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S10.E05: Taking Charge


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20 minutes ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Broken record alert: It is beyond time to end this show.  I stop watching it in a fit of rage and return over and over again out of curiosity.  All I see are “mothers” discussing excruciatingly personal, adult matters with small children in the car or otherwise sitting close by and listening to every word- about their fathers.  I have grown extremely impatient with Chelsea, I don’t give a single shit about Jade, I detest Leah, Kailyn literally makes me nauseous, and I loathe Briana with the fire of one hundred burning suns.  How trashy is this woman, showcasing her chlamydia outbreak in front of the whole world?  I want to grab these bitches by the shoulders and scream at them: “YOUR KIDS AND THEIR PEERS ARE GOING TO SEE THIS FOOTAGE.”  It’s absolutely disgusting to me.

I’m sick of Chelsea and Cole’s humblebragging about daddy-daughter dances (how many of these does that damn school have every year?!) and nagging the crap out of her sensitive daughter until she asks them to stop.  I’m sick of the footage of Leah, which is comprised mainly of visits to doctors and phone conversations in the car in front of two or more kids.  I’m sick of Briana’s discussions about Loooith and her diseased vagina, not necessarily in that order.  I’m sick of Kailyn’s porcine face and completely inappropriate arrogance about her clusterfuck of a life.  The kids are the only good parts of this godforsaken show, but I’m even a little sick of them because I feel guilty when I watch it and see them!  I’m going to hurl my TV out the goddamn window the day one of these little girls gets her first period and it’s chronicled in front of the entire world.

Vent over.  For now.

Bravo! 👏🏻

  • Love 2

Hey, Bri! If you don't trust someone, maybe you shouldn't have unprotected sex with them or have sex with them as all.

Brittany continues to show why she is my favorite cast member. That sly look at the camera in response to the bullshit going on around her---iconic!

I want to say having to co-parent with Kail is the biggest contributing factor to Jo's receding hairline.

  • LOL 5
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9 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Was Leah just really tired the day she took Ali to the appointment, or what.....? She seemed out of it in all those segments. Jade was soooo excited about getting a job at that salon. Lol I hope that was fake, cause I wouldn't hire her. 

Jade  wasn't hired  by the salon.  She rented space to set up her own salon.

  • Love 4

The way Roxanne was crying, you'd think Breanna had a terminal illness. Also, stop blaming Luis for giving her an STI. She's a grown woman who, after two kids, should know a little something about safe sex. If you hadn't seen that man is months, you should at least suspect that he was sleeping with other women. Did she think she was special and that he only protected himself with other chicks and not her? I'm so sick of those women acting like Bre is some innocent victim who got knocked up twice but less than stellar dudes and then sleeps with one of the AGAIN after he tricked her into keeping a baby he claimed he wanted and then ghosted on her, and gets an STI. Luis must be getting a nice check because I wouldn't have my ass on TV talking about having chlamydia. I mean, the deadbeat dad stuff is embarrassing enough, but now this. If I were him, I would have them blur me out like they do Kail's baby daddy or just talk over the phone like Cory does. 

Favorite part of this episode: Brittany eating that chicken LOL

Kail - I think I've blocked all of her scenes out of my head because I really only remember her going to therapy with Jo. Which is good and I think they should make that a regular thing. 

Jade - that poor girl is going to be used until she's bled dry by her family and her child's father. This can't be healthy for her to be living with a bunch of addicts. And I can tell that dude is just playing nice with her to make sure he has a place to stay and he can keep getting paid to be on the show. I hated that she had to try to convince him that it was smart for him to watch Chloe to save money since everyone else is unemployed in the house. Her mom at least said she was looking for work. I don't remember him saying that he was doing the same. 

Chelsea - Lather, Rinse, Repeat. We've been here many times before and the only thing different is what Cole and Aubree wear to the dance. God bless them though for living fairly normal and happy lives.

Leah - again, so happy to see her growth and that she and the two dads are trying to make things work. I really don't see why Jeremy thinks Cory is petty enough to care that Gracie wanted to stay with him. It's not like Cory even went to the appointment and missed seeing her. Was he going to watch her? Jeremy seems to want there to be tension.

  • Love 12
17 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Broken record alert: It is beyond time to end this show.  I stop watching it in a fit of rage and return over and over again out of curiosity.  All I see are “mothers” discussing excruciatingly personal, adult matters with small children in the car or otherwise sitting close by and listening to every word- about their fathers.  I have grown extremely impatient with Chelsea, I don’t give a single shit about Jade, I detest Leah, Kailyn literally makes me nauseous, and I loathe Briana with the fire of one hundred burning suns.  How trashy is this woman, showcasing her chlamydia outbreak in front of the whole world?  I want to grab these bitches by the shoulders and scream at them: “YOUR KIDS AND THEIR PEERS ARE GOING TO SEE THIS FOOTAGE.”  It’s absolutely disgusting to me.

I’m sick of Chelsea and Cole’s humblebragging about daddy-daughter dances (how many of these does that damn school have every year?!) and nagging the crap out of her sensitive daughter until she asks them to stop.  I’m sick of the footage of Leah, which is comprised mainly of visits to doctors and phone conversations in the car in front of two or more kids.  I’m sick of Briana’s discussions about Loooith and her diseased vagina, not necessarily in that order.  I’m sick of Kailyn’s porcine face and completely inappropriate arrogance about her clusterfuck of a life.  The kids are the only good parts of this godforsaken show, but I’m even a little sick of them because I feel guilty when I watch it and see them!  I’m going to hurl my TV out the goddamn window the day one of these little girls gets her first period and it’s chronicled in front of the entire world.

Vent over.  For now.

How do i like this 1000 times? 

  • LOL 1
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18 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Broken record alert: It is beyond time to end this show.  I stop watching it in a fit of rage and return over and over again out of curiosity.  All I see are “mothers” discussing excruciatingly personal, adult matters with small children in the car or otherwise sitting close by and listening to every word- about their fathers.  I have grown extremely impatient with Chelsea, I don’t give a single shit about Jade, I detest Leah, Kailyn literally makes me nauseous, and I loathe Briana with the fire of one hundred burning suns.  How trashy is this woman, showcasing her chlamydia outbreak in front of the whole world?  I want to grab these bitches by the shoulders and scream at them: “YOUR KIDS AND THEIR PEERS ARE GOING TO SEE THIS FOOTAGE.”  It’s absolutely disgusting to me.

I’m sick of Chelsea and Cole’s humblebragging about daddy-daughter dances (how many of these does that damn school have every year?!) and nagging the crap out of her sensitive daughter until she asks them to stop.  I’m sick of the footage of Leah, which is comprised mainly of visits to doctors and phone conversations in the car in front of two or more kids.  I’m sick of Briana’s discussions about Loooith and her diseased vagina, not necessarily in that order.  I’m sick of Kailyn’s porcine face and completely inappropriate arrogance about her clusterfuck of a life.  The kids are the only good parts of this godforsaken show, but I’m even a little sick of them because I feel guilty when I watch it and see them!  I’m going to hurl my TV out the goddamn window the day one of these little girls gets her first period and it’s chronicled in front of the entire world.

Vent over.  For now.

All of this. It's particularly horrible how they violate the kids' privacy. The oldest kids are 10 now. I'm sure they have peers who watch the show and/or read about it online. Yet their moms (and MTV) constantly use sensitive details of their lives (especially at their age) for storylines.

They get a lot of credit for being "normal," but I hate Chelsea and Cole. I feel like Chelsea kept asking Aubree about inviting Adam to the dance until Aubree said no because she finally realized that was the only way to get Chelsea to STFU about it. Chelsea and Cole have an onion skin thin veneer of "We're totally fine with whatever you want with regard to your dad and his family!" but it's pretty clear that they want Aubree to distance from the Linds and fully embrace being a De Boer the way Chelsea has. And the thing is, I think Aubree pretty much has done that, but she's (understandably) still interested in connecting with her biodad and his family. Chelsea keeps claiming that she gets it and everything is Aubree's decision, but it's pretty obvious from her and Cole's demeanor, comments, and actions what they'd prefer.

With the stupid fucking father-daughter dance, it's clear that it's REALLY, REALLY important to Chelsea and she LOVES how Cole has gone every year, so I think she was bummed when Aubree said she wanted to invite Adam. So Chelsea made a HUGE deal of it (while saying it was totally fine), asking Aubree whether she was sure over and over. Adam is a total douche, so I'm not even defending him, but, apparently he has been visiting Aubree at school at least semi-regularly and he said he wanted to go to the stupid fucking dance (probably because he was tired of looking bad for missing it every year and maybe because he wanted to make it awkward for Cole or make Cole miss it). It's understandable that Aubree would feel more comfortable with him now and appreciate that he wanted to go (since her mom has made such a HUGE deal of it for YEARS) and maybe she thought it would be fun to hang out with him in that setting since she only sees him for lunch at school. Chelsea is so image-conscious and Cole-centric that she probably only thought about how Adam would ruin the incredibly cute segment she had planned for the show.

1 hour ago, MitaJo said:

The way Roxanne was crying, you'd think Breanna had a terminal illness. Also, stop blaming Luis for giving her an STI. She's a grown woman who, after two kids, should know a little something about safe sex. If you hadn't seen that man is months, you should at least suspect that he was sleeping with other women. Did she think she was special and that he only protected himself with other chicks and not her? I'm so sick of those women acting like Bre is some innocent victim who got knocked up twice but less than stellar dudes and then sleeps with one of the AGAIN after he tricked her into keeping a baby he claimed he wanted and then ghosted on her, and gets an STI. Luis must be getting a nice check because I wouldn't have my ass on TV talking about having chlamydia. I mean, the deadbeat dad stuff is embarrassing enough, but now this. If I were him, I would have them blur me out like they do Kail's baby daddy or just talk over the phone like Cory does. 

Favorite part of this episode: Brittany eating that chicken LOL

Jollibee is the shiznit.

I think it's actually whatever the opposite of a public service announcement is for MTV to showcase Brianna and her mom's incredibly ridiculous attitude toward safe sex. I'm sure some young people watch this. What if they get the idea that their views make any sense at all? They're presented as nice, reasonable people. Roxanne was acting like Bri and Luis were in a committed relationship and he cheated on her and brought home an STI. She went on and on and on without even so much as a, "You were responsible too, but..." Nope, it's 100% Luis' responsibility to make sure he doesn't have an STI before having unprotected sex with Bri. Bri shouldn't even have to think about it. She should be free to stalk him at a club, get shitfaced, go home with him for unprotected sex, then have a nice round of sober unprotected sex without considering any potential health consequences. If a single mother of two young kids can't do that, are we even still living in America?! It's assholes like Luis who ruin the fun for everyone!

  • Love 19
19 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Broken record alert: It is beyond time to end this show.  I stop watching it in a fit of rage and return over and over again out of curiosity.  All I see are “mothers” discussing excruciatingly personal, adult matters with small children in the car or otherwise sitting close by and listening to every word- about their fathers.  I have grown extremely impatient with Chelsea, I don’t give a single shit about Jade, I detest Leah, Kailyn literally makes me nauseous, and I loathe Briana with the fire of one hundred burning suns.  How trashy is this woman, showcasing her chlamydia outbreak in front of the whole world?  I want to grab these bitches by the shoulders and scream at them: “YOUR KIDS AND THEIR PEERS ARE GOING TO SEE THIS FOOTAGE.”  It’s absolutely disgusting to me.

I’m sick of Chelsea and Cole’s humblebragging about daddy-daughter dances (how many of these does that damn school have every year?!) and nagging the crap out of her sensitive daughter until she asks them to stop.  I’m sick of the footage of Leah, which is comprised mainly of visits to doctors and phone conversations in the car in front of two or more kids.  I’m sick of Briana’s discussions about Loooith and her diseased vagina, not necessarily in that order.  I’m sick of Kailyn’s porcine face and completely inappropriate arrogance about her clusterfuck of a life.  The kids are the only good parts of this godforsaken show, but I’m even a little sick of them because I feel guilty when I watch it and see them!  I’m going to hurl my TV out the goddamn window the day one of these little girls gets her first period and it’s chronicled in front of the entire world.

Vent over.  For now.

Well done!!! Bravo and Amen!

  • Love 1

I forgot to rag on Kail. WTF is going on with Isaac (allegedly) not wanting to stay at Jo's house? I feel like quite a bit has been left out of that story. Last episode, it was Isaac saying he wanted to stay with Kail for a couple extra days because it was boring at Jo's house because Jo was always working. That seemed like a 10-y-o being whiny, not that serious. Now Kail is saying that Isaac doesn't want to go to Jo's at all unless Jo's family is visiting. Jiggawhat?! Why would that not greatly concern Kail? (Well, I know why, but my point is that she sucks.) Jo and Isaac have always been close and Jo is a loving father. Kail claims to be super family-oriented and want her kids to be close to their families because of the horrors she suffered as a child without a close-knit family, but she's totally cool with Isaac just deciding to drop Jo (and Vee and Vivi)? What?!?! Isaac is seeing a counselor (which I think is good), but Kail didn't think it was important to talk to him/her, or even to Jo, when Isaac (allegedly) told her he's no longer interested in having a relationship with his dad (essentially)?

And it's important to note that Jo doesn't have "visitation" with Isaac. They have 50/50 custody, so Isaac lives half the time with Jo and half the time with Kail. So it's fair to think that Jo should carve out time to spend with Isaac and do "special" or "fun" things sometimes, but Isaac's time at his house is mostly "normal" life with Isaac going to school, Jo going to work, etc. Kail doesn't have a real job, so "working" isn't the same for her and can consist of things like going on vacation to Hawaii. I think Jo should take Isaac to his games/activities (but I'm super open to hearing his side of the story with that stuff), but, otherwise, it's really shitty of Kail to be like, "I think Isaac is old enough to decide whether to more or less cut his dad out of his life without any serious exploration of why he wants to do that or effort to heal the rift between them." That's not in ISAAC'S best interest. But Kail is super selfish and has always worried about her kids "choosing their dads over her." I 1000% believe that Kail has, at least subconsciously, encouraged Isaac to reconsider his relationship with his dad, WHICH IS ALL KINDS OF FUCKED UP ON SO MANY LEVELS. Even if you give Kail complete benefit of the doubt about Jo being lame about taking Isaac to his activities and being boring and working too much, that absolutely doesn't merit Isaac basically cutting him out of his life. At all. Long-term (and even short-term), that is very, very likely to be negative FOR ISAAC.

I hate Kail.

  • Love 19

Sean seemed very impressed by Jade’s plans, didn’t he? I don’t know how she figures she’ll be able to run a successful salon in a few years and pay several employees including a general manager. Does she have a business plan or any idea how much a start-up costs? Jade always looks sleepy and her mouth is always open. It’s great she has a trade but she could stand to be a little humbler considering she hasn’t worked a day in this career yet. 

I didn’t know about Ali’s vision problem and I truly feel for Leah, raising a differently abled child. It must be more challenging than I could ever imagine. I’m glad the MTV money at least helps her with Ali’s medical bills. 

Luis looks awful in orange, like he’s wearing a prison jumpsuit. I can’t believe that apartment fits FIVE people. I had second-hand embarrassment for Luis, who had to have a conversation about chlamydia in the open living space with everyone home. Luis says he’ll continue coming around for Stella...umm what? You mean the thrice yearly visits?? Oh please, let those continue. I can’t stand these theatrics. 

  • Love 10

I couldn't believe they were having an entire chlamydia conversation and that Briana was browbeating Luis about not showing up for Stella and disappearing and not caring etc right in front of Stella. I mean, Stella can HEAR you.  Nova can HEAR you. These people infuriate me.  Stella isn't six months old any more.  She may not understand everything but she gets the gist, believe me. She talks and everything.  Mommy doesn't like or trust Daddy comes through loud and clear.

  • Love 14
12 hours ago, alotmorestupider said:

Luis says he’ll continue coming around for Stella...umm what? You mean the thrice yearly visits?? Oh please, let those continue. I can’t stand these theatrics. 

I think Luis should visit on a regular basis, but walking up the steps to that apartment must feel you are walking to the electric chair.

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23 hours ago, MitaJo said:

Jade - that poor girl is going to be used until she's bled dry by her family and her child's father. This can't be healthy for her to be living with a bunch of addicts. And I can tell that dude is just playing nice with her to make sure he has a place to stay and he can keep getting paid to be on the show. I hated that she had to try to convince him that it was smart for him to watch Chloe to save money since everyone else is unemployed in the house. Her mom at least said she was looking for work. I don't remember him saying that he was doing the same. 

I feel badly for Jade, but I fear the cycle of dysfunction is going to repeat itself and her relatives will continue to live off of her for the rest of their lives. It’s much easier to get rid of a dead beat dad than your own parents (emotionally and socially)- they will bleed her dry. 

14 hours ago, alotmorestupider said:

Luis looks awful in orange, like he’s wearing a prison jumpsuit. I can’t believe that apartment fits FIVE people. I had second-hand embarrassment for Luis, who had to have a conversation about chlamydia in the open living space with everyone home. Luis says he’ll continue coming around for Stella...umm what? You mean the thrice yearly visits?? Oh please, let those continue. I can’t stand these theatrics. 

FYI- Brittney has her own apartment- she visits for filming. Given two of the people that live there are small children I think the apartment size is fine. 

I swear I can’t with Briana. I just can’t. 

  • Useful 1
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I don't feel sorry for Jade. I feel sorry for Kloie. Jade is grade A enabler...and if the current accusations by her co-workers at the salon she just got kicked out of are true, it sounds like she has joined her trashy family in using drugs. Her behavior at the salon seems pretty bad. Her life is a mess because she continues to allow her family and deadbeat dad boyfriend to take advantage of her and continue their dysfunctional lives in front of her daughter. 

Chelsea...please stop. Stop throwing Cole in our faces as the greatest Dad that ever lived....enough. And Cole...please stop trying to prove to everyone what a great guy you are and how much better a Dad you are than Adam. We get it...you're perfect. 

Kailyn you are a mess. You think that procreating with various men will give you the family you never had? You fight with all of your baby daddys and your life is in a constant state of turmoil, anger and people in and out of your life...your kids really have a unstable life and I'm sure they are one of the few kids at their schools with such an uncoventional and chaotic family life. Kailyn almost admits that having all these kids is for her own self serving reasons. That's not being a good mother...that's being a selfish, self absorbed mother.

Leah seems to be handling her various baby daddys and kids OK...she's in a much better place than she was a few years back.

Brianna is pathetic...at this point she seems to be pretty ensconced in being the "victim" and clueless/tone deaf when it comes to discussing her personal beefs and problems in front of her kids. I just can't feel sorry for her or have much empathy when she has sex with deadbeat dad Luis and doesn't use protection. She's either stupid or purposely does these self harming things for some weird reason.





Edited by BrownBear2012
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

FYI- Brittney has her own apartment- she visits for filming. Given two of the people that live there are small children I think the apartment size is fine. 

Didn't she mention something about buying/building a house for them? I'm glad to hear that Brittney doesn't really live there. If I could still get paid for just sitting around and eating, I'd probably fake the funk too.

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, MitaJo said:

Didn't she mention something about buying/building a house for them? I'm glad to hear that Brittney doesn't really live there. If I could still get paid for just sitting around and eating, I'd probably fake the funk too.

Yes Briana bought a townhouse for her, Roxanne and the kids- but it was being built (you know how funky things are with the timelines and filming). Brittany lives alone in her own place and comes over to visit/film etc.

Things may get a little cramped once the girls got to be teenagers in an apartment that size, but I understand if a family prioritizes having less space to be in a safer neighborhood/better school district/public transportation options etc. The town home probably isnt huge but if Briana paid cash for it, that would be the smartest thing she will ever do in her entire life.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, For Cereals said:

Is Cole growing a mullet?  Why can’t Luxe get a haircut?

I still see Leah and Corey are listening to the doctor’s advice about the wheelchair.  Do they just pass it from car to car and drive it around?

Briana, you’re still an idiot.

Cole is so lamely "Merica'", he is not growing a mullet, he just cuts his tiny 2 inches of hair into one. 

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I feel like a terrible person but I’m not believing that Louis gave Brianna a STI just on her say so. I just don’t ever believe anything she says. I’m not saying she didn’t get one. And I’m definitely not trying to defend Louis in any way. I’m just saying that just because Brianna swears Louis is the only possible person she could have gotten an infection from doesn’t mean I believe that is the truth. Also, she really thinks she is so cute that if a guy can’t get in her pants they’ll abandon their children. She honestly thinks the only reason these men pay attention to their kids is to get to her? I mean, with the losers she procreated with that might be true but Jesus. Can you imagine if she ever managed to get knocked up by a half way decent guy who had to put up with her narcissistic idiocy just to see his kid? 

I've come to realize as these girls grow up a little (not Brianna. She’s a mess) they’re just not very interesting people. Leah: nice and boring. Chelsea: on her way to becoming a low key Karen and boring. Kalie: Total beast of a Karen but with less fight in her. Jade: might still be good for some drama. Brianna: total train wreck. That’s the thing, once these girls mature at all we’re left with a bunch of women who are pretty boring and live pretty dull lives. They don’t have much to offer other than messy personal drama.

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