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BB Anticipation: New Season, New Houseguests

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 CBS loves to promote Paramount+ so good money is on a Star Trek theme.  The kitchen will be the Enterprise bridge, the bathroom will be Klingon themed with both showers being cold (because Klingons don't like anything comfortable) and the HOH room will come with an Orion slave guy ('cause it's 2022--dudes can be a green indentured ho too).  The houseguests will be greeted by a video message from Sir Patrick Stewart laughing at them because they're all mactors who thought they were auditioning to be an extra in a seen set on Risa but got dumped in the BB house instead.  In an Expect the Unexpected (tm) twist, comp losers will have to wear the dreaded Red Shirtitard and will actually be shot, fall off a cliff or step on an exploding rock sometime before the live eviction.  

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lol exactly!

That's why I really think it's just COVID related. It must have been a real hassle for them last season with the Christy/Claire fiasco.

It'll probably be like this from now on. What they should do imo is go back to releasing a house tour first. Do that 1 week before the premiere and then announce the HGs the week of. The house can't get COVID lol. Although, with them doing live move-ins now, they probably don't even get the house fully ready until later so they might not be able to do an earlier house tour.

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I don't really care about the cast or the house tbh - I'm only concerned about two things: that the ants have somewhere warm and safe to bunk down for the summer and that we don't have any more three hour long HR meetings in the HoH. I still twitch like Lisa Turtle when she was allergic to Screech any time I think about TARA KELLY MUSIC (Kyland never kissed her).

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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I don't really care about the cast or the house tbh

Same. I never pay attention to the themes, I don't even watch the competitions, I only care for the strategy and the drama. The only thing I want them to do is find a way to avoid a new Cookout or something similar. It was "good" the first time but I don't want it to become the new norm.

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I like the early strategy talks & the competition’s. Although, a lot of them are strength based and men usually win thus shaping the season.  Frenchy not withstanding. LOL!!!  I don’t like blob alliances & I didn’t care for The Cookout but understood their goal. I’m sure they want another dominate alliance so I’m curious to see what twist will prevent or encourage it. Now, since the show is basically going live from jump we’ll get to see any potential showmances right away. Whether we like it or not. I might watch some of the feeds since after Wednesday there won’t be a new show till Sunday. A lot can happen in that time so I’d like to have some idea what’s going on. Let’s bring on the crazy and the hot people for summer. 

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*sniff* It's my last weekend of freedom and being a normal (yeah, right) person before my computer desk chair relearns the shape of my butt and I take up my usual spot on the night shift for the Live Feeds thread.

Shall we place some bets? What do you think will be first: racism or misogyny? ('Cause we know that we'll get both regardless.) How many HGs are going to get cancelled by BB Twitter in the first 24 hours? (I predict three.) What will the first Feeds food trend be? How many vegans will there be? (Too many.) What day will the annual ant infestation begin? Will there be sand in the bathroom? (There better be fucking sand in the fucking bathroom one of these days.)

I can't use two Saved by the Bell GIFs on one page so just pretend I dropped the Jessie Spano "I'm so excited, I'm so... scared" one here.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Shall we place some bets? What do you think will be first: racism or misogyny? ('Cause we know that we'll get both regardless.)

Misogyny, without a doubt.  Bros before Hos always rears its ugly head first.  And there is guaranteed to be at least two women looking for a showmance who will sell out their game for random dude they just met.

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35 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Misogyny, without a doubt.  Bros before Hos always rears its ugly head first.  And there is guaranteed to be at least two women looking for a showmance who will sell out their game for random dude they just met.

Thank you for writing hos and not hoes. I want to cry each time I see people use hoe/hoes incorrectly.

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4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

What do you think will be first: racism or misogyny? ('Cause we know that we'll get both regardless.) 

Gotta agree with @HighQueenEB, it's gonna be misogyny. Probably in the premiere itself.

I predict 1 HG is cancelled prior to the premiere. Probably within 2 hours of the cast being announced. 

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25 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

You can get a free month of Paramount+ with the code Glory. In case anyone wants to ruin their lives with the feeds.

My hero! Between the free month to start and the free month when you cancel, I only pay $5 for the feeds - sometimes another free month code comes out in between and I don't have to pay at all.

27 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Also, rumor has it the pairs twist is back.

You can fuck right off with that news, though.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Also, rumor has it the pairs twist is back.

55 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

You can fuck right off with that news, though.

I'm not entirely hateful at this idea, provided ALL of the houseguests are paired.  What killed it last time was that it wasn't all of them, so the rest of the HG were disadvantaged.  

Imagine if we have some couple come in and one person in that pre-show romantic relationship is attracted to another HG or one is irrationally jealous for no reason.  If we're going to be subjected to showmance BS, then at least give us something that has the potential to cause drama and shifting alliances.  Or maybe we'll see something a la Dani and Evil Dick's non-existent relationship.  

There are all sorts of possibilities that could be good.  But, now, I'm realizing that I'm being far too hopeful because THIS show never lives up to the promise and potential that sucks us back in every damn season.

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I have zero faith in Big Brother and not!Kassting (but still Kassting) but I do have five bucks that says they pair the male and female dim but pretty blondes from Texas together - because there's always a dim but pretty blonde sorority girl and a really dim but pretty dude on a sports scholarship to Texas A&M.

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Global TV's interview with Julie

There's more about Julie's annoying sign-offs and her faith than there is about the actual game which... sigh.

Also there will be a woman who used to be a cop that had a "big career change" and an Elvis impersonator. I already hate everything about it. Yay!

Edited by Callaphera
my grammar and sentence structure was sus
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Still no cast announcement? This is weird. Covid can’t be the reason, because everyone would have been quarantined in their hotel rooms for awhile now. Any positive tests would have already happened. So why all the secrecy? What’s wrong with these people? (Besides the usual.)

Maybe there are no contestants at all, just Julie and the ants. She can regale them with a nightly sermon, and if anyone steps out of line, it’s straight to the backyard with a magnifying glass.

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7 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Still no cast announcement? This is weird. Covid can’t be the reason, because everyone would have been quarantined in their hotel rooms for awhile now. Any positive tests would have already happened. So why all the secrecy? What’s wrong with these people? (Besides the usual.)

They announced last week that the cast reveal would be today. I would have thought noon but people seem to be saying 3.

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When does the shit-show start again?  I need to schedule my hate viewing.

I had a dream the other night that there was going to be another Hantz relative coming onto Big Brother for this season.  I woke up shaking my head with how bizarre some of my dreams could be.  Then, with dawning horror, I realized that was always an outside possibility.  Then I got really, really bummed and started feeling kind of old when I realized that whole Hantz fiasco was over ten years ago, which in reality TV time is like the Pleistocene Epoch, and therefore not hip or jiggy enough for the current audience.

Get off of my lawn!

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BB24 Cast Interviews with Parade

Three people - all men - and one more if I'm being super generous - said that they would flip the vote for their own personal game. Everyone else either waffled without actually answering the question ("Um, like, it depends? On what the house vibe is? Like, maybe?") or outright said that they would hold strong with whatever their alliance wanted. This is going to be a shit season with a big alliance like always.

At least they stopped with Big Jeff's "Would you rather lose and be loved or win and be hated?"

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reservingjudgmentreservingjudgmentreservingjudgment...but man, it's hard.

Did they all copy off each other's papers? "The best advice is to be myself!" You don't say. And we'll probably hate your damaged self by Week 4.

Who do we think bounces first? Brittany can't be long for the game, just because her responses were the most essay-length (bodes ill) and she put together a bigass notebook (kiss of death).

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So I read the bios and watched some of the videos. I don't dislike many of these people and I am grateful there not many bro guys and Instagram women.

Marvin is my absolute favorite, I would love to have him around and hang out with him. He is really sweet and nice.

Rob and Taran are doing a draft podcast if anyone is interested.

My quick takes, based on the Parade interviews. (I have no patience for watching their videos. I will soon see way too much of them on video.)

Alyssa: hairflip. 
Ameerah: “straightforward”, I.e. obnoxious 
Brittany: a Sarah Beth who can literally hypnotize people. Hmm.
Daniel: loud hairflip 
Indy: mentions God, therefore Julie’s favorite 
Jasmine: “entrepreneur “, i.e. delusional 
Pooch: already screwed the… with the name choice. 
Kyle: goofy looking guy who thinks he’s a Ken doll? Wannabe hair flip. 
Marvin: bro ready for a bro-down 
Matt: even he thinks he’s annoying (he’s not wrong)
Michael: “intense”, “superfan”, i.e. will flame out early
Monte: Xavier redux wannabe (might just be) 
Nicole: hates floaters, sounds like a floater
Paloma: hairflip floater
Taylor: don’t hate her because she’s beautiful. She can’t help it (giggle)
Terrance: super fun flipper! Who hates flippers!

I don’t know about you all, but when I comment on the show, I’m just going to be myself. Because my mom told me that’s the best policy.


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 It's like I Love Lucy in Hollywood meets a Drive In Theatre Concession Stand meets Saved By The Bell.  

1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

Man, do Asian and Latina people just not apply to these shows? 

 Who knew Jun and Jee would be this show's white whales.  It's like Captain Kirk needs to take his Klingon ship back in time to repopulate Asians on Planet BB.  

5 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Kyle: goofy looking guy who thinks he’s a Ken doll? Wannabe hair flip. 

 I had to LOL at this.   Like, where are you shopping for Ken dolls?   He's not bad looking, but Ken doll?   I think his frame of reference might be a knock off where someone Dymo Labeled "KEN" on the box.  Also, doesn't Ken, like Barbie, you know...work?  Is Unemployed Ken a thing?

Edited by Maverick
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I already hate half of these people.

Hey, Paloma, if you admit you have a tendency to say stupid stuff, then yes, people are going to perceive you as the ditz you really are.  And taking your biggest ally to F2?  Proves just how much of a dipshit you must be.  And she's a fan of Tangela.  Hell no.

Hey, Taylor, we get that the pageant beauty industry is cutthroat, but you still admit you're really only here for a showmance.  Get off my screen ASAP, please.

Hey, Alysa & Brittany - I'm sure you both do talk too much and you'll annoy your fellow HGs right out of the gate trying to talk over each other.

Hey, Daniel & Matt - yes, your over-the-top personalities are going to grate on every single one of us watching the feeds by the end of the first week.  But, I'm a fan of Daniel just because he's a fan of Brett!  LOL!  And also because he, correctly, points out that the HOH has no power once the nominees are on the block and POV is used.  Matt, on the other hand, is giving me strong Frenchie vibes.  And we all know how that went after he won the first HOH.

Hey, Nicole - just because you share a name with her doesn't mean you have to be a fan of Nicole.  Bleh.  

Not impressed with Monte but at least he's honest enough to say he'll go with his alliance/the house in targeting players rather than fronting like he's going to go after any big threats, lol.

Guessing that Terrance is out first because age-ism always trumps both misogyny and racism.  And it sounds like he's only seen seasons 16 & 23, despite claiming otherwise.  He can go straightaway.  

Wait, no, Indy can go straightaway for the sin of having only watched last season.  As can every single HG who has named Derrick, Nicole, Cody or Tyler as their favorite players.

Agree with @pinkandsparkly13 that Alysa and Paloma look really similar - could be sisters or cousins...  

My early fave might be Pooch, which guarantees I'll probably hate him once I see him on the feeds.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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4 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

They asked the fave players question so here I am to judge based solely on how terrible of a choice they make:

Terrence (Derrick and X) - Derrick? Dead to me.

Taylor (Danielle Reyes & Janelle) - A++

Paloma (Tyler) - s20 Tyler, sure. All-Stars Tyler? Pass

Nicole (Derrick & X, Tiffany & Nicole) - Ugh another Derrick

Monte (Donny, Derrick, Hayden, Tyler & X) - Had me at Donny, lost me at Derrick

Michael (Janelle, Kaysar, Nakomis, Rachel, Dani, Danielle Reyes, RENNY & Britney) - He named dropped Renny. RENNY. A++++. An extra ++ for throwing in my spirit animal, Britney.

Matt (Angie, Christie, Tyler, Cody, "Nicole is... pretty cool..." & David) - I just...

Marvin (Derrick & Cody) - ............................

Kyle (Tyler) - {insert comment here}

Pooch (Chilltown, Enzo & Cody) - He says Chilltown but he clearly just means Will.

Jasmine (Derrick, Cody N. & Tiffany) - Legit out of things to say about the Derrick choice

Indy (X) - Honestly not sure she even knows who she's talking about

Daniel (Dan) - He listed about 8 other people, but then seemed to zero in on Dan, which I am ALL FOR

Brittany (Nicole A.) - Sure

Ameerah (NICOLE FRANZEL ARROYO) - SHE THINKS NICOLE WOULD BE FUN TO BE STUCK IN A HOUSE WITH (tbf, I think she only saw BB16, but I didn't even like her then, so MY POINT STANDS)

Alyssa (Janelle, Britney, Kaycee) - I knew she was going to say Janelle before she opened her mouth

We are never, ever, ever getting back together rid of the albatross that is Derrick Levasseur. Never. I could cry.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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Woah. What happened with Marvin?

That's super disappointing. I was hoping for a different perspective with Marvin being from Nigeria than we usually get on this show.

I don't remember them yanking someone right after their intro video but before the show started. I wonder if they caught him breaking a rule like trying to communicate with another player or something.  

Saw this post just now, it flashes through everyone in about two seconds flat. Some people have their occupation listed, others info says nothing of their (lack of) employment and instead says 'Single' instead... *side eye*


First cursory gleaming of info I say to myself "'They casted a Canadian??' Have we not learned ANYTHING in 23 seasons??" Scandalous!!

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