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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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I spent time on Ryan's Instagram and on her Facebook page and she was throwing shade his way and liking comments that were negative about him. He was throwing shade about her on ig. I don't know. They clearly split up and she was liking comments about his temper and such and his liking to spend a bit too freely.


Last season I didn't even bother watching the reunion episode but this one, I feel like its much see TV.   And A&E/FYI must feel the same way if they are splitting it up into two separate weeks.    And Jess/Ryan must have given them some great footage at the taping in May if they are that upset with each other on social media right now.

  • Love 1

I got it from a relative of Jess. They said yes at decision time but they were having so many problems that they are currently not together. Truth!

Sean has panic attacks and still functions as an ER nurse? I'm skeptical. It sounds like an excuse. Anyway, poor Davina. Even if it's true, she got saddled with a real loser. I'm sure she saw through his b.s. in a week at the most.

Having panic attacks does not interfere with a career if it is properly treated. I had a 35 year career and I suffered from them since age 12

I got it from a relative of Jess. They said yes at decision time but they were having so many problems that they are currently not together. Truth!

Having panic attacks does not interfere with a career if it is properly treated. I had a 35 year career and I suffered from them since age 12

Yeah I believe that with all the shade they are throwing on social media right now. And I have Panic attacks and can hold a job too :)


I got it from a relative of Jess. They said yes at decision time but they were having so many problems that they are currently not together. Truth!



Thanks for the update.   Good to know that one or both had the sense to GET OUT of a toxic situation, even with A&E/FYI probably putting on the pressure to stay together for the sake of a potential "First Year" appearance. 


Unless the producers will go with a "First year" show that has a happy Jac/Ryan, a living apart Jess/Ryan, and a pissed off Davina living in her new upper east side apartment.  I sure hope not as that has crappy TV written all over it.

Edited by CindyBee

The only halfway mature couple of this bunch is Jaclyn/Ryan and I don't even have 100% faith that they'll make it for the long haul.  The other two couples have not acted their age at all, IMHO.  By the time I was their age I was already married for almost a decade.  Jessica and Ryan D. might as well be 16, not 29 or 30.  So it's no wonder they couldn't work it out.  After finding out they both had an acting/reality show background they became suspicious to me on that alone.  They might share that ambition in common with Sean in not being involved in the show primarily for a relationship but to get famous on TV.   I hope that next season they'll weed out the fame whores beforehand.  I will watch next season.  The couples don't have to work out for me to get something out of it.  I'm a student of relationships and I think there's even more to learn about them from a train wreck than when everything is smooth sailing.

  • Love 4

last page of this thread



Co-worker shows up again and says the promotion was for over seeing education. She said he has limited time with patients anymore. So his claims of needing to be an hour from the hospital sound like a crock of crap. 

  • Love 3

That's interesting - She says he works half of what he used to and that he applied for the position while he was filming.  And FWIW, I believe that this "Jerseynurse" sounds legit.  He definitely cooked up the promotion as an exit strategy.  And Dr. C. is a total schmuck for believing him that this was "2 years in the making".  I believe this person that he is cocky and self absorbed.  It came through in the way he acted on the show even though he was acting.  It was always about him, him, him.  Sure, one could say that about Davina as well, but I only found her mildly offensive.  She has more selflessness in her than he does, IMO.

  • Love 6

I totally agree with everything you just said. I've been following this thread on the other site for months and her story has remained consistent always. She even stopped posting for a period as she didn't want to ruffle feathers. Her story has been consistent even in terms of filming. She said that Sean was only there for filming - which Davina has confirmed via the show and the split living situation they describe. She mentioned he has aspirations for other shows and he always seems to say the right things. Which even my husband was like - this guy thinks he is so smooth. He's just cocky and so full of him. I cut Davina slack because I think her intentions in doing this were pure and I think she gave it everything she had. But when she said "I knew it" it was like this aha moment. She knew this was all for not.

  • Love 8

I've got to say that I find Davina's behavior on SM very disappointing. I understand being hurt or mad that Sean wasn't as genuinely committed to the process, or being frustrated with her edit. But come on, she's 34 years old and wants everyone to know how successful and sophisticated she is. Show some restraint, have some class, when the show is over she can give a hundred interviews about her side of the story. Instead, she and Chris take cheap shots on SM. It's very unbecoming, especially from someone who was bullied.

  • Love 6

Re Davina and Sean: Let's imagine for a moment that MAFS isn't a 2015 tv/ reality show about blind/ arranged marriages.

Let's pretend that a married girlfriend from work told Davinia about this GREAT guy she knows. -- her husband's college roommate and frat brother from 14 years ago. Let's say the husband vouches for his friend's integrity, decency and humanity. Let's say married coworker tells Davina that guy friend is cute, smart, successful, driven and honestly looking for a great girl to settle down with.

Let's say Davina's friend says, Davina! We can be two simpatico couples! We have so much in common! Our weekends will be fun or humanitarian, but always worthwhile! Eventually, if we are lucky, our kids will be best friends!

So, Davina goes for it. She's an intelligent, successful career woman, with good friends but a strained relationship with family. She has emotional baggage but she is honest and aware of her issues. She truly wants love. She says yes to her coworker! Give him my contact info! l'll meet him!

And then....

Davina and Guy meet, click, date, bond. And then the couple bonds with Davina's introducer-coworker and husband. Take weekend ski trips, summers together, theater, restaurants, concerts in the park.

Davina has bought into this new guy. He's not perfect, he's a bit emotionally aloof, inaccessible, but he says all the right things. And she TRUSTS her friends' judgment. (Or, likewise, the "experts' instrumennts and integrity and professionaliasm.)

Then one terrible day, Davina discovers that her man and her coworker her lovers. Have been lovers for the last year. Long before Davina even met her new bf. That Davina has been USED as a decoy or beard or excuse, so gf's husband would never find out the truth.

Imagine Davina's betrayal and loss of faith; the pure anguish.

Now, my scenario isnt what happened to Davinia. But, imo, it's analogous. Davina was slapped in the face, her trust was abused. It's very sad to me.

Her behavior on SM is understandable and just the way it is today. People dont hold back. Feuds, fights, slapdowns and hateful tirades on SM are legendary. When hurt, people lash out.

I dont blame Davina. She was betrayed by a Big Player. On national tv. For his own selfish purposes.. Sean did not care for Davina as a woman or as a human being. For Sean, Davina was a means to an end. I truly dont blame her for her anger. I can give her that.

So if Davina uses SM for psychological revenge, I'm cool with that route. She needs recourse, and SM Is a whole lot better than Wives with Knives.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 9

I got it from a relative of Jess. They said yes at decision time but they were having so many problems that they are currently not together. Truth!

Having panic attacks does not interfere with a career if it is properly treated. I had a 35 year career and I suffered from them since age 12

Is there a "First Year..." this season?  Did the relative say?  What else did they say?  Is Ryan really abusive?

  • Love 1

Imagine Davina's betrayal and loss of faith; the pure anguish.

Now, my scenario isnt what happened to Davinia. But, imo, it's analogous. Davina was slapped in the face, her trust was abused. It's very sad to me.

Her behavior on SM is understandable and just the way it is today. People dont hold back. Feuds, fights, slapdowns and hateful tirades on SM are legendary. When hurt, people lash out.

I dont blame Davina. She was betrayed by a Big Player. On national tv. For his own selfish purposes.. Sean did not care for Davina as a woman or as a human being. For Sean, Davina was a means to an end. I truly dont blame her for her anger. I can give her that.

So if Davina uses SM for psychological revenge, I'm cool with that route. She needs recourse, and SM Is a whole lot better than Wives with Knives.


I totally agree with you.  I'm giving Davina huge amounts of slack given that she took this match so seriously and got so burned by an asshole.  I can't imagine being in her shoes right now.  She has every right to be angry and to get her anger out in this way.  She hasn't gone overboard with it and seems to be getting something positive out of it.  I think in this case it's very understandable and appropriate, not to mention therapeutic.

  • Love 2

A&E/FYI along with their friends at People Mag have a new preview clip up of the finale:





Knowing how this all ends ahead of time thanks to some inept person in charge of the A&E program guide online, I find it kinda of interesting to see how A&E/FYI are promoting things to the masses that are unspoiled.  Makes sense that they'd edit Jac/Ryan as having doubts and basically have given up Davina/Sean as anyone with half a brain know those two are done, done, done, done.

I feel like Sean's silence on SM is clearly because he knows people are on to him - so he withdrew. Davina has nothing to lose at this point. She's a smart woman and got played. I don't personally find her the easiest person to watch on TV but Sean waited until the 11th hour to pull the promotion card. I'd be pissed too!

  • Love 6

That was a very smart analysis of the situation, sleekandchic.  The only think I would add is that " Davina's friend" (who to me is actually Dr. C) also continuously gaslights Davina whenever she brings up her perfectly valid concerns.  The friend also lays most of the blame at Davina's feet and dismisses most of Sean's shortcomings as "just pay more attention to Davina" and blindly believes all of Sean's blind excuses.  I of course have gone of the track with you well thought out scenario, but I hope most people understand what I mean.


Edited to add: I replaced "coworker" with Davina's friend.  I originally meant coworker as Davina's coworker, since that is who sets up Davina with Sean in sleekandchic's scenario.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 3

I agree and applaud most of what was said above.  But I just can't agree (or maybe it's I  just  can't  stomach the idea ) that this childish wimp was that slick or masterful at fooling anyone.about anything for very long.. (except maybe the experts who bought-in due to necessity for a match.) 


Davina was set up and massaged to buy in because she was told to trust the process ( i get that) and also to ignore her gut instincts. ("you said you always look for red flags so ignore the ones you see now"). .


I think she was on to him a long time ago just by her gut alone.  She wasn't sure exactly how much of him was bullshit but she was willing to stick it out and play nice (and enter his delusion and nod to his bullshit) in order to find out.        (I've done this with people.. maybe we all have..  played along just to see what's inside their rabbit hole, or just how stupid they are to think anyone is buying their bullshit. The truth will out.  You just have to follow along.)                                      


In that way I think she played HIM..


I think Sean is a confused, extreme case of arrested development who still carries a victim complex.  Hurt people hurt people   .I don't think he had ANY fleshed-out agenda other than to  be on TV hehehe and have a better fairly tale to live in than the one he's created for himself.   

  • Love 4

OMG, Sleek and Seasick are my heroes right now - You nailed it, completely!  I'll bet Davina is pissed at Dr. C. too for making her distrust her gut and trust the process - and look where that got her.  No wonder Dr. C. is so defensive in his posts - Because I think he knows deep down he fucked up and wants to continue to try to legitimize Sean at all costs to reason, sanity and his reputation.  But I also agree that Davina must have been onto it early enough that she in her own way played Sean.  Which is probably the biggest reason she came off as the ice princess and found fault with him about certain things.  She had his number.  I don't think she is as dumb and blind as some people might assume.  Seasick, what you said about her not being sure how much or what of Sean was BS but that she stuck it out and played along is spot on - Besides, she knew she had to do that in order to follow through with the 6 week requirement anyway. 

  • Love 5

"which is why she came off as the 'ice princess'"  (I cannot figure how to quote a portion of a post)  Good point  snarkle. I liked the analogy  Sleek made too. And in that story Davina would have been telling her buddy she senses something is wrong and her friend would assure( i.e. 'gaslight' her--perfect term--thanks qtpye)  and tell her she's imagining things.   (very Shania Twain story btw.)

  • Love 2

Although I think Davina's SM bullying is childish and over the top, let's look at how this went down.  


Sean obviously joined up for this because he wanted to be on TV.  When he met Davina at the altar, there was a physical attraction, so he figured he'd get laid.  Davina wanted to wait, and by the time the honeymoon was over, Sean had already checked out because he had no intention of falling in love with her.  He wasn't looking for a wife, just a path to fame and money (and a little fun under the sheets). This is why he only showed up for filming, and when he announced to her at dinner that he would never move to NYC, knowing full well she had to stay there for at least two years, that was his way of dumping her.  Telling her about the teeny tiny promotion was just a segue into that - all planned out to make his great escape.  So, Sean dumped Davina right then and there, on national tv, and she knew it, hence why she immediately changed the subject by stating "This food is good." She was humiliated.


Having said all that, Davina may not be the easiest person to live with, and seems quite demanding and bossy, but she was bamboozled by some fame-whoring man child.  I'd be pretty pissed too.


ETA - I just read all of the above, and ya'll covered most of what I said.  Awesome character revelations, and so on the money!

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 8

Davina has to really stop with the social media stuff.  However, if you re-watch the episode where everyone met at the alter, it has to be quite painful for her.  They had an instant chemistry and it must have felt like she had hit the jackpot.  Here she had a nice looking guy with a stable career that seemed absolutely crazy about her.  Later, she finds out that it was all a lie.  She trusted the experts to weed out liars that were solely on the show to be on t.v. and they failed her.


On top of this, her humiliation is broadcast on national t.v. and it makes her look much more socially awkward and uncompromising then she really is.  It really has been a nightmare for her.

  • Love 9

Davina friend Chris made posts 1:30 am on Fb stating Sean applied for promotion during filming and didn't start the job till May. Also the job has less hours so that he has more time to film The first year.

Why would he be on The First Year if they supposedly got divorced?  Granted, I didn't see the first season, so I'm not sure how it works.  Did they follow and keep up with the lives of the divorced couple(s), too? Do we watch their lives as singles; dating , working. etc?

Edited by cherry slushie

Why would he be on The First Year if they supposedly got divorced?  Granted, I didn't see the first season, so I'm not sure how it works.  Did they follow and keep up with the lives of the divorced couple(s), too? Do we watch their lives as singles; dating , working. etc?


Not really.  They did some follow up with Monet  but only one spot with Vaugn.  It showed Monet having a few dates. I think she had a big fan base and the experts liked her and she was willing to keep going.  It think Vaugn was very over it.  She looked great in the first wives segment, but I couldn't take her in her season..

Why would he be on The First Year if they supposedly got divorced? Granted, I didn't see the first season, so I'm not sure how it works. Did they follow and keep up with the lives of the divorced couple(s), too? Do we watch their lives as singles; dating , working. etc?

Monet who divorced was in the first year and her ex Vaughn was on one or two episodes. Who knows if they are even having A First year since one couple is supposedly still together- Jac and Ryan- Jess and Ryan stayed but then split and the divorced Sean and Davina

I don't see how Davina looks bad unless, in the final ep, she says she wants to stay married and he dumps her. THAT would be an epic end to a horrible season!

Without something dramatic happening, they're just two people who couldn't get along - no harm in that. Certainly not enough harm to justify her SM outbursts.


Isnt it possible that Sean was also hoping to find love in addition to fame? At the beginning he was crazy about Davina (recall him rushing to Davinas aide to locate her ring, his reaction to the lock and key gifts they had given eachother as a sign from the universe that they were meant to be). He just lost interest in her after Davina acted a bit needy on the honeymoon. It's unfortunate because men can be fickle as Sean proved to be. However that doesn't make him evil. He even asked people to stop bullying davina as she was a good person. If he doesn't like her, he doesn't like her. And yes the promotion was just an excuse to soften the blow. I think we are too hard on him even though I feel Davinas heartache.

Edited by smiley221
  • Love 3

Smiley, I agree with you--we're the only ones giving Sean some slack.  I hate chopping poor old Sean into mincemeat based on the very few, edited snippets we see of him.  I think he started out on the right track, instantly taken in by Davina's beauty and ready to start a relationship, but as he got to know Davina, he found himself up against a very powerful, inflexible person whose expectations he could never live up to.  In fact, I feel certain that had Sean given up his entire life to move in with Davina as she expected, she eventually would have lost respect for him.  Sean was in a lose-lose situation.  In fairness to Davina (as scary as she is), she clearly stated she wanted someone who was willing to live in Manhatten, but the experts could not predict that Sean was not that person.  They were not a good match:  that's the bottom line and all the other accusations and recriminations are unnecessary.

  • Love 3

Totally agree with Smiley and Aven. I don't honestly think we've seen enough of Sean to diagnose him or paint him as an evil mustache swirling villain. Especially since I've (all along and multiple times on this board) asserted that I think they've only actually been together on rare occasions. 


We honestly don't know any of their motives for going on the show. They all could have ulterior motives or a combination of motives. It's not impossible to go on a show to get rich and famous and at the same time hope the odds are in your favor and you'll also find love. 


And since Sean had been mostly silent and inactive on social media (unlike Davina and her pal) we only have what's shown on the episodes to go on (which is how I'm judging *all* of them...strictly by what I've seen myself on the show). If there's one thing I've learned in my 20+ years on the Internet, it's that anyone can be an anonymous source. I'll take any anonymous source on here and anywhere else with a giant grain of salt no matter how fun it is to read and speculate.

Edited by I-Kare
  • Love 1

 Having way too much time on my hands, this is the info I found digging around these last couple of days


1) Sean was allegedly offered a car service to make his commute easier but refused

2) Davina allegedly offered to go to NJ several times but Sean said no

3)Sean was on probation for DUI while the show aired but failed his probation

4) Sean allegedly got on the show thanks to a producer

5) The cast was selected primarily through social media and it is not sure when the "science" of matching kicks in (that applies to both Season 1 and 2)

6) Ryans Douche allegedly exagerated his income and actually took the $100 and reacted out of embarassment.


That's all I got for the moment. I will continue digging....

  • Love 7

1) - 4) Is it possible that as Davina learned these things she just put on an act for the camera crew, viewers and "experts" so these things did not surface?  Why would they want to hide these things rather than use them to create more 'drama'.  Somewhat explains Pepper saying that 'the marriages won't last if they don't live together' in a preemptive strike at what the show saw as inevitable for Sean and Davina.  Their failure to co-habitate focused the fault clearly on them and away from poor decisions by the producers.


Hope we find some news about his bowling prowess.


I remember a shot of his poor mother shaking her head early this season, and your post explains some of her chagrin.


6) That explains some stuff about Ryan.


Sad, how poor screening of participants has created such a betrayal of trust for the reality show viewer.  The producers did it to themselves.

Edited by Liberty
  • Love 1
And since Sean had been mostly silent and inactive on social media (unlike Davina and her pal) we only have what's shown on the episodes to go on (which is how I'm judging *all* of them...strictly by what I've seen myself on the show). If there's one thing I've learned in my 20+ years on the Internet, it's that anyone can be an anonymous source. I'll take any anonymous source on here and anywhere else with a giant grain of salt no matter how fun it is to read and speculate.


If there's anything I've learned from my 20+ years on the internet, it's that someone with something to hide would be more likely to keep a low profile online.  Sean's silence speaks for itself, and it doesn't say something good, IMHO.  Plus having run chat boards myself I think I'm pretty good at spotting trolls, impostors and grudge holders, and the people posting info. about Sean in other venues just don't act that way.  In fact, just the opposite.

  • Love 4

^^^^I need to catch up on the Australian version.


There are a lot more spoilers out there. I wish I wasn't so curious cause the commentary has totally ruined this show for me. 


@ Liberty: Sean is/was on a LGBT bowling team and insisted that the "bro date" took place at a bowling alley. Davina's best friend is said to have refused several times and Sean kept insisting despite being told no. Sean wanted to show off I think. 

  • Love 2

 Having way too much time on my hands, this is the info I found digging around these last couple of days


1) Sean was allegedly offered a car service to make his commute easier but refused

2) Davina allegedly offered to go to NJ several times but Sean said no

3)Sean was on probation for DUI while the show aired but failed his probation

4) Sean allegedly got on the show thanks to a producer

5) The cast was selected primarily through social media and it is not sure when the "science" of matching kicks in (that applies to both Season 1 and 2)

6) Ryans Douche allegedly exagerated his income and actually took the $100 and reacted out of embarassment.


That's all I got for the moment. I will continue digging....


Number 6 seems completely plausible as I've said all along that in the line of work he is in based on Linked IN there is no way he's pulling in huge figures. I think he's likely $60k maybe. Which I don't think goes super far in New york. None of this surprises me at all. The matches from last year seemed much more authentic - this year seems like a bunch of fame whores.


Side note - I had a dream I was at decision day. Jessica was pouting because she said Ryan said yes at decision and then weeks later told her he hated her from the beginning. I seriously felt like that was a sign lol

  • Love 2

 Having way too much time on my hands, this is the info I found digging around these last couple of days


1) Sean was allegedly offered a car service to make his commute easier but refused

2) Davina allegedly offered to go to NJ several times but Sean said no

3)Sean was on probation for DUI while the show aired but failed his probation

4) Sean allegedly got on the show thanks to a producer

5) The cast was selected primarily through social media and it is not sure when the "science" of matching kicks in (that applies to both Season 1 and 2)

6) Ryans Douche allegedly exagerated his income and actually took the $100 and reacted out of embarassment.


That's all I got for the moment. I will continue digging....

While I love to hear about this show, could you reference your "digging" around resources, please?  This type of post, while interesting, is suspect to me because it's "hearsay."   

If you have given your references already, and I missed it, my apologies. 

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