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S04.E12: The Crossover

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Helen takes the reins at NHS Hampstead Hospital while Max gets creative to help a patient in need. Reynolds reaches a decision about Dr. Malvo. Iggy and Bloom help their patients understand the underlying cause of their stress. Dr. Wilder employs more unconventional techniques.

Original air date: Jan 11 2022

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So Helen hired 3 people for 1 job.  Why couldn't she hire Max now that he has his  UK license.

Speaking of which..typical Max stealing the supplies and taking care of people in the street ::insert eye roll:::

No Veronica...a good thing.  I do miss the woman from the Board that she ousted though.  I forgot her name.

Iggy!  That was crazy.  She's pointing a gun and he runs out of the car to take care of it.  No no no..but typical Iggy. 

Thank God Floyd came to his senses.  That storyline was ridiculous.

This show makes me shake my head.


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I was so bored this week, and I don’t mind Max usually…but a clinic in an alley? And nothing comes out of him stealing supplies? I know this is TV and medical dramas tend to exaggerate this stuff but come on.

Please tell me we’ll never see Lyn again.

I liked the little bit of continuity we got with seeing the cancer patient who used to do chemo with Max but I hate this holistic medicine plotline. I laughed at “I accept this healing touch” because you would never see that in a real, reputable hospital. 

I wonder who the “unforgettable goodbye” will be. Or maybe I don’t even care. I don’t think it’s Leyla because the showrunner said that hers and Lauren’s relationship isn’t over. That life insurance thing was weird though. (Unless they think she’s dead but it’s a mistake and she’s actually alive; I’ve seen that one before.) I know one other character who it isn’t because they will be back before the season ends. And it’s not likely to be one of the mains. I may just end up spoiling myself and I never read spoilers.

I am not sure how much longer I can watch. 

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The whole England thing just keeps me guessing….whatever.  Max seems to be more contained in London, so that’s a plus. Lol

What did the note say about where the missing girlfriend, I mean doctor, went? 

I’m just curious why so many writers of medical tv shows think it’s a big problem in hospitals with patients not wanting life saving treatment to the point that doctors must beg and take elaborate measures to get the sick patient to accept the treatment.  I really don’t think it’s a common thing, but these tv doctors deal with it a lot!  Lol. 

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7 hours ago, Cloud9Shopper said:


I was so bored this week, and I don’t mind Max usually…but a clinic in an alley? And nothing comes out of him stealing supplies? I know this is TV and medical dramas tend to exaggerate this stuff but come on


Same. Not as bored as last week where I welcomed the commercials, but pretty close. Max’s scenes did nothing for me. I think it’s London, it makes everything seem more disjointed than usual. Also I just noticed that neither party has mentioned the other since they moved? Did their phones break once they crossed the Atlantic? This is the one show I watch where other than the a few romantic pairings, the lead doctors seems to only have a professional relationship. It’s a little weird, I like seeing some camaraderie. 

At least Floyd seems to be bowing out, finally. This so called relationship of his is getting painful to watch. And thankfully no Mr Down Under and his awkward flirting this week. Bloom made me laugh with her inappropriate questioning of her staff though. How unprofessional. But at least now she knows Leyla is okay and hopefully won’t reach out. She clearly doesn’t want to be found if she’s gone so far as to drop out(an understandable but silly decision). I get not wanting in the program by unethical means and all but since it’s a thing people do at that hospital anyway and she wasn’t directly responsible, why not just break off the relationship and keep the employment. Maybe transfer to another department if she really can’t stand to work beside Bloom. Residences aren’t exactly easy to get into and she’s already had to start her life over once before. There’s no way I’d give up my spot if I was her, life would just have to go on. 

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I don’t like the British storyline and how many problems could Max really solve without testing and/or procedure or operating rooms? I’m quite sure Helen would not have the budget to pay three salaries. I’m guessing they want to have the right people take over when she leaves and goes back to New York. In real life I would like to have someone like Iggy listen to my problems but he is constantly unprofessional on the show.

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I watched the entire episode last night and then came here this morning... and realized that I can't remember a thing about it to make any comments.  It was very boring, and I don't recall anything of interest happening.

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First, I've noticed that this board is becoming "light" on commentary.  I guess everyone is feeling about the same with the direction of S4.  What a shame as this show used to be so good.

As other have mentioned, this episode was very lackluster, imo.  I think it's ridiculous that Max has been relegated to a "back alley" doctor to his patients (cabbies).  It makes zero sense that no hospital in London will hire him and he has to resort to this just to practice medicine?  What is wrong with these writers (rhetorical).  Is this the Max "challenge" and fish-out-of-water story they want to pursue?

Helen - for me, showed her indecisiveness.  Just last week, she'd lost funding (and fired Max in the process) and now she can hire THREE doctors?  And who exactly is second in command? 

Iggy - yeah, like he's really going to be able to train the entire NYPD?  Iggy is NOT Max but I guess he's trying to be "Max-like/lite" with this option.  The PTSD officer should have been put on leave until her issues were resolved/under control.

Bloom - guess she'll try to track down Leyla; that's more trouble brewing.  Evidently, Leyla didn't want Lauren to know where she is. 

Floyd - how ridiculous again.  He now has an epiphany--that he didn't realize sooner--after looking at the wedding album and seeing Lyn/Claude in their "younger" life?  That's a pathetic way to end this storyline.  And with this "revelation", please don't twist up this ending by somehow this being discovered it's Floyd's baby.   I think the showrunner and writers have heard enough from the fans to end this debacle of a relationship and maybe, have finally listened.

I don't know why Dr. Wilder would trust Mia--a Veronica hire.  Wilder doesn't even know Mia so why would she bring her into the "insurrection" fold??  Further, to have Willow see Mia really didn't made no sense.  Wilder has implemented unconventional ideas (Max-like, again) so why not for Willow?   Is Mia a plant for Fuentes?

Next weeks previews/promos - I think it may be Casey, which is a shame since they (showrunner/producers) stated he would be returning.  I don't want him to return if he's going to be killed off/die.  Possibly could be Kapoor but they haven't mentioned him in some time.   After the "going-away" party they had for him, Kapoor said he wouldn't be returning.  So it has to be one of the main characters the doctors interacted with closely. This will, initially, return Sharpwin to NA.

Edited by cathmed
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1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

I don’t like the British storyline and how many problems could Max really solve without testing and/or procedure or operating rooms? I’m quite sure Helen would not have the budget to pay three salaries. I’m guessing they want to have the right people take over when she leaves and goes back to New York. In real life I would like to have someone like Iggy listen to my problems but he is constantly unprofessional on the show.

Sending Sharpwin to London was one of the biggest mistakes TPTB made. It came out of nowhere for Helen and it’s not like in this season we’ve seen her interacting with the family she claimed to miss so much and wanted to be closer to. 

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While the Iggy getting in front of the cops gun thing was unrealistic. (I get that he's trained in the art of deescalation, but getting in front of a gun is dumb.) But it did feel inline with the New Amsterdam plots of past seasons when Max was around and the doctors would do unrealistic, but good things. So I was willing to suspend my disbelief a little bit. The truth is NYC is already starting to implement programs to send mental health workers instead of cops. So it's not far fetched that someone like Iggy could possibly be involved in a call like the first one that did not involve violence.  https://www.npr.org/2021/07/23/1019704823/police-mental-health-crisis-calls-new-york-city

I am happy Floyd is going to leave his married love interest in the capable hands of her husband. Let us never revisit this one again show!

I don't really care that much about the London stuff. It wasn't bad. It was a little too disjointed from the rest of the show IMO. I imagine they are either going to have to find something interesting for Max, the star after all, to do in London. I'm not sure back alley clinic is going to hold my attention for long. That or move him back to NYC (which is what I'd prefer).

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1 hour ago, cathmed said:

Iggy - yeah, like he's really going to be able to train the entire NYPD?  Iggy is NOT Max but I guess he's trying to be "Max-like/lite" with this option.  The PTSD officer should have been put on leave until her issues were resolved/under control.

I haven't finished watching the episode, so I am not sure what Iggy is proposing, I am assuming it is a way to dealing with anger issues? In any case, the problem with the NYPD is not training, it is the power they have to do whatever they want without close to zero accountability. 

As with everything in this show, I wish they had thrown a sentence or two about the need to tell the woman having a meltdown in front of the store that she needed to "move". Where? Where are people who have mental health needs supposed to go? I can understand the frustration of store owners but the anger is misdirected. Humanity has failed in all fronts. We need more solidarity and direction to fight the people who control the system, and who gaslight everyone else while pointing to scape goats to avoid scrutiny.

Again, with the "let's have a surgery RIGHT NOW" or you will die" trope. There is no way this is even remotely possible. It is not trauma, so it doesn't move from ER to OR without more tests and scheduling. Plus, Bloom hint at a psychological issue, so that should be explored as well, before open the guy's chest. Jesus, show.

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18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

The whole England thing just keeps me guessing….whatever.  Max seems to be more contained in London, so that’s a plus. Lol

What did the note say about where the missing girlfriend, I mean doctor, went? 

It was a name/address for a life insurance company. Maybe where she is working?

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15 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

It was a name/address for a life insurance company. Maybe where she is working?

Yeah, I can see her going out to work or home sites to take vitals/draw blood for new policies.  

Granted, I half watched, but how is this Max situation going to work out? If he has no backing, what if one of his patients gets an infection or a misdiagnosis? How will he paid, in free cab rides?  I could see him going to a popup clinic, like the muslim woman described. (not trying to stereotype, but that's the exact reason helen was interviewing her).

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I was done after watching the beginning and they wanted to reach out to Max's replacement for a job reference...not the board or whomever he reported to....and that he would be that unprofessional in interviews.  Why do they persist in writing this man as a "loveable" dimwit?

Then it seems I didn't miss much after that.  Tell me that Floyd is leaving along with his girlfriend.  Somehow I have started to like him less than Bloom.....and I read above she was questioning her staff about her girlfriend?  I  know these shows are not based in reality...but come on!

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Yeah, Bloom and her girlfriend story…..🙄I could see some concerned bystanders reporting her as unstable and unprofessional regarding that relationship.  There’s no room in a medical facility for that kind of thing.  When will writers learn that having a lover track you down after you make it clear it’s over does not mean true love? It’s borderline  stalker behavior and a signal the person doesn’t respect your boundaries.  I hope they don’t reward it by having her insist they reconcile.  Please.   

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13 hours ago, cathmed said:


Helen - for me, showed her indecisiveness.  Just last week, she'd lost funding (and fired Max in the process) and now she can hire THREE doctors?  And who exactly is second in command? 

In a way, she's an excellent pupil of Max.  She makes a bold choice that is completely impractical and cannot be sustained. 

And don't even get me started on Max.  He apparently can't behave professionally during an interview, and he puts Helen and her job at risk by stealing from her clinic and using the alley next to it for unauthorized medical care.

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11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah, Bloom and her girlfriend story…..🙄I could see some concerned bystanders reporting her as unstable and unprofessional regarding that relationship.  There’s no room in a medical facility for that kind of thing.  When will writers learn that having a lover track you down after you make it clear it’s over does not mean true love? It’s borderline  stalker behavior and a signal the person doesn’t respect your boundaries.  I hope they don’t reward it by having her insist they reconcile.  Please.   

I can’t stand adult characters like Lauren who use excuses like “but I had a bad childhood” or “abandonment issues” to defend their shitty behavior. Even the fact that she’s an addict…well there are addicts who don’t act childish like Bloom and can actually get/keep their shit together. Being an addict doesn’t automatically mean you get a free pass and can act however you want towards other people. (It’s like Abby Lockhart 2.0 at this point.) And lots of people have bad childhoods but move past them and still live meaningful and fulfilling lives. Lauren did something highly unethical because she’s too immature for a long distance relationship and couldn’t deal with the fact that Leyla actually got a residency and was happy, it just wasn’t initially with NA. She should’ve ended the relationship once Leyla became her subordinate.

I read an article a while ago where the showrunner said Leyla and Lauren are not over, so it will probably be like Abby 2.0 where Lauren gets everything back in her life and a happy ending after a half-assed effort with “recovery.” (I don’t put that in quotes to disrespect addicts; it’s more done to show neither of them barely made strides in their lives while claiming to be sober and still had everyone fawning all over them to be their friend and their lover.)

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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On 1/12/2022 at 11:27 AM, TooMuchRealityTV said:

While the Iggy getting in front of the cops gun thing was unrealistic. (I get that he's trained in the art of deescalation, but getting in front of a gun is dumb.)

Not as dumb as the lookie-loos standing on the sidewalk what, 10 feet behind the guy who had a gun drawn on him?  Lot of faith in the cop's ability to hit her target, if she were to pull the trigger.

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It's time for...


oh god Max I am guessing you are saying that stuff into a mirror because you should not say that to OH GOD MAX WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT DURING AN INTERVIEW

um you know what kind of doctor you were hiring before you get to the interview stage - so why did you even interview Max, Mr. Very British Looking Guy?

max why would you say you got fired, you could always say that you worked there while waiting for your license to come in

max when they ask to reach out for a reference why not suggest board lady, since she was effectively your supervisor

how is max getting these interviews when the places have no positions

oh god why are we doing floyd plot, please stop with this plot it is so stupid - I would rather have another Bloom Falls Off The Wagon plot combined with Iggy Has More Eating Disorder plot (but if he cheats on his husband he will be an irredeemable monster)

um bloom do not pump the residents for information you look like a stalker, which tbf you are doing

why not just send the paperwork to her new hospital

oh fun it's "Dr." Whackadoodle

wait wait how did she find The Amazing Doctor Wilder on her way to the morgue? Do they have LoJacks on the doctors or something?

So Whackadoodle has a point - integrative medicine can be helpful in oncology, but only in the context of integrative medicine - like my cancer center offers massages, accupuncture, yoga, etc. - but not crystal aligning, chakras, etc. We also know that Whackadoodle isn't an Integrative Medicine specialist - they tend to be, you know, actual doctors on top of Integrative Medicine.

is iggy doing some actual therapy? holy moly

wait wait why is he observing a cop all day

ok I am going to guess she will have her gun on someone (probably harmless) and Iggy will use his Powers Of Psychology to convince the cop to put her gun down. 

max don't practice back alley medicine

um max really, please don't practice medicine in a cab

max do you think of how this might reflect badly on your girlfriend

Bloom how do you have the time to sit at the bedside of this patient, you are in the ER

we've seen blue hair patient before, right? I like the consistency

okay, so she's doing etopidside, cisplatin, and cytarabine - I'm guessing she has lymphoma? I'm wondering why prednisone isn't in the mix.

I can understand the patient wanting to stop treatment - since treatment can make you feel like crap, especially when you need to do a second or third or fourth line treatment

Iggy, the cop not having PTSD would be surprising

now Sharpe is being dragged in every direction to find The Perfect #2

jesus Max no no no you don't do something like that what the hell

and of course now he is going to have complications 

max you better at least have something for Sharpe in that box, because I bet this receptionist is going to comment to Sharpe that you keep bringing her things, then this is going to result in a blowup between you two, and you're gonna head back to America at some point

how do you keep finding these boxes Max

Knicks guy, how do you afford tickets to every game. I mean maybe the job you don't love is something that earns a lot, but still

uh oh, Floyd's looking through photos and seeing how happy they have been

why wouldn't the husband tell her Floyd is going to be there while he goes to interviews what the hell

do you think something is going to happen to her while both of them are out 

The cancer clinical trial has a brochure? Damn, that's fancy. I'm in a trial and I just got a packet of paperwork

I can understand the patient not feeling comfortable with a new oncologist when something like this is going on - I'm going to be seeing a new managing oncologist in a few weeks and I am wondering how it will go.

Sharpe, should you admit in front of the person you are interviewing how much trouble you are having

oh hey, the clinic has competent security

ok, I like Bloom's reaction to Floyd's plot, but I would not call it fascinating

Bloom you are the director of the ER, why are you going into a surgery

oh fun, Wilder brought the patient to Dr. Whackadoodle

blue hair patient needs a therapist if her saying that three times made her cry

unless it's a beetlejuice thing and it has summoned sadness

oh hey look, the cop has her gun out and now Iggy's out of the car

damn, I was half right - it was how Iggy talked to the guy that made the cop lower her gun

and of course the cop is opening up to Iggy

tbh i'm surprised she only broke the person's shoulder

sharpe please yell at Max about being an alleyway doctor

or at least reprimand him in some fashion

of course you don't, Sharpe - he just gives you a Eureka moment

please do not invite Dr. Whackadoodle into the Conspiracy To Get Max back

oh good is Floyd ending the throuple plotline? please let it be so

no resident, don't give up the girlfriend's address - so, it's an insurance place? was she unable to find another residency and now works at a life insurance company?

um sharpe with how underfunded this place sounds, i don't think you can hire all of them

how are you able to do this. why are you so indecisive

max why are you the only person on the street not wearing a mask

oh hey a few people are not wearing masks

oh god the cabbie told people

is max going to be a mob doctor pleaaaaaaaaaase let him be a mob doctor this would make the show so much more fun

damn it's just a line of cabbies and max is going to run a super illegal clinic

how long until he gets deported and banned from the UK for asking people how he can help and making everyone vote for the Tories so they can have privatized healthcare

cabbies please turn your cars off

and, well, that's the end of this episode

So, who is the worst doctor?

So, it isn't Wilder - I liked her plot (probably because the writers haven't had a chance to ruin her yet)

I don't think it is Dr. Whackadoodle either - since she was genuinely trying to help a patient with her hokum - and didn't injure anyone.

I think the worst doctor of the week has to be Max - he's literally practicing medicine in an alley, a ridiculously non-sterile environment. At least wipe down the back seat of the cab with some antibacterial wipes!

If we go for morally worst - then it is easily Bloom.

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13 hours ago, bros402 said:

I think the worst doctor of the week has to be Max - he's literally practicing medicine in an alley, a ridiculously non-sterile environment. At least wipe down the back seat of the cab with some antibacterial wipes!

I commented on the Chicago Med site, the latest episode showed just how the patients were close to dying because of this, and the doctor (unlicensed in this country, but still) was arrested, but Max is made out to be a hero.  Go figure.

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20 hours ago, bros402 said:

Bloom you are the director of the ER, why are you going into a surgery


And, more importantly, why is Bloom going into a sterile environment wearing the patient's dirty Knicks jersey?

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3 hours ago, christie said:

And, more importantly, why is Bloom going into a sterile environment wearing the patient's dirty Knicks jersey?

Yeah - I was just so shocked - especially since the patient said he doesn't wash it!

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It’s just silly writing by people who don’t seem to think anything through.  TV viewers are smart and logical.  They don’t just swallow everything without question.  Honestly, I really question why these writers  have no critical eye on their work product.  

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1 hour ago, jabRI said:

So why was Floyd's 'rival' going on interviews?  was he fired because of the poly-relationship?

He was let go when Veronica forced Max to make budget cuts. I honestly found it a little unbelievable that a successful surgeon like him couldn’t find any other job in NYC and was still interviewing.

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On 1/14/2022 at 8:11 PM, christie said:

And, more importantly, why is Bloom going into a sterile environment wearing the patient's dirty Knicks jersey?

I initially thought the same thing, but then remembered that they wear that plastic apron thingy in surgery. In TV land the doctor is often assisted with putting the thing on and tying it up inside the OR.

This show is floundering. Like a writer left and the others weren't sure what to do with the stories that had been started, because the ideas were in the departed writer's head. 

Bring back KAREN and CASEY. Keep Castries around. I'd like to see her mix it up with Karen. Lots of chuckle opportunities there.

At least we have a Revolution to look forward to. ⚔️

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The London thing isn’t fully working for me either. It reminds me too much of Glee when the remaining original cast members graduated and the show followed them to NYC but still followed the high school characters. That didn’t work for me (and ratings started diving) and neither does this divided attention between London and New Amsterdam. I’m not sure why the writers thought this was a good idea

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Max did one day of interviews and then gave up. Also, he acted like he'd never been on an interview before and didn't want any of those jobs.

There actually is an acupuncture point in the forearm that is known to be excellent at helping with nausea. The scene was hokey, but if you've been nauseated a long time and then it vanishes, honestly, a person crying with relief is not that hard to believe. I have never known anyone to do the "I accept healing touch" thing along with treatment, though. That part I thought undermined the whole bit, because it made the despair of the patient seem kind of shallow.

Dr. Wilder, I think inviting Veronica's pet into the insurrection was premature and that's strike one against your character, who I have loved unreservedly until this scene.

Did Helen hire the three people for part time positions? How did she find the budget for 3 2nd-in-commands?

Well, Floyd, if you give up that easily, you weren't up for complicated after all. Just when they are treating you like part of the family, you bail? Shame on you!


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