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Darcey and Stacey Live Chat Season Two

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

THEN BREAK UP WITH HIM, DARCEY. Why does she do this to herself. I know. She loves the drama. She acts like a 15 year old. 

If Darcey ends up marrying Georgi I will eat an automobile. 

Mini Cooper.

Darcey has been through two TV reality show boyfriends. Things come in threes.

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We'll make you a cake in the shape of an automobile - If my intended went behind my back and met my ex for lunch that would be the end.   I hope Georgi dumps her ass.   "We're going shopping".   Right.

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2 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

“Is not same you and me Georgi. You balding himbo human. Me anemic wolf boy model.”

Ahem, anemic wolf boy "model". Florian? Model? 

Insert "I'll eat an automobile" comment here. 

2 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

 - If my intended went behind my back and met my ex for lunch that would be the end.   I hope Georgi dumps her ass.   "We're going shopping".   Right.

Right? she's always blathering on about "honesty" and "truthfulness" and "opening up", then she sneaks around like she's in some kind of French farce. 

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Wouldn't a one or two year old used car be good enough for a 16 year old? Insurance is expensive and here there are graduated licenses.

I agree with grandpa wanting his granddaughter to work and chip in for the car. Then you do appreciate it because you bought it.

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Why does Stacey have to go everywhere with her twin? Couldn't she let Darcey meet the ex wife alone and do some shopping for an hour?

1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

So not only is Darcey going to meet the ex wife, she's dragging Stacey along. Darcey might as well have "I sabotage myself" stamped on her forehead. 

New House of 11 T Shirt.

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She'll hear something that sets her off - then confront Georgi.  Watch out for the upcoming waterworks.   Of course, she should have told Stacy, "I've got this". and gone alone.   Well, she shouldn't have gone at all.

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What exactly is it that Darcey "needs to know"? She hints darkly at "secrets" but what exactly does she MEAN? 

Just now, Frozendiva said:

Darcey has spent $50,000 on Georgi?

automobile. eat. if true. 

If Georgi wants a sugar mama he can do a hell of a lot better than Darcey. Sheesh.

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Ok, the first installment with Jesse - kind of interesting, kind of fun. It was new & watching an older woman who thinks she’s hot as hell totally sabotage a relationship was curiously entertaining with the schadenfreude.  Installment 2, Tom was pretty arrogant, unlikeable and egotistical that it was interesting watching him keep her enough on the hook to keep his face on television. But installment 3, with Stacey and her vampirish husband tagging along and Georgi who is clearly not into her but she has thrown her self at him and he’s along for the ride, is just boring with the whole wash, rinse, repeat aspect. Hope this is the final season because they are running out of men and story lines and both ladies are getting too long in the teeth and overdone to think that anyone would seriously put themselves through this for them.

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4 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Darcey has spent $50,000 on Georgi?

$50,000 on fake Versace sweat suits, an ugly ratty fake fur coat and rent on "love nests," it all adds up.  

I think it is hilarious that those two twunts play like they have money but flip out to find that Georgi has $1400 in a sock, I know they don't have any money filled socks.

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So Stacey is fine supporting Florian back in the Old Country....then here (naturally)....but is outraged when Georgi is getting the same treatment as Florian?  

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Know what, Darcey? If you've "given your heart away, again, to someone who doesn't deserve it", maybe you need to look within. Maybe, just maybe, the problem is with you. 

2 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

Stacy is over the moon about all of this.  


Right? She is loving every second. 

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I don’t know how they’re walking around Georgetown and Old Town Alexandria in these ridiculous heels. Those areas are mostly old cobblestone sidewalks. If they fall, it better be filmed.

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Late to the party but Florian won some points with me when he said not to trust the Ex. He was spot on when he talked about people wanting to make themselves look good.

Darcey’s daughters look like they are 25.

wTF why does the engagement ring she took off look like a sterling silver 90s goth lovers dream?!?!! That is not the same ring he proposed with right? Am I that drunk?

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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13 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

wTF why does the engagement ring she took off look like a sterling silver 90s goth lovers dream?!?!! That is not the same ring he proposed with right? Am I that drunk?

I thought the same thing!!! Like, why is it so dark?? Where is the bling!!!!?? I feel like he proposed with a big old rock that I never understood how he afforded. Maybe that's the answer he used a big old fake for the filming of the proposal adn then actually bought her a silver one filled with diamond chips. 

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On 8/9/2021 at 9:23 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

wTF why does the engagement ring she took off look like a sterling silver 90s goth lovers dream?!?!! That is not the same ring he proposed with right? Am I that drunk?

Your sobriety is assured. I took a screenshot of the ring Georgi gave her when he proposed. Even though it’s blurry, it’s obviously NOT the ring she put on the table last night 

edited to add ring from last night. TOTALLY DIFFERENT 



Edited by magemaud
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5 hours ago, magemaud said:

Your sobriety is assured. I took a screenshot of the ring Georgi gave her when he proposed. Even though it’s blurry, it’s obviously NOT the ring she put on the table last night 

edited to add ring from last night. TOTALLY DIFFERENT 



The ring she took off looks like the ones we used to get out of gumball machines as kids. The ones that tarnish your finger.

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14 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said:

The ring she took off looks like the ones we used to get out of gumball machines as kids. The ones that tarnish your finger.

I bought a ring like that at Spencer Gifts back in my hippie days. And yes, it turned my finger green. 

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If Georgi wants a sugar mama, he's going to have to get a lot better at being a doting, devoted lovair man. Why on earth does he think that he can milk the cash cow without putting forth any effort? 

Oh, Darcey's storming around with her bottom lip stuck out, mad because he didn't read her mind. 

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