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TDS 3.0 Season Six Talk

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7 hours ago, Ailianna said:

I got a rerun Monday. Was there a new episode and I just got the wrong one somehow? It was from September the Monday after we lost RBG.

It was a rerun.  They're doing a post-debate episode on Friday night.  Maybe that's connected, but I was thinking for a while that Mondays were sometimes repeats, or not there at all.

I love the intro to the "If you didn't know, now you know" segments, with Trevor's almost bald, very round face pasted on the figures.  He looks 12.

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Ice Cube was a strange guest to have. I don't think Trevor was that comfortable talking to him. I noticed with most guests he feels absolutely at home, but if other guests are there with a different viewpoint than his, his comfort just diminishes like that. I don't blame him for that. I remember when that woman from Fox News(Tomi Lohren?) made Trevor very uneasy at her presence.

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On 10/28/2020 at 1:30 PM, Robert Lynch said:

I rolled my eyes at those undecided voters. It's not rocket science! Vote!

They know who they are voting for. They don't want to say it.

I really wished those were actors who talked to Jordan 😳

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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

I wish they would stop sending Jordan to those rallies. They never say anything new and at this point I'm beyond caring what it is. Send some folks to talk to people who haven't had their voices magnified ad nauseum already. 

I agree 100%. I felt this way in 2016, and I certainly feel this way now. 

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I enjoyed the Halloween story the other night, especially the rant about the sexy mail-in ballot costume. I also like the bit about anyone in a nurse/doctor costume being enlisted to help fight the pandemic, culminating in the great line, "I'm just DRESSED as a sexy hospital administrator, I don't know what's going on either!"

Nice story on the campaigns trying to court the Black vote. Even though we've been here before, Trevor always has good points to bring up. I liked what he said about how the candidates THINK Black people want to be spoken to ("It's honestly too bad Tupac is still alive, because he just killed himself" after that rap battle, ha!), and the bit with Obama trying to pander to white voters was funny. I also really liked the point he brought up about Black people being blamed when things go wrong, which Roy expanded on in his piece (focusing on the 10% of Black men who support Trump as opposed to the 90% who don't.)

I get that politicians always kind of repeat their talking points during interviews, but I thought Kamala Harris sounded really stump-speechy - while very poised and eloquent, it rarely felt like she was having a conversation. I'm glad Trevor pushed and tried to steer her back toward the questions he'd asked her (like on shutdowns,) even if she still shied away from direct answers.

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I was so glad when Desi called out the bullshit of the alleged "undecided" voter. In literally any other election, I'd say maybe. In 2020? Fuck no. They just want attention.

And that Ice Cube interview was... interesting. At first I was about to google his 15-point plan, or whatever it was, but by the end I instead googled "ice cube anti semitic" and was like, yowch at what came up. I can see why Trevor gave him the escape route of "but now that you understand how it was seen" and IC jumped all over him with "no, it's ART"... yeah, um, not so much.

I don't hate Jordan Klepper's field pieces; they are horrifying, but I find it perversely educational to know what's out there, straight from the source. And I find his verbal turnabouts clever (my favorite one about saving lives by banning abortions, but wearing masks = too far).

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8 hours ago, marinw said:

Does anybody remember TDS from the eve of the 2016 Election, which predicted what would happen if Trump won? It was WAY too prescient. IIRC, there was a pandemic and a lot of hurricanes.

*sigh* Well, John Oliver wasn't pulled from his show by men in black. Probably because he's doing things in a blank void at his house rather than in a studio . . . but hey, a win is a win! At least there's hope tonight, even if the elections in Congress and the Senate aren't that encouraging.

I think Roy getting drunk at a live Presidential Election show is the new best tradition. Trevor continues to perform so well. We'll never forget Jon Stewart, but I'd say Trevor has earned his spurs . . . and then some. Not those spurs . . . the ones on a cowboy boot. Yeah, that's what the NBA team in San Antonio is supposed to be.

On 10/30/2020 at 7:27 PM, possibilities said:

I wish they would stop sending Jordan to those rallies. They never say anything new and at this point I'm beyond caring what it is. Send some folks to talk to people who haven't had their voices magnified ad nauseum already. 

What amuses me (that might not be the best word) is that they don't recognize Jordan. They play right into his hands, and I don't blame him for being sent out over and over again.

Anyone else catch Desi's special stemming from the passing of RBG? Good stuff.

Edited by Lantern7
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7 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

What amuses me (that might not be the best word) is that they don't recognize Jordan.

Did Democrats watch his spin-off? He could introduce himself as ... Craig Kilborn ... at a Biden rally without any issues

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I loved that Trevor's bunker included one bottle of hand sanitizer that was used for sanitizer his OTHER bottle of hand sanitizer - he gets me. I liked that multiple stories in the election show dealt with the fact that we just don't know much yet, with Desi vamping for time and Michael making up erotic fanfic because nothing was happening. I thought the interview with Tressie McMillan Cottom was great.

It occurred to me watching the episode that I really appreciate how Jordan is always masked in his field pieces. I'm sure it helps that he spends most of his field time at Trump rallies where so many people are NOT wearing masks/keeping distanced, giving him extra incentive to protect himself, but in the voter-on-the-street piece he did last night, it was nice to see him and everyone else wearing masks the whole time. None of this "pull your mask down to talk" stuff that you see too often.

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I keep wanting to watch the unsuppressable smiles of late night hosts tonight, especially Trevor's. I also couldn't stop laughing at his portrayal of the porn store patron waiting for the cameras next door at the #ultimatefail landscaping press conference to leave. "These edible underwear... uh, are they gluten-free?"

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3 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

I also couldn't stop laughing at his portrayal of the porn store patron waiting for the cameras next door at the #ultimatefail landscaping press conference to leave. "These edible underwear... uh, are they gluten-free?"

This had me laughing the HARDEST!

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Great show last night. @Dewey Decimate, I agree, Trevor seemed so light and happy throughout the episode (even though he noted that everything still wasn't magically fixed - like telling the cartoon bird, "No, you go back where YOU came from!" and acknowledging that coronavirus DIDN'T decide to take Saturday off for the celebration.) All the Four Seasons Total Landscaping stuff was hilarious, and I also loved the following:

  • Trevor wanting to ban celebratory items that sound like gunfire and shouting at his screen for Biden and Harris to take cover when the confetti cannon went off
  • Dulce's piece on Harris, especially the line about how Biden will never get impeached while she's his VP - "He could straight-up sell Florida, and the GOP would be like, 'Still can't risk that Black lady being president.'"
  • Trevor's reaction to the montage of voter fraud claims - "That was so batshit, I caught coronavirus just LISTENING to it!"
  • I also lol'd at his wish for Trump's lawyers to make their meaningless evidence more exciting - "Well, if Biden isn't stealing the election, then why do I have this used condom in my pocket?! I rest my case."
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oh. my. god. kenneth copeland gets more and more insane. i can't help but hope his parishioners are paid actors. probably not, but it's so disturbing to see people eat up and applaud the crazy.

and then contrast all that w lenny kravitz and his story -- or rather robert guillaume's i think -- that roxie roker was so kind toward everyone, if she were sitting next to the devil she would say, "that's a fine red suit you're wearing."

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I haven't watched last night's episode (I'm a sporadic viewer), but I loved Monday's.  A lot of great moments have already been noted, and another one I loved was Trevor asking why, if Democrats used their satanic powers to hand themselves the presidency, they didn't also give themselves the Senate:  Because they were using the free version of Satanic Powers, and Senate control is only available on the premium version?

Edited by Bastet
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i love trevor and this show. i always LOL at least once a show. the writing, the performance, the editing are all so perfect. i wish i had someone to watch with.

putting all the people who refuse to wear masks on free cruises is an excellent idea.

loved trevor doing a vote count in georgia one way -- 'one. two. can i have some of that peach tea?' -- and then the rapper way. 😄

i've been reading about trump's email solicitations for 'legal defense' donations, so this part of trevor's show was no surprise. honestly, with trump's history, good luck to those people wanting to get paid for his campaign expenditures. wherever he goes is a trail of debt.

and it should -- should -- be no surprise to people that he doesn't care what happens to the country just so long as he's safe. he doesn't care if biden enters office with an avalanche of messages waiting for him from global leaders. he doesn't care if things turn to shit (even more) if biden's transition team doesn't have time to prepare. he just wants to blow the voter fraud horn so he can claim he's not a loser.

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12 hours ago, peeayebee said:

loved trevor doing a vote count in georgia one way -- 'one. two. can i have some of that peach tea?' -- and then the rapper way.

Agreed - my favorite part of the episode!

I also loved the time-sensitive voicemails from Putin and the line about how Trump went "from an African dictator to a Nigerian prince." Hee!

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Jordan Klepper at another MAGA shindig, plucking low-hanging fruit. I don’t care. He sees someone carrying a flag with TRUMP 2020 on the “Stars ‘n Bars.” Jordan: “Buddy, you don't know how to pick a winner. You might as well put a Jets hat on.”

Whatever Jordan gets paid for those spots, it isn’t enough.

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I actually hope Trevor doesn't go back to the studio.  At first not having an audience was a little weird, but now I love it because laughter and clapping don't interrupt the flow. 

And what they're doing with the editing, and especially with the graphic overlays, is beyond brilliant.  Thursday night's show is a great example, with the scratches on his face from trying to catch his own little owl, and his "cousin" telling all about his foot surgery, and Trevor in a straw hat addressing a bunch of turkeys, and the phone in his hand when imitating Trump.  Plus judicious use of moving his face closer to the camera, or jumping out of frame.  And of course the little swoosh sound when images go on and off the screen--it's everything

It's amazing what they've done with what must have seemed like an impossible situation. 


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I completely agree. The show has done an incredible job of producing this remote show. 

I think it was last night that he tapped his temple and you could hear little thunking sounds. 😄

He certainly can carry the show all by himself, although Roy often adds stuff that I enjoy.

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As far as adjusting to COVID broadcasting, I think he's done the best of the 3 talk shows I watch - this one, Colbert, and Seth Meyers.

A bit of a different topic, which I haven't seen mentioned - Anyone know why they're calling it "The Daily Social Distancing Show"? Whenever he says "Welcome to the Daily Social Distancing Show" to his guests, they usually laugh like they weren't expecting that.

Colbert's show did something similar - they now call it "A Late Show with Stephen Colbert" instead of "The Late Show...", but the names are still the same on my TV DVR menu.


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4 hours ago, MaryMitch said:

A bit of a different topic, which I haven't seen mentioned - Anyone know why they're calling it "The Daily Social Distancing Show"? Whenever he says "Welcome to the Daily Social Distancing Show" to his guests, they usually laugh like they weren't expecting that.

My impression is that the guests didn't think about the title of the show. Maybe they thought it was just The Daily Show. It's a little amusing to call a TV show "Social Distancing" since putting distance betw ourselves and Trevor doesn't make sense. I'm so used to the title now that I haven't really been thinking about the meaning.

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On 11/20/2020 at 5:46 PM, MaryMitch said:

As far as adjusting to COVID broadcasting, I think he's done the best of the 3 talk shows I watch - this one, Colbert, and Seth Meyers.

I agree, same three. Trevor is carrying it solo online beautifully. I also love Roy's segments! Seth is doing well (I love his Closer Look), but Colbert seems to have problems without an audience. He needs the feedback. I'm sure his wife is a lovely person, but I could do without her sitting in on the session.

Edited by Ms Lark
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God bless Michael J. Fox, but he made so nervous in his first interview with Trevor! Screw Parkinson's Disease! Seeing him in such fragile condition made me so sad and Trevor looked generally worried when he moved from topic to topic. I want him to be well. Seeing him now like this is so tragic.

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One bit I loved from this week, in the story about Trump adding more questions to the citizenship test: Trevor insisting that applicants should be able to answer the questions the same way Trump does. I can't remember the whole joke, but I know the "answer" in response to a question about the Stamp Act of 1765 included, "No one knows more about stamps than me," "So many stamps!", and "I've got my best people working on it, and I'll have a lot more for you on that in two to three weeks." Nailed it!

I also loved Trevor "shaming" Joe Biden for his cabinet picks that "discriminate against incompetents," hee!

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Watching Trevor cover the pub owner from Staten Island. Jeeeeeeee-zus. I live in the borough, and I didn’t think things could get worse after the COVID uptick. Great job by Trevor for dragging him out and pointing out how lucky he’s been.

Edited by Lantern7
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Yeah, that bar owner story was so good. Trevor just had this, "You have to laugh about this, otherwise you'd never stop screaming in incredulity and outrage" energy throughout at the sheer audacity of everything going on with this white guy. I loved the observation about declaring your bar an autonomous zone while standing in front of an American flag: "America is tyrannical, so I declare myself independent! USA! USA!" And the whole Fox News part was excellent, especially, "This was a hit-and-run Martin Luther King Jr. would've been proud of."

Last night, Trevor was just killing it. I don't know what it was, but I thought he was awesome the whole show. I loved all of the following:

  • (On Hunter Biden being forthright about the investigation into his taxes) - "Hunter's like a guy coming home late at night like, 'Uh, babe? You're gonna wanna check my phone.'"
  • (On so many states coming together to sue Facebook) - "If what you're doing is so egregious that you're bringing California and Mississippi together? Ya done f**ked up!" His Mark Zuckerberg voice also gets me every time.
  • (On his guests) - "Next up, Rachel Maddow is on the show, and we're gonna gossip about politics. And then Bryan Cranston will be on, and we're gonna talk about something else!" So cute.
  • My favorite, though, was the cookie story at the very beginning. So much great stuff - getting offended at the news for reporting on how many cookies he eats ("What am I supposed to do, it's a pandemic! Do you want me to just cry everyday?"), the Keebler elves striking over unsafe working conditions ("If you've ever had a crunchy cookie, those are elf bones,") and then cracking himself up over the joke about Santa sleeping with all our moms. Too funny.
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Does anyone know why Trevor Noah is taking a month's vacation?  He doesn't come back until January 18th and has been off since December 17th.  Doesn't that seem excessive given the amount of time he's off during the year?  Even Colbert, Fallon, etc. haven't taken that much time off during the holidays. 

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