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S10.E21: Level Up


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On 5/16/2021 at 9:55 PM, monicageller said:

MTV, you've gotta hire editors. It's girlses.

I was going to post the same thing.  Lol

Lemme guess...Jade and Sean decide it would be best for Kloie if Sean lives with them again.  This time they will not fight...until they do.  Then Kloie is subjected to a chaotic home.  Again.  Then Sean moves out and they don't talk for a while.  Then Jade and Sean decide it would be best for Kloie if Sean lives with them again.  This time they won't fight...until they do.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  There, 95% chance I've already summed up this season for Jade. 

  • Love 13

Holy crap Leah. That makeup and hair she had going on in the bedroom scene with Gracie was horrible. She looked like a forty year old barfly. She can be so pretty and then she does that?  Yikes.

Sean is once again hanging out at Jade's house 'for Kloie'. He is working hard to get back in there and have Jade supporting him again. Sean and Christy just play musical chairs with Jade's house in an effort to have her support them so they can do nothing and just leach off of her. For Kloie, of course. It's all for Kloie.  They never come out and just say that they need a place to stay (well, usually they don't). They couch it in "Gee, you look like you could use some help with Kloie. How about I come here and take care of her while you work?  And it would be even more convenient it I just moved in. For Kloie. To help you."  They have manipulating Jade down to  fine art.

Brianna needs to stop talking about Devoin and Luis in front of her daughters. That is just so messed up. And I am completely over both 'men' and their deadbeat no show fatherhood. Devoin is breaking his daughter's heart and her trust. Brianna has set things up so that is inevitable. And she is doing the same thing with Stella. The dads are bad, but Brianna just amplifies it tenfold.

I still hate that eleven year olds have a portable unsupervised computer in their pockets. Smartphones are phones, sure, but they are primarily computers. If they need a phone for connection and emergency then an older flip phone style works fine until they are older.  And coordinate the decision with the involved dad, Kail.

Oh Ashley. You can't connect the humanities to your life? The humanities are about life. Its meaning, its quality, our places in the world past present and future. It gives our world its color. Your world is so limited.

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19 hours ago, eskimo said:

I was going to post the same thing.  Lol

Lemme guess...Jade and Sean decide it would be best for Kloie if Sean lives with them again.  This time they will not fight...until they do.  Then Kloie is subjected to a chaotic home.  Again.  Then Sean moves out and they don't talk for a while.  Then Jade and Sean decide it would be best for Kloie if Sean lives with them again.  This time they won't fight...until they do.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  There, 95% chance I've already summed up this season for Jade. 

You forgot to add property damage and a few calls to the police . . .

  • Love 4

We all know it would be WWIII if Jo bought Isaac a phone without consulting Kail first.

Leah fashion and make up choices...from that Coffee Talk get up she had in that scene on the phone to those Groucho Marx brows she sported while talking to the girls in their room! YIKES!

Ashley appears to have some drive and is wasting her time trying to play Build-a,-Man with Bar. Holly is adorable and you can tell.you is she very bright child. Ashley would do better focusing on herself and maximizing Holly's potential.

Sean will fully moved in by the end of the next episode.


  • Love 8

Do they put arrestees on a scale during the booking process?  Bar's weight of 146 pounds seems awfully exact.

8 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Oh Ashley. You can't connect the humanities to your life? The humanities are about life. Its meaning, its quality, our places in the world past present and future. It gives our world its color. Your world is so limited.

And yet she made an A in that class. 


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3 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

We all know it would be WWIII if Jo bought Isaac a phone without consulting Kail first.

Leah fashion and make up choices...from that Coffee Talk get up she had in that scene on the phone to those Groucho Marx brows she sported while talking to the girls in their room! YIKES!

Ashley appears to have some drive and is wasting her time trying to play Build-a,-Man with Bar. Holly is adorable and you can tell.you is she very bright child. Ashley would do better focusing on herself and maximizing Holly's potential.

Sean will fully moved in by the end of the next episode.


OMG! I was thinking the same thing about the cellphone and Isaac!!! If Jo had just unilaterally gone out and bought Isaac a phone without consulting Kail first there would be a huge blow up and Kail would have a total melt down about it. Getting a kid that age a phone is a huge deal and the fact that she neglected to ask Jo if it would be OK and then discuss safety protocols to implement along with rules for him to follow is just outrageous. Jo was right to ask if she had installed parental safety features on the phone (like Chelsea did for Aubree's phone)...and of course, she didn't. She did nothing...only after Jo expressed concern, she had a talk with Isaac about "rules". She became so defensive when Jo and Vee nervously broached the topic...I'm sorry, Kail is a bully. I think Jo and Vee do this podcast with her to make sure they continue a working relationship with her. Otherwise they ever know what will make her explode and have a bipolar blowup.

  • Love 16
15 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

OMG! I was thinking the same thing about the cellphone and Isaac!!! If Jo had just unilaterally gone out and bought Isaac a phone without consulting Kail first there would be a huge blow up and Kail would have a total melt down about it. Getting a kid that age a phone is a huge deal and the fact that she neglected to ask Jo if it would be OK and then discuss safety protocols to implement along with rules for him to follow is just outrageous. Jo was right to ask if she had installed parental safety features on the phone (like Chelsea did for Aubree's phone)...and of course, she didn't. She did nothing...only after Jo expressed concern, she had a talk with Isaac about "rules". She became so defensive when Jo and Vee nervously broached the topic...I'm sorry, Kail is a bully. I think Jo and Vee do this podcast with her to make sure they continue a working relationship with her. Otherwise they ever know what will make her explode and have a bipolar blowup.

It applies to basically everything if the roles were reversed.  Could you imagine of Jo had multiple baby mamas?  Could you imagine if Jo had no contact orders with all his former partners?  Could you imagine if Jo and his girlfriend fought and got abusive with each other in the presence of the boys?  Could you imagine if Jo moved houses every other year and uprooted the kids constantly? FFS, Jo can’t even wear sweat pants on a Sunday! Yet this bitch does whatever she wants when she wants.  Spoiled and self centered bully, that one.

  • Love 19

I'm sure this has been asked and answered before, but my busy schedule precludes my being able to find it for myself, so I'm hoping some kind person will just tell me:  What do Bar's extra eyebrows say?

And number two:  I blame Jenelle Evans for the caterpillar eyebrows we see everywhere.  I think she was the very first one, at least on this franchise, to go nuts with the eyebrow pencil, or however the hell they do it.  Leah approaches Jojo the Dogfaced Boy levels, and the rest are not far behind.  It might be that Jenelle's transformation from one season to the next was so dramatic, eyebrow-wise, that makes me think she was the first, and god knows she's got enough in her life to be ashamed of, but I'm willing to pile on.


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Where did Sean get enough money to get a ring?    It's his investment on a future of having Jade support him I guess.  


I don't worry about Brianna's girls hearing the conversations because they are CONSTANTLY GLUED TO AN iPAD WITH HEADPHONES IN.

Time to eat - go get that iPad, time to learn how to use the potty, make sure to bring the iPad!  Car ride? iPad


Devoin is fucking idiotic.  I like his low bar of childcare standards,  He had to walk home and was forgotten so it's okay if it happens to Nova.  Almost everyone around him was forgotten about at one point during their childhood!  Yeah, Devoin, we can tell by the way you turned out.  No big deal.  




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That Devon forgot nova then after like it was no big deal!  Brian's hooked up with two scum and thinks they would suddenly become a prince?

I could give her a bit of a pass and say she was young and stupid but darn she was back sleeping with Luis!!!!  Are there no decent men in Florida?

Poor Jo. He's paying for that Kail mistake.  Speaking of Kail when is she going to cut that young ones hair?  He looks ridiculous!  I noticed no baby on this time.  Probably too much Instagram chatter about him not looking one bit like his father of brother!  Kail is saving that one for a tell all book!

Why did they ever choose Ashley?  Didn't they know she came with baggage?

  • Love 7
26 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

That Devon forgot nova then after like it was no big deal!  Brian's hooked up with two scum and thinks they would suddenly become a prince?

Briana seems ready to give them, esp. Devoin, chance after chance to be involved in Nova's life that will make life easier for Briana, and where failure will be hurtful to the girl involved.  She seems to think that if she repeatedly arranges for Devoin to do pickups and deliveries, rather than her delivering to and picking up Nova from Devoin's place--which would allow Nova what Briana says she wants, a meaningful relationship between the two of them, he will somehow "get it" that he needs to be on time.  It's bullshit for her to be all wrapped up in how harmful this is for Nova--and I don't deny that it is-- without acknowledging her own desire for assistance in parenting--which again is a valid concern.  But to pretend that it's all about Nova's feelings, and then repeat the same situation over and over, when she *knows* he won't be able to sustain his part, is stupid and cruel to Nova.  It's like she's setting him up to fail (and I'm no fan of Devoin--he should not agree to do these things if he's not going to follow through, and he's an asshole about not accepting responsibility for fucking up).  But she, for Nova's sake, needs to find something else to ask of Devoin that isn't guaranteed to crush Nova's spirits.  She needs to figure out some other way for him to "co-parent" to help her out, where failure will not hurt Nova's feelings.  IMO she ought to go to court for child support from him and Luis, even if it's only $5/week, so that she (and they) can believe they haven't deserted their children, and so that someone else (a sheriff or someone) will make sure they comply, not Briana (and the coven).

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

I'm sure this has been asked and answered before, but my busy schedule precludes my being able to find it for myself, so I'm hoping some kind person will just tell me:  What do Bar's extra eyebrows say?

¡Dios mío!  You made me curious and I found this story:


I usually FF through their segments, so I didn't know that he took Holly with him to the tattoo parlor to get them:


“This is definitely her first tattoo parlor and it makes me kind of sad, I’m not gonna lie, that I’m about to do this in front of her but by the time she’s old enough to understand, she ain’t gonna remember,” Bar told his pal as they waited.

He went on to reveal the special meaning behind the two tattoo designs he was getting done above each of his eyebrows. “I’m getting YR474 and then on this side, I’m getting Norm. YR stands for young real, that’s my brother that passed away, 474 is the jurisdiction I’m from, it’s my district. And then Norm is for my brother that passed away.”


Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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Devoin and Luis are losers. They cannot step up and be providers, protectors and responsible co parents of these girls. Devoin blames everything on everyone else...Briana is just trying to bring him down...she overreacted to his irresponsible and neglectful screw up with not picking up Nova...she should just get over it... afterall his parents left him at places and forgot to pick him up and it wasn't a big deal. She's the problem...she's making a big deal out of nothing. This guy is pathetic...never takes ownership of his terrible parenting and lousy treatment of his kid. Always an excuse and someone else to blame. Luis isn't any better...continually cannot commit to making time to be with his daughter. He has lame excuses and or none at all..he doesn't even try to make up an excuse.

Enough is enough...Briana should get herself an attorney and take these guys to court. Hammer out some sort of visitation agreement and child support. If they don't pay up they go to jail. If they miss visitation and don't show up then you petition for sole custody with no visitation. Whining to them to step up and do their fair share isn't working. It's time for adulting and doing the right thing for these kids...quit spending your money on expensive tatoos and get a good attorney and do the right thing for these kids.

Edited by BrownBear2012
  • Love 10
6 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Luis isn't any better...continually cannot commit to making time to be with his daughter. He has lame excuses and or none at all..he doesn't even try to make up an excuse.

I think Luis is even worse.  He breaks Stella's heart on a regular basis, while Devoin every once in a while brings joy to Nova's life.  And to Stella's.

I can't forget how Briana did not want to have this baby, how Luis talked her into it by assuring her how involved he would be in raising Stella.  It's obscene imo to talk about abortion when the child is already here, and Stella is a delight, but Briana should have followed her instincts.  She knew, deep down, that Luis wasn't going to hang around.  Furthermore, dads don't "help" with their own children.  They are as responsible for caring for them as mothers are, and neither of these "men" deserves to be called a dad.

Totally agree with you about involving the courts, and I do not understand why more of these moms don't go this route when it becomes clear that they are being abandoned.  I think that somewhere they nurture the hope that these pieces of shit will marry them, or at least live in a husband-and-wife relationship with them.  Part of the court settlement could be that the men have to pay for some kind of day care.

Briana--and to a large extent Jade--is not looking for a marital partner as much as she is looking for a part-time babysitter.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, MaggieG said:

How the hell did Sean (who has no job and lives in an extended stay) afford a 3 carat ring?

There are diamonds, and then there are diamonds.  Our babysitter proudly showed off her "blue diamond" engagement ring, set in sterling (always a bad sign); when she tried to pawn it, she was offered $60. 

Second, a 3 carat diamond is worlds away from a 3 carat ring, that is a ring made up of small diamonds with a total weight of 3 carats.

And there's the EZ pay system.  When I was a kid, the slogan was "It's OK to Owe Kay."



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5 hours ago, Mothra said:

I think Luis is even worse.  He breaks Stella's heart on a regular basis, while Devoin every once in a while brings joy to Nova's life.  And to Stella's.

I can't forget how Briana did not want to have this baby, how Luis talked her into it by assuring her how involved he would be in raising Stella.  It's obscene imo to talk about abortion when the child is already here, and Stella is a delight, but Briana should have followed her instincts.  She knew, deep down, that Luis wasn't going to hang around.  Furthermore, dads don't "help" with their own children.  They are as responsible for caring for them as mothers are, and neither of these "men" deserves to be called a dad.

Totally agree with you about involving the courts, and I do not understand why more of these moms don't go this route when it becomes clear that they are being abandoned.  I think that somewhere they nurture the hope that these pieces of shit will marry them, or at least live in a husband-and-wife relationship with them.  Part of the court settlement could be that the men have to pay for some kind of day care.

Briana--and to a large extent Jade--is not looking for a marital partner as much as she is looking for a part-time babysitter.

Exactly…but she seems to think they are responsible people who want to actually be fathers in the truest sense of the word. An actual babysitter who is kind and reliable would be better than these two slugs. I think Briana and Luis contemplated adoption but Luis shut it down as I recall.

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I think if Brianna could she would take them to court but something is holding her back.  Would the court award custody money if you make too much?

She has no sense.  If Devon is so bad on the pickups why doesn't she let him drive her there and she pick up!

btw who is living with her?  Mom? Sister?  Also what kind of job does she have?  I think she's the only teen mom with a job!

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Mothra said:

Totally agree with you about involving the courts, and I do not understand why more of these moms don't go this route when it becomes clear that they are being abandoned.  I think that somewhere they nurture the hope that these pieces of shit will marry them, or at least live in a husband-and-wife relationship with them.  Part of the court settlement could be that the men have to pay for some kind of day care.

I think women in this situation avoid court, because if they are going to do all of the emotional and physical work of child rearing, they want ALL of the credit. If the father actually follows the court order regarding financial support, they cannot state that. Also in our capitalist society there is a notion that if you pay for something you have control over it -although parental rights aren't tied to financial support in that way, people PERCEIVE it to be that way- if the non custodial parent pays, they have emotional input, if they don't then they don't have any emotional or social input.

Its purely emotional and wrapped up in their own need to excel in their roles as mothers. Add in the fact that that neither Devion or Luis have high paying (or steady enough) jobs where a consistent financial contribution could not be made up by Brianna (or her Mom, since they share household expenses), that isn't tempting enough to off set the emotional issues.

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6 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think if Brianna could she would take them to court but something is holding her back.  Would the court award custody money if you make too much?

She has no sense.  If Devon is so bad on the pickups why doesn't she let him drive her there and she pick up!

btw who is living with her?  Mom? Sister?  Also what kind of job does she have?  I think she's the only teen mom with a job!

Briana didn't put either of her baby daddies on the kids' birth certificates because she doesn't want them to have legal rights to the kids. That also means that they have no legal obligation to provide financial support for the kids. If Briana established either/both as the kids' legal fathers, they would be entitled to visitation and have some say in decisions about the kids. Briana prefers having total legal control to having the state mandate and collect child support payments. I don't feel sorry for her because this is a conscious choice that she's making. She's lucky that Devoin and Luis have chosen to give her some financial support. Legally, they owe her nothing. Obviously, it's on D and L that they haven't taken steps to have themselves declared the legal fathers of their kids and they're both lame asses for that, but Briana is not a victim who has reasonable expectations of getting whatever kind of support (financial and otherwise) that she wants from her kids' dad. She seems to want a situation where the dads would cover 50% of expenses related to the kids and be available for childcare/chauffeuring/etc. whenever Briana wanted them to while having no parental rights. If either of the dads were together enough/had enough desire to be 50% parents, they'd also be together enough/have enough to desire to get legal custody. Briana's vision is a ridiculous fantasy. If she admitted that she has chosen to not have her baby daddies be legal parents and accepted that that meant she had to make do with whatever help they were willing to give her and that she had to tolerate their lameness to facilitate her daughters having some kind of relationship with them, I could respect that. But the ridiculous "Woe is me! I do everything on my own! Why are my baby daddies so trifling?!?!" over and over, in front of the girls, is just too much.

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Leah had a face painted onto her face. It was confusing to look at. Her mini me daughter has gotten a lot nicer. Maybe being away from her peers has been a good thing.

Kail's kids continue to be inexplicably nice and polite. Jo and Vee are taking notes on how Gary and Christina deal with Amber.

Sean and Bar are total losers and both women can do better but you can see how locked in they are on these guys for at least the next 10 years. Too bad for them and their daughters.

Bar's t-shirt made me remember some trivia that all the colors of Fruit Loops are actually the same flavor.

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