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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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Just now, Hotel Snarker said:

I feel so sorry for Miona. In fact, I feel sorry for basically all of the foreign partners this season.

I am totally on Miona's side. And it looks like Jibri is going to tear her to shreds in front of his mother. He sucks and she's too fucking good for him. 

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

Great to see you @OneGuy! If things get slow you can always fill us in on the big wedding! Have you recovered? 

Fully recovered.  It was a hot day for an outdoor wedding.  A gentle breeze helped temper the heat.  We had a great time and are making the necessary transitions.  Thanks for checking in about it.  I've added a few family stories to my portfolio after this wedding.

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I need something entertaining after the last few days. I am not sure i will get it here. Just FYI but Hubby and I are heading the Uk for a month on July 25th and then Oct 17 we have a long european trip and will be gone until Thanksgiving. So if i disappear , dont worry, Its good

Edited by JennyMominFL
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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I am totally on Miona's side. And it looks like Jibri is going to tear her to shreds in front of his mother. He sucks and she's too fucking good for him. 

Calling her an impatient millenial when errybody knows things HAVE TO BE DONE IN 90 DAYS!!!!

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

The hot weather takes its toll.

I've been splayed out like a starfish under the ceiling fan, blinds drawn, hoping for a temperature drop. I am living in dread of July and August. I hate heat. 

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Just now, Hotel Snarker said:

Who is more insufferable? Bilal or Emily?

This is the most fascinating part of the season.  Bilal's insufferableness distracts from Emily's, which distracts from Ari's.  You can almost forget about Kara when she's not onscreen.

Each of these characters is lucky that they're on the same season as people equally as awful or more awful.

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1 minute ago, JennyMominFL said:

I need something entertaining after the last few days. I am not sure i will get it here. Just FYI but Hubby and I are heading the Uk for a month on July 25th and then Oct 17 we have a long european trip and will be gone until Thanksgiving. So if i disappear , dont worry, Its good

I’m also going to Europe for a month, but I’ll warn y’all and take my iPad with me and hopefully have Wi-Fi and time. 

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11 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Did Sharp pull a homeless guy off thee street to fight Bunion, waving a $100 bill in front of his face?

I wondered how many times they had to film the fight scene before he won 

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2 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Who is more insufferable? Bilal or Emily?

Can we add Emily's stupid father? Jesus. "Kobe buying a ring is STUPID". Dude. I am just sitting here gawping like some sort of tropical fish. 

1 minute ago, Frozendiva said:

Why not just get the baby his own bed?

Oh, you're adorable. 

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3 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

I need something entertaining after the last few days. I am not sure i will get it here. Just FYI but Hubby and I are heading the Uk for a month on July 25th and then Oct 17 we have a long european trip and will be gone until Thanksgiving. So if i disappear , dont worry, Its good

That sounds wonderful 

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