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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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3 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:

I thought mama jibjab told him the truth as well & he then twisted it. 

They're a family of twisters. they all claim to be being straightforward then hear what they want to hear. A plague on all their houses. What a crew. Miona, of all of them, seems to be the only one who's being direct. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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9 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Guys. I'm pregaming with last week's show and for serious Jibri's mama is giving me the pip. She is twisting every word he says and projecting her shit like MAD. "90 days isn't very long!" she moos. Lady, your son didn't just pick her up at the airport. He's known her for some time and didn't he live in Serbia? When Miona told Jibri about the Laundry Exchange, she told the truth. (Mama held up one of her tiny shirts and asked her what it was, Miona told her, and Mama looked like she ate a bad clam and said she didn't want Miona taking her breasts out for an airing while her husband was around). Mama's mad insecure with Miona in the house and seems quite anxious to slut shame her. Putting aside that yes, she can expect that her houseguest pitch in and yes, if she's uncomfortable with some of Miona's clothing choices, that's fine. But bleating that she's "fake" because Miona didn't start a fight with her, or telling her son that she's afraid Miona expects everyone to do everything for her because "she's pretty and she has big breasts" says a lot more about Mama than it does about Miona. And Christ knows, I don't even like Miona. But Mama Jibri is a nutcase. 

There’s a reason he’s alone. No one wants to put up with Kanye Midwest.

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Just now, Gobi said:

I trust that everyone is dressing appropriately for the forum. Remember, skirts may be no more than 3" above the knee.

I still remember when my boss told me that some of my clothing at work wasn't 'appropriate'. Yeah, I had been there for years and no one said anything. A temp transfer started and she had it in for me. Couldn't prove that she faked a perfume allergy, she didn't like the sight of my legs or arms or anything. I had to wear leggings with any dresses. None of my clothing was inappropriate. The woman did everything in her power to make me miserable. Her attire? You could see her head, maybe an inch of her neck, and her hands. The girls in another area could wear micro mini skirts, thongs showing, and..... crickets. I never understood the woman's hatred of me.

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1 minute ago, OoogleEyes said:

I don't know what it is, but every time this show comes on, I start craving alcohol. This show is detrimental to my health.

One look at Bilal's smarmy, smug mug is giving me a mighty need for a strong cocktail.

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M’dears, this has been a terrible week. From my kids repeatedly worrying about how they fear they are gonna get shot at school in the future to some of my favorite band members dying, I need some exceptional snark to start anew! So let’s get it on!

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Hello everyone, hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend.  After the week we’ve had here in the US we really need to try and get our damaged hearts and minds to mend.

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Just now, Hotel Snarker said:

M’dears, this has been a terrible week. From my kids repeatedly worrying about how they fear they are gonna get shot at school in the future to some of my favorite band members dying, I need some exceptional snark to start anew! So let’s get it on!

We gotcha! Leave the outside sanity behind and vent at these fools. It’s very therapeutic 

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Just now, mmecorday said:

Hello! I have been binge watching "Stranger Things" all weekend long and I'm ready to take a break. The only thing scary on "90-Day Fiance" is Ari's stupid face.

Ive watches 3 episodes so far. Im giving up watching for this crapfest.

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1 minute ago, Doublemint said:

My disabled daughter has Covid since last Thursday and I'm just waiting for my turn now.  I know it's coming!   So, looking forward to snark.

Stock up on soup and vitamins, hopefully if you get it it will be mild

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