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Since this is a spoiler forum, I guess this is good to put here:  http://www.viralglob...tly-fake/30941/


Thank you so much for posting this.  I knew about Ryan D's show and Jessica's career goals, but the info about Sean is pretty alarming.    It really does seem like the "experts" matched him just to get on the show.  Poor Davina.

That link does not lead to anything.  Has it been removed?

That link does not lead to anything.  Has it been removed?

Never mind.  Found it.  Had to click through on the original post not the reply.

  • Love 1

Sorry about that...I'm having a bad link day.  Fixed it. 






The spoilers for Davina weren't wrong. Her Bff said they went in agreeing to discuss things amicably and then he went for her jugular describing why he didn't like her to the experts.

It seemed to me that she thought they had a friendship, but had definitely decided against staying married.    And unless editing was incorrect, Davina was the first to reveal her decision and then Sean went off on her.  At least, that is my memory.  She seemed quite upset at the blindside about "toxic abyss" when she thought they were occasionally having a little fun.   Verging into finale and not spoilers here...sorry.

Edited by rulesoftravel
  • Love 1

This must be the article Dr Logan was tweeting about. She said everyone has an opinion but they should not lie. Courtney backed it up by saying it is a real show

I believe last year was authentic while producers grabbing a hot item took it and twisted it to their own demise.

I realize that is why I did not enjoy this season. Plus filming in New York in December and January. Is very drab and cold. Funny how living in Florida has changed my perspective on the cold winters of New York.


I mostly fast forwarded the show last night but from the bits I did watch I'm actually very surprised that Jaclyn said yes to continue on.   Must have really not wanted to be a quitter as she kept saying over and over and over.    


From what I can gather on social media, I don't think she and Ryan are together anymore either.   So this season is looking to be a repeat of the original show in Denmark where two couples say "yes" at the six week mark but don't last very long afterwards.

CindyBee, I thought during the first half of last night's show, Jaclyn and Ryan were both giving good reasons for not staying together. I thought...at last...they are just owning up to what has been obvious to a lot of us (and Jaclyn too) for quite a while...they are just not compatible. But even with all those good reasons, they decide to stay together and Jaclyn coughs out that she does "love" Ryan. She also follows up with how they are not "quitters". Jaclyn, Jaclyn, Jaclyn...it's not a sin to admit the guy you married is not the right man for you. No amount of time is going to change that. He's like a albatross around her neck. She needed to cut bait and run, but she chickened out.

  • Love 6

The woman who wrote the info on the connection between Sean and the last year winner writes on a lot of subjects:

(Rebecca Savastio is a full time professional freelance writer, journalist, blogger and editor specializing in news reporting. She also enjoys writing about travel, lifestyle, culture, food and entertainment.)    

She nailed the part about Sean's 2013 DUI.  And if he's even being considered for another show by these people, something is not quite right.   IMO.

So he had one DUI, and violated his probation by....what? Going to a bar on New Years Eve?

I am shocked. Absolutely shocked.

Davina called Sean weak in the exit interview. Maybe it was the editing, but her complaint about him being weak preceded his complaint about her being egocentric.

Which she is. He might be weak, too. He had a lot of anxiety issues. Perhaps Dr C had to coddle him to keep him going. After her emasculating potty-mouthed rant full of demands that he should (bleeping) court her, her complaints that he is supposed to read her mind, and her statements that she went into this because she wants a fairy tale, he seemed to check out. 2nd star to the right, straight on until morning.

The fact that all the participants wanted to be on TV is, of course, extremely significant, as people who don't want to be on TV didn't apply.

I don't think where Dr C got his education is as significant as where he got that ridiculous jacket

  • Love 3

Holy shit, Holy shit. This is from the bachelorette forum. Take it with a grain of salt but DAMN


This may shed some light as to why this season doesn't feel like last season. They had a male and separate female casting for its original season title was "a love experiment". Which then changed to married at first site. Season one the "experts" took almost 1 year to make the matches from people both truly looking to be married.


This season they did the matches in a week! The show was set to start filming in mid March. They did a female casting call for women who wanted to be married. They called some people back from season 1 who had applied to reapply and Jessica got one of the spots this time.


Then we got orders shooting was changed and the crew had to leave early December and would now be away from our families over Christmas and New Years. Everyone was pissed! The producers thought the couples spending the holidays together would give added drama to the show.


There was no male casting done. One guy was found on match.com, one on facebook because he had acted and modeled prior, and one was a friend of a contestant on season 1. NONE of these men wanted to be married. They all wanted to advance their careers or have "fame." The producers sold them that way. All the opportunities that would come their way afterwards. Plus the $1500.00 per episode they would get and anything that was filmed paid for during the 6 weeks. The matches were made quickly and everyone had two weeks until their wedding.


It is Jessica's Ryan that storms off the set. Jess found out two weeks after the experiment was over that Ryan lied about his job and all the money he doesn't have. He is an aspiring actor/ model that is broke. He stole the $100. The truth comes out he is really a drug dealer and addicted to cocaine. That's why he leaves the set and then he began to threaten Jessica's life.

Jacyln's Ryan cheated on her during the experiment and had sex with his ex girlfriend. Other lies Ryan has told come out such as he does not support his family. He never paid his mother money to live there. His mom would complain she wanted Ryan to move out because he ate all their food and never contributed money.

Jess's Ryan never showed up to film a few times and went MIA. She found out later he was having sex and cheating on her at his ex girlfriends apartment.


They did the casting so fast the men were never drug tested or std tested like the women were.

No one is together. Everyone is getting divorced. Their contract stated must wait 6 months before filing for divorce.

Not sure with editing what will be shown that happened at the reunion as we film much longer than the 1.5 hours they will show with commercials.


Season 3 started filming this past weekend in Atlanta. Three couples were married each a day apart on June 5,6,& 7.

Edited by moonxyz
  • Love 9

MORE, Jesus Chirst. 


During the six weeks the guys told the girls how they were contacted and found on match.com and facebook and through Doug's brother. It definitely set off some red flags.


Everyone knew something was going on with Ryan D. When he kept missing filming. None of us knew during filming he was on drugs or a drug dealer. Jess found this out during the two weeks they were together off camera. She says this at the reunion which causes Ruan to leave the set.

It really makes sense now his mood swings and him always rubbing his nose when I saw him. His outbursts were 50 times worse than what were shown. They were the only couple that were going to stay together so he got a better edit.


Jaclyn was producer influenced to say yes. She really tried with Ryan but he was such a mamas boy he never spent one night in that apartment with her. He said he had anxiety and had to go home. He went home every night. Or as she knows now some nights to his ex girlfriends house. You wont see shots of them waking up together until decision day.


Davina was very kind from what I have seen. She's not bitchy at all but someone has to be the villian edit. Sean was never there and when he was everything was about Sean. Producers came up with the moonpies and space idea for Sean. He didnt put much effort into things. A lot of the crew said they knew people during filming that said Sean was gay and he was on an all gay bowling team called the Rainbow Rollers. I looked it up online and it does exist and has all their bowling stats. Maybe he's bi?

  • Love 9

Wow, if any of this is even a little bit true it is indeed sickening and puts a whole new spin on every relationship and the entire show.  Huge grain of salt taken, but those are some pretty strong accusations.  Interesting that Davina, who is the one being vilified on social media, is the only one not exposed as a fraud.


I have to say this, though.  Each of these women would be better off not with these men just based on what has been shown on the show, let alone what has been written above.  And yes to suing the producers' asses off!

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 8

Holy shit, Holy shit. This is from the bachelorette forum. Take it with a grain of salt but DAMN

Wow, I'm surprised but shouldn't be given how fake most reality TV is, and especially how forced this show felt. I didn't watch the first season so I have no frame of reference for differences but based on comments here last season seemed more authentic.

I am most surprised by Ryan not showing up for filming and barely being there since it seemed like he and Jessica were most committed to living together.

This also explains the comrades is that seems to have been developed between the women outside of the show. They spend time together socially and seem to have become good friends. Looks like they have bonded over all being put through a messed up experience.

Edited by mamey2422
  • Love 2

Thanks for all the spoilers.


If these spoilers are accurate, an adulterous Ryan R would be a serious disappointment. 



He def had me fooled as I never expected that.    Its a shame now that the producers forced Jac to say yes as breaking up in January would have been soooo much better for her.  And Jess too.     

  • Love 3

I was just going to post that, as I just read all of that on the Facebook group.  Damn, what a train wreck, is it all true?  Well, I take everything I read on the Internet with a grain of salt, I mean anybody could say anything and claim it's true.  


 Reality TV exists to get ratings and make money spend the least amount of money to make the most amount of money.  If that's true how they found the guys on match.com that really sucks.  As for Ryan D. being on drugs?  I just don't know about that, I mean if the producers knew he was on drugs, that's a HUGE liability issue if he had assaulted Jessica, that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.


As for Jaclyn and Ryan, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that were true, he seemed so much younger than Jaclyn, or rather Jaclyn seemed so much more grown up than Ryan.  


But the season did feel off.  Maybe it was because the producers were under contract for a second season and couldn't find any willing participants in the NY area, at least not a lot who weren't fame whores.  Everybody was probably pressed for time, A&E and FYI wanted it done NOW, and that's probably what happened.  

  • Love 3

If its true that Ryan R was cheating with an ex-girlfriend, he better delete or at least get off the following:





as a whole lot of folks bought into the "fan favorite" coupling of Jac/Ryan that was being spewed out by A&E/FYI/People Magazine.  I can also see the masses not liking the fact that he trotted out his 12 year old orphan niece for filming. 

  • Love 5

I'm not sure about that spoiler. But we will see at the end. If it happened this way, all those "experts" have seriously sullied their reputations.

I've been team Davina all along. I know many people disliked her in the show, but I was truly amazed that she could even summon up the wherewithal even to smile at (ugh) Sean. I gave him a strong side eye when he lost his temper with the hotel staff. I've worked in places where there was office theft and the first blamed are the cleaners who are the the most defenseless and the most in need of a job, and it always turned out NOT to be the cleaners, and if anyone had bothered to think logically, they would have known it wasn't the cleaners. (Sorry, but one of my hot buttons).

And then Sean spoke in droning monologues that gave no space for interjection or comment -- a very controlling way of speaking, IMO. It was so off putting. I have a seriously low tolerance for bs, and had only sympathy for Davina and the faces she made while he was droning. She made me laugh. I admired her because she had him pegged. I felt sorry for her because she was urged by the "experts" to ignore her perceptions. Being told your perceptions are wrong is crazy making.

I don't follow these people on SM (which I cannot read without thinking sado-masochism) and it appears that Davina could have performed better there. It could have been that she was angered by how much support a fraud like Sean was getting, and she couldn't trust the show to expose him. Nevertheless, at best, it was a tactical mistake.

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Oh, this is something I've wanted to say for sometime: Anybody who has worked with abusers even at a distance could have spotted the red flags in Ryan's treatment of Jess. The experts should have protected her and counseled her about the cycle of abuse and that the first move of an abuser is to inflict low level abuse such as frightening a woman or using low level abusive language to gauge her response. After that the abuse begins to escalate. The target is always blamed and the abuser takes the stance of the one victimized by the target's words, behavior, whatever. Ryan did all of these things. What the hell? This was a perfect opportunity for professionals to educate about abusive relationships.

  • Love 10

Holy crap!  I am taking this with a grain of salt, but if any of this is true then the producers basically put all the women in danger by perhaps pairing them with mentally and emotionally unbalanced men.  THEY DID NOT EVEN DO STD TESTING!   If any of this is proven to be true, I might be done with the show.   What will they do next to find eligible men...go to a prison yard and find out who is up for parole?

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 7

If Ryan really is a drug dealer, couldn't the producers get arrested for harboring a fugitive?  I can believe he's on cocaine but dealing it?  I'm not sure.  I'm giving the side eye to many of those claims because a lot of them sound like fuel for a massive lawsuit.  How can you encourage people to be intimate, but not check the participants for STD's?  


I've been team Davina all along. I know many people disliked her in the show, but I was truly amazed that she could even summon up the wherewithal even to smile at (ugh) Sean. I gave him a strong side eye when he lost his temper with the hotel staff. I've worked in places where there was office theft and the first blamed are the cleaners who are the the most defenseless and the most in need of a job, and it always turned out NOT to be the cleaners, and if anyone had bothered to think logically, they would have known it wasn't the cleaners. (Sorry, but one of my hot buttons).



I had forgotten about that, but yes, Sean did lose his temper.  I wonder if it was filmed and the producers decided not to show it.  I think that behavior is more abusive than anything Ryan did.


As far as frightening a woman or using low level language to gauge her response, I mean people do that and say thing every day, but not everybody who does that is an abuser.  If Sean lost it with the hotel staff, that to me is the sign of an abuser, I was always taught to watch how a person treats people in service positions.  If he treats them like shit, then run, don't walk away.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 1

Sean. I gave him a strong side eye when he lost his temper with the hotel staff. I've worked in places where there was office theft and the first blamed are the cleaners who are the the most defenseless and the most in need of a job, and it always turned out NOT to be the cleaners, and if anyone had bothered to think logically, they would have known it wasn't the cleaners. (Sorry, but one of my hot buttons).

I don't follow these people on SM (which I cannot read without thinking sado-masochism) 


Me, too, on both of these points.


If something is missing in your hotel room, you probably misplaced it by virtue of being in a strange place. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would call the front desk, say something like "I can't find my X," and end with "can you please send up someone to help me find it?" Accusing hotel staff of theft is just an assy thing that asses do. Which would include Sean IMO.

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I really hope they show what really happens on the reunion show. Ryan D always looked high- red eyes from weed. The tantrums could be from the ups and downs of coke.

I knew this show was so fake this season I even twittered it to Dr C

Maybe I will hook into my Brooklyn resources to see if I can get any info

Just Wow

Maybe the women will write a Tell All book. That would be great!

  • Love 3

If even half of what's in today's rumors are true, the wow - just wow. Can't wait for the lawsuits from the women (especially Jessica) and the tell-all books and made-for-TV movies to appear.


The stupidest part: Obviously the production team saw that they had a hit last year and so they rushed getting this one ready, apparently thinking the audience would watch anything that included strangers getting married and having sex on the "wedding" night  -- and they ended up with a great big fail.


The people they got were boring and depressing at best, and creepy and disturbing at worst. Mostly, though, it was a huge pointless bore, and that's the worst thing you can do in TV: Bore the audience.


Does anyone here watch the new show *UnREAL*, on the Lifetime network? Parts one and two are running again this afternoon. Check your local listings! It's a scripted show about the backstage drama on a fictional *Bachelor*-type show. If you like reality tv, you must see this!

  • Love 8

I wish I had seen season one - I might have been able to discern more aspects of the total fakeness of this season before hearing this.  I always expect reality shows to be somewhat fake (including this one), and there certainly was evidence of it on this show that I and many others here saw and suspected before reading this. 


That said, I think if what we're reading here is true, it would go beyond fake to being negligent in casting the women as "real" participants while casting the men just based on connections and/or reality show potential.  I really think that if any of this can ever be substantiated, they might have a case against the network.  I'd have to ask Mr. Snarkle about that, though.


Not having any experience with drugs, I missed some of the signs of addiction in Ryan D.  Being a disrespectful hothead/fame whore is one thing but being a drug addict and/or dealer is quite another.  I defer to those with more experience spotting those signs.  I still suspect Jessica for being in it for the fame and reality show exposure more than marriage.  Neither she nor Ryan D. ever impressed me as being either mature enough or ready to be married.  The only people on this show who ever did are Davina and Jaclyn.  Davina has issues but seemed really sincere about wanting marriage.  Same with Jaclyn.


I think much of what we're reading above is stuff that we here as a group and individually saw and suspected for ourselves and voiced on this board.  A lot of it is stuff I agreed with and liked in other posts but may not have mentioned myself.  At least one person said weeks ago that Ryan D. seemed like a drug user, and several said they suspected he didn't make the money he claimed to make and could believe that he took that $100.  So I think all the above is plausible - again, with a grain of salt because those are huge accusations.


The one thing that does seem like a total shocker is Ryan R. sleeping with his ex.  Actually even though none of us theorized that this might be happening, it would explain why he was whining so much about being away from his family.  I thought he protested way too much, like there was something else going on that was making him act so homesick.  At any rate, in the end pretty much all of us were saying he wasn't ready for marriage for any number of reasons and that it looked like they were only living in the apt. on weekends.  We could see that a mile away so all of the above would confirm what we here already knew.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 3


If these spoilers are accurate, an adulterous Ryan R would be a serious disappointment.


Agreed. Though if it is true, it makes sense of alot of his behavior - suddenly going cold with Jaclyn probably coincides with him rekindling things with the ex. But ugh, trotting out your poor orphan niece when you don't have true intentions? Gross. He's the King of Massengill Mountain for that.


As for the other Ryan, if true, that does make a lot of sense. I never bought that he made the money he claimed to be making from the type of job that he has. He could do ok, but not driving a Benz,  living in a $3,900 apartment well.


I guess we will see what happens next week, but wow! Fascinating spoilerage!

  • Love 5

There is not much to add.  You guys covered it all!!  I am in shock and awe and disgust about this show.  I can only hope for an ABC 20/20 investigation with John Quinones or something.  It would make for a juicy undercover story on reality tv gone wrong!!


I don't feel too bad for Jessica as she seemed able to sell her soul for a possible boost to her non-existent TV career! No one would have convinced me to stay in this marriage with a raging maniac under any condition. No money or fame can bring back the mental beating she took with that man Ryan D. (D for drug dealer?)


Davina and Jaclyn I feel for. 

  • Love 4

If these rumors are true, I feel for the women, but only a little bit.  I mean most women, most people, wouldn't go on a reality show to find love.  


Today, most people go on reality shows as career moves.   Kim Kardashian is a millionaire; Nene Leakes had a role on a TV show and was on Broadway, Kim Zolciak and Kandi Burruss from Real Housewives of Atlanta have had multiple reality shows and Bethenny Frankel has a million dollar company.  The lure of reality TV fame and money is strong for some people, they must look at it and think, "If I play my cards right, I could make millions."

  • Love 2

If half this stuff is true, then at best this was practically set up to be an exercise in humiliation for the women and at worst put them in physical danger. Ever date a guy who wasn't really interested in dating you? Their words say one thing but their actions scream the truth, and it's confusing and frustrating and degrading. 


For me to feel OK about any of this, I would need to know for sure that it was a sham for everyone involved. I'm even hoping that the orphan niece comes forward to say she was just trying to get on Dance Moms.

  • Love 9

If these rumors are true, it explains a LOT about Jaclyn cooling down to Ryan after her business trip.

I believe the stuff about Sean, he has shown himself to be shady and not marriage ready with the timeline of his girlfriend or hook up buddy having a miscarriage so close to the show. I did always find it weird that someone from Jackson, NJ who had a house and job there would sign up for a show with predominantly NY/North NJ participants, if the goal of the show was marriage.

I believe the stuff about Ryan the least, I don't like him, but he always struck me as an immature Jersey Shore cast reject not an abuser. But editing stuff out is possible, and hey, it turned out that a couple of the Jersey Shore guys were on drugs.

You all are making me want to check out unREAL.

  • Love 1

I've just read that spoiler, too, and frankly, I don't know whether to believe it or not. If it's true, it's absolutely outrageous. If it's also true that the women can't sue because they signed a waiver, then that's even more outrageous. In that case, I agree with the poster who said that they should do interviews or write a book -- anything to get the truth out and get some kind of compensation. I'm very upset about the possibility of endangering these women's physical and emotional well-being -- what a soulless, criminal thing to do.


Again, if it's true, I'm most upset and disappointed about Ryan R. What a pig.


On the other hand, it's really hard for me to believe this stuff. If the staff did something like this and the women spoke up after their contracts have expired, there would be a big scandal about this, which could jeopardize a lot of these people's careers. Not just the experts' and the staff's, but also for someone like Ryan R, who's a realtor. Would people really want to do business with a person like he's being portrayed in that post? And how about his mother and niece? Would he really drag them through the dirt? And for what? Notoriety? How would that help his career? (Unless he wants to be a reality TV star, like some posters suggested about the motivation of all these people for doing a show like this.)


One of the allegations was that he didn't contribute money to his mother's household and she wanted him to leave because he just ate their food. When they showed him talking about having to leave the basement, I don't remember his mother and niece being ecstatic about his departure. Of course, one could say that it was all in the editing. Who knows.


I'm very much looking forward to the reunion and to reading about the future statements from these women and find out if these allegations are true or not. Until then, I'm disgusted but still hopeful that someone just wanted to stir things up.

Edited by BunnySlippers

This is the final post from the spoiler/PA from the other forum:


I am working elsewhere now as many in our field switch constantly where the current work is. Only reason why I am speaking out as I will never work for that network again. Once the second reunion show is over there is SO much more that will come out. These ladies can then finally take their rings off they are forced to wear still and can stop posting fake comments and pics as they are made to do.


Then I think they will speak up about a lot of things!


They are making a second year following the first season couples. They want to do updates on all 6 from this year. Through out it as they all have met already. As they did with Monet last season.


It is a very brutal contract when you are single vs being married still. I find it very doubtful all these ladies if any will sign it after what was done to them.


During the six weeks the guys told the girls how they were contacted and found on match.com and facebook and through Doug's brother.


Sean is one that was through Doug's brother.




Gosh, this spoiler is starting to make perfect sense! Wow, as someone posted "Fascinating spoilerage!" indeed.

Edited by Vinyasa

I don't believe the spoilers 100%, but I do believe that most of them were on the show for the fame and money, I don't get who'd go on a reality show to find true love.  


I can't believe Ryan D is a drug dealer, a drug user, maybe.  I did wonder why Ryan R cooled off to Jaclyn after they had sex, that made zero sense to me.


I remember a line from the Nicole Kidman move, "To Die For," when her character says, "You're not anybody unless you're on TV."   

  • Love 1

If a fraction of that is true, it explains why this season was so off.


What it doesn't explain is why Dr. C so diligently defended the choices on that mommy site. I can speculate, but so can you all!


I think he would actually have more reason to go overboard rationalizing and defending the choices if he were working off a guilty conscience about it.  I think the Dr. doth protest a little bit too much about this.

  • Love 2

Everyone knew something was going on with Ryan D. When he kept missing filming. None of us knew during filming he was on drugs or a drug dealer.


I can't believe Ryan D is a drug dealer, a drug user, maybe.


Well, we never could figure out what is occupation "Business Consultant"  was aka Drug Dealer? I'm sure if he is a user, he's done some deals.


 The more I read these spoilers and think about the show, the more I believe them. (and yes, I'm spending way too much time on this!)

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