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Amy, Tammy, and the Family Slaton+

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I feel really bad. I looked for photos of Tammy and Amy when they were younger and I realized that Tammy has been morbidly obese pretty much her entire life. It somewhat helps me understand her a little better.  I thought maybe Tammy was a pleasantly plump child but that wasn't really the case at all. I do feel really, really bad for her. She's never known what it is like to be in a normal body. I would assume that on top of everything else she has a fear of failure and she basically sets herself up to fail because that is what she knows. No wonder she's so angry. I kind of get it now.

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I wonder how difficult it was to find a local physician to take over the OB care for Amy, and the weight loss for Tammy?   My guess is that post baby, unless Amy wants another child, that she will go back to her old eating pattern, and not stop. 

Yes, her Chinese food for breakfast, followed by her trip to the ER, was scary.    I think that confirms that she had bypass, not sleeve, unless you get 'dumping' syndrome from the sleeve also.   (Don't look up dumping syndrome unless Dr. Now playing with excess skin, and removed stomachs doesn't bother you.   In short, you get quite ill from eating too much food, especially items you shouldn't be eating). 

I wonder how any local hospital, and physicians can take care of two people who have multiple health issues, and are just getting worse?     Both of them should realize that it is possible for a doctor to refuse to take you on as a patient.   They're both going to get to the point where the local hospitals will simply stabilize, and transfer them to the nearest major medical center for care.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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24 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I wonder how difficult it was to find a local physician to take over the OB care for Amy, and the weight loss for Tammy.   My guess is that post baby, unless Amy wants another child, that she will go back to her old eating pattern, and not stop. 

She already seems to be headed down that path now.  Chines food for breakfast?  I wouldn't doubt she's already stretched her stomach out.  I can definitely see her gaining back weight after the baby comes.

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I admit, I love a cold egg roll for breakfast, but that only happens once every two months, if that. I'm confident Amy's Chinese food meal that she ate two meals in a row was a lot more than a combo plate divided in half 😞 I thought however that when she met with Dr. Procter and announced her pregnancy that she was still losing, albeit at a slower rate. I guess she blew that out of the water when she stopped adhering to her post-surgery protocol. It's kind of putting me off Chinese food, which is an occasional treat I really enjoy.

5 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

So Tammy's boyfriend, Jerry, is supposed to be married?   And goes on national TV visiting his girlfriend?     

See we need an emoji for this but I don't know what it would be. Laughing fit but not really , crying would sort of fit especially if he has kids.  WTH is the best ( I guess) but how would you make that an emoji?

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3 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

See we need an emoji for this but I don't know what it would be. Laughing fit but not really , crying would sort of fit especially if he has kids.  WTH is the best ( I guess) but how would you make that an emoji?

I wonder what Jerry's wife looks like if he's cheating on her with TAMMY! 😀

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On 1/28/2021 at 10:36 AM, SevenCostanza said:

She already seems to be headed down that path now.  Chines food for breakfast?  I wouldn't doubt she's already stretched her stomach out.  I can definitely see her gaining back weight after the baby comes.

I have no issues with Amy having Chinese food for breakfast. That's when I love Chinese food and to me you should have the high-carb stuff in the morning cuz you have all day to work it off. However, Amy's portions are opposite of what the surgeon instructed. Maybe Amy is keeping the weight on so she can continue with her YouTube financing? What a shame.

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On 2/10/2021 at 6:44 PM, auntjess said:

I didn't hear that Jerry was married, just that he had a lot of kids and at least one grandchild.

I think Michael should have a medical exam, especially his heart, because he has a lot of stress pushing Tammy around, and he's no spring chicken.
Amy should think of him.

Better yet they should hire a healthcare professional to come in and help Tammy. Neither Amy nor Michael should be pushing anyone around, they should be focussing on their own health journey. There is clearly a dysfunctional dependency in this family and it's never going to change. In fact, if Tammy stays the heaviest, the rest of the family feels better about themselves.

On 2/10/2021 at 8:58 AM, crazycatlady58 said:

See we need an emoji for this but I don't know what it would be. Laughing fit but not really , crying would sort of fit especially if he has kids.  WTH is the best ( I guess) but how would you make that an emoji?

I have wished that Prime timer forums had a "disgust" emoji. Or an "I give up" emoji

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16 hours ago, GaT said:

Did Amy have her eye fixed? I ran across these IG photos of her & her eyes look normal


Didn't both of the sisters have a wonky eye when this show first started? IIRC Tammy's eyes were just teeny little slits and Amy had what appeared to be a "lazy eye" AND a lazy eyelid.

However, these 2 sisters definitely know how to photoshop pics before they post them. Photoshop has lots of filters that can make anyone look "good". 

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Can anyone explain the Amy and Tammy family tree?

I always assumed Amy and Tammy were both Slatons and full sisters.

Their mother Darlene Rednour has a Facebook page.  I believe Rednour was her married name from a later in life marriage from her husband that passed away (no children from that union).  

Then we learn Chris's last name is Combs so he must be a half brother.  I think Misty is also a half sister - FB shows her last name as Wentworth but I assume that is her married name.

Then there another sister Amanda, who's last name is Halterman, which is also Amy's husband's last name!

I believe I read somewhere that there is another Slaton (full blooded?) brother named Stephen.

Does anyone know the answer?  

Seems to me that Darlene must have been married to both a Combs and a Slaton.  I'm pretty sure Chris is Darlene's son as he was included in the FB pictures of her wedding giving her away.  I dont know if they have other half siblings from their father's side or if all the siblings share Darlene as a mother.

Edited by Joan van Snark
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On 12/8/2021 at 10:34 AM, Joan van Snark said:

Can anyone explain the Amy and Tammy family tree?

I always assumed Amy and Tammy were both Slatons and full sisters.

Their mother Darlene Rednour has a Facebook page.  I believe Rednour was her married name from a later in life marriage from her husband that passed away (no children from that union).  

Then we learn Chris's last name is Combs so he must be a half brother.  I think Misty is also a half sister - FB shows her last name as Wentworth but I assume that is her married name.

Then there another sister Amanda, who's last name is Halterman, which is also Amy's husband's last name!

I believe I read somewhere that there is another Slaton (full blooded?) brother named Stephen.

Does anyone know the answer?  

Seems to me that Darlene must have been married to both a Combs and a Slaton.  I'm pretty sure Chris is Darlene's son as he was included in the FB pictures of her wedding giving her away.  I dont know if they have other half siblings from their father's side or if all the siblings share Darlene as a mother.

Your post just made my head spin! Lol! I can't make sense out of any of that family tree. 

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Trying to figure out their family tree is like untangling a plate of spaghetti, so I'm not even trying.  

The house Amy was looking at, apparently isn't right in the same town.    3 bed 1 bath in that area could be very cheap.  I like that they're looking at brick, and not a mobile (too many tornadoes for a mobile).         I have some extended family in that area, and there are some pricey areas, but I bet Amy's possible house will be very affordable.       They need to move, purge whatever they don't need, and get their own lives.   

Tammy should stop thinking she can just move into a care home, they don't have to take people, and with Tammy's awful attitude and behavior, she wouldn't even last a week.  I'm really wondering if her rehab ending this season was because she was told to leave, not that she wanted to.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Trying to figure out their family tree is like untangling a plate of spaghetti, so I'm not even trying.  

The house Amy was looking at, apparently isn't right in the same town.    3 bed 1 bath in that area could be very cheap.  I like that they're looking at brick, and not a mobile.         I have some extended family in that area, and there are some pricey areas, but I bet Amy's possible house will be very affordable.       They need to move, purge whatever they don't need, and get their own lives.   

Tammy should stop thinking she can just move into a care home, they don't have to take people, and with Tammy's awful attitude and behavior, she wouldn't even last a week.  I'm really wondering if her rehab ending this season was because she was told to leave, not that she wanted to.  

^^Everything^^ you stated is so true. Tammy is delusional. She thinks she can continue to manipulate and get undeserved sympathy from everyone.

She will continue to use every family member and suck them dry for  attention, time, sympathy, control, favors, attention.

I hope Amy REALLY is serious about moving away and staying away from this huge barnacle Tammy. I suspect Amy won't be far enough away to stop kissing Tammy's ass and ego. 

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Tammy has someone new to blame, it's US! We are apparently holding her back. She posted a new TikTok video from the hospital. I'm not having any luck getting the video to post correctly, so the Reddit thread I saw it in is under the video.



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48 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I had read somewhere that Tammy was in the hospital, but I didn't know if it was true.  Is that what they call a trach tube?

ETA:  I see from the title, it's rehab--not the hospital.

She was in the hospital (that's where she got the trach), she had carbon dioxide poisoning. When she was released she went into rehab for her food addiction.

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When I posted above, I hadn't looked at the video.  I just looked at it and that's the most subdued I've ever seen Tammy.  She's either totally defeated or it's the breathing problem/trach that's preventing her from talking normally.  I guess both.  Shame on her for talking bad about Amy.  Yes, Amy's far from perfect and might be getting a better edit than Tammy, but both Amy and her husband have gone out of their way to help Tammy day in and day out, even talking about installing a ramp in their new house.    

Someone in the comments said she's not in rehab--she's in a nursing home.  I don't know how they'd know that.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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19 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Someone in the comments said she's not in rehab--she's in a nursing home.  I don't know how they'd know that.

I am no expert on rehab/nursing homes however, in the county/state I live in, when a person has health issues they go from the hospital to a "nursing home". AKA a rehab facility. The term "rehab facility" confuses people because most of us think a rehab facility is for addicts. Not food addicts but drugs and alcohol. When it really means rehabilitation from surgery from health issues.

And I have NO sympathy for Big T after watching her video. Boo Hoo fucking hoo Tammy. It's always somebody else who's to blame. Never Tammy.  Keep making those videos Tammy. At least it keeps the fork from going in your mouth. 

Prove to us you can do this on your own with no help from your horrible family. Hell will freeze over, pigs will fly, I'll win the lottery, Jeff Bezos will go bankrupt, before you do jack $hit on your own. 


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Tammy better be nice to the rehab center staff.   They don't have to keep someone who abuses the staff, and with her weight, she's a major issue for the safety of the staff.     Rehab stays aren't open ended either.     

Where I live they big assisted living centers usually have a few beds that are for post-surgery care, and physical therapy, but it's a limited amount of time.    Tammy may get a fairly long stay because of her medical issues, but it won't be a permanent situation.    

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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13 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

I am no expert on rehab/nursing homes however, in the county/state I live in, when a person has health issues they go from the hospital to a "nursing home". AKA a rehab facility. The term "rehab facility" confuses people because most of us think a rehab facility is for addicts. Not food addicts but drugs and alcohol. When it really means rehabilitation from surgery from health issues.


Oh, OK, I understand now.  We have something like that around here too, but it slipped my mind or it didn't occur to me that's what it could be.  We have a nursing home in our community that houses the elderly, but it's also used for hospital patients who have had surgery, etc. and don't have someone at home to help them post-surgery, so they stay in the nursing home for a couple of weeks or whatever.  

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20 hours ago, GaT said:

Tammy has someone new to blame, it's US! We are apparently holding her back. She posted a new TikTok video from the hospital. I'm not having any luck getting the video to post correctly, so the Reddit thread I saw it in is under the video.



So, to recap:

First it was Tammy's mom Darlene's fault for working 2-3 jobs to actually keep a roof over Tammy's head & clothes on her back as a child.

Then it was Amy's fault for not getting Tams the foods she wanted.

Then it was internet fans' fault for encouraging Tammy & asking how her diet was going.

Then it was covid-19's fault for making Tammy stay home & gain weight despite Tammy claiming she was already homebound due to her weight for the immediately preceeding 6 years.

Then it was Amy & Michael's fault for not 'doing more' for Tammy.

Then it was Chris's fault for not coming by every day/enough.

Then it was Amy's fault for being 'lazy' and not taking care of Tammy. 

Then it was Tisa for not taking Tams out to places.

Then it was Tisa for making Tammy walk when she didnt feel like it & was in pain. 

Now, it's our fault. And TLC's fault.

Did I miss anything?

Tammy dear, I'm going to say this as sincerely & humanely as I can.

It's not us. It's YOU.


Edited by lulu69
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The problem for Tammy at any in-patient care is that it's not confinement.    She can order food in, and they can't stop her.   Also, if the patient wants to leave, they can, or if they're  a hazard to others, they can be sent out.   I know people who had to find other places for relatives that were abusive to other patients or staff, and it's hard to find somewhere else for them to go.       

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4 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

Did someone ever think to take Tammy's phone away from her? Or disable the charger? That would solve a lot of her food problems.

Can you imagine how she would lash out if anyone tried it?  She’d have a tantrum of epic proportions because - never mind ordering food - how would all her FANS live without her TikTok videos!

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35 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

Did someone ever think to take Tammy's phone away from her? Or disable the charger? That would solve a lot of her food problems.

if it is her phone, she is paying for it, that sounds like it would be illegal. It is her property no one has the right to damage it. Also if that was done and she had a true emergency she could not get help.

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