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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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11 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

From what I read he has had two fights, the first was in 2017 and one more recent...not much of a career and not much of a paycheck.

I believe that first fight was in Iowa which is also where he married his first wife in 2017, so this isn't his first attempt to break into the MMA scene here in the US. 

Could this fight that the trainer arranged be just part of the process, kind of like "after six weeks you will be in an exhibition fight with another student, invite your friends and family!" and not really any indication of whether or not Bini has any talent? 

Edited by magemaud
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On 6/5/2022 at 9:13 PM, magemaud said:

In three months he never asked her about her family? And, I guess this three months of dating occurred AFTER his three month coma? Sure, Jan

Yeah, and why does everything in Jibiri's life happen in 3 month increments?

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3 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Oh, no!  Not TLC's new series- Dr. VaJayJay!  😉

Starring Cynthia and Molly.

29 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Yeah, and why does everything in Jibiri's life happen in 3 month increments?

Because this shit is SCRIPTED.

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On 6/7/2022 at 1:30 PM, SemiCharmedLife said:

Oh, no!  Not TLC's new series- Dr. VaJayJay!  😉

They've already treated us to graphic pimples and feet, so of course hoo hah doctor isn't too far of a stretch for TLC! And if the doctor is a Little Person, all the better! 

"Dr. VaJayJay at your Cervix..." 

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19 hours ago, magemaud said:

They've already treated us to graphic pimples and feet, so of course hoo hah doctor isn't too far of a stretch for TLC! And if the doctor is a Little Person, all the better! 

"Dr. VaJayJay at your Cervix..." 

We've already had guided tours of the uteruses of Angie, Stacey, Rebecca, Baby Girl Lisa.....its just a matter of time.

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In the 30 minute preview of the 90 episode this week, Emily tells her dad about what Kobe said to her at the barn, and her father says it was total disrespect by Kobe.   She carefully left out the way she was rude to Kobe before that, and so did her mother.    I don't like the way that Emily's parents keep saying she doesn't need to marry Kobe, and keep saying that 90 days to marry is rushing it.  

Does Thais think that she can dictate who lives in the house, and how much Patrick should spend on it, she's contributing nothing.  Aha! Now we know why Thais thinks Patrick will cheat again. 

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13 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

She carefully left out the way she was rude to Kobe before that, and so did her mother. 

She also left out how many f-bombs SHE dropped in the conversation! I rewatched the shoveling and I thought he was being very patient with her constant criticism until he could take it no more and snapped. I don’t feel “shut the f up” is the same as saying “FUCK YOU” nor is it any worse than the way she was using it in her conversation with him which was bleeped several times. Furthermore, this took place outside the barn so how did her Mother hear it? 

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14 minutes ago, magemaud said:

She also left out how many f-bombs SHE dropped in the conversation! I rewatched the shoveling and I thought he was being very patient with her constant criticism until he could take it no more and snapped. I don’t feel “shut the f up” is the same as saying “FUCK YOU” nor is it any worse than the way she was using it in her conversation with him which was bleeped several times. Furthermore, this took place outside the barn so how did her Mother hear it? 

Her mother is always hovering and if you look up helicopter parenting in the dictionary there may well be a picture of her.

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1 hour ago, Welshman in Ca said:

Her mother is always hovering and if you look up helicopter parenting in the dictionary there may well be a picture of her.

When I think of helicopter parenting, I think of kids who are very successful but only due to their parents' interference. Emily's mother's helicopter never got off the ground. 

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29 minutes ago, magemaud said:

When I think of helicopter parenting, I think of kids who are very successful but only due to their parents' interference. Emily's mother's helicopter never got off the ground. 

Failure to launch is more like it with Emily...sure she can go to China but I am guessing her parents bought her the ticket and probably subsidized her stay there.  I bet with her out of the house it was the best time in their lives.

Emily has a look that says "I don't want to hear it," when someone tries to explain why she needs a job or anything really.

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Especially when she begins her TH with a phrase like, “Now, here’s the thing…” (as in she knows what's best for Koben) as if her pronouncement is Gospel 

Edited by magemaud
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4 hours ago, magemaud said:

When I think of helicopter parenting, I think of kids who are very successful but only due to their parents' interference. Emily's mother's helicopter never got off the ground. 

What I KNOW about helicopter parenting is this:  You are creating a human who can't/won't do anything for themselves.  It is learned helplessness of the highest order.  I saw it hourly in my room.  "How do I sharpen my pencil?"  "What time does class end?"  Me:  It is May 13th.  I am not responding.  The daily schedule has been posted in the same two places since August."  There is a new term out there:  Lawnmower parents.  Worse than helicopter.  

3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Failure to launch is more like it with Emily...sure she can go to China but I am guessing her parents bought her the ticket and probably subsidized her stay there.  I bet with her out of the house it was the best time in their lives.

Same with Jibri.  His time in Croatia was a slice of heaven to them.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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14 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

There is a new term out there:  Lawnmower parents.  Worse than helicopter.  

We have some of them in our town. They appeared before the BOE when schools reopened during the pandemic because their little darlings found it just too uncomfortable to wear masks! The kids complained of trouble breathing, dizziness, headaches and *gasp* ACNE! Of course a lot of it was the power of suggestion coming directly FROM the parents

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43 minutes ago, magemaud said:

We have some of them in our town. They appeared before the BOE when schools reopened during the pandemic because their little darlings found it just too uncomfortable to wear masks! The kids complained of trouble breathing, dizziness, headaches and *gasp* ACNE! Of course a lot of it was the power of suggestion coming directly FROM the parents

Some?  Lucky you.  We have waaay too many at my now former school.  And administration caved.  Bye!

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On 6/9/2022 at 2:05 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Pat and Sam?  FORTY YEARS?

This is worse than Jennaaaaayyyy, or Mark, even.

On 6/10/2022 at 8:49 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

We've already had guided tours of the uteruses of Angie, Stacey, Rebecca, Baby Girl Lisa.....its just a matter of time.

And don’t forget Pred’s sperm sample!

8 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

Her mother is always hovering and if you look up helicopter parenting in the dictionary there may well be a picture of her.

She is Janice, part dos.

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On 6/5/2022 at 8:42 PM, greekmom said:

I don't think Mo would want kids. I mean Yve can only handle him and her son.

Isn't Mo the kid?  I mean, beside her real kid?

And LAWNMOWER parents?  Is this when they simply mow over whatever it is the kid does or wants to do? I get the helicopter parent but lawnmower has me puzzled. Help me.  I'm kinda old.

Edited by goofygirl
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On 6/10/2022 at 9:21 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

In the 30 minute preview of the 90 episode this week, Emily tells her dad about what Kobe said to her at the barn, and her father says it was total disrespect by Kobe.   She carefully left out the way she was rude to Kobe before that, and so did her mother.    I don't like the way that Emily's parents keep saying she doesn't need to marry Kobe, and keep saying that 90 days to marry is rushing it.  

Does Thais think that she can dictate who lives in the house, and how much Patrick should spend on it, she's contributing nothing.  Aha! Now we know why Thais thinks Patrick will cheat again. 

Emily's Dad DID actually did  tell her she didn't know a thing about making $$, having a REAL job (not just wet nurse) and how he was doubtful she could take it.  Emily sat there with a stank face but she didn't disagree.  Now whether that will actually do any good......

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8 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Isn't Mo the kid?  I mean, beside her real kid?

And LAWNMOWER parents?  Is this when they simply mow over whatever it is the kid does or wants to do? I get the helicopter parent but lawnmower has me puzzled. Help me.  I'm kinda old.

That is what i meant. That Yve now has 2 children in her house.

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2 hours ago, greekmom said:

That is what i meant. That Yve now has 2 children in her house.

Both have special needs.  Sped teacher here.  I get to say this, lol.  I do think she is going to call it off sooner than later.

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21 minutes ago, Ginos Black Hat said:

hello hello hello everyone!!!! sorry for the long absence!! i had finals and had life to caught up to. im so so so happy to be back with all of you. fuck bilal and before i forget, shut the fuck up emily!!!!

Welcome back, Gino!

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Hola peeps! I have been languishing, chat-less, since last week! (I am really missing Love After Lockup on Fridays!) I hope you've all had a great week and the snark knives are sharp! 

Oh, and fuck you, Bilal. Just getting warmed up. 

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What up Peeps!!!!  I'm back from vacation, have binged the last three episodes, and caught up on all of your fabulous snark!! 

Happy to be back to live snarking with you all and super-excited for all of the new reaction buttons! 

Not shocked to see that Bilal has remained an asshole and is going to ask Shaeeda for a prenush.  Was hoping that Emily would have put her tits away by now, but she'll be breastfeeding Covid until he starts driving.

Let's get this shitshow started!!

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Hey guys, I’m back in the house. BUT I have some unfortunate news. I am now trapped in the Stranger Things universe (or the Upside Down, as some of you might say). I cannot find a way to get out! Please, someone help me!

Anyway, back to watching 90 Day Fiance. Hope this ep keeps me interested.

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Jibri, this is your cue to say "dude, its none of your damn business" and go on with your day. 

So, where do you think John met all his "party guests"? Craigslist? 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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