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I'm laughing at Dr. C. Just laughing at him.






If he weren't so relentlessly defensive, I'd feel bad for him being conned by the producers. But he's so intent on being right that it's turned into a huge joke.


People who are wrong or who make mistakes are best off admitting it. When they don't, they just look like buffoons. I would have hoped that a professional with Dr. C's credentials would know that, but evidently not.

Didn't he get his degree from some unheard of Goobeldygock University? I think his ire towards Davina has more to do with the fact that he really, really like, likes Sean (not that there's anything wrong with that).

  • Love 4

I'm pretty sure I heard Sean say he was on board with staying on the UES so he could learn the neighborhood. Yes maybe he didn't know any better.. but I seriously  wouldn't expect anyone to commute DAILY on that turn-around time even from the UWS.(apparently the experts did) . I cannot believe that Davina had a problem with it either during shift days.  It's obvious --and it was admitted by him and alluded to by the experts--  that he dragged his feet about ever being there and reports say he came for filming only. 


Never a mention by Sean or the experts about the idea that Sean could have expressed interest in eventually working in Manhattan (where he could have made MUCH more money)    They seemed to buy into his job excuse lock,stock and barrel as though it was the last job on earth. .  Again..it's the "experts" I'm looking at here. They seemed to let him off the hook pretty easily--fine-- but don't ask Davina to clean up YOUR mess.


Thanks Crazy chicken for answering me about the baby forum. and wings if not too personal--did you move yet?

  • Love 3


Davina, who loves NYC and knows it like the back of her hand, certainly was aware that if she chose an interim apartment on the West Side of Manhattan near one of the bridges or tunnels to NJ, Sean’s commute time could have easily been reduced by 45 min or more.


I would like to argue with this.  I'm one of those crazy people who is very experienced driving in and out of Manhattan.  First of all, if they had taken an apartment near the GW bridge it would have taken him just as long or longer to get where he needed to go in NJ as it would from the UES.  Even if they had taken an apartment on the UWS it wouldn't have saved him more than 10 minutes driving time because of the specific traffic issues in that area.  From the UES there is a shortcut through Central Park plus other time savers to the Lincoln Tunnel.  The only place that would have saved him driving time is if they had gotten an apartment in Hell's Kitchen on the far West Side or Chelsea, two areas I can understand why Davina might want to avoid - And we don't know where she works, either.  Moving to either of those areas might have increased her commute time to get to work.  Just because someone lives  and works in Manhattan doesn't mean it's an easy commute.  It depends on where you're coming from and going to.

  • Love 3

Dear Dr Cilona,

I am sorry to read that you're "really [struggling]" with the Davina/Sean decision to stay on the UES, in an apartment "literally only a five- minute walk" from Davina's old and new apartments. It sounds as though you believe Davina was selfish in not considering the UWS, since the NY/NJ commute might have been easier for Sean there.

However, I remember Sean himself stating, in the apartment-hunting episode, that HE wanted to find a place together in Davina's neighborhood because he did not want to acclimate himself to one section of NYC, only to have to move to a different neighborhood (once Davina's new place was renovated). So, contrary to your assertion, Sean did not selflessly "allow" Davina to remain on the UES, to his detriment. Rather, he himself wanted it that way, or so he said on camera.

I think, Dr C, that you do seem like an apologist for Sean when you parse Davina's geographical dealbreaker. She was clear that she needed to remain in NYC. Criticizing her now because she didnt specify the UES when filling in her questionnaire smacks of looking for any tiny detail that may cast her in a negative light.

Since you are now professing an equal outlook on both Davina's and Sean's behaviors during MAFS, I will accept your position. But, surely, you can see that when you place Davina under a negative microscope, while painting Sean in positive, broad strokes, you do leave the impression that you favor Sean over Davina?

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  • Love 15

I'm pretty sure I heard Sean say he was on board with staying on the UES so he could learn the neighborhood. Yes maybe he didn't know any better.. but I seriously  wouldn't expect anyone to commute DAILY on that turn-around time even from the UWS.(apparently the experts did) . I cannot believe that Davina had a problem with it either during shift days.  It's obvious --and it was admitted by him and alluded to by the experts--  that he dragged his feet about ever being there and reports say he came for filming only. 


Never a mention by Sean or the experts about the idea that Sean could have expressed interest in eventually working in Manhattan (where he could have made MUCH more money)    They seemed to buy into his job excuse lock,stock and barrel as though it was the last job on earth. .  Again..it's the "experts" I'm looking at here. They seemed to let him off the hook pretty easily--fine-- but don't ask Davina to clean up YOUR mess.


Thanks Crazy chicken for answering me about the baby forum. and wings if not too personal--did you move yet?


Not until July 23rd.  I am packing and refreshing this thread today!  

  • Love 2


They are not together.  They may have decided to stay married for the extra money that will be paid if they show up at the reunion show.  None of them are together.

I'm glad JacRy won't be staying together. I was worried she was going to continue to pretend they had feelings for each other and hang in there a whole lot longer than necessary. She has said repeatedly she/they are not quitters, but there's nothing wrong with throwing in the towel. That's not quitting if there's no real chance to "win", or in this case fall in love with your mate. I know there's people who liked them as a couple, and while I never thought they were right for each other, I think they are both good people who avoided drama and were sincere. But if you remember on Tuesday's show, at the very beginning both Jaclyn and Ryan were talking either by off camera voiceovers or in person/on phone with sister/friend, and both were making comments about each other and the state of their feelings. Those comments (Jaclyn = He's a really nice guy but is he the best guy for me) (Ryan = On a scale of 1-10, she's a 15) didn't seem scripted. They seemed to be questions/problems these two have had with each other for a long time. I thought, Finally...they are admitting it. But then they decided to stay together. Now I hear they were coerced into it. Well, whatever gets the two of them away from each other and back in their own worlds is good enough for me. Jaclyn is a beautiful light and needs someone that appreciates that. Not criticizing him for it, but Ryan was turned off pretty quickly by her. There's some opposites that attract, but they aren't one of them. Good luck to both.

  • Love 8


I would like to preface this post by stating that in my opinion, we (the experts) are ultimately 100% accountable and responsible for the matches we make on MAFS.   After all, we are the ones who chose to put these couples together.

With that said, I think it’s fair to say that a considerable amount of responsibility and accountability should be placed on all of the participants when it comes to assessing how they navigated these marriages.  I would like to make it very clear that when it comes to my personal assessment of accountability and responsibility with regard to how both Sean and Davina navigated their relationship, I attribute EQUAL responsibility when it comes to how that relationship evolved, and ultimately devolved and combusted.  I think they both, in their own and very different ways, contributed equally to many of the problems and issues that emerged between them.


I would like to know how Dr. C. would substantiate his claim that both Sean and Davina contributed equally to "many of the problems and issues that emerged between them".  Because he seems to only know how to talk about what he thinks is Davina's responsibility.  He'll mention what Sean did but minimize it, even though it's the reason Davina had issues with Sean in the first place.  Plus, if he can state on the one hand that the experts are 100% responsible for putting the couples together, how it that "a considerable amount" of the responsibility for the relationship not working out belong to the people who were matched?  Because, after all, they wouldn't have to "navigate those relationships" in the first place if it wasn't for the fact that the experts matched them.  And just how much is a "considerable amount" anyway?  Sorry, Dr. C., but either you take your full share of the responsibility or you don't.  You don't say you're responsible for the one thing that caused this mess but then try to diminish that by saying it's not your fault that they didn't make the relationship work.  Ummmm....You were supposed to ensure that they were matched well enough so that the relationships would work.


Anyway, I think the reason Dr. C is trying to slough off responsibility for these bad matches to the couples is because he doesn't have nondisclosure agreements with THEM like he does with the show.  I fully believe that production was responsible for these matches being so bad, but Dr. C. can't put the blame on them because he has signed legal agreements not to do that, so he continues to try to put as much blame as he can on the innocent parties instead.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 3

Yeah I love the respect Jac & Ryan showed towards each either even when they disagree but it really does seem like the old adage that even if he is a good guy it does not mean he is a good guy for me applies. Jac deserves somebody that loves all aspects of her and is not such a baby about trying new things and eats more than pizza.

  • Love 5

The show is put together for the doctors as someone pointed out earlier. None of the couples seemed stable enough in the first place. The one Ryan is just plain mean and possibly does not like women. The other guy is way too immature to attempt a relationship with a woman who is used to being around guys who are a lot stronger. And Davina is just a royal mess in her head. She definietely has self hatred but what is worse is she doesn't know how to play up to the type of guys she says she wants. Actaully none of the guys were mature enough to hang in there.


Nope, there was no chance of any of these people making it and I bet they were selected for the drama, like all other reality shows, and not for the possibility of success.


 I don't see Davina as a "royal mess in her head" at all!   I think she is being the most genuine out of all of them.  Jaclyn and Jessica have agreed to toe the company line and pretend they want to stay married.  Davina has been nothing but authentic in her actions and reactions to Sean, who most of us thought was off/phony from day one.  Odd we all picked up on that and the "experts" were hood winked.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 14


Yeah I love the respect Jac & Ryan showed towards each either even when they disagree but it really does seem like the old adage that even if he is a good guy it does not mean he is a good guy for me applies. Jac deserves somebody that loves all aspects of her and is not such a baby about trying new things and eats more than pizza.


I was going to say something snarky about Jaclyn's cooking, because it's been bad, but then I she might not have cooked because she lacked all her spices and stuff, it wasn't her own kitchen, and he was gone all night. So when they got together to film, the cupboards were bare.

  • Love 1

I do think that Davina isn't as bad as a lot of us originally thought. In the rare moments when she and Sean seemed to get along and when they were doing something that she thought was fun she had an almost innocent, child-like glee that showed me that with the right man she could be a fun and caring person. She has her issues, though (a lot of people would get annoyed by her self-analyzing, navel-gazing moments). I'm glad she stood up for herself and said she wanted a divorce.


As for Jess, I don't know why she decided to stay married at the 6 week mark. Maybe she thought there was still a chance for this marriage, or maybe she was hoping for more exposure with a "First Year" sequel. As for Jaclyn, I don't think she "toed the company line." I can believe that the producers had some influence on her, but I think that if Ryan had really cheated and if Jaclyn had known this at the time, she would not have wanted to stay married. I think she has much more self respect than that.

Edited by BunnySlippers
  • Love 6

I do think that Davina isn't as bad as a lot of us originally thought. In the rare moments when she and Sean seemed to get along and when they were doing something that she thought was fun she had an almost innocent, child-like glee that showed to me that with the right man she could be a fun and caring person. She has her issues, though (a lot of people would get annoyed by her self-analyzing, navel-gazing moments). I'm glad she stood up for herself and said she wanted a divorce.

As for Jess, I don't know why she decided to stay married at the 6 week mark. Maybe she thought there was still a chance for this marriage, or maybe she was hoping for more exposure with a "First Year" sequel. As for Jaclyn, I don't think she "toed the company line." I can believe that the producers had some influence on her, but I think that if Ryan had really cheated and if Jaclyn had known this at the time, she would not have wanted to stay married. I think she has much more self respect than that.

With you on Jessica staying because she wanted it to work. If ever there were a girl in love with being in love, it's her. With you, too, re Jaclyn because she's not dumb as a bag of rocks. Davina, I just can't take. She was fine until she opened her mouth. Being with Sean never allowed her to have the Life According to Davina that she had planned. It took him weeks to get up the huevos to be direct with her regarding living in Manhattan and his suddenly important promotion, and look how well that went! Letting him finish his sentences all season was never part of her plan. She barked orders at Mr. Moonpie from the jump yet didn't like when she was offering sex on a platter that he didn't take the bait. She went into "how dare you!" mode and even asked her analytical asshat how anyone could not be attracted to her. Her idea of "support" that she claimed to provide to the knucklehead is putting a ring in his nose and explaining what she expects. Whoever gets stuck with her is going to live a hard life...

With you on Jessica staying because she wanted it to work. If ever there were a girl in love with being in love, it's her. With you, too, re Jaclyn because she's not dumb as a bag of rocks. Davina, I just can't take. She was fine until she opened her mouth. Being with Sean never allowed her to have the Life According to Davina that she had planned. It took him weeks to get up the huevos to be direct with her regarding living in Manhattan and his suddenly important promotion, and look how well that went! Letting him finish his sentences all season was never part of her plan. She barked orders at Mr. Moonpie from the jump yet didn't like when she was offering sex on a platter that he didn't take the bait. She went into "how dare you!" mode and even asked her analytical asshat how anyone could not be attracted to her. Her idea of "support" that she claimed to provide to the knucklehead is putting a ring in his nose and explaining what she expects. Whoever gets stuck with her is going to live a hard life...

I can't help but think that being with an indirect asshat  with no huevos doesn't always bring out the best in a woman.

  • Love 6

I liked all the women on this season.  We now know why the men didn't work out; they were recruited.  None of them wanted a committed relationship.  I give Jaclyn a lot of credit for leaping in head first and working the possibility.   She was ready to make it work and Ryan gave her no reason to think he was not into it at first.  At first.  

The show is probably paying Jamie to tweet this:



Yes, it seems she has been asked to toss a good word.   Of course we will see a good reunion show because editing will see to that.  

  • Love 1

All these spoilers are much more interesting than the actual show! Thanks everyone!

This has been a pretty good (in a train wreck rubber necking way) season for interesting behind the scenes action for some reality shows:

MAFS--all the info presented here in the spoilers

The Bachelorette--very fake and trashy season with juicy spoilers in the show's spoiler forum here and at RealitySteve's site.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills---Kim Richards arrest, rehab, wild antics in Mexico and California, her dog attacks, etc

I love the new show Unreality.

I wonder how much of these MAFS spoilers will be mentioned in the 2 part reunion--how much will the show reveal and how will it be edited. I look forward to the real scoops once friends and family (and hopefully participants) are able to talk/write publicly about all this.

That twitter link goes to a page that says it doesn't exist anymore.

Basement Ryan has always creeped me out. I find it hard to believe he had an ex-girlfriend, much less one who would sleep with him. I also didn't like how he kind of slut shamed Jac. He didn't really slut shame her but made it seem like she was a nymphomaniac (or he had a really low sex drive). I was always creeped out by him but started actively disliking him after he went cold on Jac after having sex with her. I wonder if his "ex-girlfriend" is pissed at him for that and if she really is an "ex-girlfriend". At least alleged coke head Ryan (angry-douche) can go to rehab and anger management, but I don't think much can be done for creepy slug Ryan (basement; waking up from anesthesia; I hate Indian food; pathetic-douche)

Edited by Vicky8675309

I watched the "decision day" again and Jaclyn seems so honest and sincere. If she had been duped by Ryan, I'd never know it in a million years

I can believe all the spoilers about the other Ryan D.

Has anyone seen on the reunion ad, Kevin F. says "so your husband was busy on Valentine's


I think he is talking to Jaclyn because you can see a female hand to Kevin's left and

Jaclyn is sitting on the left side of the sofa and Ryan on the right. Jessica is on the

right side of sofa and RD on the left side.

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 1

@jamienotis: There are a lot of rumors out about #MarriedAtFirstSight 2cd season (Drug dealing, cheating, etc) Reunion show will show what's real. #MAFS

From twitter

@jamienotis: There are a lot of rumors out about #MarriedAtFirstSight 2cd season (Drug dealing, cheating, etc) Reunion show will cut out what's real. #MAFS

  • Love 8

Considering that being a divorcee will disqualify the participants from shows like Bachelor/bachelorette there would certainly be a motivation to get an annulment instead. And if the producers committed fraud, that would be grounds, right?

If Dr C wants to take 100% responsibility for pairing a victim of bullying with a bully, a nice Catholic girl with a Jewish cocaine addict, and a mature woman with a boy half her age, let him. There was nothing compatible about any of these couples.

  • Love 2

Dr C actually posted here first if you look in the first seasons forum at the start he made a few posts. When people ask him to prove himself he disappeared however he made a few references on the baby board early on to stuff we were discussing here so I suspect he lurked.

He has posted numerous times that he posts on that board as they are 'insightful' and look deeper into why the participants act like they do. Now in my opinion it is because they tow the line with his 'expert' opinion early this season people were posting that Sean seemed fake he came in did a huge defence post and then a slam Davina post and like magic Sean was a hero.

I read enough over there to conclude the insightful participants are hopeless romantics who desperately want to believe in happily ever after.

Move over The Examiner.  A new article slams the experts and call the show out on all of the lies! The experts are being ripped a new one. Love it!!





Good article.  They may have gotten their information from this board!  We have certainly talked about every single point they address.  

  • Love 2

I do think that Davina isn't as bad as a lot of us originally thought. In the rare moments when she and Sean seemed to get along and when they were doing something that she thought was fun she had an almost innocent, child-like glee that showed me that with the right man she could be a fun and caring person. She has her issues, though (a lot of people would get annoyed by her self-analyzing, navel-gazing moments). I'm glad she stood up for herself and said she wanted a divorce.


As for Jess, I don't know why she decided to stay married at the 6 week mark. Maybe she thought there was still a chance for this marriage, or maybe she was hoping for more exposure with a "First Year" sequel. As for Jaclyn, I don't think she "toed the company line." I can believe that the producers had some influence on her, but I think that if Ryan had really cheated and if Jaclyn had known this at the time, she would not have wanted to stay married. I think she has much more self respect than that.


This makes sense.  I said I thought she "toed the company line" but this may be where the rumors slip from the truth.   Or it came out after the filming wrapped.   The rumor said he never spent a night with her.  That I do doubt.  Maybe not all but certainly some.  


Hopefully we will hear more about this after the reunion show on SM.  It is also possible that their contract will forbid them to say much about these things we want to know so badly!  

  • Love 1

Ryan is not pleased about the rumors. The statement is from the facebook page.


Ryan Ranellone
1 hr ·
I'm sure this statement is going to get plenty of negative, and positive responses. Remember believe only what you see none of what you read. My life was beautfuil prior to this, my life is beautfuil after this. Their is always going to be someone who wants to throw darts at your name. Granted not knowing who it is, but having an idea is just sad. At the end of the day i know why I proceeded why I wanted to be a married man. For those that want to believe what they read then so be it, I can't change that, for those that criticize me being a momma boy, yeah my family means more than anything in this world, marrying a stranger is beyond hard, to put the people you know who are forever in front of a stranger has been the hardest thing in my life. I know who I am and I know what the truth is, and quite honestly this makes me sick. At the end of the day I am Ryan Ranellone, someone who loves himself, but loves my people who are forever more the i love myself.


Ryan Ranellone

1 hr ·
By the way my ex lives back in canada. So take your rumor and shove it up your ass.

  • Love 5

I've had the suspicion since seeing that rumor post that it might have come from someone close to Davina or Davina herself because she is the only one not put down by it.  If it did I can understand why given how angry she and her peeps must be over her being royally screwed by the show.  Although lying about innocent people is not cool, IMHO.  I'm not sure I would discount it completely based on Ryan's post above, though.  I think there might still be some truth to it.  Ryan D. as a drug addict/dealer and Ryan R. sleeping with his ex were the two things that didn't ring as true to me as the other stuff, though.  ETA:  The salaries didn't ring true either.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 4

From the viralglob article:

"slam some members of the cast and argue ferociously with fans"


It is interesting that the producers decided this is the way to increase interest and advertising revenue in the future.  It certainly does raise the shows profile, which should attract viewers.  Cortney and Jamie chiming in raises the profile a little too.


Me, can't wait for the reunion shows due to all the turmoil.

"Considering that being a divorcee will disqualify the participants from shows like Bachelor/bachelorette there would certainly be a motivation to get an annulment instead"

Nope. Divorced people are on the Bachelor and Bachelorette all the time. Jason Mesnick was divorced and he was on both the Bachelor and Bachelorette

  • Love 4

"I'm sure this statement is going to get plenty of negative, and positive responses. Remember believe only what you see none of what you read. My life was beautfuil prior to this, my life is beautfuil after this. Their is always going to be someone who wants to throw darts at your name. Granted not knowing who it is, but having an idea is just sad. At the end of the day i know why I proceeded why I wanted to be a married man. For those that want to believe what they read then so be it, I can't change that, for those that criticize me being a momma boy, yeah my family means more than anything in this world, marrying a stranger is beyond hard, to put the people you know who are forever in front of a stranger has been the hardest thing in my life. I know who I am and I know what the truth is, and quite honestly this makes me sick. At the end of the day I am Ryan Ranellone, someone who loves himself, but loves my people who are forever more the i love myself.


Now, I know why he always said "me and Jaclyn". He can't spell either. It is "beautiful" not beaufuil. I'd give him a break but he did it twice.

Is it not "Their" is always going to be someone it is "there".

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 10

Ryan Ranellone

1 hr ·

By the way my ex lives back in canada. So take your rumor and shove it up your ass.

He knows how to spell ass correctly!


Ryan, did you decide to be on reality TV or no?  You are raising your profile in the world of real estate professionals!


Advice from Kayla and me [me and Kayla],  "Haters gonna hate,  Shake it off".

Edited by Liberty
  • Love 5

I can't with his spelling. It is absolutely awful. That and the whole I love myself crap and family. I don't think anyone doubted his love for himself or his family. I don't honestly believe all the stuff about Ryan r. I do believe he did not stay there at night. I do believe he is a momma's boy. I also believe his career in real estate is also likely less than lucrative. I agree it was probably one of the girls that leaked the info.

  • Love 3

Just because an old girlfriend moved back to Canada I do not discount he may have a local ex.  That doesn't matter anyway.  I don't care about that and I doubt RyanD would choose to expose himself on TV if he was a dealer.  Way too much risk in someone outing him.  Using cocaine I can believe but not sure I do.  Jury is out on that, for me. 


As we all have said there are bound to be some inaccuracies in the spoiler information but there is so much that is very easy to believe and more interesting.  We are going to hear more from others aiming to clean up their reputation, too.  Come on Sean and RyanD, step forward!  



I can't with his spelling. It is absolutely awful. That and the whole I love myself crap and family. I don't think anyone doubted his love for himself or his family.


Yes.  We know you love your family, Ryan.  No one said differently.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

Given that the show was selling fairy tale romances to hopeless romantics, just the failure of all 3 matches will doom Season 3. The audience they were targeting doesn't want to see failed marriages. My own opinion is that Season 2 would have been more successful if Jessica had been matched with Sean because I believe they are both Catholic, and Davina should have been matched with Ryan D because they are both in pharmaceutical sales and she's a princess and he's Jewish, and Ryan R and Jaclyn shouldn't have been on the show at all

  • Love 4

Given that the show was selling fairy tale romances to hopeless romantics, just the failure of all 3 matches will doom Season 3. The audience they were targeting doesn't want to see failed marriages. My own opinion is that Season 2 would have been more successful if Jessica had been matched with Sean because I believe they are both Catholic, and Davina should have been matched with Ryan D because they are both in pharmaceutical sales and she's a princess and he's Jewish, and Ryan R and Jaclyn shouldn't have been on the show at all



Ha ha ha ha ha!  Good one!

  • Love 3

No one should have been matched with Ryan D. I suspect it was either Davina or Jess that leaked it. All the ladies have been quiet. Jess had aspirations to act and model. She wants to be a household name. Yet all of that is left out. It paints her the victim. I do think she got screwed with her match, but she also wants to be famous. I'm inclined to believe it's her or Davina

  • Love 4

I guess I don't see anything wrong with what he posted. This is the first slightly negative thing he's said on SM isn't it? Or did I miss something? And all he did was defend himself, which I'd do as well. It's not like he's Davina and Chris spending literally months posting negative and defensive things (no matter how justified). 


This is why I hate unsubstantiated/unsourced information. As I've said before, it's fun to read, but I'm willing to wait until the show and then after when the participants speak for themselves to judge anyone (and then I probably won't anyway because I usually don't judge folks). 


ETA: with the exception of RyanD...I did and have and will continue to judge him since I've seen I've seen his behavior on the show and that's what I've always based my judging on. If the RyanD rumors are true, it just adds to my original feelings, doesn't change them.

Edited by I-Kare
  • Love 1

I have to admit, I really, really, really want to know who is behind the rumor.   


And I try keeping an open mind when it comes to random internet posts but have to admit this all seemed legit.  I guess we'll probably never really know what went down as it seems that the brides have their agenda and the grooms theirs and there is no way TPTB will give us the truth.  

  • Love 2

No one should have been matched with Ryan D. I suspect it was either Davina or Jess that leaked it. All the ladies have been quiet. Jess had aspirations to act and model. She wants to be a household name. Yet all of that is left out. It paints her the victim. I do think she got screwed with her match, but she also wants to be famous. I'm inclined to believe it's her or Davina


Before Ryan's rant , I stated that the anonymous poster was likely a cast member. Guess it's been more or less confirmed now.


I don't think it's Jess. She posts the most pictures and references to the show on her SM. She has said that she would like to continue her relationship with the network (the spin off). Jaclyn was coerced to say yes according to the gossip and is in talks to participate in the Spin off. Who does that leave? Davina. Makes sense.

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