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S02.E07: Escape from New York

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I guess that secret agent gal's...

( •_•)>⌐■-■

...plans got derailed.

I was hoping that Harry Alien would have held the government lady's arms with his big arms and started punching her in the face like she was a boxer's speed bag with the little arms. This was kind of a dark episode, they could have used a little more humor.

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So I'm trying to piece it together.

The man who saw Goliath materializing in the forest is Liv's husband now? How did he get from Brazil to Colorado? Or am I mistaken, and it's a different character entirely?

And they seem to be implying that OriginalHarry was not actually a bad guy; he was in trouble with some bad guys and maybe a whistleblower or witness. That will allow AlienHarry to be exonerated rather than shunned, now that Mike and Liv are figuring out what happened. We still don't know why Harry would kill Sam, unless Sam was a bad guy, though. And Asta loved Sam, so you'd hope Sam was not terrible and deserving of murder.

Why is the Mayor (and why can't I remember his name?) unwilling to tell the truth to his wife, even when she's actually seeming open to hearing it? His sign isn't to my taste, but if he likes it, and she's willing to compromise, he might as well tell her. It seems like they're implying that it's not her fault or his fault, that they're just not on the same page about things. I guess in that situation, he may be afraid that if he opens up the conversation about their differences, the whole thing falls apart? But they seemed quite compatible until now, so I'm still struggling with the idea that it's a retcon to make their marriage be unhappy.

NYC always looks so well lit on TV. I haven't been there since the 1980s, but whenever I was there (from the 1960s through the 1980s), it never looked that clear, even on the sunniest day. I don't know if it's actually changed or if the visual brightness is an effect of the lights they use for filming. It makes me want to go back, though, just to find out.

Darcy wanting to be a mom and anyone thinking she'd be a great one? I don't see that. I really don't. I guess she's been interested in Asta's birthdaughter, but still... taking an interest in a near adult, who you identify with in some way, and wanting to be in her life a little, is way different than being a parent and raising a kid full time. 

How will Harry explain the sudden arrival of the alien-human hybrid? Unless it looks like an octopus, there are bound to be questions....

The broken train window is something I suppose we have to handwave, rather than something that raised suspicion. I can't imagine Amtrack or its TV analogue not caring that one of their windows was broken, and wanting to question the passengers about it. But when the agent's corpse shows up by the train tracks, I have to think that someone might put it together that she went out the window where Harry and Asta were berthed.


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14 minutes ago, possibilities said:

NYC always looks so well lit on TV. I haven't been there since the 1980s, but whenever I was there (from the 1960s through the 1980s), it never looked that clear, even on the sunniest day. I don't know if it's actually changed or if the visual brightness is an effect of the lights they use for filming. It makes me want to go back, though, just to find out.

NYC in this case is actually Vancouver. The "New York Public Library" scene was filmed at the VAG, the Vancouver Art Gallery. Vancouver buses roll by in the background several times.

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22 minutes ago, Harvey said:

I'm really happy that cruel agent died. F-ing psycho.

Another thing I noticed rewatching that incredible fight scene: Harry actually loosens her head before knocking it off! His little alien hands jab right into her neck just before she makes her connection with the Guillotine Express.

Edited by dwmarch
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I loved Harry's laconic explanation to Asta as to what had happened in the train compartment.  One might say he was Dirty Harry.

Anything and everything Darcy bores me.

Haven't seen Shit for Brains in awhile.

I loathe the show for attempting to bring in survivor's guilt, which is pretty frickin' deep and all too real, into this farcical flight of fancy world it works ever so hard to present.  

Egg momma did what she could to prevent Goliath's wishes from being honored.  Then she has an epiphany after the egg is revealed and it's like she became an Apostle.  What a hero.

Silver balls.  Silver balls.  It's alien time, in the city.  

See them gleam.  Lustrous sheen.  Soon it will be mortal rays.

  • LOL 2
21 hours ago, possibilities said:

So I'm trying to piece it together.

The man who saw Goliath materializing in the forest is Liv's husband now? How did he get from Brazil to Colorado? Or am I mistaken, and it's a different character entirely?

And they seem to be implying that OriginalHarry was not actually a bad guy; he was in trouble with some bad guys and maybe a whistleblower or witness. That will allow AlienHarry to be exonerated rather than shunned, now that Mike and Liv are figuring out what happened. We still don't know why Harry would kill Sam, unless Sam was a bad guy, though. And Asta loved Sam, so you'd hope Sam was not terrible and deserving of murder


No, the guy Goliath saw in the forest fell and was killed because he hit his head on that rock, then I assume that's the body Goliath took on. And the guy's paint brush that he picked up was his inspiration to become a painter.

I think OriginalHarry got Sam involved in something shady through the New York group (likely with Sam not knowing at first that it was shady). At some point Sam started to realize it wasn't what he signed on for, and that's when he and Harry had that argument. I think Harry killed him because Sam was getting cold feet and was going to back out and/or turn whistleblower or whatever and end the whole thing. I think OriginalHarry was indeed a bad guy.

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On 3/10/2022 at 8:39 PM, redpencil said:

I think OriginalHarry got Sam involved in something shady through the New York group (likely with Sam not knowing at first that it was shady). At some point Sam started to realize it wasn't what he signed on for, and that's when he and Harry had that argument. I think Harry killed him because Sam was getting cold feet and was going to back out and/or turn whistleblower or whatever and end the whole thing. I think OriginalHarry was indeed a bad guy.

Along the lines of what OriginalHarry and Sam were into, did anyone read all the names on the list Sam hid in the painting?

Whatever the two of them were into, it seems as though OriginalHarry was also being tracked by the shady guys, as evidenced by his wife saying, last season, that some guys in black came by their home looking for him, the one guy who confronted AlienHarry at the diner in NYC, and the two guys following him in NYC (who psycho chick shot). Is it possible that OriginalHarry killed Sam to save face (or his own skin) with the shady guys? Still makes him a murderer and a bad guy. I'm just trying to put the pieces together.

Edited by Captain Asshat
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27 minutes ago, Roxie said:

I am unfamiliar with this imagery.  What does it mean?

I figured it was this, a CSI: Miami Opening Scene with David Caruso where the investigators find the dead government agent's body, before Horatio Caine starts his investigation he puts on his sunglasses and says something that was supposed to be witty about the how the person was murdered. I watched a few of these on the video and they didn't seem very good, but I have never watched the show.


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On 3/12/2022 at 7:27 PM, Zaffy said:

The only thing that bothers me this season is the increased focus on the Patience people.. Most of them I do not find as interesting and I do not think we should spend so much time with them. I do not care about the mayor his wife and the red hair lady, or the Sheriff's trauma.

Although I liked the conversation between Dan and the Sheriff, and I generally like the Sheriff better as they are making him more "normal" and less cartoonish, I agree with you on the rest of this. And I especially dislike the focus on the mayor, his wife, and D'Arcy (the one with red hair--currently). None of them are likable to me, and during the prolonged scenes at the gym and bar between the mayor's wife and D'Arcy I was waiting for the wife to find out that D'Arcy spent the night with her husband in their home (not sleeping together, but I'm sure spending the night smoking weed together would be almost as bad to the wife). Since that didn't happen (and I wouldn't have cared if it did), what was the point of these scenes? The gym scene was unrealistic, even in the context of this show about an alien--we are supposed to believe that D'Arcy has not been working out for years since her injury and on her first day back in the gym did a prolonged killer workout? BTW, did this remind anyone else of the gym scene in Flashdance? 

(Yes, I'm old, but I still love Flashdance.)  

1 hour ago, Paloma said:

And I especially dislike the focus on the mayor, his wife, and D'Arcy (the one with red hair--currently). None of them are likable to me,

In small doses, as in the first season, these characters were easy to digest. Last year when they decided to reduce Harry's screen time they pushed many secondary characters (sadly, like Ted Lasso).

I am okay with D'Arcy as she is Asta's best friend, but the Mayor and his wife don't make much sense and the characters are fairly boring as well.

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I loved this episode- held my attention start to finish and I laughed out loud so many times. Small things like “ice cream sandwich” which was so unexpected.

i love the cliffhanger of who were the two guys in the back? 

aw Harry loved nature. It’s so cute when he has a feeling and tries to reason out why (it must be in closer to my planet here) and is wrong.

the yard sale was touching. Good actress.

(but the line about flamingos and the shirt had me howling)

i also prefer the sheriff less cartoony. 

I find the sudden friendship of Darcy and mayors wife odd but I’m glad we didn’t have the “why is she staying over” jealousy scene. So trite.

when your wife says “let’s hang it up” why do you say no? I’m puzzled.

i missed max and sahar.

its interesting that the show went out of its way to let us know goliaths host body died by accident. I think if they could retcon harry NOT killing the doctor they would.

harry tripping was too funny also.

I would love to see NYC, and Vancouver.  I haven’t travelled nearly enough, for someone who grew up in two different countries, because I got stuck. I really empathize with the mayor’s wife.  

I thought they were all friends, who grew up there.  

I’m not really a fan of alien babies, but I’m hoping that in this show. It won’t grow up incredibly fast, into a beautiful eighteen-year-old, who will break hearts, and be the one thing that can bring peace between the world and the aliens.  

Edited by Anela

Mayor Ben is officially such a wimp that even when he does something he wants to do, and his wife says it's okay, he'll still undo it because he thinks she probably really doesn't like it.  That was painful to watch, perhaps as painful as banging your shin on the coffee table.  He moved it back??  Dear lord.  He can't even tell her he moved the coffee table because he bangs his leg on it all the time.

I'm glad they finally killed off Psycho Army Lady.  I'm sorry, I'm not sure what her name was or what branch of the service she was in, but she's just been Psycho Army Lady for a while.  She killed the pizza guy?  Dude was just trying to make a living.  Why, because he might have seen the alien, and she kills anyone who might've seen him?  When she and Harry were fighting in the train car, and he pushed her through the window, I had a thought about how I'd finish her off, but I didn't think they'd go there.  They went there, and I cheered.  Kinda gross that she left a mess on the side of Harry's face, but that's how it goes.  It was worth it.

I'm not sure what Violinda's deal was, with her trying to stop Harry and Asta from checking out the petrified remains of Goliath.  Did she not know about the egg, or did she know about it but was trying to keep it to herself because of her feelings for Goliath?  Either way, kinda weird that she showed Asta, then when Asta came back with Harry, she was adamant about keeping them away from Goliath.

Sheriff Mike is actually not a bad cop when he checks the attitude, listens to his Deputy, and does some real police work.  I'm still not sure why they made him such an ass to begin with; maybe so there could be some kind of character growth?

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