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What Did We Eat Today?

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Considering how amazing your made-at-home meals always sound, I don't think you're missing anything! :)


Thanks!.  I really to like to cook, so most of the time I prefer my cooking to what I get at restaurants.   Occasionally, I'm too tired to cook, and we order out Chinese food or pizza, but when we do go to a restaurant I like to be something that I'm not good at cooking (like Japanese food, I've never had much luke with that.)

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harrie, there's just a very subtle peanut butter flavor, I noticed that one review said she was going to double the PB next time, but I liked it the way it was. I did use the suggestion of using crunchy PB instead of the creamy PB the recipe called for. I think either is fine, but I liked the added texture to the sauce.


I just asked Mr. LB about the flavor and he said he didn't really detect PB in it. He said it just made the BBQ sauce taste more like a roasted, sort of nutty sauce, not necessarily peanut. It was very subtle; the PB just gives more flavor to the BBQ sauce. I used a cheapo BBQ sauce, btw, (Kraft Original BBQ sauce, on sale). 


Also, this time I made it with chicken drumsticks instead of thighs and it was very good.


Thank you, LuckyB.  I am going to have to try that for sure.  


Last night was store-bought tortellini with fresh tomato sauce, and tonight is chicken cacciatore (lots of tomatoes and peppers hanging around). 

Today I'm making a frittata with two differnt kinds of tomatoes (green and yellow gold) plus goat cheese, and a spinach salad on the side.   I want to make sure I use up all the tomatoes I got at the farmers' market before they go bad. 


ALenore, this sounds very tasty, and in fact I am stealing it for next week. (Hope you don't mind.)

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All of you make me so hungry every time I dare peek at this thread! Tonight Mr. Mbay is grilling rib eyes. Sides of ranch beans,rice,green salad and Texas toast. I have been having a craving for cauliflower lately and found a recipe on purewow for a whole roasted spicy cauliflower. Mr. Mbay may try this later this week.

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Thanks, Harrie, it did turn out to be pretty tasty. 

But now I have to clean up -- that's the big problem with cooking, the clean up.  Keep hoping the pixies will do the job while I'm sleeping, but, darn it, they never seem to show up.

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I love shrimp and  cheesy grits too, though I don't have them too often.   If the pixies do show up at your house, send them over to mine when they're done. 


Tonight I'm making grilled ham and pineapple pizza (Hawaiin pizza).  The recipe doesn't call for it, but I'm adding grilled red pepper and grilled onion cause I think it will add a nice something extra. 

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It's my dad's birthday, and thus we are having the meal that accompanies every birthday and holiday in this house: Homemade marinara with sausage and meatballs, which has been simmering since this morning and making everyone in the house hungry.

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That sounds so good, TabbyClaw.


We are eating down leftovers and miscellaneous munchies like hummus, fruit, etc., in preparation for a well-deserved vacation! Woo-hoo! And we will eat well while we are away.

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Happy Birthday, WendyCR72!


Last night was tuna steak and chard sauteed with mushrooms.  The  hunk o' tuna was so big, lunch today was a salad with tuna sprinkled around it.   Tonight will probably be take-out pizza due to working in the garden.

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Happy Birthday WendyCR72! I'm glad you had a nice one and enjoyed dinner with your family/loved ones.



All of you make me so hungry every time I dare peek at this thread! Tonight Mr. Mbay is grilling rib eyes. Sides of ranch beans,rice,green salad and Texas toast. I have been having a craving for cauliflower lately and found a recipe on purewow for a whole roasted spicy cauliflower. Mr. Mbay may try this later this week.


mbaywife123, that cauliflower sounded good, so I had to look it up:




I might have to try that soon. I love roasted cauliflower, but the way I always do it is just cut up the florets, throw them on a baking sheet, spritz with olive oil, a little bit of salt and garlic, roast at 425 until it gets nice and browned. It's so delicious. But, I think I will have to try that recipe soon. Thanks for mentioning it.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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Lamb chops. I have four days home alone with nothing that needs to be done, so I'm indulging in all the foods that nobody else in my family likes.


Thanks for the link to the recipe for Herb Crusted Lamb Chops with Mint Pesto. I don't like mint that much, but Mr. LB loves mint jelly with his lamb chops. I'm going to try this because I think he'd really like it.


So it took me almost a month, but I finally tried that recipe for Herb Crusted Lamb Chops with Mint Pesto that Tabbyclaw linked to back on Page 3 of this thread and am I glad I did. 


Like I said, I'm not that crazy about mint, but even I liked the pesto. My husband loved the mint pesto, just as I figured he would. But what I really loved most about that recipe is the preparation of the herb crusted lamb chops. Usually, we just put some olive on the lamb chops, some garlic, salt and pepper and grill them in a grill pan or on the outdoor grill. This method of coating them with the rosemary, thyme, and oregano, and cooking them in a cast iron skillet on the stove just a few minutes on each side until a crust forms, then sticking them in the oven for about ten minutes was freaking delicious.


Actually, my husband took care of the lamb chops, and I made the pesto, baked sweet potatoes, and sauteed some spinach in olive oil and lots of garlic. The lamb chops were the best part. We're making lamb chops like that from now on.


Thanks for posting the recipe link, Tabbyclaw!


That was the other night (Tuesday). Last night was chicken, rice, and salad; and tonight we had steak with a spicy rub, baby baked potatoes, and Dole's BBQ Ranch chopped salad.

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The show is over, so Mr ebk is home again (I'm off the soup!).  Tonight it was brisket rubbed in some sort of chili thing from Penzy's, and roasted cauliflower.  Yum!!  


Mr ebk never liked cauliflower before (or at least thought he didn't), but since he's gone low-carb, he's discovered that he loves it.  Yay for me!  I will pass the recipe above on to him.  Thanks!



And a Most Happy Birthday WendyCR72!!

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The show is over, so Mr ebk is home again (I'm off the soup!).  Tonight it was brisket rubbed in some sort of chili thing from Penzy's, and roasted cauliflower.  Yum!!  


Mr ebk never liked cauliflower before (or at least thought he didn't), but since he's gone low-carb, he's discovered that he loves it.  Yay for me!  I will pass the recipe above on to him.  Thanks!



And a Most Happy Birthday WendyCR72!!


Thank you kindly, ebk57! It was a great day.  :-)

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We had sushi last night; so good.


Tonight, I'm making Greek Chicken, except I just use Greek Seasoning instead of  the suggested spices (oregano, garlic powder, kosher salt, and pepper), and I add an onion to the dish. It's such a quick and easy dinner, just add a salad. Although, I have an eggplant that I'll probably slice up, spray with olive oil, sprinkle with oregano and salt, and roast in the oven. 

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Last night was whole wheat linguine and clams, with a really nice ciabatta on the side for dipping. Tonight - grilled cheese with tomato, avocado and corn salad.  For the salad, I left out the peppers, bell and jalapeno, and just combined the avocado, tomato and corn with lemon juice, salt and pepper.  Maybe because everything was fresh, but it was plenty tasty that way, though I plan to make it again according to directions.  (Usually I make a recipe faithfully the first time, then screw around with it.)

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I made Thai Chicken Curry, jasmine rice, and Lao Salad.  This was my second time making the curry and I might have messed up a little (getting a little too cocky just because I made it before & didn't closely follow the recipe).  Ended up having to add a bit of peanut butter to the curry...it tasted good (but not fantastic).

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So, I tried this short cut yesterday, and with some tweaking I think I'm on to something.


I had broccoli in the fridge when I bought more broccoli on Saturday. I guess it was on sale last week given my behavior of just buying it without thinking about it.  I took the extra, tossed it with some olive oil, salt, pepper, and a finely chopped clove of garlic. I wrapped it in a long piece of aluminum foil and set it on the back of the grill away from the direct heat while I cooked the chicken on the front. It cooked perfectly and I even got a request for seconds from the 9 year old.  He was lucky he ate fast, because I was going back to eat the rest myself.


I guess I would describe this as steam roasted broccoli or something as it steamed inside of the foil, but there wasn't any liquid other than what was inside of it to start.

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Did I mention the theatre is dark at the moment?  


Last night Mr ebk made butter chicken from a recipe he found in the NYT Magazine a while back.  It was delightful.


Tonight was what we used to call pizza burgers in my misspent youth - burgers with leftover spaghetti sauce, mushrooms and parmesan cheese.  


And wine.



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A new recipe tonight: porc hoisin et ses nouilles a l'ail. AKA hoisin pork and garlic noodles. Someone occasionally drops off French-language cookbooks at my local secondhand bookstore, and I have retained just enough high school and college French to follow an easy recipe. Mostly. I'll admit I'm relying on context clues for some of the instructions. Right or wrong, it still came out pretty tasty.

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Tabbyclaw, that sounds cool.  I never took French, I only know (barely) enough to be able to read a French menu.   I do remember in high school German class we followed  recipe in German for Rouladen, and that came out pretty good.

Edited by ALenore
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Last night was BLT salad -- lettuce topped with bacon, hard-boiled egg, cuke, and tomato.  Tonight is Queer Eye Salmon -- baked, then glazed with a mix of honey and soy sauce, plus a dash of hot sauce -- and beets in some form.  

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Tonight's our anniversary (32 years!) so we're going out to eat at a Japanese restaurant.  They make wonderful appetizers, and very good sushi rolls.


 I have the day off, so right now I'm making chicken stock in a pressure cooker (my favorite way to make it).  I've got to work tomorrow, and I'll be needing the chicken stock for future meals. 

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So the new restaurant was a little disappointing.  The food I had (grilled salmon and grilled asparagus) was okay, but it was uninspired.  They had a very limited menu, your basic steaks, burgers (one cheeseburger on the menu) and fish (no seafood, just fish).


They had a pretty extensive wine menu, but the list of wines by the glass was also very limited.


I won't go back.

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Yes, ALenore, happy anniversary!  Have a great time tonight.


Rick Kitchen, did you want to to go to this place, or have to go?  Too bad to go out and not have a good meal. 


Tonight is sushi.   Our bathroom is getting renovated (hey -- there's a forum for that!); and they're putting the tub in tonight, so it just seemed easier since who knows when the water is going get turned back on? 

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The dinner at the Japanese restaurant was very good.  We had a cool appetizer that was a sort of sculptural creation with slices of sashimi at the bottom, a bamboo tower, and then the deep fried head and tail of the fish at the top.  We had some good sushi rolls and some very nice saki.   We're going for a walk, then coming back home to almond croissants  and Prosecco.   Probably going to watch Person of Interest, then Key and Peele.  

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We just got back from a week away. Thursday night, DH went to a baseball game; I heated frozen chicken enchiladas. Last night, we went out for Italian food - he had scallops over linguine, I had linguine with clam sauce, and we had a marvelously dense dark chocolate mousse for dessert. Tonight is pizza night. 

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I went to a cooking class this afternoon called 15 Minute French meals. While it wasn't exactly 15 minutes, in two hours we made the most amazing coq au vin and a delicious pork with red cabbage and apples with roasted potatoes. Had the chicken for lunch (awesome) and took the pork home for dinner, can't wait! One noteworthy thing I took home from the course is that a single slice of bacon can really escalate a dish from good to amazing.

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masonlamps, that class sounds great.  I love coq au vin, and pork with red cabbage and apples.  


I'm making Garden Vegetable Soup, a recipe from Alton Brown, and then Mozzarella Panini with Lemon Caper Sauce to go along with it.  

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