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S23.E23: High Rollers #3, Nominations #8

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What was the point of Deref throwing it?  Why not keep his money?

My episode started 10 minutes late!  Good thing I caught on and recorded the show airing after also.  

Does this show normally do action in slo-mo?  LOL!  (Not the people walking around at the end of the episode, but real action like the coin flip.)

Who stays in the HOH room?  LOL for goodness sake.  This fucking show.  

Tiffany really made me laugh tonight.  Talking about how Sarah Beth ran Alyssa over with a bus, and now she's in the ICU, and now she's dead.  

Claire is gorgeous.  Hannah's two little strands of hair that she always has hanging in front annoy me.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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7 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

What was the point of Deref throwing it?  Why not keep his money?

The BB Bucks are pointless now that the High Rollers Room is closed.  Also, I'm not entirely certain that he 100% threw it.  It seemed like his choice to play was his way of telling Tiffany that she couldn't tell him what to do.   Like a little kid would say, "She's not the boss of me." Granted, he was moving slowly so he could always claim that he "threw" it, but I think he would have been secretly thrilled if he had "accidentally" won.

Edited by leocadia
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I feel bad for Claire, she's walking right into the trap but she doesn't realize it- yet. She sure will when she's nominated in the next week or 2. I'd think she will be quite perturbed at Tiffany for playing her like this. Of course, I know Tiff didn't do it just to be mean, but still I think it will hurt Claire. And Tiff really seems to think that she will be fine once the group is down to just CO members- doesn't she realize she might be the 1st one they go after, if they can ?


I don't know why Derek F seems to be so popular with the public, he's the one player I really don't like. He's just coasting through the game, doing nothing really, and he will most likely make it to the end because everyone knows they can beat him. Sure, he makes it far in the game, but it's just such a lazy way to play. I don't have any respect for someone who plays that way ( and he's certainly not the first BB layer ever to do it !)

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And another amazing BB 'twist' fizzles out, shockingly. It was a little heartbreaking to see how hard Claire was playing so that nobody would mess with her HoH. Sad really. The CO did play that one perfectly though as they are all eligable next week for HoH now so Claire may have slit her own throat trying to "protect" Tiff's HoH. Which is bullshit but what 'secret power' hasn't proved to be so?

On the point of the CO not being obnoxious about any of their moves in the DR or with each other I guess we can officially say that streak is broken as well with both X and Tiffany getting a leeetile power drunk. Oh well.

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18 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

My episode started 10 minutes late!  Good thing I caught on and recorded the show airing after also.  

Mine too! Thank goodness we ended up watching in real time or we would have missed the end. 

Has there ever been a season like this on BB? I don't think so. I'm absolutely loving seeing something really new play out, like how tearful all the alliance members are as they sadly let go of "their people" and how completely and utterly oblivious the nonCO people are of the huge alliance hiding in plain sight. 

Sarah Beth is going to be sooooo angry and hurt, especially at Ky, and who could blame her. I can see her feeling like they made her look stupid. Finding out that Ky cried over losing her may or may not atone for this. We'll see. 

What a strange season but I'm loving it. I don't mind if people disagree with me, there's room for all opinions. We like what we like. 

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6 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Sarah Beth is going to be sooooo angry and hurt, especially at Ky, and who could blame her. I can see her feeling like they made her look stupid. Finding out that Ky cried over losing her may or may not atone for this. We'll see. 

I think he was crying over Derek X? But he’ll probably cry over her, too. Maybe. We’ll see. (I wouldn’t.)

CBS/ BB production must be so pissed. They had all these big twists designed to shake up the game, and the Cookout just looked at those twists and said, “Whatever. That’s cute. Now can we get back to what we were doing?” 

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Add me to the list of people who don't buy into the tears. Everybody in that house is just another person standing between you and $750,000. Don't give me the whole sobbing, weeping, "I loved him/her soooooo much" crap. Nope. You wanted to beat them or you wouldn't have come on this show. I cracked up when Tiffany said X would deal with it too. I don't think he will. I believe he's managed to take out any of this fake personal sentiment and realizes he's playing a game. 

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I missed most of the episode.  Heavy rain, so the recording was in and out.  Then it cut off the last few minutes. 

That game could have been interesting.  Of course BB manges to makes even games that they clearly can manipulate  big flops lol.

I missed how they got extra money in an envelope,  I'm sure BB decided who got what. It's just hilarious that almost no one was even eligible to play. Oh BB, you never change.

I'm assuming noms stayed the same. I'm more than ok with SB leaving. 

On a shallow note, I love  Claire's thick long hair. 

Edited by Cozytea
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6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I pad the DVR, because sporting events tend to run long.  This is nothing new, it happens every year.  

It's not like I monitor some sort of football calendar and know all the ins out and outs.  There are people who know nothing about football, including when the season is even happening, and there are people who watch the show who aren't even American.  My shows record probably properly about 95% of the time, so it was a shock to me.  

1 hour ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

They'll think, FINALLY!  People of color get to dominate the game!  The white jocks who often sail to the end go out first!  

Exactly.  Finally something different after 22 seasons of the same.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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14 hours ago, leocadia said:

The BB Bucks are pointless now that the High Rollers Room is closed. 

Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t; maybe they’ll come in to play later - if a certain production favorite needs to be bailed out of a jam, for example.

13 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

[DerF] only got 75 this week right?  So he's not infallible.

I more than half suspect DerF was never that popular; he simply got a lot of bleedover votes from Derek X voters who got confused with the voting.  
It also wouldn’t surprise me one bit if (for example) someone sent in a vote that read simply “Derek”, the vote got allocated to the first Derek in alphabetic order - and F comes before X.

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CBS/ BB production must be so pissed. They had all these big twists designed to shake up the game, and the Cookout just looked at those twists and said, “Whatever. That’s cute. Now can we get back to what we were doing?” 

I have to think that production really expected this power to be a game-changer when they came up with it so they can't be happy nominations just ended up staying the same. On the other hand . . . they made it almost impossible for any kind of meaningful change to take place since the game cost more than most of the HGs had, and because even with someone playing and winning it, it still came down to a coin flip so there was always a 50-50 chance things would stay the same.

Dumb twist, all around.

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8 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I have to think that production really expected this power to be a game-changer when they came up with it so they can't be happy nominations just ended up staying the same. On the other hand . . . they made it almost impossible for any kind of meaningful change to take place since the game cost more than most of the HGs had

In that respect I think TPTB got exactly what they thought they were looking for, in the Week 2 High Roller comp; “high drama” in the form of a HG (a) agonizing over whether to spend their BB Bucks now or save them for the really expensive Week 3 comp, (b) deciding to save the Bucks for Week 3, and (c) having that decision to play conservatively come back and bite them on the ass. 



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Claire is too stupid to live. When the Cookout axes her in the next week or two, it'll be the funniest thing all season. She's turning into Christie Murphy without the hypocrisy but with the really stupid gameplay.

I think Derek F threw the comp so he could truthfully tell the rest of the Cookout that he'd at least played it.

And just like Camp Director, Will Kirby as "the new neighbor" and the "Whacktivity" comps, yet another much-hyped BB twist amounts to jack.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

That is true, and I have wondered if it had affected their relationships as well.  Hasn't it cost some of them their jobs?

And no, I am not suggesting that any Cookout member should lose their job.  They shouldn't.  I just wonder if people will look at their relationships with members of the Cookout differently, after this season is done and over with.

I am sure there will be a wide variety of opinions, there usually is.

I'm not sure what you mean.  The CO relationship with other CO members?

BB Contestants have lost their jobs because they behaved in a way their employers disagreed with. The CO members are playing a game. Just like everyone else. Nothing nefarious. 

Edited by Cozytea
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16 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Have there been BB seasons without alliances?  Are there seasons where a single happy person volunteers to go home every week?  😄

I've only been watching for a few seasons, but I don't recall a previous alliance where every single member went outside the alliance to make bogus Final Twos with someone to keep them mollified.

21 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I've only been watching for a few seasons, but I don't recall a previous alliance where every single member went outside the alliance to make bogus Final Twos with someone to keep them mollified.

The Brigade, BB12. They actually invented the +1 thing, I believe.

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

 I just wonder if people will look at their relationships with members of the Cookout differently, after this season is done and over with.

If you’re talking about the CO members’ friends and family, I expect they’ll be extremely proud. The CO played a smart game, they were not selfish (put cause above personal gain), and they made history. Nothing to feel bad about there.

7 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

Add me to the list of people who don't buy into the tears. Everybody in that house is just another person standing between you and $750,000. Don't give me the whole sobbing, weeping, "I loved him/her soooooo much" crap. Nope. You wanted to beat them or you wouldn't have come on this show. 

They can want to advance and still feel bad about losing / betraying a friend. In fact, if they didn’t they’d be a soulless monster. These people are living in a cocoon for months— they develop real bonds and have real feelings toward each other.  Evidence of that is the fact that so many of them remain friends for years after. I have no doubt those tears were real.

10 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

If Derek F had won, he couldn't play in the next HOH.  At some point he is going to have to win something.

HAHAHAHA…  Oh, you’re serious?

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9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The Brigade, BB12. They actually invented the +1 thing, I believe.

Funny you mention that, because this parallel (between The Brigade and the CO) had occurred to me more than once - most recently, during the tearful Hannah/Tiffany conversation regarding DX’s exit.

Hannah was bawling over how betrayed DX was going to feel when the truth about the CO came out, and upset that DX might doubt her (apparently genuine to SOME degree) feelings of affection towards him.  Tiffany, trying to console Hannah, said something to the effect of “Don’t worry - he (DX) is going to see all this after, and understand the cause we were doing it for, and he’ll be okay with it.”

That particular drama tableau put me immediately in mind of BB12, The Brigade, and Britney - more specifically, that singular point in time when:

  1. The existence of The Brigade was first revealed to Britney.
  2. The Brigade Boyz made it crystal clear to Brit that she had absolutely zero fucking chance of making it to F4.
  3. In addition- despite all the earlier conversations and promises throughout the season, none of them had ever had any intention of taking her any further.
  4. And oh, yeah - it was nothing personal, and they hoped she understood.

When Britney realized she had walked away from her job, spent three months locked away from everybody and everything she loved, and worked her ass off - for 5th place money?   And on top of that, as a Juror Brit would HAVE to award top money to one of the people who had lied to her all season?  To say Britney had a meltdown would be an understatement; IMHO she had something approaching a full-on nervous breakdown.

Now, do I fault the CO for their deceptions - not just to DX but to Britini, and Alyssa, and SB, and Claire as well?  Nope.  The CO developed a strategy, and executed it pretty flawlessly; at this point they are all but guaranteed to make it to F6 in toto, provided (a) SB goes home Thursday and (b) Alyssa doesn’t win the next HoH.  But the CO might as well prepare themselves for another strong probability; in service of their agenda they’ve each been lying to and making (or at least STRONGLY inferring) fake F2s with their individual “tools” (i.e., fake House besties) - and it’s just barely possible some of them might NOT be all that okay with it.

Edited by Nashville
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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

But the CO might as well prepare themselves for another strong probability; in service of their agenda they’ve each been lying to and making (or at least STRONGLY inferring) fake F2s with their individual “tools” (i.e., fake House besties) - and it’s just barely possible some of them might NOT be all that okay with it.

Yeah. Watching the last  episode, seeing how secure and comfortable Claire looked, thinking she really belonged, and how much SB trusts Ky, it's almost impossible that some of these nonCO HGs, while maybe understanding the CO in theory, just won't be able to be okay with it. There's no way they won't feel deeply betrayed, and possibly worse, feel like they looked like idiots for weeks. 

I'm excited for the next few weeks and also half-dreading the part where all is revealed. This is such a complicated season on so many levels.

Unlike with, say, Boogie and Erika, no malice was intended, but as you say, that might not be enough for some of them, and who could blame them. 


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I really don’t think most of them will be that upset. I think they’ll be able to see that the relationships they had were real and they’ll be able to understand why CO did what they did. The only person I can see really being mad is SB but even if she is I don’t think she’ll really care that much after a few days lol.

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14 hours ago, icemiser69 said:


The interesting thing will be something that we will never get to see.  What do the friends, family, and co-workers, of members of the Cookout alliance think of how they chose to play this game.  Will it affect their relationships?  Again, that is something we will never see.


I wonder more what the the non-CO friends and family members think about the non-CO hgs. Do they think, "what fools!" Especially, Derex and Claire since they are especially friendly with the CO members and think they have their back.

1 hour ago, Melina22 said:

Yeah. Watching the last  episode, seeing how secure and comfortable Claire looked, thinking she really belonged, and how much SB trusts Ky, it's almost impossible that some of these nonCO HGs, while maybe understanding the CO in theory, just won't be able to be okay with it. There's no way they won't feel deeply betrayed, and possibly worse, feel like they looked like idiots for weeks. 

I think Alyssa and SB will be the most skeptical, but stay classy with their responses.

Derex and Claire will be all hunky-dory, "Aw, geez, you got us." Tiffany will tell them it was for "the cause," pull their puppet strings, and Derex and Claire will smile and be happy.

43 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I really don’t think most of them will be that upset. I think they’ll be able to see that the relationships they had were real and they’ll be able to understand why CO did what they did. The only person I can see really being mad is SB but even if she is I don’t think she’ll really care that much after a few days lol.

I think SB will be the most bitter. Not just with the CO's gameplay, but also with Kyland and with the public's reaction to her. I predict she will disappear into oblivion, never to be heard of again.

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17 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

CBS/ BB production must be so pissed. They had all these big twists designed to shake up the game, and the Cookout just looked at those twists and said, “Whatever. That’s cute. Now can we get back to what we were doing?” 

I agree, but that just shows how sophisticated and strong the CO alliance is. I haven't seen every season, but it's the most sophisticated alliance I've ever seen on the show. It's even playing the twists to its advantage. Will be curious to see if any member makes an alliance-breaking move before final six.

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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The Brigade, BB12. They actually invented the +1 thing, I believe.

I watched this season and correct me if I'm wrong as I really don't remember well, but I don't remember the Brigade playing a loose alliance game. I remember Brittany thinking she was tight with one of them, but otherwise don't remember the rest playing closely with others, let alone playing opposite sides of the house. By my recollection they were an obvious tight four. Plus an alliance of four is much easier to manage than alliance of six. I'm impressed with the Cookout.

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6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Do members of the Cookout really say the words "Final 2" to members outside of it?

If they don't actually say it, then I don't think it's fair to accuse the Cookout of doing it.  I don't recall using that phrase used, but I don't watch the live feeds.

Meanwhile, last season I remember Cody and Nicole using this phrase CONNNNNSSSSSTAAAAAAAAAAANTLY.  And then Cody didn't even keep Nicole as his "Final 2."

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10 minutes ago, callingallcars said:

I watched this season and correct me if I'm wrong as I really don't remember well, but I don't remember the Brigade playing a loose alliance game. I remember Brittany thinking she was tight with one of them, but otherwise don't remember the rest playing closely with others, let alone playing opposite sides of the house. By my recollection they were an obvious tight four. Plus an alliance of four is much easier to manage than alliance of six. I'm impressed with the Cookout.

The 4 Brigaders were Hayden, Lane, Enzo, and Matt. Their plus ones were Britney, Kristen, and Ragan.

Level 6 also did something similar in that nobody knew they were an alliance. They didn't have plus ones, per se, but they did get help from Kaitlyn, Sam, and JC by making them think they were close with them. Brett would also hang and flirt with Hayleigh in order to get info about the other side of the house.

I'm curious to know how closely Tiffany studied these and other successful alliances. She really came in prepared and I can respect that even though I'm not a fan of hers.

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I really don’t think most of them will be that upset. I think they’ll be able to see that the relationships they had were real and they’ll be able to understand why CO did what they did. The only person I can see really being mad is SB but even if she is I don’t think she’ll really care that much after a few days lol.

In terms of the garden variety “just friends” relationships, I agree - but I think there’s a decent chance at least one potentially-more-than-just-friends relationship might’ve gotten torpedoed before it ever got a chance to leave the dock.

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16 hours ago, 30 Helens said:



They can want to advance and still feel bad about losing / betraying a friend. In fact, if they didn’t they’d be a soulless monster. These people are living in a cocoon for months— they develop real bonds and have real feelings toward each other.  Evidence of that is the fact that so many of them remain friends for years after. I have no doubt those tears were real.


Eh, I disagree there. It's a game and everyone inside that house is a person standing between you and a lot of money. I don't think that not experiencing guilt about lying to someone who you didn't know before and don't have to have a relationship with after makes you a "soulless monster." But that's all a guess since none of us are on there.

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21 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

They'll think, FINALLY!  People of color get to dominate the game!  The white jocks who often sail to the end go out first!  

Maybe next year they can cast eight Mormons from Utah, they can form an alliance and we'll all say, FINALLY!  Mormons get to dominate the game! This could go on and on, people from Dayton, Russian immigrants ...

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10 hours ago, Nashville said:

In terms of the garden variety “just friends” relationships, I agree - but I think there’s a decent chance at least one potentially-more-than-just-friends relationship might’ve gotten torpedoed before it ever got a chance to leave the dock.

I don't know what this means. Is it about Hannah and Derex? If so, I really don't think the CO is going to torpedo their chances, if they even had any to begin with lol.

On 8/31/2021 at 9:51 AM, peachmangosteen said:

I don't know what this means. Is it about Hannah and Derex? If so, I really don't think the CO is going to torpedo their chances, if they even had any to begin with lol.

In that Hannah/Tiffany conversation it’s very possible Hannah was simply hamming it up for the camera’s benefit.  
If Hannah’s display of THAT level of upset was genuine, though…? Then I hope she’s prepared to deal with disappointment.

18 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

Traditionally, POC get voted off early in the game.  And remember the season when ALL the POC were voted off first and were watching the others play (I think one would make it back?)   It made for a very uncomfortable visual.

Yeah and it's most reality shows in America !  Not even just this one.  

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