paulvdb December 2, 2020 Share December 2, 2020 Quote Burnham and the USS Discovery crew travel to Book's home planet to help rescue him from Osyraa, the formidable leader of the Emerald Current. Meanwhile, Stamets and Adira continue their search for valuable information about the origin of Burn. Link to comment
paigow December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Osyraa is far from formidable. Discovery can outrun her fleet and re-engage at will. After 1000 years, Orions still use TOS photon torpedoes? Link to comment
paigow December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Book and his brother are the only Locust Whisperers on the entire planet??? 1 1 1 Link to comment
dwmarch December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Finally, Detmer gets to be good at her job again! I'm not sure why she needed a tactical vest for this particular bit of piloting although she looked good in it. Since there don't seem to be any actual standards for uniforms (Adira doesn't wear one at all anymore and Nhan wore leather pants under hers), she should get a badass bomber jacket. It was funny that she had to bring the Andorian along when Book's ship fires fast enough that she was basically hosing the entirety of Osyraa's ship on every attack run. There also no longer seems to be a power disparity between a little ship versus a big ship. I know the Defiant had good old plot armor but there was a DS9 episode where a Defiant-class ship went up against a big Jem'Hadar battlecruiser and got its ass handed to it. Come to think of it, First Contact also showed us that the Defiant failed at the mission it was built for, fighting the Borg. 2 hours ago, paigow said: Osyraa is far from formidable. Discovery can outrun her fleet and re-engage at will. After 1000 years, Orions still use TOS photon torpedoes? At least they didn't do the one thing that I can't stand which is to call them "somekinda" photon torpedoes. It's reasonable to assume they will have a different internal configuration or they'll be made from fancy new materials or whatever but at the end of the day it's an explosive that the ship disgorges from a launcher so it's still just a photon torpedo. Having said that, if Osyraa was trying to burn the planet's forests down why did she use torpedoes with the yield of a strong fart? When she did finally punch through the shields Burnham and Book were in severe danger of coughing from those dust clouds that were being kicked up. Link to comment
UnoAgain December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Well osyraa was just making noise to make book's brother do what she asked she wasn't actually trying to destroy the planet.. And she didn't fire on discovery.. Cuz I don't think she wants to really have it out with the federation either 1 Link to comment
paigow December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 (edited) 5 hours ago, dwmarch said: Finally, Detmer gets to be good at her job again! First Contact also showed us that the Defiant failed at the mission it was built for, fighting the Borg. Detmer proved that curing PTSD requires more combat...and if Ryn was so important, let him celebrate with you FFS The Defiant was assigned to Sisko because it was a failed prototype...weapons overload structural integrity blah blah blah Edited December 3, 2020 by paigow 1 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Michelle Yeoh is stunning. Hit it. Nah. A mysterious musical tone. My first thought was, "Aw geez, is it the whales again?" Execute. Nah. Human spermatozoa are a light silvery blue. Good to know. 🙄 So hands up is the universal sign of surrender? How can you sign a contract to be enslaved? Isn't slavery by definition involuntary? I guess though you could be forced to sign a contract as cover for legal repercussions. Ehh, the CGI was not great IMO when Michael and Book were running around outside on his planet. Poor Grudge! He was a scaredy cat! Now Book wants to join the Federation. That might not bode well. Link to comment
paigow December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 (edited) 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Hit it. Nah. Execute. Nah. Now Plot Twist: Book dumps Burnham for Detmer Why is Adira trying to sleep in Engineering if everyone knows that the algorithm needs hours to finish processing???? Edited December 3, 2020 by paigow 1 Link to comment
Ottis December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 So maybe I missed it, but did Michael spend a year plus with Book and not know he was a warden in a sanctuary and also apparently an empath? If that never came up, seems like there should be some trust issues. I loved that Saru is in search of a captain's catchphrase, and that the crew is in on his attempts. That was a genius move to include what must have been a challenge for the show's writers as part of the actual show. So Detmer had ... some kind of crisis of confidence, for some reason, and now after flying Book's ship manually, Detmer feels better? I don't know what all happened there. That was the sole reason for Dermer's reactions this season ... she had self doubt? And BTW, I find Ossyra curiously flat. No menace, really. More like a mid-level manager who is full of herself. And Book's ship did pretty well against Ossyra's "armed to the teeth" vessel. I have to say that while it isn't perfect, I think this season has gone out of its way to connect plot threads and answer audience questions. better than most shows. And so, so much heart in this season. 1 3 Link to comment
thuganomics85 December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 Captain Saru is truly taking his position seriously now with his attempts to get himself a nice catchy command phrase! Because you aren't a true Star Trek captain until you have one! I'm sure he'll land on one eventually, but for my money, it will be hard to ever top the smooth, soothing way that Picard can declare "Make it so!" or "Engage!" It was nice seeing more of Booker's backstory, even if seemed to really establish that he didn't tell Michael squat about his history. I guess he is a tough nut to crack on that front. Them saving his home planet seem to be a simple way to have him suddenly be down with the Federation and likely join the crew, but I'm curious to see if there will be more to it. After-all the build-up, Ossyra was kind of an underwhelming villain, despite the whole "Punish her failure of a nephew by feeding him to the giant worms" bit. Just seemed to lack any real menace or threat. The actress was fine, but they really needed someone who could rival the likes of Michelle Yeoh, if they wanted her to be the ultimate bad guy. Maybe there is someone else we should worry about instead. Speaking of Michelle Yeoh, leave it to Culber to be one of the few not to back down from Georgiou's posturing and veiled threats. I imagine doctors have to deal with some crazy-ass patients from time to time, and I can see Culber having the backbone to not back down, which was pretty awesome. But there clearly is some weird shit going down with Georgiou, which I guess will be addressed more next week. Stamets really seems to be getting into the whole mentor/parental figure with Adira. A nice change of pace for him. Cool seeing Ryn again and I hope he sticks around. His scenes with Tilly were fun: amplified by the knowledge that the actor is married to Mary Wiseman in real life. Detmer's got her mojo back! Hopefully. Poor Grudge found herself in the middle of a space battle! She and Baby Yoda could probably bond and swap stories of all the shit they find themselves in, thanks to the antics of their space dads (although to be fair, Booker had no idea that his ship would be used for an almost suicidal face off against a massive ship!) Always good when Jonathan Frakes shows up behind the camera. The man is a pro at this and can more than get the job done! 1 3 Link to comment
Kromm December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: How can you sign a contract to be enslaved? Indentured servitude, which is signing yourself over to servitude to pay a debt, is an existing historical thing, but it's not quite the same as slavery. It was typically for a set period, not life, and had some understood limits on how badly you could be treated. 19 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said: The actress was fine, but they really needed someone who could rival the likes of Michelle Yeoh, if they wanted her to be the ultimate bad guy. That's a tough get admittedly, at least in terms of charisma and implied badassery. 1 2 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu December 3, 2020 Share December 3, 2020 2 minutes ago, Kromm said: Indentured servitude, which is signing yourself over to servitude to pay a debt, is an existing historical thing, but it's not quite the same as slavery. It was typically for a set period, not life, and had some understood limits on how badly you could be treated. Saru used the word "slavery" though. That's what got my attention. I don't like to see that word thrown around in situations where it doesn't actually apply Quote Poor Grudge found herself in the middle of a space battle! She and Baby Yoda could probably bond and swap stories of all the shit they find themselves Hah, hah, right? Hopefully Baby Yoda wouldn't try to eat Grudge. 2 Link to comment
Stardancer Supreme December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 Now that Book has been jumped into the Federation (cause he wasn't leaving Michael!), we will see what is going on Georgiou. G: "If I had time, I'd poison your children." Culber: "I don't have any children, ho. Try again." 5 hours ago, Ottis said: So maybe I missed it, but did Michael spend a year plus with Book and not know he was a warden in a sanctuary and also apparently an empath? If that never came up, seems like there should be some trust issues. I loved that Saru is in search of a captain's catchphrase, and that the crew is in on his attempts. That was a genius move to include what must have been a challenge for the show's writers as part of the actual show. Well, to be fair, Michael and Book only became intimate after Discovery was found. Plus, she didn't spend all of her time with Book since she had her own ship. Where is her ship? 5 hours ago, thuganomics85 said: Captain Saru is truly taking his position seriously now with his attempts to get himself a nice catchy command phrase! Because you aren't a true Star Trek captain until you have one! I'm sure he'll land on one eventually, but for my money, it will be hard to ever top the smooth, soothing way that Picard can declare "Make it so!" or "Engage!" Yep, Picard had the best catchphrase. "Hit it!" was pitiful. This is going to be fun. 3 Link to comment
Chyromaniac December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: Saru used the word "slavery" though. That's what got my attention. I don't like to see that word thrown around in situations where it doesn't actually apply My impression of his comment was, “just because you have a signed contract, doesn’t make ‘forcing someone to work for you forever under threat of death’ not slavery.” Sure, she put forth the pretense that this was a mutual arrangement - but clearly everyone on planet salvage was being exploited. As for Osyrra- I don’t know how Popular she will ultimately be as a character. Granted this was just One Short Day that we encountered her- and Thank Goodness the Discovery crew survived. Speaking of which, it sure was fun watching Detmer Defying Gravity during that dogfight, huh? Anyway, as Wonderful as that was, it did undercut the threat of the Emerald Chain. Maybe I’m A Sentimental Man, but I feel like the previous series Orions had more style and personality in their presentation. But Osyrra feels more plain- like she’s saying “I’m Not That Girl.” Not that change is necessarily Something Bad or everything should stay the same For Good. But it would have been impactful to give her a more severe presence, as if No Good Deed has come from her. I don’t know if she’ll be a character we’ll miss at the end of this story- really, No One Mourns the Wicked. 1 1 2 Link to comment
paigow December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 (edited) The Joker [any version] is scarier than Osyrra. Edited December 4, 2020 by paigow 2 Link to comment
Quilt Fairy December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 14 hours ago, dwmarch said: Since there don't seem to be any actual standards for uniforms (Adira doesn't wear one at all anymore Adira has never been a Starfleet officer. (I don't think she's entitled to be one just because her symbiont was one in a prior incarnation.) She was part of that Earth force inspection crew, but I'm not sure even that was legitimate. Once she decided to stay on Discovery she's just worn a plain jumpsuit with no markings. I've been surprised that somewhere along the way Saru didn't offer her a commission. 1 1 Link to comment
paigow December 4, 2020 Share December 4, 2020 11 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said: I've been surprised that somewhere along the way Saru didn't offer her a commission. When Book signs on, he will be a Federation Advisor - this allows him to walk around shirtless. Adira will probably be issued a Medical type uniform eventually for contrast with Stamets. 1 1 Link to comment
wanderingstar December 5, 2020 Share December 5, 2020 (edited) I love this show! Book's brother was kinda hot. Love that Michael got to see Book's homeworld. I am really digging the friendship between Adira and Stamets. Quote A mysterious musical tone. My first thought was, "Aw geez, is it the whales again?" Ha! I thought the same thing! Edited December 5, 2020 by Gillian Rosh 3 Link to comment
KimberStormer December 5, 2020 Share December 5, 2020 Did Book not get a shirtless scene this time? I guess his Disney Princess powers make up for it. It's a little strange they are talking about "empaths" as something Starfleet doesn't know about, where are the Betazoids? (Of all the alien species represented on the various crews, I feel like Betazoids have been the worst-served.) More Star Wars dogfighting action, and to go along with it, more endlessly dragged out filler scenes that I would take an editor's knife to if I were in charge. Adira asleep scene -- adorable, but endless. Also Book and his brother's repetitive reconciliations, etc. But at least for once in our lives someone got to do the hero thing and it wasn't Michael for no reason! Go Detmer, save the day! 1 1 Link to comment
marinw December 5, 2020 Share December 5, 2020 I liked Hugh calling Phillipa on her BS and not allowing himself to be intimidated. 1 2 Link to comment
cdnalor December 5, 2020 Share December 5, 2020 On 12/3/2020 at 2:35 PM, Joimiaroxeu said: A mysterious musical tone. My first thought was, "Aw geez, is it the whales again? My first thought was Galactica's "All Along the Watchtower." 1 4 Link to comment
Quark December 5, 2020 Share December 5, 2020 Great episode, but I found Osira rather underwhelming. 2 Link to comment
tennisgurl December 5, 2020 Share December 5, 2020 6 hours ago, cdnalor said: My first thought was Galactica's "All Along the Watchtower." Same here! I was like "If everyone starts singing All Along the Watchtower I am going to have some serious questions..." Pretty good episode, although I wish we had seen more of Books planet after having it built up so much. The floating jellyfish were cool though, and I liked Books brother and learning more about him. Although, damn he really didnt tell Michael much about himself and his past during that year they were fling around together did he? Maybe he thought his past would sound boring after hearing Michaels life story. Glad he is sticking around, I hope we can see him interact with the rest of the cast more. More importantly, Grudge will be sticking around! Poor kitty had no clue what to do in that space fight, all he can do is hold on for dear life. I continue to like Book/Michael a lot, they seem like they really enjoy each others company so much. Hugh is normally a really nice guy, but he has one hell of a backbone if he can tell Georgiou to stop with the snark and sit her ass down in medbay. You deal with a lot of crazy when your a Starfleet doctor. The Orion crime lady was alright, but I don't buy her as being such a threat she could take on the Federation, even this lessoned version of it. I am guessing she is just a temporary warm up bad guy until we meet whoever was behind The Burn, who will be our real Big bad. We still don't have a bad guy for this season yet (and this season in general has been light on real villains) and I am guessing whoever was responsible for The Burn will be revealed as our big villain. Saru cant be an official Starfleet captain until he has a catchphrase! Hit It just doesent have the same ring as Make It So or Engage, but I am sure that he will find his thing. I thought that plot was cute, and Saru and Tilly continue to be fun together. Nice seeing Ryn again, and I would be happy to see him again. He can babysit Grudge? 2 Link to comment
paigow December 5, 2020 Share December 5, 2020 (edited) TNG warned that ships cannot stay in a nebula indefinitely. But now there is a really old Starfleet distress beacon in a nebula. Maybe it is Kelsey Grammer and the Bozeman... Edited December 6, 2020 by paigow 2 Link to comment
KimberStormer December 6, 2020 Share December 6, 2020 All I'm saying is that if it's the Enterprise I am going to throw my TV out the window. 2 Link to comment
marinw December 6, 2020 Share December 6, 2020 17 hours ago, tennisgurl said: He can babysit Grudge? Grudge can fly the ship by himself! He does not need babysitting. My thoery is that Grudge belongs to a species simelar to the cat in the TOS episode "Assignment: Earth" 1 Link to comment
catsitter December 11, 2020 Share December 11, 2020 Shouldn't the medics have been able to make Ryn's antennae grow back quickly, so far in the future? 1 1 1 Link to comment
Tachi Rocinante March 24, 2022 Share March 24, 2022 I love Michelle Yeoh, but her moustache-twirling, insult everyone all the time dialogue is getting cringey. Lazy writing. I guess I'm old, because my thought on the music was Close Encounters. 1 Link to comment
Paloma January 21, 2023 Share January 21, 2023 On 3/24/2022 at 1:59 PM, Tachi Rocinante said: I love Michelle Yeoh, but her moustache-twirling, insult everyone all the time dialogue is getting cringey. Lazy writing. It hasn't bothered me much before this episode, but this time it was really too much...though I guess it can be justified with the idea that her fear of weakness and vulnerability is making her nastier than usual. I thought it was interesting that Michael acted like a caring daughter to Philippa in the way she expressed concern, in words as well as facial expression and gently putting her (Michael's) hand on Philippa's shoulder. Of course, Philippa was having none of it (see my first paragraph). 1 Link to comment
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