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S10.E11: A Food Star Is Born

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The reason Lenny won over Luca IMO was Nicole.  I fully believe that had it been between Lenny and Luca, Luca would have won hands down.  The poll over at Food Network Gossip has a flawless track record of being able to predict the winner and it had Lenny ahead of Luca by only 3% of the votes (I think Luca had 39% to Lenny's 42%).  I believe that a lot of the Nicole votes would have gone to Luca over Lenny given that so many people who voted for her thought she was like the anti-Lenny and liked that.  I liked Nicole too but I'm just saying that her being in the running took votes away from Luca, unfortunately.

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I saw the brisket video, and as I posted above, it's juvenile and stupid. That being said, i am still not looking to Lenny (or anyone on Food Network) as the moral guidepost in my life. This stuff is meant to be entertainment, and I really am not going to get upset because the guy uses foul language, or acts like a juvenile frat boy when off camera. I can hardly believe he is the only one on the network who has done the same.

Again, he is a TV entertainer, he wasn't running for the office of the President or the Pope.

Anyone who sees him knows that the Cowboy act is just that, an act. If bland, boring, stand and stir chefs were what the publIc was tuning in to see, you can bet that FN would be showing them day and night, instead of the mindless dreck we currently get in the way of Triple G, Cutthroat, Kiddie Chefs, or whatever the brainiacs at FN have come up with lately.

As to the opinion that he is unwatchable, apparently a large portion of the viewing publIc thinks otherwise, as do the Powers That Be at FN.

If someone finds Lenny so repugnant that they can't watch him, fortunately there are hundreds of other viewing options.

We found Melissa to a total phony, but some on these boards liked her. Same with Justin Warner, who came across as a pretentious d-bag.

Thats whats nice about these boards, they can showcase varying opinions, it is not limited to one opinion only.

Don't like Lenny, don't watch him. Apparently there are enough who will to convince FN to choose him, irregardless of his supposedly offensive videos.

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I suppose that some of the upset (for many people) has to do with who or what we thought he is. If this were a raunchy comedienne contest and we saw that side of him, then maybe it would have been a-ok. Some of his stuff looks like it belongs on that Jackass show or Bam's show. There is a market for that type of humor and if that is what he wants to do, then go for it.


However, I think many viewers of FNS believe that there is some authenticity in the presentation. They want to believe that even if the person is playing their "role" or POV to be a bit bigger or grandiose than they normally are, that their essence is still true. That there is a kernel of real there. I think some may feel like they were fooled, that Lenny played us and he is nothing that he portrayed, That stings a bit, because we want to believe in the people we vote for. By vicariously supporting someone, it is an extension of our own personal beliefs and views of ourselves (social psychology stuff going on here), and we may not even be aware of these dynamics either. That may be part of the reason why people will be really offended and be quite upset seeing the "real" Lenny. Notwithstanding that for some, the material is offensive period.


I actually liked him on the show and I liked his POV. As a New Englander originally, I don't like that he hid that.  I actually thought that he was from the South and I "bought in".  I was going to vote for him, but forgot to. I don't follow this show too closely, but I can say that I actually did like him, but wish that he wasn't coming across as a total lie (even if it isn't 100% fake - it sure feels that way). Additionally, by neither party addressing the issue, it tells me that there may be more things of concern that we are not aware of. If it was a stupid prank, then say so. The fact that these things were left up, speaks to Lenny's absolute arrogance, his inability to read the room, and no comprehension to anticipate consequences as related to behavior. My professional experience tells me that he will not last long because they are dealing with someone who does not understand the concept of knowing what is considered appropriate for the job as a TV host/Chef on a mainstream network. 

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Some other observations from the Finale:

As others have posted, in regards to Loreals hairdo: WTF?

How could anyone think that look is something that you want to go on national TV with?

Can Sara become any more annoying ? She outdid herself in the clips in the finale.

So Ruben, besides having the d-bag hipster beard, also wears fake glasses to build on his hipster look. Why in the world would anyone ever want to wear fake glasses?

How do you think Nicole felt, after being eliminated halfway through, and having to remain in the Final 3 chairs?

I think there is a future for Aryen (not sure if I got the spelling right), and Luca on the network, but no idea what capacity.

A few of the others were so forgetable I couldn't even remember who they were.

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Thank you, MajorWoody, for getting back to the finale, the subject of this thread.

I also felt a pang of anxiety for Nicole having to sit there after she'd been eliminated. Reminded me of Martie's season when she was brought along with Justin as Alton couldn't decide between the two in order to pick his one finalist (back when the mentors chose one each).

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Major Woody, I wonder if you would you defend Paula Deen as much as you have Lenny.  After all, she was accused of a lot of things and used a certain racially offensive word, which supposedly is what caused her to be dropped by Food Network.  But after all, she is not supposed to be a "moral guidepost", so then why did all her sponsors suddently drop her?  There have been many entertainers of late who have suffered similar fates as Paula for much less.  So why is Lenny getting such a pass?  I really don't get it.


I don't look to these people to be my moral guideposts either, but FN has been displaying him as authentically the caricature he is playing on their show.  There are thousands of people (especially young people and children) who have bought into his "golly gee shucks, ma'am" image hook line and sinker and have posted to Facebook showing themselves to be seriously taken in by this charlatan.  Don't you think it's pretty nasty of FN to fool people like that just to make themselves some dinero?  I am sure that most of these people, if they had their noses rubbed in the truth, would not also feel as you do about him, but feel fooled and scammed.  I have seen more of them online than I can shake a stick at who upon finding out the real Lenny become angry and upset.  Is that the way FN should treat its audience?  I really don't see any justification for doing this to people, especially children.  I have been saying this for years now, but I really think FN hates its audience.

 The fact that these things were left up, speaks to Lenny's absolute arrogance, his inability to read the room, and no comprehension to anticipate consequences as related to behavior. My professional experience tells me that he will not last long because they are dealing with someone who does not understand the concept of knowing what is considered appropriate for the job as a TV host/Chef on a mainstream network. 


I couldn't agree with you more - Many of us here have been saying the same things over and over.  All of my background in dealing with people plus degrees in Psychology are telling me exactly the same thing.  FN is going to get what they deserve with this clown.

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I saw the brisket video, and as I posted above, it's juvenile and stupid. That being said, i am still not looking to Lenny (or anyone on Food Network) as the moral guidepost in my life.


I don't look to ANYONE on TV to be my moral guidepost.  

But - I do take note when people are hypocritical.  it's not that he uses foul language - god knows I do enough of that. 

For me, when a man is tipping his hat and saying "yes Ma'am"  and "thank you little lady" and pretending to be THAT person, and he's on a TV show where he is lauded for being GENUINE -  

And then I see that when he appreciates a woman, he doesn't say, 'She's pretty"  he says "I'd f#&% her in the a$$" -  well, THAT makes me angry.  And the fact that the women he was talking about is someone who also is on a cooking show, who actually seems to have that "genuine charm"  that he is faking -  well, that makes me distrust the network for putting up with that kind of crap.  


and that's only ONE comment that he made.  the rest of it just reinforces my view of him as an asshole.  And causes me to want to turn away, not just from his show, but from Food Network in general. 

Edited by backformore
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I very rarely watch the winner's show, although I did catch a few Hearty Boys shows back in the day. This show is summer entertainment for me, and it pretty much ends there. Luca and Nicole were BO-ring. Lenny was not. That's why he won. The media doesn't care that he said and did some douchey things online, because he's a nobody. Paula Deen was a mega-star, even outside Food Network and her fall was EPIC. 


I don't care about Lenny. His winning is not the equivalent of my family dying of typhoid or the holocaust. It's just the outcome of a show I watch, and it was probably the correct one, given the contestants presented. 


The biggest problem seems to me that this show is not nearly as entertaining as it used to be. The challenges are weak. The contestants are weak. Something needs to change.

Edited by dahling
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Since this show has ended, and the outcome is now history, please move the talk of Lenny and your love/hate for him to the Food Network in the Media thread:




Some of you are getting pretty close to the line of making your posts personal against others who may disagree, so please make your point, move on, and let's all live happily ever after.


*sweeping up the leftover popcorn*

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I can respect the comments in the above post. However, I CANNOT and WILL NOT accept Lenny for anything other that a foul-mouthed fake. 

I've been watching Top Chef Duels (different channel, but same idea) and Wolfgang Puck is one of the judges. It's only 2 episodes into the season, but he's made enough sexually inappropriate remarks that I want to gut punch him. I don't know if it's because being a chef is still more of a man's world, or whatever, but misogynist remarks don't seem to hurt anybody's career.

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That was the same defense used by Anthony Cumia too; well, until he was fired and demonstrated how "fake" his persona was when he returned to defend himself on a pro-white power .

Who the heck is Anthony Cumia, and what in the world does he have to do with this thread?

Again, if you don't like Lenny, don't watch him. He's a freakin' TV Chef, not the President, the Pope, or the Dalai Lama (at least he's got that going for him).

I really don't care if he, or Guy Fee-ety, or Johnny Carson, or some other celebrity entertainer is foul mouthed off camera and not the character he portrays on camera. It's called entertainment for a reason. Obviously enough of the public and the FN Powers That Be got over his videos to crown him this years champ.

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All right, folks, we're getting reports from here, and while PTV prefers to moderate lightly, y'all are pushing it.


It looks like everyone's offered their opinion of Lenny and his on- and off-camera persona at least once. It's probably not necessary to restate that opinion. Also, do not get hissy with your fellow posters. That's against the rules.


Finally, I'm borrowing something I wrote for the MasterChef US forum when they were facing similar issues. 




In the name of protecting everyone's blood pressure, I'm going to recommend that you use the "Ignore" feature on posters who are annoying you.


Here's how:
Go to the top of your screen and click on the little head icon.
Click on "Manage Ignore Prefs".
Type in the annoying person's name.
Click the little boxes to the right that give you options on what to ignore.
Click "Save Changes."
Return to the forum and have fun.  


Now, if someone else quotes the annoying person, you'll still see that. Also, you can't ignore the mods. And we can't ignore you. But otherwise, you should be good to go.


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  Delurking with more hate for Lenny. Just because he's not the leader of the free world or a paragon of virtue, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be called on his shit, which, if those videos and comments are any indication, he's not just full of it; he's jam-packed. I agree that it's a free country and Lenny is free to say what he wants, but people are also free to criticize him for it. At least Bobby Flay never spat out Luca or Nicole's food, like he did Lenny's in the "Cutthroat Food Star" episode. Nicole and her "coastal Cuisine" and/or Luca and his (possible) subtitles would have been much better to watch than Lenny the Subhuman, as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by DollEyes
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  Delurking with more hate for Lenny. Just because he's not the leader of the free world or a paragon of virtue, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be called on his shit, which, if those videos and comments are any indication, he's not just full of it; he's jam-packed. I agree that it's a free country and Lenny is free to say what he wants, but people are also free to criticize him for it. At least Bobby Flay never spat out Luca or Nicole's food, like he did Lenny's in the "Cutthroat Food Star" episode. Nicole and her "coastal Cuisine" and/or Luca and his (possible) subtitles would have been much better to watch than Lenny the Subhuman, as far as I'm concerned.


I agree, and for me at least, I have never needed subtitles to understand Luca.  I would have definitely needed subtitles for Pah Stahl. 

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The biggest problem seems to me that this show is not nearly as entertaining as it used to be. The challenges are weak. The contestants are weak. Something needs to change.


It won't change (drawing more qualified cooks/chefs) until FN stops with the stupid "challenges" they put these people through plus the humiliating critiques.

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It won't change (drawing more qualified cooks/chefs) until FN stops with the stupid "challenges" they put these people through plus the humiliating critiques.

I don't know, I've always seen FNS being to TC what "Fashion Show" or "Fashion Star" is to "Project Runway."  Top Chef and Project Runway, IMO are always going to get the most talented designers and chefs, and maybe it just comes from being the original.  I do think that if they changed the format it might be different.  I mean what should the focus be, they have their three big stars there, Giada, Alton and Bobby.  Were these three better chefs, or better TV personalities when they started.  If they mostly just want a TV personality, then just focus on that, and look to get people who have been in the culinary industry and so can be called a food authority, but don't expect them to cook, especially if you're going to just send them around tasting and making suggestions about other peoples food/restaurants.  And then you can widen the POV...instead of kind of forcing a POV around the contestants cooking.  If they mostly want someone who can cook, then stop having challenges where they have to be against a green screen, or do a PayDay commercial.  


I do think its hard to find someone with both an on-air talent, and an ability to cook well, and fit them into the very set boxes that FN seems to want them in.  So what happens is you get someone who can sort of do those three things at 50% and thats the best you can get, which isn't that great to launch a show off of.  



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Yes, @chessiegal, but that also makes me wonder why they film in L.A., where they have to rent space. Then Vegas. When they used to do it all in NYC at their studios. All of the stuff they did in this season could have been accomplished in NY. Go to the Hamptons for an episode. To the Jersey Shore. Bus everyone to Atlantic City (a place which could certainly use a boost on TV).

If I had my way, they'd do away with the ridiculous video challenges that have nothing whatsoever to do with cooking. Go back to basics, do the curveball on-air challenges (which they need to be able to handle), more cooking and less circus.

@RealityGal, I agree about subtitles for Pah Stahl. He had what I like to call Marble Mouth Syndrome. :)

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This show will not change unless ratings drop or it becomes more expensive to produce than the revenue it brings in. It's all about the money.

I wish I was a fly on the wall of the FNS room* so I could know if they really expect that a show based around whoever is chosen as FNS will be successful, or if they are only worried about FNS ratings as a stand alone show and aren't all that concerned about the person who wins becoming a long term member of the Food Network Team.


If they just care about the ratings for the show, and basically just produce a show for the winner as a way to "keep their promise" and of course to reap the benefits IF the show succeeds, then I certainly think you're correct.  But if they are really really wanting to see a popular show come from the winner, than they may be worried about the quality of whomever is chosen as well as the ratings for the flagship show (FNS)


*I would like to be a fly only if I were invincible and I could return to being a human after the meeting was over.

@RealityGal, I agree about subtitles for Pah Stahl. He had what I like to call Marble Mouth Syndrome. :)

I still want a show where I just surprise Pah Stahl twice a day and kick him in the nuts.  Just thinking about it makes me smile.  I wonder if they will let me on if thats my POV?

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My personal thought is that they are only interested in the ratings for this show. Which explains the outrageous and stupid challenges. "Give 'em what they want!" mentality. Only... we don't want the circus, we want to see someone develop into a TV host that we want to watch.

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If they just care about the ratings for the show, and basically just produce a show for the winner as a way to "keep their promise" and of course to reap the benefits IF the show succeeds, then I certainly think you're correct.  But if they are really really wanting to see a popular show come from the winner, than they may be worried about the quality of whomever is chosen as well as the ratings for the flagship show (FNS)



I think the point of this show is this show.  I think the only way TPTB are interested in an actual cooking show that will be sustaining is if the principals produce it themselves and present it as a licensed package, like Ree or that smug chick from the Midwest whose name I always forget.


*I would like to be a fly only if I were invincible and I could return to being a human after the meeting was over.



Hide under the vagina table.  They'd never look there.

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I think the point of this show is this show.  I think the only way TPTB are interested in an actual cooking show that will be sustaining is if the principals produce it themselves and present it as a licensed package, like Ree or that smug chick from the Midwest whose name I always forget.



Hide under the vagina table.  They'd never look there.


Ugh, the thought of being under the vagina table in human or insect form has me freaked out. 


Yeah, I think the show itself is the stand alone.  Which makes me feel a little better about Lenny, because if thats the case, they may not be invested enough to put a ton of money behind him to make a real show that they think will be successful.

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I agree with all of you. If they happen to stumble ass-backwards into another Guy (or another Mauro, for that matter) that's a great bonus, but most of the winners are gonna be McCargos and D'Arabians and Aartis, and I think they're well aware of that and don't really care. I'd bet money on it.


There are plenty of far easier avenues to obtain or produce new programming than FNS anyway. Surely they've got legions of people pitching them show ideas to produce in-house daily, and whole other legions of people submitting already-produced pilots that they could just purchase.


And not just from wannbes either. I mean, if established entertainers like Trisha Yearwood and Anthony Anderson are interested in having shows on FN, it's anybody's guess as to what other established "name" personalities they could snag if they wanted to. I'd bet that if we were to see a list of potentials, it would be fascinating.


(Edited to add) Surely they could also, if they wanted to, sign up pretty much anybody who's ever been on Top Chef. Especially Fabio, Blais, Marcel or Stefan.


And if they prefer presumably less-expensive options, there are always the Nadia Gs and Ree Drummonds of the world, who might be (or have been) relative unknowns, but do have established bona fides and pre-existing "followings" via blogs or YouTube channels or what have you. And they have fully fleshed-out concepts or even shows already in-the-can that FN could just buy and put right on the air. I have no doubt that, if they had wanted to, FN could have signed the Epic Meal Time guys, for example.


They don't at all need FNS to uncover new talent and/or programming ideas for them. But it seems like fresh new shows/personalities are more the exception than the rule anyway. The prevailing strategy seems to be using current talent in as many ways as they can. Give Guy, Bobby, Alton and Giada as much work as they care to do. Throw Mauro, Sunny, Marcella and Zakarian into a pot and see if anything cooks up. Get whatever you can out of Melissa and Aarti. Etc. etc. etc.


And when all else fails, RE-RUNS BABY! HIGH FIVE!

Edited by Uncle Benzene
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Am I the only person that looks at this and thinks that Food Network needed to offset Ree Drummond with a male counter part? Ree is "lodge country cooking" whereas Lenny is "chuckwagon cooking" either....shrimp forks to the eyes.

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FN had a goldmine of a chuckwagon chef already, Kent Rollins. Everyone loved him on Chopped. He could easily host a show out in his native Oklahoma, with the real chuckwagon he cooks on, assisted by his wife Shannon. It would make a great cooking show.

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Yes, Kent Rollins has been on a few shows - Chopped, Food Fighters, and one where they cooked outdoors.    He comes across as humble and sincere, AND he knows how to cook.  He's a real "Cowboy cook", where Lenny is a cartoon version.  

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I could walk into Wal-Mart blindfolded in Oklahoma and come out with a cowboy more authentic than Lenny.

OMG!  This sounds like a fun game, walk into a Wal-Mart blindfolded and see who you come out with.  I bet you would get some very interesting people

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No, you're not missing anything. Lenny seems to have been put on "hold" for whatever reason. Damaris' show came out the week after her win last year.


I'm not sure that's the case, although I'm not motivated enough to Google it up.  I think the last time they did that was with Aarti, when they didn't pretend to have an audience vote.  I remember there being some gap the last two years.


Nonetheless, I'll do my part, you know yours:


Knock Knock










How quickly we forget!

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I believe the gap has more to do with who's camera-ready and who's not. Jeff Mauro and Damaris were on the following week, and both did well right out of the gate. I think Melissa came on quickly as well.

It also depends on who gets stuck producing Lenny's show. God be with them.

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I believe the gap has more to do with who's camera-ready and who's not. Jeff Mauro and Damaris were on the following week, and both did well right out of the gate. I think Melissa came on quickly as well.

It also depends on who gets stuck producing Lenny's show. God be with them.



Damaris's season of FNS ended mid August, her show started in October.  Mauro was on the next week after FNS ended, but there was no "audience vote".

Edited by Totale
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They used to make a very big deal that the winner of FNS would go right into the studio the next day and start taping their new show which would air in a week. I don't recall them saying the last few seasons, but I remember it from years ago. 

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No, you're not missing anything. Lenny seems to have been put on "hold" for whatever reason. Damaris' show came out the week after her win last year.

Maybe they'll come up with a show featuring Lenny & Justin! They could call it "The Hipster & The Cowboy", Lenny can make some down home chuckwagon food, & Justin can change it into something else using molecular gastronomy.

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I wonder if Lenny's show is on hold while they try to find people in the network that are willing to work with him.  If I were any of the players, even if I personally thought he was ok, I would be really reluctant to get involved due to the negative things that came out and have been discussed online in such detail.  If he hadn't gone so far as to name someone who currently has a show - maybe they could have just turned a blind eye.  It is hard for me to believe that didn't ratchet up the potential problem.  


I would love to know what is going on behind the scenes in the FN Department of Damage Control.  Maybe they will just give him his show as promised, but not let him work directly with anyone else and see how it goes and how it is received.  It will be interesting to see.  

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I wonder if Lenny's show is on hold while they try to find people in the network that are willing to work with him.  If I were any of the players, even if I personally thought he was ok, I would be really reluctant to get involved due to the negative things that came out and have been discussed online in such detail. 

Yeah something tells me Lenny won't have Bobby Flay waiting in the wings to produce for him heh.

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