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Wow Jamie's latest tweet is really inappropriate


Good people do bad things-Wish we could anticipate the bad & prevent it frm happening #mafs #marriedatfirstsight http://bit.ly/1MWY42m



Jamie, bad people do bad things.  Wish we could avoid those people.


Tweets like that are not the way to brighten your star.

Edited by Liberty
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I'm really curious to find out if the things that person said about Ryan R are also true. There's definitely something there, since Ryan R and Jac are no longer together. So maybe he did cheat on her and maybe he is a moocher. But then why did his mother say that he and Jac could go and live with her? She did say that in the beginning, didn't she? And why would Ryan R do this to his mother and his niece, whom he allegedly cares so much about? Didn't he know that this could all come out and bite him in the ass?


I'm really curious also.  He completely (along with all the editing) duped me.

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 2


Wow, that's pretty damn specific. 


I'm nosey enough that I want the reunion show to actually show drama, but with the way this season went, my fear is we're going to get 45 minutes of filler/recap in a season that was mostly recap and then we'll get 15 minutes of actual reunion. Same with part 2. 

I just can't see that they'd have two hours of reunion without my scenario being true. 

Edited by cooksdelight
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I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach when Ryan was talking to Jessica during one of their fights. Red flags were everywhere from the honeymoon on. I wouldn't even have left her alone with him. I don't know whether he is a serious threat or if he and his stupid "bros" just like to run their mouths and play "Good Fellas" but what a stupid little piss-ant he is!  A real T-Mobile tough guy huh, Ryan?

  • Love 4



That spokesperson is trying to make it sound like the relationship became volatile after the show because they were in the midst of a divorce. I'm glad she has a lawyer and I hope they subpoena all the footage of the marriage. What they showed us was bad enough but I'll bet there is more.  


edited to remove quotes from the article. Sorry cooksdelight!

Edited by mingming

I haven't seen any sign of this on the show. From what I've gathered his main role on the show is to make sure these people are compatible when it comes to religion and spirituality. Just because he doesn't believe in God himself doesn't mean he's ignorant about religions. I think it's safe to say that a Harvard theologian is well-versed in all major religions and beliefs regardless of his own. If the participants themselves say they have dated people from other religions and have no problem with religious differences then that's on them.

I've read that a friend of Ryan's made a comment about his drug use on Jessica's IG or somewhere recently, so it's not just message board gossip. I tend to think there's something to it, if his own friends are bringing it up.

Dr C may regret posting so much info now, the experts knew about Ryan temper in his own words


2nd post down sorry I am struggling to quote on my phone today

Comcast outage in my area, on my tablet. I think you're right. Spoke with Mr. Snarkle tonight and he said the experts are not immune from being sued because after all, they are the ones who matched these couples and especially with Jessica, there is now more and more evidence to show that they matched her with a potentially dangerous guy who makes threats and she has to protect herself against. If anyone sues, I think it would most likely be her. She has the legal connections and more than enough reason to do it.

Yeah this isn't about divorce. This is about a psycho be cast on a show. Great vetting job experts. And what was that silence - the experts retreating to their offices.

Probably the experts calling their lawyers. They are in deep shit now and they have to know it.

  • Love 4

The thing about religious differences comes down to family and culture. Sure, on paper you might say religion isn't important to you. But your parents and grandparents might withdraw all emotional support if you marry outside your faith. If you don't think that's a problem, you are probably still single.

Then, you might not be religious, but suddenly it's Christmas Eve and you are going off to midnight mass because that's what you've always done, and your non-Christian spouse is irritated because you are going out in the middle of the night.

Or maybe you are living in a 100 sq ft apartment, a space so small you have to go outside to change your mind, and your spouse drags in a Christmas tree. And you don't understand why that's important. It goes on and on. Religion matters.

  • Love 1

Yeah, that's another reason Cilona and Levkoff should have kept their fat mouths shut. Because now they'll be forced to eat their own words. What freaking self serving arrogance and now it's going to bite them in the ass. Shows you how much good judgment they have. I knew they were doing something not only unprofessional but unwise to boot. I hate to see this but they really are so stupid at this point they deserve it.

  • Love 7

I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach when Ryan was talking to Jessica during one of their fights. Red flags were everywhere from the honeymoon on. I wouldn't even have left her alone with him. I don't know whether he is a serious threat or if he and his stupid "bros" just like to run their mouths and play "Good Fellas" but what a stupid little piss-ant he is! A real T-Mobile tough guy huh, Ryan?

I heard a red flag in the tone of his voice when he ordered Jessica to "get up" at the wedding reception. It bothered me from the get-go

  • Love 5

okay so..what do we really have here?


Jessica Castro filed a restraining order.  ...and that's about it, right?


The rest is speculation.  

We don't actually know what prompted her to do it.  We don't know if the men were 'recruited'..   We don't know if anyone was on drugs, gay, or sleeping with exes etc. We don't know if the experts did or didn't make hurried, insincere matches.


We do know 2 of the couples are Very angry/bitter with each other, the 3rd couple is no longer facebook friends.  We know that a show that hoped to foster love and romance ended up a sideshow to a nasty social media shit storm that took on a life of it's own..


Not saying I don't have my suspicions about these issues..  I do.  I said many of them myself.  BUT..  For my own sanity I need to separate what I know for sure from what I suspect.  "Just the facts ma'am ... just the facts" ..Dragnet.


  • Love 4

okay so..what do we really have here?


Jessica Castro filed a restraining order.  ...and that's about it, right?


The rest is speculation.  

We don't actually know what prompted her to do it.  We don't know if the men were 'recruited'..   We don't know if anyone was on drugs, gay, or sleeping with exes etc. We don't know if the experts did or didn't make hurried, insincere matches.


We do know 2 of the couples are Very angry/bitter with each other, the 3rd couple is no longer facebook friends.  We know that a show that hoped to foster love and romance ended up a sideshow to a nasty social media shit storm that took on a life of it's own..


Not saying I don't have my suspicions about these issues..  I do.  I said many of them myself.  BUT..  For my own sanity I need to separate what I know for sure from what I suspect.  "Just the facts ma'am ... just the facts" ..Dragnet.




I believe the insider information.  It is reflected in the SM postings from Davina, Jessica and to a lesser degree Jacklyn.  Too much rings true to ignore.  And where is the fun in discounting the spoilers?  I refuse to be mature on the topic reality TV!  

  • Love 5

I hope the "experts" gave each character a unique name for Season 3.  Having two fellows named Ryan created an opportunity for confusion in Social Media.


Same names required each Ryan to have a an adjective like "Basement" or "Douche".  Sean's unique name kept him from being described as Poor Bowler Sean, Creepy Sean, or Sean the Reality Show Super Star.

  • Love 6

I forgot that Jessica works for a law firm. That tells me that she had plenty of "lawyer input" from the beginning, long before there was any consideration of action. And she may have been urged to get that PO.

This has not been done lightly, frivolously, or without someone taking a good, hard look at the situation. YMMV.

  • Love 8

I forgot that Jessica works for a law firm. That tells me that she had plenty of "lawyer input" from the beginning, long before there was any consideration of action. And she may have been urged to get that PO.

This has not been done lightly, frivolously, or without someone taking a good, hard look at the situation. YMMV.



Good call, I had forgotten she worked for one, too.   

Edited by wings707

You wouldn't go after the experts though, you'd go after the network. Deeper pockets.


Perhaps, but it's definitely "lawyer logic" to go after the less protected, i.e., either by contracts or by expensive lawyers.


Yep, I've been seeing Jessica from the POV of someone with a lot of legal advice even before I heard about the order of protection.  It sounded like something her legal connections would have advised her and helped her to do.   It reminded me of advice I've overheard Mr. Snarkle give clients on the phone over the years.

Good call, I had forgotten she worked for one, too.   


I mentioned it in a post up thread.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 1

Perhaps, but it's definitely "lawyer logic" to go after the less protected, i.e., either by contracts or by expensive lawyers.


Yep, I've been seeing Jessica from the POV of someone with a lot of legal advice even before I heard about the order of protection.  It sounded like something her legal connections would have advised her and helped her to do.   It reminded me of advice I've overheard Mr. Snarkle give clients on the phone over the years.


I mentioned it in a post up thread.



Yes you did!  That is what made me remember.  :>)

  • Love 1

Since all three couples are divorcing will they bother to have a season 3?

I think that since Season 3's couples have already been married, they will probably go ahead with Season 3 and just edit the heck out of it.  Depending on the outcome/success/ratings, they may or may not have a Season 4.  If the ratings are good enough, even if Season 3's couples don't hit it off, they may try another season but with new "experts" doing the matching. 


I feel very sad about Season 2's wives.  If they all went into this with open hearts, hoping for the love of a lifetime, all this manipulation and failure could really scar them and any future chances at a successful relationship going forward. 

  • Love 6

Being the curious person I am I thought I remembered him saying the experts had total control of the matches and bingo



One of the only reasons I agreed to do this in the beginning, was because we were assured (and it was put in our contracts) that we have total control of the matches.  Not the network or production company.  They cannot make the matches,  we (the experts) do.

 From http://community.babycenter.com/post/a55825153/married_at_first_sight_season_two?cpg=18 2nd last post on page



I am also mean I am really hoping that him blathering on online comes and bites him in the butt big time

  • Love 5
One question - why was she tagging him in things on Instagram and taunting him if she was afraid?


Does that raise her 'professional' profile?


It does strike me a odd that the people we refer at "experts" refer to themselves as "experts".  We do it for efficiency so we know who posters are referring to, they do it thinking the more they call themselves "experts", the more we will think they are "experts".  Some people I know who are knowledgeable in their field are too humble to refer to themselves as "experts".


I still want to find a place to buy Cilona's expertly crafted bell boy jacket.

Edited by Liberty
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If you think about it though, why would the good Dr. admit that production had a hand in the people cast / matches?  For one thing... it blows their standing on the so-called "professional instruments" used to make these matches and second, it blows their credibility as "experts".


I would prefer that they protect the integrity of the show and their own integrity by taking a whole year to match people versus quick matches thrown together so that they can have back to back seasons.


I can't get over how thuggish Ryan and his friends are showing themselves to be.  He might be pretty but he isn't very smart.  So glad Jess lawyered up.

Maybe it was part of the deal with the netwokr. proteciton but you have to keep up the farce. Maybe she forgave him after the reunion but he made more threats? 


She had to play the game.  I'm sure production influenced her to stay with Ryan so that they could have their 66% success rate.  I would also bet the farm that production took Ryan aside and told him that he needs to be nicer to her if he wants to extend his 15 minutes of fame.  Part of all of this is playing nice on social media.

Edited by MissScarlett
  • Love 4

okay so..what do we really have here?


Jessica Castro filed a restraining order.  ...and that's about it, right?


The rest is speculation.  

We don't actually know what prompted her to do it.  We don't know if the men were 'recruited'..   We don't know if anyone was on drugs, gay, or sleeping with exes etc. We don't know if the experts did or didn't make hurried, insincere matches.


We do know 2 of the couples are Very angry/bitter with each other, the 3rd couple is no longer facebook friends.  We know that a show that hoped to foster love and romance ended up a sideshow to a nasty social media shit storm that took on a life of it's own..


Not saying I don't have my suspicions about these issues..  I do.  I said many of them myself.  BUT..  For my own sanity I need to separate what I know for sure from what I suspect.  "Just the facts ma'am ... just the facts" ..Dragnet.


We do know what prompted her to do it- death threats in March and during the taping of the reunion show in May.



  • Love 3

I agree. When I saw him throwing the swans on the floor, speeding on the jet ski and dumping her in the water I said what a loser! I was born and lived in Brooklyn into my 30's. When I saw Ryan douche I said to myself " wow are there still guys from Brooklyn like this?" There are extremely immature wanna be gangsters that have absolutely no respect for women. My ex husband was from Bensonhurst Brooklyn and acted the same way and Oh was addicted to coke

  • Love 6

We do know what prompted her to do it- death threats in March and during the taping of the reunion show in May.



So, Rappaport is planning to subpoena A&E? I hope he does because I would like to see how RyanD was recruited. A&E might proffer a settlement and confidentiality agreement rather than complying. Sadly.

  • Love 2

This is really terrible.  I don't know what will happen with the lawsuit or whatever though.  If you read comments on Daily Mail and even TMZ, most folks are like, "what do you expect if you go on a reality show to marry a stranger."  


I think the issue is larger than that. The problem I see is that the women all wanted to get married and the men really didn't.  I never saw Ryan as an abuser, what I saw was a wannabe gangster, the kind who wears his pants low, his hat turned sideways, but who would run if they ran into a real gangster, in other words, an immature little boy.  I think Ryan R never wanted to leave home and I think Sean hasn't finished being a player.  If that's true and the experts knew the men really didn't want to get married, what did they think would happen?  Did they think the men would just fall in love and magic would happen?  


In reality, a person might say to themselves that they don't want to get married but when they meet someone that they do want to share their lives with, the opinion changes.  These experts were really rolling the dice, expecting these men to simply fall in love and want to get married.  Doesn't happen in real life.


Part of me though is tired of living in a country where everybody wants to sue for every fucking thing under the sun.  But sometimes there are reasons for it.  If Jessica had to take time off from work to file the restraining order, if she had to pay court costs, if she had to worry that Ryan really was going to hurt her or her family.  A lot of lawsuits aren't really about money, what they're about is accountability; accountability because we're also a country where people, big business mostly, never admits wrong.  If A&E said, "well you signed up for this show and signed confidentially agreements", Jessica or whoever can say that is true, but they certainly never expected to be threatened and have their families and friends threatened.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 6

These "experts" had one fucking job. Shame they dropped the ball after such a successful first season. We knew this dude had abuser vibes when he flipped her off the jetski during the honeymoon to show "affection". He showed signs early and no one stepped in. They encouraged her to trust the process and remain married to this abuser. Now he's threatening her and her family's life. Poor Jessica. 

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