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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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I'm dubious as to how much music Travis will be doing. I'm not saying he doesn't have the talent to make a go of it, but a six-hour round trip commute for a guy used to having a home studio is going to get old fast. Even twice a week it would be tiring, especially if Katie insists on tagging along. It wouldn't surprise me if he starts off gung-ho and then it eventually dwindles down as Travis realizes he'd rather be in Starbucks with Evan than sitting in traffic. 


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I can see how this probably manifested to what it is.

Several months ago:

Travis: I'm going to start flying to Nashville twice a month and stay a few days to see if this music thing can happen.

Katie: That's a lot of travel for Hailey, plus I want to get pregnant again really soon.

Travis: You and Hailey will stay here, I'll just go.

Katie: How do I stay here without you?  What would I do all day?  Plus, I'll be sad knowing you are so close to my family, and I am here in NJ with just Hailey.   Why don't we move to the Knoxville area and while you are in Nashville, I will have my family to keep me company.  

Travis - Ok.  

They also said that they were not going to make their Youtube channel a priority since Travis will be busy with his music and won't have as much time for filming and editing.  They have over 217k followers.  I'm surprised they are willing to give up the SM money.  


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I am dismayed about this....although I have no dog in the fight..lol...to me, Katie is way too unsure and insecure for  " Travis - the superstar" ...Katie is gorgeous but comes across as very insecure/lacking in self confidence etc....I think this could be a disaster in the making...I mean what could go wrong...Katie attached to her family in Knoxville with baby 1 and baby 2 on the way - and travis be a partying with the groupies hanging outside the studio in Nashville??? mmm...this may not end well...throw Evan in the mix -- with a brother who just cheated/divorced...and not good , not good...

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5 minutes ago, AstridM said:

Why don’t they just rent an apartment in Nashville, then? It’s a 3 hour commute, ffs.

Because then they'd be right back at square one with Katie whining and crying about how much she misses her family. I can also see Evan in Travis' ear like, "It's no biggie, we make the drive all the time," conveniently leaving out that he and Carlin camp out for a six day clip, not a quick turnaround.

With regards to YouTube, I'd be shocked if they follow through. Child exploitation is currently their biggest moneymaker. Hell, the majority of people on the Bates subReddit thought better content was driving the move in the first place. Not to mention, their overhead is increasing. They've got rent, studio costs and hotels if Travis has to stay over plus taxes and upkeep on the NJ house. I'm not sure Katie can shill enough Dime Beauty for them to live off Influencing alone. Travis could presumably ask to stay at Lawson's, but my Spidey Senses tell me LawDog's ego can't handle a better singer honing in on his turf. I can see him being petty a/f. 

11 minutes ago, Dimi1 said:

I am dismayed about this....although I have no dog in the fight..lol...to me, Katie is way too unsure and insecure for  " Travis - the superstar" ...Katie is gorgeous but comes across as very insecure/lacking in self confidence etc....

Katie said in one of their Q&A's that it upset her when fast food workers flirted with Travis at the drive-thru, so she definitely seems to struggle with jealousy and self-esteem. FWIW, I highly doubt these girls were making a play for her husband. It was probably just benign small talk that Katie misread due to her immaturity and lack of relationship experience.

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When they were talking about the move Katie was grinning from ear to ear. Travis was more subdued. At one point I thought he was starting to tear up. I think it will be hard on him because he is very close to his brother. I hope for Travis's sake this is a good career move because if it is not he is stuck with the Bates. I can't see Katie wanting to return to New Jersey.


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On 3/2/2024 at 9:49 AM, GeeGolly said:

How old is Travis? He's never really been on his own yet. He's had his family right there for his entire life. Now not only is he leaving them, but he's leaving his safety net. He will be solely responsible for Katie and Hailey. That must be scary for a young sheltered dude.

Trav turns 23 this week. He's always lived at home until he moved into a house that his parents bought for him, as his parents helped him navigate being a married man and father and he has always had his brother close by too. I imagine his is terrified - not only being without his parents and brother, being responsible for his wife and child, and now having his own bills like rent in Knoxville. I realize his monthly trust fund/school checks don't go away but those checks now need to cover the house in NJ where they aren't living + rent in Knox + costs of commuting and doing business in Nashville. I imagine Katie will start making nice with Law/Tiff so that Trav can crash there at times but I don't sense that Katie and Law are close at all so why would Law bend over backwards? It's totally easy for him to be be like nah can't do next week, we won't be here, we'll be in Cali and then Trav ends up driving Knox to Nash multiple times in a week if he has meetings or whatever.

I don't think Trav necessarily understands what he's signed up for. I think he must think - ok so I'm leaving my family, but it's ok we'll have her family to help us. Lol we've all seen G&K's idea of helping their kids. And party party Carlin and Evan - also lol. I realize Michael cares for Josie's kids so she doesn't have a ton of free time but if Katie knows what's good for her, she'll be re-kindling a relationship with Michael - you never know when you'll need a sitter for date night or pregnancy appt number 8000 or whatever it may be or just another adult to step in and help you. I assume Trav also thinks his parents will be around all the time. I can see Mama Clark coming for 2 weeks whenever Katie has the next baby or coming for a week for Hailey's bday or whatever but that still isn't the same as her moving in for a few weeks to help out or dropping off dinner bc Katie has been ill with kidney stones or whatever.

As for this music thing - we'll see how it goes but I suspect it'll be harder than Trav thinks. Sure he is talented and has a social media following and has already made a decent start in music - but there are a TON of young artists in Nashville who fit that same criteria. And they're IN NASHVILLE, while he will be running back and forth 3 hrs one way with a clingy wife who'll be like - do you REALLY have to go again tomorrow, you were just there 3 days ago. Let's be real as a nothing artist, he'll need to take any meeting, writing session etc. he can get without the excuses of . . . my wife, my baby, blah blah . . . bc if he turns things down, there are a 1000 other young artists jumping at the opportunity. 

The Bates girls make any career harder with their clinginess - and once they introduce their men to the grift in which they grew up, men like Evan, Trav etc. are even less inclined to want to work long hours, commute etc.

I agree with whoever above said that Evan sold him on the whole "oh Nashville is close by, you don't have to live there, you can live in Knox and commute easily, we go all the time." Uh yeah except you go to your parents' house, show up whenever you want, have a place to crash and eat free for a week at a time. Little bit different from someone who needs to make the 3 hr drive on a Monday morning to arrive in time for a 10 am meeting.

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I agree with all of the above. I think the biggest shock for Travis will be to see Hailey going from pampered, adored granddaughter/niece to just another face in the horde. 

Their most recent stories featured Mr. Clark and Uncle Mike playing with Hailey. In both videos you can see a real bond between the men and the baby. Good luck replicating that in TN. Nobody is going to dote on Hailey because guess what, there's a bazillion grandkids already and two or three Bates women pregnant at any given time. As problematic as the Clark family is, I do believe they're genuinely close. With the Bates, I think their 'close' is only surface level. Sure, everybody gathers to yuk it up for ILYD, but nobody's dropping their plans to help a sister who had heart surgery or another suffering from seizures. It's always the in-laws stepping up. 

In that sense, maybe this move will be an eye-opener for Katie. She may eventually realize her bread is buttered in NJ, not TN. 

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Surface level close is an excellent way to say it. Frankly they only seem to be interested in hanging with each other in the good times - ILY Days, a thousand weddings and wedding showers and baby showers, vacations, ski trips, showing up at the hospital for a new baby. But when it comes to the tough times or the drudgery of life, you're on your own. The Clark family seems the opposite. Sure we do see them vacation, but aside from that it seems like they stop by each others' homes just because - not because there's a wedding shower or baby shower or event to attend. And in that stopping by is when the grandparents get on the floor and play with Hailey or help whip up dinner or whatever daily life thing is going on.

All of this speaks to how much awareness Katie lacks. I think she genuinely believes her family is sooo close because . . . ILY Day or Christmas party or whatever. But she doesn't see the difference between those special occassions (or even the "special" occassion of her visiting for 3 days when people will drop things to play board games until midnight and go on midnight ice cream runs) vs. real life.

I mean Carlin's health issues were about 2 yrs ago - shortly after Katie's wedding. Did Katie not notice that they spent a lot of that time in Nashville, not with G&K? You can't tell me she didn't watch the IGs/YTs of Evan's dad at their house moving belt/back brace on, moving his son/DIL from their rental that they had to leave into their new house. Where were G&K? 

Hell Katie still lived at home pre-marriage when Erin suffered with covid/long covid/a few surgeries. I know she doesn't talk to Erin but living at home - come on - she must've heard that Erin's MIL moved in with them to help. She lived at home in 2019 during both of Alyssa's heart surgeries too - she obviously knew that her parents went down to Fla for like 1 day each time and were not there for Alyssa's recovery. Despite all this, she thinks her family is soooo close and supportive?? While she has a MIL living 5 min away who camped out on her sofa for a week or two so she could recover after having H and who brought her meals constantly while she was recovering from birth, having kidney stones etc?! Katie clearly doesn't see what she doesn't want to see and I think whined enough to Travis about missing her family that he finally relented - even if he suspects they're leaving a good thing behind.

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Well said @cereality and @BitterApple. Katie definitely doesn’t see what really goes on back in Tennessee, rose colored glasses I guess. Plus when you’re the one living far away it’s a big deal when you come home, not so much when you live down the street. Wonder how long before T&K get tired of party party with Carlin & Evan……

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Katie for sure has Bates/TN FOMO. 

While I agree the Clarks go way beyond superficial in their relationships, I'm not sure how Katie could recognize the difference. For many its kind of, what you don't know, you don't know. If she is used to giving and receiving love and support in a superficial way, that's the way she will also receive it, even if its given in ways that are deeper and more genuine.

It'll be interesting to see how both K&T adjust to all the changes this move will bring.

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I live in the south..not too far south...more at the split of the ohio river....and I can tell you...the north as far as culturally has so much more to offer...I have travelled to New York city many times and LOVED it...to live so close and want to move south is beyond me....then to live close to PA and all that has to offer....I've been to atlanta, chattanooga, nashville an all around the area...and would much rather visit NY...My son lived in NY for 5 years and I got to know it pretty well...and miss it...

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Wonder how long before T&K get tired of party party with Carlin & Evan……

I actually thought they had grown tired of party party with C & E around the time Katie was about to give birth and then when both couples were at the beach house and Katie gave priority to keeping Haley's schedule. It is baffling that they are choosing to go back to the hoard in Tennessee.

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39 minutes ago, Me from ME said:

I actually thought they had grown tired of party party with C & E around the time Katie was about to give birth and then when both couples were at the beach house and Katie gave priority to keeping Haley's schedule. It is baffling that they are choosing to go back to the hoard in Tennessee.

They still seem to stay with C&E whenever they are in Tennessee. I think anyone would have been exhausted by C&E with a newborn. But maybe once they are actually living in Tennessee Katie will realize how good she had it in NJ. If Travis is serious about his musical career and is in Nashville a lot, I’m not sure Katie will be too happy about that. She seems to be clingy like Carlin.

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2 hours ago, ozziemom said:

 If Travis is serious about his musical career and is in Nashville a lot, I’m not sure Katie will be too happy about that. She seems to be clingy like Carlin.

I don't follow the Bates all that closely, but is Katie the one that thinks females at the drive thru window flirt with/tempt her husband?  Or is that a different sister?

If it's Katie, how will she let him commute to Nashville by himself?


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1 hour ago, crazy8s said:

I don't follow the Bates all that closely, but is Katie the one that thinks females at the drive thru window flirt with/tempt her husband?  Or is that a different sister?

If it's Katie, how will she let him commute to Nashville by himself?


I wouldn't be surprised if she commutes to Nashville with him. All those country music harlots, you know. Michael(a) can watch the baby since she won't matter anymore. 

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4 hours ago, Heathen said:

I wouldn't be surprised if she commutes to Nashville with him. All those country music harlots, you know. Michael(a) can watch the baby since she won't matter anymore. 

They can call it a date! It never fails to amuse me when a married couple goes out to dinner or whatever, and calls it a date, or double date if another couple goes too. Like Jill Rod and her triple dates, ie going out with her daughters and their husbands.

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3 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

With Michaela watching Josie's kids, Callie with Tiffany and one of the girls' at Alyssa all the time. I wonder who Katie thinks is going to help her.

She’s probably convinced herself that KJ will babysit. I wouldn’t be surprised if KJ was encouraging Katie to move to Tennessee so Hailey could be with family and participate in all the photo shoots at BSB, lol.

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7 hours ago, ozziemom said:

She’s probably convinced herself that KJ will babysit. I wouldn’t be surprised if KJ was encouraging Katie to move to Tennessee so Hailey could be with family and participate in all the photo shoots at BSB, lol.

I think Kelly and Gil put a lot of pressure on Katie to move back to Tennessee because they can't control her in New Jersey. 

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On 3/1/2024 at 8:27 AM, BitterApple said:

I'm dubious as to how much music Travis will be doing. I'm not saying he doesn't have the talent to make a go of it, but a six-hour round trip commute for a guy used to having a home studio is going to get old fast. Even twice a week it would be tiring, especially if Katie insists on tagging along. It wouldn't surprise me if he starts off gung-ho and then it eventually dwindles down as Travis realizes he'd rather be in Starbucks with Evan than sitting in traffic. 


Knoxville is only 180 miles from Nashville.  It shouldn’t take 6 hours, should it?

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I don't understand how this whole thing will work realistically. Of course K&T have never lived in reality so they can't plan like most other 23 year olds would. Most 23 year olds will tell you that living 3 hrs away from school/work is FAR and not something you want to do. If you are really trying to make a go at school/work, you live near that thing and commute to see the family 1-2x/month, not the other way around. Of course Katie has never gone to school or worked - or maybe she went to Crown 5 miles away for a yr or two - and Trav always had mommy and daddy's school 5 min from home.

Are they considering just how competitive Nashville is? I realize Trav and his music have a bit of a social media following and he is reasonably talented and that's great - but neither of those is an anomaly in Nashville. He is still an unknown enough artist that he will have to take ANY meeting, ANY writing or recording session he is offered in order to get a foothold into the industry there.

Cue his clingy wife. How well is it going to work when he drives 3 hrs and does an all day writing session on Monday and in doing that someone at his studio says - you know x artist will be here on Wed. and that'd be a good collaboration, you should plan to be here Wed. He drives 3 hrs home, tells Katie that, and she starts boohooing that he was gone ALL DAY today and he REALLY has to go back again in a day and a half - it's soooo hard with Hailey + the inevitable other kids or pregnancy, she misses him sooooo much blah blah. I mean how much is this going to differ from Carlin crying every day at 6 am bc Evan had to go to school/apprenticeship for the 4 yrs he did that?

Or does Katie think she'll go to every meeting and writing and recording session with Trav with Hailey in tow? Bc that'll go over big with the studios. . . . But really how will she be able to "allow" him to go without her? I mean this is the chick who gets jealous if the drive thru woman at McDonalds dares smiles and says hi to HER MAN to the point where she needs to hold up her hand so they know, this is HER HUSBAND. Uh sweetie when your husband shows up at a recording session at 10 am, guess what they'll all take a break and sit around the studio and eat lunch at 1 pm, and guess what they'll chat and smile and talk about their lives and yes women do work at Nashville studios. 

Cue more boohooing from Katie as she worries if she'll be the next Tori (as Bobby's alleged cheating was when he was working days away from her) or Grace Hadden (Evan's ex-SIL who just divorced Evan's brother who cheated).

Though I'm guessing Carlin and Kelly are in Katie's ear already. Use this Nashville music thing to get Trav to move to Knoxville. Sure he'll try to pursue music for the first 6 months but be in his ear about how the commute is too much, it's too hard to be alone with Hailey all day esp when pregnant (hint hint get pregnant ASAP), guilt him into turning down some meetings he may get in Nashville - making it harder for him to get future meetings, and in the meantime show him the art of the grift. Show him how great Evan and Gil's lives are doing nothing and how that's the life we should be setting up -- i.e. full time YT, maybe pull him into BSB (which may be plausible esp if Z&W feel done wit it and want out - K&T can be the new sibling partners).

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18 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

I think Travis’ best bet is to get a job as a studio musician.  

Except that that requires long hours and being available at a moment's notice.  In a town like Nashville where studio time is at a premium, musicians are often in the studio for all hours of the day and night to get something right and because finding more time to record can be difficult.

I cannot see Katie tolerating Travis working at the studio from morning until well after midnight and then, perhaps, crashing with some musician friends so they can get back to the studio in time the next day to do it all over again.

I have friends and the husband was a drummer, mostly jazz, who did a lot of session work.  He was often at work until 2-3 in the morning and he didn't have a 3 hour commute.  He could be called at the last minute to fill in which Travis won't be able to handle, either, being hours away.

Then, most session musicians 'play out' as often as possible; working at all the local clubs they can in order to make contacts to get more gigs.  My friend's wife used to complain that, in their first 20 years together, she never got to kiss him at midnight on New Year's, he was playing.  And forget about Saturday 'date night'.  That's when the weddings, birthday parties and night clubs are happening.  He ended up retiring from the music biz once they had a child; it was just too much time away from family.  And these were regular, college educated people who weren't raised in a bubble and didn't have ridiculous notions about being joined at the hip with their spouse like the Bates' girls have.

If Katie is worried about the clerks at MacDonald's; I cannot imagine she'll be able to tolerate the idea of Travis working in an establishment with waitresses in cowboy boots and bootie shorts serving liquor to the patrons.

Edited by Notabug
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If Travis is really trying for a music career it will be interesting to see it play out. I have my doubts it'll be anything more than a halfhearted effort. 

I think its a possibility they are trying out TN for a year to see what its like. And since K&T will likely find they're sitting alone in their apartment more often than not, they'll end up going back to NJ.

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

In their video Travis stated doors have been opened to him. No clue what doors, but it didn’t seem like it was on a whim to me. I’ve been wrong before. 😑 

Katie posted a vague Trav will be sharing what he’s doing soon, so we will have to wait and watch their SM! Apparently he hit 100k on Spotify but I’m not sure what that means.

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7 hours ago, Heathen said:

But then he might have to deal with WOMEN! They might corrupt him since his faith and marriage are so strong! 

I feel bad for the poor women who encounter fundie men and their wives. They have zero interest in the men and/or just trying to do their jobs and have to deal with idiot men and their wives thinking their after their husbands. Or idiot men who think their flirting with them.

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How long have K&T lived in Knoxville now? Few weeks? What exactly are they doing? They moved because Trav had some big upcoming music career yet all we seem to see is him putting things in their storage unit + going down the apartment playground slide with Hailey mid day. I get if they won't show actual meetings in Nashville etc., but shouldn't he be NOT at home so much if he needed to be in Nashville to make his music career work?

No real hanging out with C&E yet either. They saw each other at church for Easter + C&E showed up the day they moved in, but outside of that we haven't seen any party party hang outs. I wonder if K&T are taking that slow bc they know as soon as they agree to spend an entire day with C&E, it'll forever be expected that they be up for midnight ice cream runs etc. -- and K&T have shown they live according to Hailey's schedule.

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I'm not sure, but one thing I do know is they won't last long in that apartment. At the end of their Moving In video, Travis and Katie were complaining about the noise, the constant traffic outside their door, Remi constantly barking, the lack of yard and having to put the dog on the leash whenever she goes out, etc. They tried to frame it positively like, "Oh, this is stuff we're getting used to! It's so different!," but Travis isn't a good actor. He gives away all his emotions on his face and he was annoyed. I predict they buy a house before the end of the year (or go back to NJ when the renter's lease is up).

I thought the lack of Easter photos was interesting as well. Did none of the family get together for dinner? Carlin and Evan did that sad backyard egg hunt and Josie and Kelton cooked for his family, but where was everyone else? No festivities at the Big House? Unless maybe they did do something and everyone's saving the footage for YouTube? 

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K&T don't even realize how lame and out of step they are with people their own age. I mean most 21-22 year olds associate apartment living to living with their college buddies with more college friends next door, maybe studying/working hard but partying and having fun. Meanwhile cue K&T - OMG those people don't know the meaning of life we are MARRIED and PARENTS - and we've done entire YT videos on going to Home Depot to find the exact right fertilizer to revive our lawn or the exact right Christmas lights . . . . They live like they're 45 years old.

I'm sure the indignity of apartment living is beneath Trav. I mean he's a rich kid - grew up with his own bedroom/bathroom in mom and dad's McMansion. Then moved out to get married into his own home paid for in cash by mom and dad, which he gut renovated with the highest end fixtures. Now he has to live someplace with no yard for his kid or dog, where people dare walk by their apartment to get to their own apartments and he hears footsteps or talking!?

I'm sure they'd never say the quiet part out loud but I wonder if they are a little bit shocked by seeing others in the apartment complex. Even in a very white area like Rocky Top, apartment complexes are more "diverse." You're going to have single moms, single dads, gasp black or Hispanic people, immigrants who are working and saving up to buy their own house years down the road.

I imagine Katie is going to start pressing for a house SOON to make this move permanent. She'll boo-hoo like Carlin did about how they'll never get a house, it's soooo hard to live in an apartment with a baby and dog blah blah. I imagine Trav was probably interested in getting a house upon the move - not to make the move permanent but to spare himself the indignity of apartment life - but let's be real HE isn't rich, his parents are. I imagine his parents did not and will not pony up the money for him to be able to buy a house free and clear in Knoxville. I can't imagine they're super thrilled about their son and DIL - children that they are - moving away from family support that the Clarks know they need. 

Which is fine Trav can use the monthly checks from his parents' school/rental income from NJ to save up a down payment take a mortgage like the rest of us . . . . I mean Evan managed to do it. But I think Carlin/Evan do have money stress - as in what if we don't make enough via YT this month etc. That's something Trav has never experienced. Trav would have to double down on YT + his wife's shilling + making some $ from music + making sure the rental home is always occupied so rent is flowing in.

Edited by cereality
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