn't have it. The video itself has a tried-and-true concept and gorgeous production quality, but her overacting makes it uncomfortable for me to watch and I'm mad at the auto-tuning. There's something about her in this video...it's like she's trying to be someone other than who she is. She's trying to pull off that sexy diva thing that Tamar and Toni do, but she's clearly too uncomfortable in her own skin to do that.


The sisters were talking about Traci's album in the last episode - I hope Traci hasn't autotuned the whole damn thing. I like her natural tone. She sings with much more ease than any of the other sisters. Her use of auto tune and her lack of confidence pisses me off cause I am really rooting for Traci and she's sabotaging her big break. When she's not bucking on Tamar, Traci is my favorite Braxton. Damn.

If you have spotify, you can listen to her album.  It's very R&B  but it's not at all memorable.  If it's marketed correctly, she should do good in her lane.

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I like the song well enough.  Yeah, it's too much autotune but I think Traci has a naturally beautiful voice that I'd be interested in hearing.  The video was tragic.  I so want Traci to win because she's the only one who's stuck with her Maryland roots.  The Baltimorean in me is urging her on.  Like, "Come on, girl.  Get your wig tight and get your career figured out."

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It really doesn't matter if the audience liked it or if it was only 30 seconds or who had good intentions or not.


Performing is Tamar's job.  That's her livlihood.  It would be as if Tamar worked at some office, and the 3 sisters ran up in Tamar's office acting silly, wearing crazy outfits.  Maybe the coworkers in the adjacent cubes didn't mind; it lightened their day.  It didn't disrupt the flow of work; the job still got done.  But harm could've been done.  The work could've been disrupted.  The coworkers could've minded.  And that's why folks don't go running up in their loved ones' jobs playing and being silly.  There's a time and a place, and that was not the time or the place, especially since Trina had been telling them it wasn't a good idea.  To bring Toni up is silly. Toni and Tamar are two different people.  Toni might like her sisters running up in her job acting silly; it might lighten her day.  But just because Toni doesn't mind doesn't mean that Tamar shouldn't mind.


If it were Toni or Trina's idea to run up on the stage and surprise Toni, I'd believe they had good intentions and just wanted to have fun with her.  But with Towanda? Nope.  They've been fighting all season, Towanda dramatically smashing glasses like she's on General Hospital, refusing to concede it might not have been a good idea to run up on stage and proclaiming that because she had fun everything was alright lets me know there was not an ounce of good intention behind her running up on the stage. 


But we shall see more unfold tonight.

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My bad if somebody has already posted Traci's music video, but I'm just finding out about this: https://www.youtube....h?v=QQwSDsxbee4. It looks like her team did the best they could for her, but she just doesn't have it.



That was ... terrible. Song was weak and forgettable. Lyrics: "Hey cupid, why you lookin' stupid? Shoot me." Really?


There's something about her in this video...it's like she's trying to be someone other than who she is. She's trying to pull off that sexy diva thing that Tamar and Toni do, but she's clearly too uncomfortable in her own skin to do that.





Too much overacting in her movements.  The director should have advised her to be a lot softer.  Now Traci isn't an "old" woman but would it have killed them to find an "age appropriate" man for the video. The ending looked like she was hugging up on her son. 


And this.


The only exciting part was the cameos of Toni, Trina's breasts, and Tamar.  It gave the video a jolt of excitement.



There you go, fixed that for you. :) 

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It really doesn't matter if the audience liked it or if it was only 30 seconds or who had good intentions or not.


Performing is Tamar's job.  That's her livlihood.  It would be as if Tamar worked at some office, and the 3 sisters ran up in Tamar's office acting silly, wearing crazy outfits.  Maybe the coworkers in the adjacent cubes didn't mind; it lightened their day.  It didn't disrupt the flow of work; the job still got done.  But harm could've been done.  The work could've been disrupted.  The coworkers could've minded.  And that's why folks don't go running up in their loved ones' jobs playing and being silly.  There's a time and a place, and that was not the time or the place, especially since Trina had been telling them it wasn't a good idea.  To bring Toni up is silly. Toni and Tamar are two different people.  Toni might like her sisters running up in her job acting silly; it might lighten her day.  But just because Toni doesn't mind doesn't mean that Tamar shouldn't mind.


If it were Toni or Trina's idea to run up on the stage and surprise Toni, I'd believe they had good intentions and just wanted to have fun with her.  But with Towanda? Nope.  They've been fighting all season, Towanda dramatically smashing glasses like she's on General Hospital, refusing to concede it might not have been a good idea to run up on stage and proclaiming that because she had fun everything was alright lets me know there was not an ounce of good intention behind her running up on the stage. 


But we shall see more unfold tonight.

Smashing glasses like she's on General Hospital. That was too, too funny!


Towanda has no good intentions and they had no business running up on the stage like that in those ridiculous outfits. Totally disrespectful. And yes, Toni may have paved the way, but no one can deny Tamar's work ethic; something the others are sorely lacking. What happened to Towanda's personal assistant business? That could have been a good business but she doesn't follow through on anything. And when does she spend time with her children? I loathe her,

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Remember, she escaped the abusive relationship cycle, cheating, verbal and physical abuse and I think seeing her sisters seemingly stuck in this vicious cycle pains her.


Did Tamar escape the cycle of abuse? Vince may not beat her (and Gabe says otherwise), but I had to stop watching Tamar & Vince because of his verbal and emotional abuse of her.

I actually think Towanda got more Evelyn genes than the rest of them.  The other 5 look like variations of Michael Sr.  Towanda looks like Evelyn.


I think Traci looks the most like Miss E. Remember Season 1 when she tried on a blonde wig and she said, "I look like Mommy," and they all said, "No, you look like Daddy." I couldn't believe it because they were dead wrong.

Toni looks the most like their dad, especially pre-plastic surgery.

Performing is Tamar's job.  That's her livlihood.  It would be as if Tamar worked at some office, and the 3 sisters ran up in Tamar's office acting silly, wearing crazy outfits.


Well, more like they ran in and sat at some desks behind the desk of Tamar's assistant and typed for 30 seconds? And the boss loved what they typed?

I've heard from people who've seen Tamar's show that it's not well done. So I don't know. I just believe the job isn't performing. It's performing *for people*. So if the people liked it, good job.

But I see where you're coming from. I just disagree with how Tamar handled it and also with the malicious intentions ascribed to Towanda.

They've been fighting all season, Towanda dramatically smashing glasses like she's on General Hospital, refusing to concede it might not have been a good idea to run up on stage and proclaiming that because she had fun everything was alright lets me know there was not an ounce of good intention behind her running up on the stage.


I seriously think Towanda can't see it as a bad idea because she views Tamar as her sister first and foremost. I think she still has this idea that they are all-for-one and one-for-all and how dare Tamar get airs, get too big for her britches, et cetera. It must be incredibly hurtful for Tamar to not have shared her news about her spinoff show with her sisters, to have an assistant intervene with her and Traci, to have her team throw them out of her show. I deeply believe that is the source of the problem with the sisterhood: they feel Tamar is not acting like a sister but like a co-worker.

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I seriously think Towanda can't see it as a bad idea because she views Tamar as her sister first and foremost. I think she still has this idea that they are all-for-one and one-for-all and how dare Tamar get airs, get too big for her britches, et cetera. It must be incredibly hurtful for Tamar to not have shared her news about her spinoff show with her sisters, to have an assistant intervene with her and Traci, to have her team throw them out of her show. I deeply believe that is the source of the problem with the sisterhood: they feel Tamar is not acting like a sister but like a co-worker.



Eh. I don't see that at all. On the occasion things happen in their lives Tamar is always there(Towanda's bday, Traci's Video, etc). Tamar invited them on tour the first time, they all didn't make it out. When Trina came with her she had Trina perform with her, at least 2 times with proof. Traci said she's come up on stage twice with Tamar.


Tamar wasn't upset to share the spotlight. She's upset because, like always, they refuse to hear her. She said she didn't want to see them at all, lest she be nervous, and they decide that it doesn't matter what she just told them, surprising her is a great idea.

They treat her like she's still 13 and her opinion doesn't matter. It's annoying and I see why Tamar keeps them at arms length.

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There's something about her in this video...it's like she's trying to be someone other than who she is. She's trying to pull off that sexy diva thing that Tamar and Toni do, but she's clearly too uncomfortable in her own skin to do that.


Not only in this ridiculous video but also in ALL her talking heads. I'm so embarrassed watching her fake sassiness. The fake persona, clown wigs, and skin tight clothes on her line backer toddler body drive me crazy. 

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I've heard from people who've seen Tamar's show that it's not well done. So I don't know. I just believe the job isn't performing. It's performing *for people*. So if the people liked it, good job.



I disagree. Performing is not a "job" per se, it's a form of artistry. Tamar is an artist expressing herself and the sisters had no right to alter the artistry that Tamar wanted to present to her audience, no matter if the audience liked the sisters' flashdance or not.


If people want to pay Tamar to view her art, then that's great for her, but that doesn't mean that the sisters can do whatever they want during Tamar's show as long as the audience likes it (which I don't necessarily know that they did love the sisters. They were most likely screaming for Hot Sugar as that is a highlight of Tamar's show and Tamar sets up Hot Sugar with this big monologue to amp up the crowd. It's just like Towanda's ego to think that a crowd who paid to see Tamar is somehow screaming for her. That crowd didn't get any louder after the sisters came out than they were before).


Moreover, Tamar has made it perfectly clear that she likes to present a certain image to her fans - which is snatched and clean choreography, vocals, costumes, and appearance. Everyone knows this about Tamar, so there is no way the sisters didn't know that this is what Tamar desires for her shows. A flashdance where Towanda specifically changed the choreography and got costumes that didn't match the real backup dancers was a clear and intentional middle finger to Tamar. There are no good intentions in those actions.

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It's just like Towanda's ego to think that a crowd who paid to see Tamar is somehow screaming for her. That crowd didn't get any louder after the sisters came out than they were before).


I heard the crowd react (scream louder) to the sisters coming on stage.  Now, was that added in post-production? That's entirely possible.


Moreover, Tamar has made it perfectly clear that she likes to present a certain image to her fans - which is snatched and clean choreography, vocals, costumes, and appearance. Everyone knows this about Tamar, so there is no way the sisters didn't know that this is what Tamar desires for her shows. A flashdance where Towanda specifically changed the choreography and got costumes that didn't match the real backup dancers was a clear and intentional middle finger to Tamar. There are no good intentions in those actions.


But someone(s) on Tamar's staff had to give the girls the OK to go on. I wonder if even Vince had to approve it. I don't see them getting on stage without Tamar's tour team's permission. And her team knows exactly what she wants.


I just have never seen evidence of Towanda being jealous or hungry for the spotlight. Those are the reasons many people are giving for the idea that her surprise was ill-intentioned. But since I don't see those things, I think the flashdance came from a good place but maybe was misguided. And I'm not even a Towanda fan! She actually really bothered me when she talked about Vince's tax issues on Twitter. But I still think Tamar shouldn't have reacted the way she did to the surprise.

I just wish these sisters could resolve their problems. Their sisterhood is far more important than fame, fortune, and fans -- IMO. When Toni talked about if they'd never gotten a shot at the big time, how she'd be a teacher, et cetera, I started wondering if they would be happier in themselves and with each other without the Hollywood stuff.

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Okay, after watching how the sisters showed up to Traci's video, and the previous video that Trina did, I'm very salty and giving them a side eye to the fact that none of them was ever on set during Tamar's video shoots. Even Toni cleared her schedule to show up for a cameo....something that has not yet happened with the sisters and Tamar. They treat her differently, and have different expectations of her that are not equal to what they do within the clique or what they expect for themselves.

And then not showing up for the dinner on time without a heads up? At least tell her you aren't going to be there or are running late. That is truly trifling.

Love how the parents came together to set their daughters straight. Wish the other sisters had been there to hear that too.

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Didn't Toni say that somebody told her the dinner was at 9pm? Granted she was still an hour late but if somebody told her to show up at 9pm when the dinner was at 7pm that's not cool.



When Toni talked about if they'd never gotten a shot at the big time, how she'd be a teacher, et cetera, I started wondering if they would be happier in themselves and with each other without the Hollywood stuff.


I think the dynamics would still be the same, whether Toni became a teacher or an international superstar.  I think they would still be hanging on her coattails looking/hoping/expecting a hookup.  Traci would still feel left out and would still have a problem with Tamar.  Towanda would still be resentful of Tamar, Trina would still be trying to be the family peacemaker, Tamar would still be loudmouthed & slick talking.  Toni & Tamar would still be the only 2 sisters taking care of Ms E.   I don't think the dynamics would change at all.

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I think the dynamics would still be the same, whether Toni became a teacher or an international superstar.  I think they would still be hanging on her coattails looking/hoping/expecting a hookup.  Traci would still feel left out and would still have a problem with Tamar.  Towanda would still be resentful of Tamar, Trina would still be trying to be the family peacemaker, Tamar would still be loudmouthed & slick talking.  Toni & Tamar would still be the only 2 sisters taking care of Ms E.   I don't think the dynamics would change at all.


Agree - those dynamics were set as children/teens before they recorded their first family album. Even with Traci, she felt left out because she had a child early and decided (probably through family and religious pressures) to settle into a family life instead of going for her career. She has that suburban housewife regret that I see in so many of my high school friends that settled down - that has nothing to do with the music business. Tamar would've probably still been the diva that married well and Towanda would have found some reason to play middle-child victim and continue to hate on Tamar. Toni will always be the older sister that everyone looks up to and Trina's personality is to be peacemaker.


The sisters seem to be in secret competition with each other about who does better at life. I don't see that changing if they were all in different occupations. Money and fame probably play a factor though - both of those things heighten existing issues, but I agree in that I don't think money or fame created this dynamic.

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I just have never seen evidence of Towanda being jealous or hungry for the spotlight


I think Towanda just likes to aggravate. No particular reason. Just because she can. She appears to be miserable most of the time, and the old saying "misery loves company" comes to mind.

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Nikita: I was referencing Tamar's account of pre-Vince relationships. I haven't heard anything about abuse allegations against Vince.

I understand. And what I've heard against Vince comes from Gabe...so I don't just automatically believe it. I tend not to trust cheating men.

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I agree, I think it was an incredibly mature decision.  Unfortunately I sense it will be received negatively.  I like that Evelyn wants them to work out their problems but I wish that she would take the "working together/single" off the table, and stop pressuring them.  I think the sisters need to get them together first and any other projects will  come together naturally once their relationship is on better terms.

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I think Evelyn needs to mind her business. Her daughters are adults. When they sit together discussing their "sisterhood", why is she always there? I think Evelyn wants to be one of the sisters.

I think Towanda really enjoys all of the chaos in the family. She only acts hurt when she's ready for her close up and potential Emmy reel. The flashback to her breaking glasses was a mess. In my opinion, Tamar was right when she said if she had broken glasses at the table with her mom sitting there the sisters would've never let her forget it. She would have been vilified.

I agree that Tamar's choice to step away from working with her sisters was mature. I wonder if that's foreshadowing a possible end to her being on BFV?

I don't always agree with what Tamar does/says and the way she speaks in the third person annoys the hell out of me, but I'd take her over the other four sisters any day. I think Toni, Towanda, Traci, and Trina are all full of shit.

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I think Towanda really enjoys all of the chaos in the family. She only acts hurt when she's ready for her close up and potential Emmy reel. The flashback to her breaking glasses was a mess. In my opinion, Tamar was right when she said if she had broken glasses at the table with her mom sitting there the sisters would've never let her forget it. She would have been vilified. .

I finally figured out why Towanda is called "The Responsible One," she's responsible for 90% of the drama and messiness in the family.

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I think Evelyn needs to mind her business. Her daughters are adults. When they sit together discussing their "sisterhood", why is she always there? I think Evelyn wants to be one of the sisters.

I think Towanda really enjoys all of the chaos in the family. She only acts hurt when she's ready for her close up and potential Emmy reel. The flashback to her breaking glasses was a mess. In my opinion, Tamar was right when she said if she had broken glasses at the table with her mom sitting there the sisters would've never let her forget it. She would have been vilified.

I agree that Tamar's choice to step away from working with her sisters was mature. I wonder if that's foreshadowing a possible end to her being on BFV?

I don't always agree with what Tamar does/says and the way she speaks in the third person annoys the hell out of me, but I'd take her over the other four sisters any day. I think Toni, Towanda, Traci, and Trina are all full of shit.

That right there is just a fact! There is NO WAY Tamar could scream in public that NOBODY cares about her then break all the table glasses, and people just look at her.

Somehow that gets swept under the rug for a fight Tamar and Traci had. Just like somehow last season Traci's rude ass behavior to her parents got swept under the rug.


Tamar is absolutely right that things aren't huge issues until and unless it's her, and she's right that if she's the common factor she may as well keep her distance.  



Toni bothers my spirit, because she's someone who will only agree with Tamar when it's just her and Tamar. She does the impartial thing and says it's wrong for Tamar to kick the girls out, but then when Tamar says I invited them to the after party and they ignored me, she doesn't check the middle sisters about that. 


Just like how "SOMEONE" told her dinner starts at 9. Who the hell told you that, Toni???? It wasn't Tamar because you'd say so and she'd have to apologize, like she did at the family dinner she thought she was going to pick up Toni at.  

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I agree that Tamar's choice to step away from working with her sisters was mature. I wonder if that's foreshadowing a possible end to her being on BFV?


It can't be coincidence that this episode hinting at Tamar's exit airs a week before season 3 of Tamar & Vince premieres. BFV runs for 26 episodes a season, and we are only on episode 7 - which means that season 3 of T&V will run for the rest of season 4 of BFV. And they air on the same night (Thursdays) back to back. Tamar wouldn't risk over-exposure by being on both shows, plus, no one has enough going on in their life to carry storylines for 2 reality shows. I think she's backing off of BFV - and good for her. And I like the way she's doing it. By having T&V at the 9pm slot leading into BFV, there's a better chance that BFV won't be cancelled with the exit of Tamar since it won't really feel like she's gone.


Everybody wins. Tamar is making coin on 2 shows, but gets to back away from her sisters who treat her poorly. BFV will continue so the sisters will make their coin - plus, if Tamar is really the center of all their problems as they say, having Tamar step back is something they should welcome.


I'm excited for this change of events. I'm so over seeing Tamar always apologizing and reaching out and nothing being reciprocated (except Trina, of course). She seems so desperate for her sisters' support that it becomes painful to watch. And the more desperate she gets, the more withholding the middle sisters are and Tamar gets even more desperate - which just feeds a destructive cycle. Tamar has the power to break that cycle if she would stop acting so desperate for their attention/approval/support/respect/friendship and let them come to her. It looks like she's finally doing that with T&V.

Edited by WimminWinning
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Toni killed me this episode, with the whole "I'm sorry for being picked" nothing Tamar said lead me to believe that she blame Toni for her failures in the music business.  Just like she didn't blame Toni for her failure she is not giving Toni the glory for her success.  No one can convince me Toni is not jealous of Tamar, yes Toni has had success in the past, but its obvious she wants  to be relevant NOW.  Tamar is relevant now!!! that is why Toni has NEVER been to one of Tamar's shows, video set or shown her any type of support. Sure she will show up for Traci, Traci is no competition, her voice is not the best, she is not very good looking and she can't pull off the diva thing that her sisters can.  Toni wanting Tamar to continually kiss her ass is like Micheal asking Janet to continually kiss his ass.  Janet got a deal because of her Jackson name, but did not feel like she owed her career to Micheal and Micheal, because he was confident in who he was and his success didn't ask for ass kissing from his family.  

Edited by Easyspreestep
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I agree and didn't like Toni's attitude for much of the series. She's totally not a well wisher when it comes to Tamar's success because she is struggling to make a comeback musically and from her bankruptcies. 


Also, I didn't like it when she said "We all have babies" when Tamar expressed reluctance about leaving Logan to go to South Africa. The other girls' children are adolescents and teenagers and in college. I know Towanda's children may still be kind of young but her ass is always away from them any fucking how chasing fame that will never come. Logan is actually still a baby and if I were her I'd pack up a nanny and my baby, if I agreed to go on the trip, and tell them to kiss my ass. Or, preferably, stay home.

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I agree and didn't like Toni's attitude for much of the series. She's totally not a well wisher when it comes to Tamar's success because she is struggling to make a comeback musically and from her bankruptcies. 


Also, I didn't like it when she said "We all have babies" when Tamar expressed reluctance about leaving Logan to go to South Africa. The other girls' children are adolescents and teenagers and in college. I know Towanda's children may still be kind of young but her ass is always away from them any fucking how chasing fame that will never come. Logan is actually still a baby and if I were her I'd pack up a nanny and my baby, if I agreed to go on the trip, and tell them to kiss my ass. Or, preferably, stay home.

They TRIED it, and Tamar is always way too in here feelings to say, my baby, not child but BABY will not be away from me for a week. If I gave yall shit about it before, I'm sorry. But I get it now, and I am not willing to make the sacrifice.  You mad?

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I have to say I thought Tamar was very mature about the Africa trip discussion.  She showed her excitement when it was announced but was very worried about leaving Logan.  She mad it a point to say she wasn't starting anything but was concerned about not bringing him.  I thought Toni was really rude implying that Tamar was being a downer.


I'm still giving Toni the side eye about dinner being at 9pm.  Why would a dinner for your elderly father who just got out of the hospital be at 9pm?  Really Toni.  I completely agree with the previous poster who says that Toni tries to play both sides.  She conveniently didn't call the other sister out about them agreeing to see Tamar the following day, even though Tamar had showed her proof she had been text messaging with the sisters.


I love Toni as an artist, but I find her just as messy as the other sisters, she is just more covert about it, and she benefits from the "big sister/older/wiser/did everything for us" bias.

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Toni killed me this episode, with the whole "I'm sorry for being picked" nothing Tamar said lead me to believe that she blame Toni for her failures in the music business.  Just like she didn't blame Toni for her failure she is not giving Toni the glory for her success.  No one can convince me Toni is not jealous of Tamar, yes Toni has had success in the past, but its obvious she wants  to be relevant NOW.  Tamar is relevant now!!! that is why Toni has NEVER been to one of Tamar's shows, video set or shown her any type of support. Sure she will show up for Traci, Traci is no competition, her voice is not the best, she is not very good looking and she can't pull off the diva thing that her sisters can.  Toni wanting Tamar to continually kiss her ass is like Micheal asking Janet to continually kiss his ass.  Janet got a deal because of her Jackson name, but did not feel like she owed her career to Micheal and Micheal, because he was confident in who he was and his success didn't ask for ass kissing from his family.  


I honestly don't know if Toni is jealous. It was strange for Toni to not reach out to Tamar when Love&War hit. She eventually took Tamar out for an English tea, but it felt like Toni was trying to put on a show for the cameras to show that she supports Tamar. I didn't mark that as jealousy at the time, but there have been more events since then.


It was suspicious of Toni to blow up at that therapy session where Tamar and Towanda/Traci were going back and forth about being jealous over Tamar's success. Toni says that no one's jealous and Tamar responds "Are you sure?". Clearly, Tamar was talking about Towanda and Traci as that is who she was just fighting with about claims of jealousy, so why would Toni get butthurt and storm out of the session thinking that Tamar was talking about her? Guilty conscience?


Then, there's the general cattiness that Toni now piles onto Tamar. In seasons 1 and 2, Toni was largely impartial, if not defending Tamar a bit when she got into arguments with the middle sisters. If the middle sisters came for Tamar, Toni was there to explain Tamar's feelings and she was largely neutral in these spats. Lately, Toni has joined the mean girl clique. She's now siding with the middle sisters against Tamar. She won't even admit the most blatant of facts to support Tamar such as the Traci bucking situation.


I really don't want to believe that Toni is jealous, but everytime she sides with the middle sisters when they are clearly wrong, another piece of her credibility is chipped away. As of late, I've spoken a lot about how BFV isn't good for Tamar, but to be honest, continuing on this show may not be good for Toni either. Her reputation is going to shit the more people see of her. She needs to go back to being a private celebrity because her true personality is not exactly likeable.


On a related note: I'm glad that Tamar went back to the table and defended herself regarding the "Toni paved the way" argument. As loud as she is, Tamar isn't great at articulating herself or defending her position. Some truth needs to be told. Being Toni Braxton's sister didn't help Tamar for 20 years. Toni shared a lot of her career in the 90's with her sisters, but all of that sharing did very little for Tamar other than introduce her to someone (Vince) who would invest in her career 10 years later.


Moreover, Tamar made it big while Toni is in a downturn in her career, so it wasn't the Braxton name or Toni's influence that produced Tamar's success. Toni is in the "Dancing with the Stars" phase of her career. It may be Toni's name that greenlighted BFV, but Tamar put it together and she has been the driving personality that kept people interested. Toni tried for a reality show type documentary back in 2003, but it didn't produce an uptick in record sales or pop culture interest in Toni (it's on YouTube and it's worth a look). So, Toni's name is responsible for the pilot being funded, but Tamar is responsible for BFV going strong for 4 seasons.  If Wikipedia is to be believed, Toni hasn't had a hit single since He Wasn't Man Enough in 2000. To be honest, Tamar made Toni relevant again because nobody was checking for Toni Braxton. That hurts to say because I'm a Toni fan, but Toni, Trina, and Towanda need to pump their brakes on those "Toni made you" flavor of comments to Tamar. 

Edited by WimminWinning
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Toni would kiss my entire ass, telling me I had to leave my baby in the States while traveling to South Africa with a group of bitter bitches who don't like me ANYWAY, sisters or not.  I love how Vince was so cool about it: "Well, yeah ... that's not gonna happen."  Word.  I do think that Tamar and Vince could tend to be out of each other's asses a tiny bit but Logan is a baby still and there's no way in hell I would be traveling that far and that (presumably) long and be okay with leaving my small child behind.


I have no idea why they think Tamar should be excited about going anywhere with them, at all.  They haven't shown any real inclination to mend fences with her or listen to her side of the story.  They're stuck in the same roles they established as children, with Tamar as "Tay-Monster" and the rest of them as the aggrieved ugly stepsisters (Traci and Towanda), the poor little match girl peacemaker (Trina) and the Good Witch of the North (Toni).  Meanwhile, Tamar is damn near 40 and the rest of them are 40+.  It is time out for this nonsense.  Tamar is well within her rights to take some time away from them.  They have a fucked up dynamic that needs to be broken.  I wouldn't only take some time away, I would also decline that trip to South Africa.  Tamar and Vince have plenty of money - if they want to take a trip to the Motherland, they can do so on their own dime.  

Edited by SistaLadybug
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All I could say was "another trip?" All they do is take useless trips.


Anyone see Tamar on WWHL after the RHNJ finale? Quite frankly I was embarrassed for Tamar. Make up and hair looked like shellac.

She kept doing those weird vocalizations and lip popping and seemed somewhat nervous. They played some clip of her being loud and head shaking and I think I saw her cringe watching herself. She hasn't attained Nene Leake's bitch level so I think for once she could see how uncouth she appeared. Those Jersey twins themselves are loud and obnoxious, but Tamar seemed the outsider. The facade was definitely crumbling. She wasn't as lost and fake as Traci, but she was off her game. 

Edited by Iguessnot
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