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S14.E10: Mighty Mighty Boston Bonds

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14 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

It was funny but I think it was also clear that it really hurt him at the time and he was expressing that clearly and noticeably. All she had to do was notice his obvious discomfort and apologize - so she was laughing with him and not at him.

I don't  think spontaneous laughter works that way.

Maybe a man who is so sensitive about a childhood incident had better either not relate it or figure out a way to tell of it in a way that doesn't start out sounding funny (I took it as a humorous anecdote about his 6-year-old self's revenge on his mean teacher. And Jasmina is right: "PeePee" is a funny word!). 

But more generally, he doesn't know Jasmina if he expected any maternal comforting instincts to appear! 🤣

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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I thought since Jasmine was telling a Mike an embarrassing story that she was laughing at, that she thought his was meant to be funny as well, but she should have figured it out but she’s not very sensitive given how blasé she reacted to the tragedy in his life.  It’s hard to see someone so cold being in early childhood education, but maybe it’s her ability to boss people around she likes. 
I kinda want to put him with Shawniece and see if he comes out of his shell with someone like her who though needy, is a love bug.

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12 minutes ago, LennieBriscoe said:

But more generally, he doesn't know Jasmina if he expected any maternal comforting instincts to appear! 🤣

Ain't that the truth! She's cold! I just can't imagine her as an early childhood educator. There is no warmth to her at all. Scowl, scowl, scowl.

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Jasmine is a bitch…. She thinks nothing is her fault and thinks she’s too good to do the exercises then she snaps at Michael for cutting her off then the very next minute cuts him off and storms off … she’s pathetic 

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11 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

O is WAY too effusive over Katina buying some candy and putting on Netflix. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to see him being appreciative and loving toward Katina—especially after the other extreme over wanting her to be a 1940s housewife. But he was laying it on really thick!

Jasmina is impossible!! She refuses to consider the idea of journaling and says they can just talk—when they obviously can’t! But then when Mike says it was just a suggestion and they can just talk, she rolls her eyes at him. There is nothing he can do right in her eyes—and as far as I can see he’s trying very hard and being more patient and open with her then she deserves.

He's boring, speaks in a dull monotone, and presented that journaling idea as an order---until Jasmina rejected it emphatically.

I don't know why either bothers, or pretends to.  


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Oh Katina. If you think you can't move at 30 the way that you used to, just wait for 50's...

Shouldn't the guys be wearing helmets, or at least mouth guards while playing hockey?

Edited by Elizzikra
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Jasmina and Noi go on "MAFS," and miss the chase and dating??

Just shoot me now. 

11 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Oh Katina. If you think you can't move at 30 the way that you used to, just wait for 50's...

Shouldn't the guys be wearing helmets, or at least mouth guards while playing hockey?

Or ball gags? 

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Poor Mark.  All he wants is to come home to a little peace.  Instead he is met by a crazed woman with a glint in her eye every time she nerf-shoots him.  I'd be scared, too.

Edited by rebel2u
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Jasmina is SO cold and disapproving.   She can interrupt but he can’t.  Not a fan.  So much negative energy there.   No joy. I am to the point I don’t even want to watch them.  She’s so mean girl about him.  

And O with his too-many words praising Katina for “finally” hearing him.  Everything to O is about him.  

Edited by Meowwww
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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Lindsay: Now that Alyssa isn’t here, things have been going great.

Me: Even though she is a good fucking person.

Cue Alyssa sliding into MTS DM per the after show. 

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2 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Oh, Steve.  No one is going to be okay with you staying home, especially if there are no kids.

Of course, I don't know her mind, but I'll bet Noi's  dream of having exactly three kids included her being the stay-at-home mom to them.  She will never be comfortable unless her husband has a steady job, with benefits to cover her and the children.  She doesn't trust the idea that consulting can be steady employment.

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I did about five other things during this ep, so I don't feel too bad. Did they think the sex toys would spice things up? When the ball gags came out, I thought dinner was going to come back up. Can it be Decision Day? Maybe Steve and Noi make it because he has an epiphany or a really good job offer, but otherwise? It's Atlanta all over again. Abuse all over the place--screen better, assholes.

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2 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Oh, Steve.  No one is going to be okay with you staying home, especially if there are no kids.  

I was under the impression that Steve was taking a break to do the show and would return to work when the season wrapped.  Unless I missed it, he didn’t say anything about being independently wealthy, but he made it perfectly clear that he has no intention of working. The hell! No wonder his father called him a “vagabond.”  I would bet good money that his lazy ass told the experts he was in between jobs due to the pandemic.  Househusband, indeed!

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Both Katina and O seem to agree that this marriage is about her living up to his standards and meeting his needs. I truly don't understand why she hasn't just told him to sod off. 

Steve and Noi have options they don't seem to have considered. He could pursue some consulting gigs to demonstrate that he can, in fact, pick up that kind of work and be well compensated for it. That might set her mind at ease a bit. Or he could pick up a steady job for a couple years until they're ready for kids, making sure in either scenario to sock away plenty of money to help support them if he wants to become a SAHM dad later on. I don't think him being a full time homemaker NOW makes much sense and would make me nervous too. (I would feel the same way if the genders were reversed.) 

Of course, if the issue is that Noi is as certain that a husband should be a breadwinner as O is that a wife must clean and cook, that's not going to be surmountable. 

Despite their obvious problems, Mark and Lindsay appear to laugh and have fun together more than any of the other couples. They might just work out?

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1 minute ago, Racj82 said:

I don't think one person will disagree with you about Lyndsey. The issue is are constantly airing out the dirtiest of dirty laundry to anyone that will listen and to any camera on her. Mark, obviously needs to pick it up in that area and some others. But, she is constantly humiliating the man. His life. His balls. His salary. His dick game. His toilet habits. If he's that bad, dump him. If you want to make it work, how about not embarrassing him on tv over and over for his friends, family, Co workers and everyone else to hear.

Also if she wanted something different at the time, she should have used her loud mouth and brusque authenticity to tell Mark to slow down, less this, more that, hey a little to the right… instead I think she just let it play out as an unsatisfactory encounter that she could use against him another day.

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3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

I think that plenty of couples are fine with one spouse being a full time homemaker and one being a full time breadwinner. I think there are women who would be fine with Steve being a full-time homemaker; but Noi isn't that person. They have to agree on it together and right now, each of them is just focused on what he/she wants individually.

Yeah, I agree.  If Noi were very into her career and didn't see herself in the role of primary caregiver, perhaps she'd be on board with Steve being a full time homemaker, but she sees herself in that role or at least sharing it equally with someone who also works.  That's not uncommon for women who are looking to have kids.  She doesn't want to hand it over to Steve completely.  Like how would a guy who was dedicated to his career react if he'd been matched with a woman who told him she always envisioned having a husband who would stay home and cook, clean and raise the kids?  I don't think most guys would like to be told that by a spouse unless they were like Steve, but most are not.  And I don't think anyone would blame them for not being on board with it, either. 

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4 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Olajuwon has some very odd and obstinate notions of marriage, "wife," and the "duties" attendant. He accuses Katina of being about "I," when HE is the lazy egotist in this marriage. Every jot and tittle must be in accordance with his definitions, his expectations, his needs. 

Intolerable. I hope Katina dumps him. 

Dumbass Viviana gave him an easy out by asking him if reducing his dissatisfaction to cooking and cleaning was a "communication problem".  After that he was like, "Oh yeah, THAT's what it is!!"  Like of course it's all about intimacy and being vulnerable (flashbacks to Will and Jasmine of season 8). What a crock of shit!  He just agreed with her to get her off his back!  Now he's just going to go underground with his Chauvinist Pig attitudes, but they're not going anywhere any time soon. 

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3 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Well, then Michael needs to remove that stick, because a story of a 6-year-old weeing in class IS FUNNY. 

Actually I don't agree.  One of my best male friends had the exact same thing happen to him in first grade and as a result his classmates mercilessly called him "panty water" for years after that.  It was very embarrassing and humiliating for him and he never got over it.   From my own bullying in childhood I know first hand that kids can be mean that way, and it's almost impossible to really get over the scars left by something like that when it happens at such a young age, so it's not really funny at all.

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3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

It was funny but I think it was also clear that it really hurt him at the time and he was expressing that clearly and noticeably. All she had to do was notice his obvious discomfort and apologize - so she was laughing with him and not at him.


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43 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

I don't think one person will disagree with you about Lyndsey. The issue is are constantly airing out the dirtiest of dirty laundry to anyone that will listen and to any camera on her.

Oh, I don't disagree that her harsh tongue and lack of filter is their biggest issue. I've called her out on that. She's a mean one.

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3 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:
3 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Jasmina is impossible!! She refuses to consider the idea of journaling and says they can just talk—when they obviously can’t! But then when Mike says it was just a suggestion and they can just talk, she rolls her eyes at him. 

He's boring, speaks in a dull monotone, and presented that journaling idea as an order---until Jasmina rejected it emphatically.

So you thought Michael presented the journaling idea as an order?  I'm with @JenE4 that he put it up as a suggestion.  I have seen absolutely nothing come out of his mouth that looked anything to me like an order.  He seems to be turning himself inside out trying not trigger Jasmina because he knows she sees everything he says as an order, and yet despite his best efforts she still does!  Anyway I think Jasmina doesn't want to journal because she always gets what she wants to say out because she always cuts him off and won't let him finish his sentences.  He's the one that needs to do it.  But I notice that Michael never blames her for anything even when she is the one clearly responsible.  He always says, "WE have to work on this, WE have to communicate better".  Meanwhile all she can do is continue to place all the blame on him and not take any responsibility herself.  Until later in the episode when it looked like she was, but I don't think she's made any real breakthrough.

Edited by Yeah No
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2 hours ago, kikicat said:

I feel like Olajuwon doesn't understand what working from home means. She's working at a job that pays her money, fool. Yes, her hours might be more flexible, she can throw a load of clothes in the washer on a break. But she's still working, just like you. She's not your unpaid maid, she's not at home to do all the chores and have a hot meal ready for you when you come off night shift.

This may have touched a nerve with me because I've been self-employed as an artist/writer most of my life, lol. And I was asked to do a lot of freebies for people because I had "so much free time".  I quickly learned to say an emphatic no, and talked about working for 17 hours straight when I was on a deadline.

Just shut up and make a chore chart for both of you, O.

Yes, I know, it's just a way for Olajuwon to devalue the job she has as if because she does it at home she should also have the time to wait on him hand and foot.  Like her work, because she is a woman is not as valuable as his is.  What he's really doing is asking her to have two full time jobs at home, while in his mind neither one is even a part time job!

As a married woman that worked full time for over 30 years I would never have put up with that attitude in a man.  My husband may not have always done his equal share of housework but we had ways of dealing with that, such as lowering our standards for some things and catching up on them on a monthly if not weekly basis.  And when I got older we got a cleaning person.  It's that simple.  Olajuwon is just a narcissist that likes the idea of having a woman around to revolve around him and cater to him like he's the god of the universe.  That's why he made such a big deal about her doing the movie night thing.  Because he likes thinking that she is making him her whole world and putting the focus on him 24/7 like nothing else she could possibly do is as important as flattering his huge ego.  GAG ME.  🤮

Edited by Yeah No
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1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

I don't think one person will disagree with you about Lyndsey. The issue is are constantly airing out the dirtiest of dirty laundry to anyone that will listen and to any camera on her. Mark, obviously needs to pick it up in that area and some others. But, she is constantly humiliating the man. His life. His balls. His salary. His dick game. His toilet habits. If he's that bad, dump him. If you want to make it work, how about not embarrassing him on tv over and over for his friends, family, Co workers and everyone else to hear.

Her behavior is beyond crass, low class and vulgar.  I don't know how any man would want to go to bed with her after all she's said to kill any romance between them.  My mother's Sicilian family would have called her a "gafone".  Unsophisticated, rude, crude, lewd, but definitely NOT shrewd!  I could never have a relationship with anyone like that!

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Lindsay, put that camera away. These moments are supposed to be between the two of you. Not the kind of momento you want your grandchildren to see. 

They are on television. The cat(s) are out of the bag on that one.

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3 hours ago, Rightside said:

Does anyone feel this episode was a complete waste of time??

I think they all had some much needed visit from one of the experts. Most of them took something from it. 

People keep complaining about the sex stuff but it doesn't really matter if they've has sex or not. This was to lighten them up. Also, maybe open up a bit about their desires. Obviously, they could do that in private but it's a tv show. The ball gags and stuff were a bit much.

Lyndsey and Mark really needed a sex talk. For a bunch of different reasons.

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