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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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7 minutes ago, Angry Moldovan said:

Sorry guys, feeling blah. Early start, so early night. See you guys next week


Hope you’re feeling better soon. I’m not sure how long I’ll be around. I haven’t had dinner and preparing to eat my Greek salad with chicken.  Can’t type and eat. Lol

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8 hours ago, magemaud said:

Tonight's drinking game, take a shot every time SteVen flips his hair. 

Can you rent a Flounce House for a party? Asking for a friend. 

Take a shot every time Jenny begs Sumit to marry her.

9 minutes ago, Angry Moldovan said:

Sorry guys, feeling blah. Early start, so early night. See you guys next week


Get well soon Angry!

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11 minutes ago, Angry Moldovan said:

Sorry guys, feeling blah. Early start, so early night. See you guys next week


What a blow we've been dealt! Plus, I don't think it's on next week.

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1 minute ago, Gobi said:

What a blow we've been dealt! Plus, I don't think it's on next week.

You lie worse than Sumit!!!  My DVR list has a new episode recording next week.

What up Peeps!!  I am all boosted and finally past those side effects and ready to snark!!

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Hi. I’m here, not sure how active I’ll be. I’m done with adulting. Too many pressures and sadness in my life right now. Looking forward to reading (and hopefully contributing) some snark tonight. I dunno, I’m in a huge funk. 

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

We’ll miss you @Angry Moldovan.

Don’t know about anyone else, but I’m on pins and needles waiting to hear what Sumit’s latest excuse for not getting married is going to be. Will he say he is suddenly on the other team?

He's washing his hair?!

Finally fixing that snaggle tooth??

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1 minute ago, hookedontv said:

Hi. I’m here, not sure how active I’ll be. I’m done with adulting. Too many pressures and sadness in my life right now. Looking forward to reading (and hopefully contributing) some snark tonight. I dunno, I’m in a huge funk. 

I know the feeling. I am still frustrated by the idiots next door. The complaint I filed resulted in a series of lies being spoken to me and I think maybe they had another party last evening with the stereo filling up my home and even upstairs. No escape. I am fed up with them and am hoping to list my home for sale and get out by spring.

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Holy shit how stupid does Matt Sharp think we are? Easily amused, yes. But not stupid. 

@hookedontv, you hang in there. We, your fellow snarkers, love you and send some good juju your way. 

@Angry Moldovan, feel better soon friend! MWAH

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Good evening, all!   

Makeout update:  I had a NICE time with my friend from work on Monday and there were sweet, sweet makeouts (and more).  Thank you, Universe.  I feel more normal now.

And now I have to look at that twit SteVen.  Gross.

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4 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

Hi. I’m here, not sure how active I’ll be. I’m done with adulting. Too many pressures and sadness in my life right now. Looking forward to reading (and hopefully contributing) some snark tonight. I dunno, I’m in a huge funk. 

I hear you. The holidays are coming, the first one without dad, my mom is crying more than usual. I have a few stressful launches coming up at work….bleh. Take care of yourself

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5 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

Hi. I’m here, not sure how active I’ll be. I’m done with adulting. Too many pressures and sadness in my life right now. Looking forward to reading (and hopefully contributing) some snark tonight. I dunno, I’m in a huge funk. 

Feel better soon, my friend! Know that we are always here to cheer you up.

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1 minute ago, Eldemarge said:

Good evening, all!   

Makeout update:  I had a NICE time with my friend from work on Monday and there were sweet, sweet makeouts (and more).  Thank you, Universe.  I feel more normal now.

And now I have to look at that twit SteVen.  Gross.

Sounds like congratulations are in order. Woo hoo.

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I hear you. The holidays are coming, the first one without dad, my mom is crying more than usual. I have a few stressful launches coming up at work….bleh. Take care of yourself

Sending you positive thoughts.

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Alina, if you can’t trust SteVen, don’t marry him. 

Sadly, poor little Alina will be repenting at leisure soon. I still just want to bundle her onto a plane and back to her mother, who must be sick with anxiety.

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