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S22.E10: Welcome to the Pedo Motel

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On the surface, this episode appears to be a blatant rip-off of the season 17 episode Sheltered Outcasts - which involved a serial rapist targeting women in an area near where a house for sex offenders was, and the community was upset about it. This episode appears to have a very similar plot, I hope they manage to make a good episode out of this or do an interesting twist on it, because right now it looks like a blatant rip off of an earlier episode.

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The first obvious thing I see is the writers are still having trouble deciding when people should be wearing masks. I thought all employees especially even in a Pizza place would be required to wear masks.


Wow that hit me like a ton of bricks, Benson actually following "due process" and proper procedure,  then actually shouting out accusations like she normally does in many previous episodes.

Edited by dttruman
  • Love 8

The Good:
Nice use of the entire squad and Carisi as well as bringing in MEs and supporting characters. It is a good sign that they are going to keep on the same back to basics approach and not return to Benson and her sidekicks. They even had an ME! And not just for Warner nostalgia!
Some much appreciated subtlety with the squad making some reasonable assumptions while trying to maintain professional detachment and trying to explore social and moral issues through layered characterization. They didn't always stick the landing, but it was a nice try.
The Carisi scene where they did there part to promote the new spinoff while at the same time acknowledging that one of the big dramatic moments from last week was really a bad idea.
Some nice work by the guest cast, especially the pedo motel residents.
Fin. Some good solid material for him this week.
It was a lot better and less heavy handed the the promos suggested.
A nice flow to the COTW. Nothing too surprising, but well done and they didn't try to get too cute.

The Bad:
While I appreciate that they have settled on masks being worn based upon story logic (as it beats the mish mash before that didn't follow in universe logic or meta factors) they should think about making an exception in the opening teasers so it isn't clear right away who is an extra and who is important. Between that and the music cues the first 2/3rds of the episode was basically mapped out,
I know they don't have Garland every episode, but given the politically sensitive nature of the case shouldn't we have gotten a mention? Or seen Liv's end of a phone conversation?
Rollins was tolerable this week, but they are really hyping Rollins family drama. Which is ... ominous. I mean I guess it's better than Benoah. Right? Right? Right???

Overall this was a solid episode and hopefully some of the returning viewers from last week stuck around to see a better example of what the series can be these days. It was more than competent and some of the minor things that bugged me a bit are probably not the fault of the episode, but more of a reaction to the sins of a few seasons ago. I still feel like it didn't quite live up to it's potential. Maybe it was case of too many people involved and things falling through the cracks (not enough Leight, too much Julie Martin?) or maybe it's a case of there simply being no more stories left to tell? I would call it an B+/A-, but it didn't quite rise to the level of early Season 17 which is a shame as the acting was great and it was a really good concept.

Edited by wknt3
fix typos
  • Love 8

This was actually a strong episode, I thought it was going to suck at the beginning, I don’t like openings with music montages to cover for a lack of dialogue, but it was actually really good.

I liked having a good investigation where it was unclear who was guilty, and every character got a nice role and no one irritated me. I like episodes where there is good suspense and good investigation and this episode delivered.

Fin was really the star of this episode, he got a lot of nice scenes, he didn’t do anything wrong but I bought that he felt guilty over the whole thing and I liked the scene where Kat talked to him about it, it’s the first time I’ve liked a Kat scene all year basically, I liked her being supportive of Fin and she wasn’t unpleasant tonight. Fin also had a great line at the start “do I look like a bellhop”?! Fin was awesome.

Carisi was really good tonight as well, the writing for the legal side is so much better this season than it was last season, Carisi was acting as an ADA instead of a detective and was good, and I liked how he supported both Benson and Rollins, and I liked that he apparently is dating someone that isn’t Rollins and that he was a supportive friend to Rollins without any sexual tension between them.

I liked the twist that the Elvis guy wasn’t guilty of the murders and was just guilty of being an asshole inciting vigilantes. There were good twists in the case that I liked.

I loved the ME!! Not only did I like that they went to see the ME twice, but this ME was a colorful, surly character, he was great, if they can’t get Warner when they need an ME, please bring this guy back. And seeing Khaldun again was nice continuity and he was used well.

The case wasn’t as heavy handed as I thought it would be, it didn’t always stick the landing but it wasn’t nearly as clunky as I thought it might be.

My only complaints about the episode are Garland’s absence, he should’ve been involved given that a neighborhood was exploding in tension, and the references to Rollins father makes me dread his upcoming appearance. Oh and the preview for the next episode looks bad.

Overall this was a good episode and it was nice to have a solid SVU case again after 2 less than stellar outings, this was a good case and every character got a nice role and was good. 

Edited by Xeliou66
  • Love 9

Wow this was actually a good episode! Reminded me a lot of early SVU, no Saint Benson giving speeches, no he said/she said rape, a case that had twists I did not figure out right away (except as soon as it was said that Lonnie went to Penn I knew he was meeting the former girlfriend), and the whole squad was involved, even Kat did not annoy me for the first time ever!!

Edited by Cotypubby
  • Love 8

They really wanted us to know the statistics of SO's re-offending, which I do get they served their time and need to live somewhere but there are different levels. Someone like Lonnie, yeah I'd trust an eightteen year old who had sex with a 15yr old even though the law says that's a crime. But any adult who liked little kids? Nope. Throw all the stats you want, maybe they got better at hiding it or turned to the internet 'just to look' and I don't want them near any kid I know. 


Well I thought for sure the bikers were going to be responsible, even after they got that guy Alvarez and Carisi deemed the group a white power club (did I miss where they mentioned race? Alavrez brought race into it with the lynching. It seemed they just hated all the SO's equally? If they were a white power group this isn't the first time SVU had a Spanish guy trying to get in with a group like that.) 


Good amount of Finn. Though he's still beating himself up over the justified shooting now this. I hope he gets a great wedding with Phoebe.  I agree Garland was missing. Kat wasn't annoying, Benson was in the background. The families meeting at the end was a good touch. Not a bad episode.


Any mention of the Rollins' family is unwelcome. I hope this doesn't bring Carisi/Rollins together. I'm glad he's dating. Carisi/Benson talking about Stabler was clunky and unneeded. Which fits on OC



The Benson scene last night was a drag in momentum and they're doing this weird thing where Stabler is around Benson and Noah but is not introduced to him. Yawn.


  • Love 4
On 4/8/2021 at 9:16 PM, wknt3 said:

Rollins was tolerable this week, but they are really hyping Rollins family drama. Which is ... ominous. I mean I guess it's better than Benoah. Right?

I thought the little Rollins family drama was a little over played considering what we viewers have seen about the father and his antics. Rollins I assume is aware of them also and yet she will drop everything to fly down to Atlanta to take care of him. I thought Rollins has enough family headaches of her own, then to try and deal with her fathers own self destructive behaviors. Didn't she mention in the past, she wanted him out of her life and her family's life. Considering we find out he is shacking up with some 25 year old, I am assuming he still isn't living the most pious life. It just seems so strange, her concern for him now has hit a new peak.

On 4/8/2021 at 9:46 PM, Xeliou66 said:

Fin was really the star of this episode, he got a lot of nice scenes, he didn’t do anything wrong but I bought that he felt guilty over the whole thing and I liked the scene where Kat talked to him about it, it’s the first time I’ve liked a Kat scene all year basically, I liked her being supportive of Fin and she wasn’t unpleasant tonight. Fin also had a great line at the start “do I look like a bellhop”?! Fin was awesome.


On 4/9/2021 at 5:49 AM, Gigi43 said:

Good amount of Finn. Though he's still beating himself up over the justified shooting now this. I hope he gets a great wedding with Phoebe.

Good points made about Finn. Seeing Finn talking about his guilty feelings about making a bad assumption is good, got to give the writers credit for that. When Benson made bad calls, that got people killed in the past, the writers would literally ignore the consequences or bend over backwards to justify her actions (in the best interest of the victims).

I wonder if they are planning some thing big for Finn in an upcoming episode? He is dealing with the frustration of the shooting, the guilt of this case lingering and an upcoming marriage. They are running him through a gauntlet of emotions.

Edited by dttruman
  • Love 4

I thought this was a great episode.  I was ugly crying at the end maybe because  as the mom of a 19 yo son  who's away at school and pray for his safety... but my difference is is that I'm white and its just terrifying what can happen to a kid.  I knew it wasn't going to be the kid because they were focusing too much on his jacket when he was getting ready for work and such.  I even said to my 20 yo girl - "too bad these people don't have Law and Order in their universe, because any one who's watch one episode KNOWS that that kid didn't do it"  

9 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

Wow this was actually a good episode! Reminded me a lot of early SVU, no Saint Benson giving speeches, no he said/she said rape, a case that had twists I did not figure out right away (except as soon as it was said that Lonnie went to Penn I knew he was meeting the former girlfriend), and the whole squad was involved, even Kat did not annoy me for the first time ever!!

she saved her speeches for Elliot's show.  LOL  

  • Love 7

I was initially disappointed in Finn's rush to judgement, with Lonnie.  I do appreciate him feeling guilty after Lonnie was lynched.  Lonnie was lynched by someone who wouldn't have been accepted by the same suspected white supremacist group he was trying to get into. 

Where was Garland in all of this? Given the racially and politically charged nature of this case, he should have been involved.  The parents coming together at Lonnie's funeral was a nice touch. 

  • Love 3

Surprising amount of depth in this episode - the cops largely trying not to leap to conclusions. Finn not exactly being out of line with Lonnie but also not in any rush to give him the benefit of the doubt, only to feel guilty later. The ones who actually killed Lonnie working so hard to impress a racist group that would never accept them. The last scene of the two sets of parents meeting was sad. And I agree that Kat was better in this episode than she has been at other points this season; she was mostly just supportive of Finn. 

  • Love 6

Considering this is their follow up to the big two part return of Stabler/pilot of the new show, where they presumably would want to want to keep any curious viewers who tuned in last week to stick around, this was a good episode to keep people interested. Thank God they didn't give us something really needlessly convoluted or filled with Its Personal plots or another He Said/She Said  episode that they were stuck doing for ages, this was actually a really good one. It was intense, tragic, the guest stars were good, and just about the whole cast got moments to shine. Even the unwelcome intrusion of Rollins family drama couldn't ruin. 

The name of the episode is kind of darkly hilarious. It sounds like a really dark kid show parody you would find on YouTube or in a college improv troupe. This episode also did that SVU thing where they set something up in the first half of the episode, only to zag away from what they set up and be actually about a different thing, but unlike a lot of times I think it worked pretty well. There weren't a lot of loose ends from the original murder, and they tied both killing together really well with both sets of parents meeting and giving each other their sympathies. I did end up wanting to see a bit more of how things ended up going with the pedo hotel in the neighborhood and to explore more about how people on the sex offender registry exist, but the story they ended up with was still a good one that was quite interesting. The mystery kept me guessing (although I guessed pretty quickly that Lonnie was off seeing his girlfriend) and the whole episode did ask a lot of interesting questions without easy answers. You cant blame the neighborhood for not being thrilled about sex offenders living on their block, especially without being warned, but once they've done their time, what do you do? Lock them up forever? Murder them like the vigilantes? And the real bad guys here weren't even connected with them at all, and that attitude led to an innocent young man dying horribly. Then of course the ending, its just all really terrible and sad that all of these lives were destroyed and innocent people killed because of this one asshole's racism. 

Everyone was pretty good this week, I even thought Kat had a lot of good scenes supporting Finn. Normally I would question Finn not even listening to Lonnie and jumping right to him being the killer, but I think that was one of the points of the episode, how easy it is to decide someone is evil and that anything that happens to them is justified, even though that might not be the whole story. The poor guy has just had a real time of it, between this and a law suite after the shooting and everything else, he just cant catch a break. I hope he has an amazing wedding soon and that he can stop beating himself up. Even the dialogue was pretty good, it lacked the "we just read this in a Huff Post article" sort of lines that always sound so forced and sound less like how people talk and more like a bunch of random buzzwords strung together. People did give speeches, but they actually seemed real, that they really were upset and had things to say about their anger about what had happened, and they talked about things brought up in ways that actually sounded normal. 

I enjoyed them having to deal with all of the political aspects of the case and how many of the higher ups were taking an interest, although that made me feel like Garland was really missing. Wouldn't he have been there for something with this much attention? Lets have a bit more of him and less of Rollin's family drama, something I just do not care about even a tiny bit. Oh no, Daddy Rollins is dying, and we might never see him on the show again, the horror! 

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, Wizardpatch said:

It seems like a real stupid idea to house sex offenders anywhere in NYC due to the huge population density. But I guess they can't all be sent to Idaho or somewhere like that.

I guess this is the producers and writers way of addressing one of the many social problems that has been occurring in NYC.

Edited by dttruman
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On 4/8/2021 at 9:14 PM, mommalib said:

I was a little disappointed in Fin tonight, I wish he had given Lonnie some benefit of the doubt. Lonnie's situation is something Fin should have been able to have some understanding of. He was in strait up attack mode, I guess he decided to be more blue than black.

"More blue than black?" So black police officers aren't supposed to do their jobs, but give black suspects leniency and passes for their behavior? Why did Lonnie need "benefit of the doubt?" He was a legal adult having sex with a 15 year old.

On 4/9/2021 at 5:49 AM, Gigi43 said:

They really wanted us to know the statistics of SO's re-offending, which I do get they served their time and need to live somewhere but there are different levels. Someone like Lonnie, yeah I'd trust an eightteen year old who had sex with a 15yr old even though the law says that's a crime. But any adult who liked little kids? Nope. Throw all the stats you want, maybe they got better at hiding it or turned to the internet 'just to look' and I don't want them near any kid I know. 

Well I thought for sure the bikers were going to be responsible, even after they got that guy Alvarez and Carisi deemed the group a white power club (did I miss where they mentioned race? Alavrez brought race into it with the lynching. It seemed they just hated all the SO's equally? If they were a white power group this isn't the first time SVU had a Spanish guy trying to get in with a group like that.) 

Good amount of Finn. Though he's still beating himself up over the justified shooting now this. I hope he gets a great wedding with Phoebe.  I agree Garland was missing. Kat wasn't annoying, Benson was in the background. The families meeting at the end was a good touch. Not a bad episode.

Any mention of the Rollins' family is unwelcome. I hope this doesn't bring Carisi/Rollins together. I'm glad he's dating. Carisi/Benson talking about Stabler was clunky and unneeded. Which fits on OC

  Reveal spoiler

The Benson scene last night was a drag in momentum and they're doing this weird thing where Stabler is around Benson and Noah but is not introduced to him. Yawn.


You would trust an 18 year old who had sex with a 15 year old? You do know that there are many many many college age males who are able to influence and seduce young girls, often even younger than 15, into sex? 18 year old men should be having sex with people their own age, not girls years younger than they, and who by law cannot consent.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, susannah said:

You would trust an 18 year old who had sex with a 15 year old? You do know that there are many many many college age males who are able to influence and seduce young girls, often even younger than 15, into sex? 18 year old men should be having sex with people their own age, not girls years younger than they, and who by law cannot consent.


If its consensual, yes. What if they met when he was 17? They shouldn't be forced to break up. That is why the Romeo and Juliet clause exists in most states up to 19-21. You don't magically become smarter on your 18th birthday and it doesn't mean you're gonna go craving 15yr olds forever the way I think pedophiles (the term is for an attraction to kids who haven't hit puberty) always will. Males aren't always the villain and girls do have minds of their own. At 18 you still barely have adult experiences and you were just in school with those girls. 20s it gets into predator territory. 

Lonnie wasn't a predator he liked one specific girl who liked him back. I don't think he'd be a danger on anyone's street. The old man watching the tapes would be someone I wouldn't trust.

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 6
8 hours ago, susannah said:
On 4/8/2021 at 9:14 PM, mommalib said:

I was a little disappointed in Fin tonight, I wish he had given Lonnie some benefit of the doubt. Lonnie's situation is something Fin should have been able to have some understanding of. He was in strait up attack mode, I guess he decided to be more blue than black.

"More blue than black?" So black police officers aren't supposed to do their jobs, but give black suspects leniency and passes for their behavior? Why did Lonnie need "benefit of the doubt?" He was a legal adult having sex with a 15 year old.

Come to think of it? In the past, wasn't it Finn that always thought "not innocent" and "not guilty" until all the evidence was in and then let the ADA take it from there, but he did it in his usual sarcastic and cynicism way?

8 hours ago, susannah said:

You would trust an 18 year old who had sex with a 15 year old? You do know that there are many many many college age males who are able to influence and seduce young girls, often even younger than 15, into sex? 18 year old men should be having sex with people their own age, not girls years younger than they, and who by law cannot consent.

Daddy issues can be a large contributing factor, but lets not open that big can of worms here. It will take us way out into left field.

  • Love 3
On 4/9/2021 at 9:57 AM, mtlchick said:

When Rollins got the call about her dad,  I was half expecting Carisi to volunteer to go with her and I was like "STICK WITH YOUR DATE." 

Yes.  I'm glad he's moving on.  A couple of seasons ago he tried to confess his feelings and she blew him off and slept with that bartender.  Since then,  we've seen him take care of her while she was pregnant and then act as a father figure to her kids and she still takes him for granted.  Rollins just never learns, and her idiotic behavior seems genetic, based on what they've shown of her sister and father. I hope Carisi breaks free of her and finds a normal relationship.  

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, susannah said:

"More blue than black?" So black police officers aren't supposed to do their jobs, but give black suspects leniency and passes for their behavior? Why did Lonnie need "benefit of the doubt?" He was a legal adult having sex with a 15 year old.

The point is he wasn't supposed to pick a side but it seemed like he did with he way he treated Lonnie. Even Fin pretty much acknowledged that.

7 hours ago, susannah said:

You would trust an 18 year old who had sex with a 15 year old? You do know that there are many many many college age males who are able to influence and seduce young girls, often even younger than 15, into sex? 18 year old men should be having sex with people their own age, not girls years younger than they, and who by law cannot consent.

He had just turned 18 but they were in love before that.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Gigi43 said:


If its consensual, yes. What if they met when he was 17? They shouldn't be forced to break up. That is why the Romeo and Juliet clause exists in most states up to 19-21. You don't magically become smarter on your 18th birthday and it doesn't mean you're gonna go craving 15yr olds forever the way I think pedophiles (the term is for an attraction to kids who haven't hit puberty) always will. Males aren't always the villain and girls do have minds of their own. At 18 you still barely have adult experiences and you were just in school with those girls. 20s it gets into predator territory. 

Lonnie wasn't a predator he liked one specific girl who liked him back. I don't think he'd be a danger on anyone's street. The old man watching the tapes would be someone I wouldn't trust.

I think the Romeo and Juliet clause is ridiculous. It should not be okay for anyone to be having sex with 14 or 15 year olds, period. They don't have the maturity to consent.  Also, in regard to Lonnie, he asked Ceranda if he could walk her to the bus, I think, she said no, and he was being pushy about it. He was the logical suspect to start with. I don't know why any girl would be walking anywhere late at night in NYzC, but that's just me.

5 hours ago, mommalib said:

The point is he wasn't supposed to pick a side but it seemed like he did with he way he treated Lonnie. Even Fin pretty much acknowledged that.

He had just turned 18 but they were in love before that.

Fin's side was to be a police officer. He treated Lonnie like any reasonable suspect, since he had been hassling Ceranda and was the last one to see her alive. Lonnie's girlfriend was 15. Not a grown woman, and not able to make mature decisions.

Fin was right to suspect Lonnie.  He'd already been convicted of a sex offense crime and Fin's not obligated to do a legal postmortem on every suspect to see if the conviction was a proper one.  I didn't think Lonnie was the perp though from the start.  How his young life ended was horrific.

I loved Fin's "Do I look like the bellhop?" line as well, and loved Carisi's "quoting Shakespeare" line too!

A very good episode, although they should have had Garland in somehow and cut the Rollins daddy drama.  Carisi is such a good friend and I'm glad he's dating (and hope it lasts and he and Amanda don't re-bond over her father's stroke or maybe death).

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, susannah said:

I think the Romeo and Juliet clause is ridiculous. It should not be okay for anyone to be having sex with 14 or 15 year olds, period. They don't have the maturity to consent.  Also, in regard to Lonnie, he asked Ceranda if he could walk her to the bus, I think, she said no, and he was being pushy about it. He was the logical suspect to start with. I don't know why any girl would be walking anywhere late at night in NYzC, but that's just me.

Fin's side was to be a police officer. He treated Lonnie like any reasonable suspect, since he had been hassling Ceranda and was the last one to see her alive. Lonnie's girlfriend was 15. Not a grown woman, and not able to make mature decisions.

Fin was bias against Lonnie from the jump and Fin himself admitted that. Fin wasn't being reasonable at all. He had his mind made up about the kid and didn't take the time to listen when Lonnie was explaining his situation. And Lonnie wasn't hassling that other girl he just asked if she wanted him to walk her to the bus and by the way she reacted I think she had her mind made up about him as well. All of this because girlfriend's racist step father couldn't take the fact that she was in love with him. Lonnie got a raw deal.

13 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

If its consensual, yes. What if they met when he was 17? They shouldn't be forced to break up. That is why the Romeo and Juliet clause exists in most states up to 19-21. You don't magically become smarter on your 18th birthday and it doesn't mean you're gonna go craving 15yr olds forever the way I think pedophiles (the term is for an attraction to kids who haven't hit puberty) always will. Males aren't always the villain and girls do have minds of their own. At 18 you still barely have adult experiences and you were just in school with those girls. 20s it gets into predator territory. 

Lonnie wasn't a predator he liked one specific girl who liked him back. I don't think he'd be a danger on anyone's street. The old man watching the tapes would be someone I wouldn't trust.

I am with you completely, Lonnie just turned 18 and him and his girlfriend is of the age where they could be in school together. It's not like he's 35 with a pattern of behavior.

Edited by mommalib
  • Love 5
16 hours ago, susannah said:

. I don't know why any girl would be walking anywhere late at night in NYzC, but that's just me.


”No girl should be out at night anywhere in NYC”? Are you serious?! What century do you think it is?

And you don’t magically become fully mature and knowledgeable the day you turn 18. That’s simply a legal definition, it’s not biological.

Edited by Cotypubby
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On 4/11/2021 at 7:50 PM, CrystalBlue said:

Fin was right to suspect Lonnie.  He'd already been convicted of a sex offense crime and Fin's not obligated to do a legal postmortem on every suspect to see if the conviction was a proper one.  I didn't think Lonnie was the perp though from the start.  How his young life ended was horrific.


"Fin was bias against Lonnie from the jump and Fin himself admitted that. Fin wasn't being reasonable at all. He had his mind made up about the kid and didn't take the time to listen when Lonnie was explaining his situation. And Lonnie wasn't hassling that other girl he just asked if she wanted him to walk her to the bus and by the way she reacted I think she had her mind made up about him as well. All of this because girlfriend's racist step father couldn't take the fact that she was in love with him. Lonnie got a raw deal."



But would you say that Fin's character here has been altered here to make him the one throwing out the accusations? In many episodes from the past when he was sarcastic and a cynic, he always followed the evidence and then made accusations if the circumstances suggested it. Benson was always the first to accuse people, all in the name of sticking up for the "victims".

Edited by dttruman
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Cotypubby said:


”No girl should be out at night anywhere in NYC”? Are you serious?! What century do you think it is?

And you don’t magically become fully mature and knowledgeable the day you turn 18. That’s simply a legal definition, it’s not biological.

I don't want to be judgemental, because it's not my place. But can't girls call the "Guardian Angels" for escort service if this was in real life?

4 hours ago, illdoc said:
17 hours ago, Packerbrewerbadger said:

I must have missed the episodes with her dad, don’t recall him.

I think there was only one.

It was memorable! He is the classic example of an irresponsible parent. Which makes me wonder why Rollins is going down to Atlanta to take care of him. He visits Rollins (last season) and says he has cleaned up his act, but Rollins was always suspicious of him. He ends up getting drunk  and high on drugs again, so why should she accommodate him when she has a family to worry about in NYC?

  • Love 4
On 4/15/2021 at 2:33 PM, dttruman said:

It was memorable! He is the classic example of an irresponsible parent. Which makes me wonder why Rollins is going down to Atlanta to take care of him. He visits Rollins (last season) and says he has cleaned up his act, but Rollins was always suspicious of him. He ends up getting drunk  and high on drugs again, so why should she accommodate him when she has a family to worry about in NYC?

Has anyone ever accused Amanda of having her head on straight and to not have daddy issues?

  • LOL 1
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

Has anyone ever accused Amanda of having her head on straight and to not have daddy issues?

Which makes me question the quality of this next episode even more. Maybe it will be one of the those scenes where she actually cut all ties with him for good. Maybe he will flat-line for a time and goes into a coma. It will become a soap opera moment where she reluctantly decides to pull the plug. Don't even get me started on another "hostage situation"  with Benson.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, dttruman said:

Which makes me question the quality of this next episode even more. Maybe it will be one of the those scenes where she actually cut all ties with him for good. Maybe he will flat-line for a time and goes into a coma. It will become a soap opera moment where she reluctantly decides to pull the plug. Don't even get me started on another "hostage situation"  with Benson.


Well, there's a reason to bring in Barba for the second time this season. (...I had too...)

  • LOL 4
  • Love 1
On 4/12/2021 at 9:48 AM, Cotypubby said:


”No girl should be out at night anywhere in NYC”? Are you serious?! What century do you think it is?

And you don’t magically become fully mature and knowledgeable the day you turn 18. That’s simply a legal definition, it’s not biological.

I walk around late at night in NYC.  It's safer than most places because there are so many people.  My daughter would be in the city by herself after dark when she was fourteen.

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