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1 hour ago, Waterlilly said:

I saw on another forum where a renter complained about a rental to Nick and he answered her in writing very professionally and communicated very well. Maybe he needs to write Sonia a letter. 

Professional communication probably comes easy to him, but not communicating his feelings, so I kind of doubt he'd do very well at writing it even if he wanted to, which he obviously doesn't.  He doesn't want to be bothered overcoming any trouble he has communicating on a feeling level because he doesn't even like Sonia and he's too selfish to get over it for her benefit alone.  IMO, of course.

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Truth is....the first innocent virgin season of any reality show is almost always the most REAL.

This show seems especially hard due to the fact the fans have vastly different ideas of what the cast should do. No rules or authorative host like Survivor or TAR.

Ashley was stuck with a guy she didnt like but quietly stuck it out ...and was hated and raked over the coals.

Heather pulled the plug ...and is being raked over the coals.

Nick flips and yells how he is not attracted etc...and is rightfully feeli.g the hate...but then some say Ashley should have been "honest" and verbalized her lack of attraction...hello? Hello?

I also am amazed that so few here share my lurve of Tom and Lilly...here we finally have a nice couple who have tons of that elusive chemistry and seem to be handling everything in a rational and respectful way...but some are sick of seeing them kiss...talk about their looks...I dont get it.

Maybe fans really enjoy the trainwreck? Personally I have sympathy for both Ashley and Heather..I would not go to bed with a guy that repulsed me...just to please the audience.

I do dislike crude Derek and nasty crude Nick for their rants and outbursts.

I wish we had more chat about nice couple Lilly and Tom and 3 cute well behaved dogs!!!

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4 hours ago, Stillhoping said:

Ashley was stuck with a guy she didnt like but quietly stuck it out ...and was hated and raked over the coals.

Heather pulled the plug ...and is being raked over the coals.

Nick flips and yells how he is not attracted etc...and is rightfully feeli.g the hate...but then some say Ashley should have been "honest" and verbalized her lack of attraction...hello? Hello?

Ashley wasn't stuck with a guy she didn't like, she lied to everyone to get on the show to make her ex jealous.  She deserves all of the hate she got.

People are about evenly split on Heather.

There's a difference between calmly telling someone the truth after giving it a solid try and getting drunk one night and yelling.  Nick made a bad call...and he never even tried to be physical with her. 

Edited by Jack Sampson
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6 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I saw that clip and I have a question.  When Nick said he didn't like Sonia, he was talking to a producer; could Sonia hear him then?   I looked like Nick was in one room and Sonia in another, but when Nick left the room, it looked like he went outside and a producer could be heard saying, "Marriage takes work" or something like that and then Nick went off.  What was interesting about that whole exchange is that Nick is telling a producer that he's not attracted to Sonia, that he doesn't find her attractive, that he doesn't like her.  It's like how Ashley was able to tell her friends she wasn't attracted to David, but couldn't verbalize that to David.  

Years ago I heard a therapist give a talk on "The Price of Nice."  He said there are people who are always taught to "be nice."  I thought it interesting that only after Nick was drunk, could he tell Sonia how he really felt and did it in a "not nice" way.  Does Nick even know how to express negative feelings without his emotions vomiting all over someone else?  I wonder.

I was trying to figure it out myself. I was wondering if the one part with the producer saying something and Nick saying back what he had was heard by Sonia and she was sitting on the couch at that point. The part with him yelling straight at the camera came off like a TH in away where it was just him with the crew and she wasn't in that area. Yet if she was in the house I can imagine she may have heard it with him yelling it. Obviously she heard something in all that for her to decide to pack up and leave. I noticed for the episode on the 27th that it says "Sonia and Nick reveal a big secret". So that is something that could end up being debating in so many ways depending on what is seen in this next episode I think. 

1 hour ago, Stillhoping said:

Ashley was stuck with a guy she didnt like but quietly stuck it out ...and was hated and raked over the coals.

Heather pulled the plug ...and is being raked over the coals.

Nick flips and yells how he is not attracted etc...and is rightfully feeli.g the hate...but then some say Ashley should have been "honest" and verbalized her lack of attraction...hello? Hello?

I also am amazed that so few here share my lurve of Tom and Lilly...here we finally have a nice couple who have tons of that elusive chemistry and seem to be handling everything in a rational and respectful way...but some are sick of seeing them kiss...talk about their looks...I dont get it.


Ashley wasn't liked because she was fake. If rumors of her doing this to make an ex jealous are true that is crap. She didn't like David from the beginning and had been shut down before they even got married. The poor guy was told by the idiot "experts" to push he to open up and never once called her out for not trying. Then on top of it her goons start posting things on SM to try to make it like David is some horrible monster she was made to live with. Which was a load of bull as well. 

Heather I am not understanding why she is being raked over the coals. I think she did the best thing by getting out now and not letting them talk her into sticking out the full 6 weeks with Derek. He is a whiny man child IMO that needs to get a clue on how to make a first impression because getting stoned right off the bat is not cool. Then to see him throw tantrums as he did...no thanks. 

Nick IMO is a not only a massive jerk but a fraud as well. Both the way he has handled things and how Ashley did was wrong. They could have found a way to be upfront on no attraction there without being assholes and just say hey let's try to be friends and leave it at that for now. They would have at least come off in a better light even if they didn't want to really even be friends in the end. Yet if they had just been polite and not cold bitches they could have come out of this show not looking so bad. 

I am on the fence with Tom and Lily being able to work. I just not sure about certain things. At times she still comes off showing that she is still so young and then you have to wonder on his side if he could live in a house instead of a bus. Would he be able to compromise on it once this show was done? Such as being in an apart/condo/house during the week and weekends/vacations the bus....would be be able to be ok with something like that? I think the reason some get tired of the kissing though is because its so over the top most the time. Which I will say we could have done without seeing him lick her face in the last one. That was gross. I do think that how he was towards her over the shoulder surgery was great though. Its just one of those time will tell if they can work out. 

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On 9/16/2016 at 11:36 PM, Paddywagon said:

These are great points.  But if we compare Doug's behavior to Derek's behavior there's a big difference.  

If Doug had whined and called names to Jamie over ANYTHING she would've bolted and probably the same for Jaclyn with Ryan.  Derek complained and whined and needs to take grown-up lessons from Doug (and even Ryan) on how to win a woman.

I dont know after watching Jamie on the bachlorette, and then on bachelor pad, she is one of the most desparate and needy women I have ever seen.....I think she would have stayed until someone dragged her out.

and yeah, hard to believe Derek thought his behavior was winning him any points. I dont think he cares!!

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I just read Sonia's Redbook interview and am very confused by these statements:

"He [Nick] was very comfortable being himself from the very beginning, but it took me a little longer. The funny thing is that the physical aspect of our relationship came a little bit more easily than forging an emotional connection did. Then again, that kind of makes sense — when you're beginning a relationship, you're often focused on physical chemistry right off the bat, rather than the deep and emotional stuff. It's just a little unusual for it to play out that way with your husband, after you're married."

What physical aspect of their relationship is she talking about? Lol...

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What ANY aspect of it is she talking about? I thought the whole challenge with Nick is that he's not comfortable being himself.

Then there's this

The process is super intense. The questionnaire you have to answer is something like 800 questions long! They did a psychological evaluation, you meet with each expert who appears on the show separately [there's a clinical psychologist, sexologist, sociologist, and humanist] and you do a bunch of Skype interviews with people who are in charge of casting.

This is why I feel bad for the Nicks and Heathers and Ashleys who get dragged for daring to not be interested in their spouses. The show gives them the impression that the matches are so carefully chosen, and then their trust is completely betrayed when they end up matched with someone who is totally and obviously wrong for them.

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On 9/16/2016 at 7:18 PM, Snarklepuss said:

 Nick is just a selfish asshole if you ask me, about as far away from a "people pleaser" as he could possibly get.  He's on team Nick and team Nick only.

Amen. What a pathetic sight Nick was,  stomping around in his Don Draper argyle suit socks, drunk and rage-whining about how Sonia “calls me out on random things, like being OPEN!” (as if being open -- a crucial part in any good marriage -- is some haphazard cray cray shit on Sonia's part).  She's right-- he's ten years old (and a snotty, spoiled ten at that) and has nothing to offer but selfishness, drunken mantrums and dog drool sloppy seconds on his lips. Yeah, she's missing out on a real dream boat of a Titanic there.  

Edited by film noire
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6 hours ago, Gobears said:

I just read Sonia's Redbook interview and am very confused by these statements:

"He [Nick] was very comfortable being himself from the very beginning, but it took me a little longer. The funny thing is that the physical aspect of our relationship came a little bit more easily than forging an emotional connection did. Then again, that kind of makes sense — when you're beginning a relationship, you're often focused on physical chemistry right off the bat, rather than the deep and emotional stuff. It's just a little unusual for it to play out that way with your husband, after you're married."

What physical aspect of their relationship is she talking about? Lol...

I know, it's like this bears no resemblance to what we're seeing on TV, in fact, just the opposite.  She said she worried before the wedding that they might match her with someone "selfish" - Obviously she didn't know Nick very well when she did this interview!  Maybe it was done after the honeymoon before "evil Nick" showed his face?

She said she told him she was "in this for keeps" when she first met him.  If he went on the show to promote a business or another agenda, that must have freaked the crap out of him!

She also said she only had 2 weeks to plan for the wedding, which explains why the gown didn't fit as well as it should have.  Same for Heather, I'm thinking.

She made reference again to Nick's habit of eating "boxes and boxes of sweets" in the middle of the night.  There's something disturbing and messed up about that, I'm sorry.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Late at night, with the camera crew and producers finally gone, Nick calms himself by binging on boxes of sweets and confections.

In a blanket of darkness, quieted dogs and wife, he could munch and sort out the chaos that has become his life.

By the little plate of petit fours Nick and Sonia were "sharing" in bed, thinking Nick is not a Chips Ahoy! guy but leans more towards Mint Milano and Oreo Thins.

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I also am amazed that so few here share my lurve of Tom and Lilly...here we finally have a nice couple who have tons of that elusive chemistry and seem to be handling everything in a rational and respectful way...but some are sick of seeing them kiss...talk about their looks...I dont get it.

I really like them too.  I'm not entirely sure why I watch this show, since the train wreck couples just make me wince, and that is pretty much all the show has had are the train wrecks.  But I am pleasantly surprised by Tom and Lilly, and hope they make it.

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That's funny about Nick eating sweets in the middle of the night.  I used to do the same thing.  I didn't eat sweets but I would get up and make toast, eggs or a sandwich.  It is not that weird.  My dad and grandmother were nocturnal snackers as well.  

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In that interview Sonia said, "What if I got someone self-centered? Or someone who wasn't empathetic?" I think that's exactly what she got with Nick. I haven't seen any sort of empathy from him, at least for her. His dogs, maybe.

I'm not sure what she means about the physical aspect of their relationship, unless it's the advances she was trying to make towards him on the honeymoon. Or when he was forced to give her a peck during their dance lesson. Maybe their big reveal on the 27th will be that he realized what a mistake he'd made when he'd come clean about his feelings about her and how that was going to make him look, so he apologized and pretended to like her again and something happened after that? Well, we'll see...

As for the "intense" process, I really have to wonder if the men go through all of that, too, especially since they are such a rare commodity on this show, and the casters find a lot of them online.

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1 hour ago, Jellybeans said:

That's funny about Nick eating sweets in the middle of the night.  I used to do the same thing.  I didn't eat sweets but I would get up and make toast, eggs or a sandwich.  It is not that weird.  My dad and grandmother were nocturnal snackers as well.  

Nocturnal snacking is one thing but Sonia's description of Nick eating "boxes and boxes of sweets" is kind of concerning as it sounds a little OTT.  Perhaps he has a blood sugar issue or he is sublimating his sexual needs with food.  Lord knows, he's not focusing that on Sonia.  Just a thought without getting too far into the armchair diagnoses.

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2 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Nocturnal snacking is one thing but Sonia's description of Nick eating "boxes and boxes of sweets" is kind of concerning as it sounds a little OTT.  Perhaps he has a blood sugar issue or he is sublimating his sexual needs with food.  Lord knows, he's not focusing that on Sonia.  Just a thought without getting too far into the armchair diagnoses.

Nick was bordering on the Pillsbury Dough Boy (at least in his face) before they started filming. It's obvious in some of the THs he did before they started filming the actual show. Perhaps he's an emotional eater (of sweets) and uses them to cope, which results in him packing on a little extra weight?

Regarding the Redbook interview, I'm betting it was done before or during the honeymoon and even then some of the statements were like "huh?"  I wonder if Redbook embellished her comments a bit or perhaps she did on her own? I doubt the producers of MAFS would want her to give an interview saying her "husband" was completely closed off, wouldn't communicate and touch her with a 10FT pole. That wouldn't do any good in perpetuating the illusion of the show or help ratings. 

Edited by Enero
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I like Sonia AND Nick.  I have no idea if they stay together.  I had a relationship with a guy like Nick and it did not drive me crazy after I figured him out.  Who knows, maybe she figures him out.  I am mindful of the fact the producers like to mess with editing.  She seems ok on her private IG and her other one is more

Also, saying "boxes and boxes" can be a way of talking.  When one is sleeping, one is not counting boxes...she is relaying a story about Nick she finds interesting.  People would say I ate "tons of food" at night but nooo...it seems that way. And no I am not fat, nor did I have a blood sugar problem. I was hungry lol.

And I hope we are not going to talk about Nick having pudgy faces after calling Sonia fat!

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Nick's mom seems like such a sweetheart - do we know anything about his dad?

Reminds me of something I read once about Van Morrison - an interviewer asked Shana (Van's daughter) about his prickly shyness, and she said her dad was outgoing compared with his father.

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3 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Nocturnal snacking is one thing but Sonia's description of Nick eating "boxes and boxes of sweets" is kind of concerning as it sounds a little OTT.  

If she's describing it accurately ( no reason to doubt she is, just a caveat) then he has a habit of binge eating at night, alone -- and  that is concerning. Sonia witnessing that behavior might have turned her into an unwelcome presence/threat in his eyes.

Edited by film noire
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On 17.9.2016 at 1:14 AM, BonnieLass said:

Wow. No words for this - except for "What an asshole". 


i watched this but i am not entirely on board with the "nick is being a total asshole" here. in the beginning they were sitting there and he is saying clearly "we're 4 weeks in... i should have more feelings than i do". so that is a clear statement of his feelings. they aren't there. period. but that statement wasn't being accepted for what is was. sonia pushes in with "put in some effort!! you should open yourself up more". this is being directed at someone who finds himself just not attracted in any way, shape or form to the person he was paired with. up to then he hadn't told her that, i would think maybe because that is a hurtful thing to communicate. so, see above, he said he should be having more feelings but he isn't having those feelings - which means the same thing and one would suppose should be clear to all people in the room at that time. i can see and even understand how in the face of that, a continued badgering "to open up more" paired with obvious producer probing in the TH is driving him into the corner until he blurts it out in the clearest language possible so that there can be no further misunderstanding.
the whole situation sucks.
i don't know what i would have done if i were sonia in that situation. he told her he isn't having feelings, so she knows he isn't into her even before he blew his gasket. why pressure someone like that... what would even be the use of it. none that i can make out. it just leads to feeling hurt. maybe i would have said, ok, so now that is clear, it's sad but let's just relax and maybe we can even have some fun for the rest of the time we have here.
nick certainly needs to learn better communication skills in his non-business relationships but sonia needs some communication lessons as well and she also needs to learn to listen and comprehend better.

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31 minutes ago, Menega said:

i watched this but i am not entirely on board with the "nick is being a total asshole" here. in the beginning they were sitting there and he is saying clearly "we're 4 weeks in... i should have more feelings than i do". so that is a clear statement of his feelings. they aren't there. period. but that statement wasn't being accepted for what is was. sonia pushes in with "put in some effort!! you should open yourself up more". 

I think his behavior throughout that moment  is extremely toxic -- "I should feel more  than I do" is not so covertly directed at her (it's YOU making me not feel more) -- and not himself ("Maybe it's me not being open enough, or  maybe it's the forced circumstances, but if we were a good match I think I'd feel more connected by now, and I don't, you're a great woman, etc etc.") Instead, he hurled insults her way, as if this were all her fault somehow.  So childish, mean-spirited  and selfish. 

Edited by film noire
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4 minutes ago, film noire said:

I think his behavior throughout that moment  is extremely toxic -- "I should feel more  than I do" is not so covertly directed at her (it's YOU making me not feel more) -- and not himself ("Maybe it's me, maybe it's the forced circumstances, but if we were a good match I think I'd feel more connected by now, and I'm absolutely certain being more open is not the issue here.") Instead, he got drunk and hurled insults her way, as if this is all her fault somehow.  So childish, mean-spirited  and selfish. 

Agree with you. He didn't once say he didn't have feelings either in that statement. He said "I should feel more than I do" and that can be taken as well you are "awesome" as he keeps telling her but its not saying I don't like you or don't find you attractive. They are told by the "experts" to open up to each other all the time. Then the ones that end up in spots like Sonia are the ones being told by this idiot "experts" how they should do this or that to get them to open up more. So you have Sonia trying and doing what they are suppose to do, which is open up to each other but then Nick acts like an asshole for it. He wasn't doing a damn thing to even try from the get go. He has been cold and as the time has gone on, mean as well. Who is to say that isn't the true Nick right there? We have no idea who he is at this point beyond trying to pawn his clothing line to us each week on the show, kissing his dogs only, and not contributing much to their conversations.

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In addition, the show will shed some light on Heather and Derek. The estranged couple contemplates over their time together and reviews their decisions. Media outlets and fans are speculating whether they will put their differences aside and reconcile or not.

The following week will feature "Married at First Sight" episode 11 titled "Naked Truth." According to the TV Guide description, a big secret involving Nick and Sonia comes out. As for Lillian and Tom, things don't look too good for them. Lillian is uncertain about their future together. And Derek and Heather remember the good times they spent together.


Hmmmm....   Not sure I trust this source, but it's interesting, no?  



Edited by cardigirl
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I have to wonder if there were actual people who applied who really were tired of dating, or perhaps weren't TV attractive, who would have really given this process a shot. and good matches could be made.  people ready to overlook less than perfect physical appearances and see the person for who they are.  Recruiting for this type of show seems doomed to fail.  

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1 hour ago, cardigirl said:

And Derek and Heather remember the good times they spent together.

Was that the few minutes they spent together at the altar getting married?  Because I sure don't remember any good times they had together.

Why is Lily uncertain about her future with Tom?  Another editing monkey at work?  Another PhoneGate like David like season?  I hope not.  I really hope they can make it work and it's just MAFS trying to create DRAMUH.

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When I think of as hole the people who come to mind are the "experts". The participants the term foolish them trusting production. Every single person who comes off a reality show  acknowledges how much of it is not real and how much they were pushed by production, many times with alcohol involved.  I refuse to hate the participants, just think they were foolish to try and entertain me. 

I do wonder if these people think marriage is no big deal until they are in it and deal with the words being bandied about, I have a brother who lied to his wife about one of his prior marriages and kept his kids from ever hearing he ha  two previous wives in short marriages. His wife is also hiding a previous marriage from their kids.  If it is not such a big deal, why do they hide it.  I know there are some just bad people in this world and on this show (think Ryan) and that some may be aware and gaming (Sean) but I do believe most are kind of overwhelmed once they are in this. 

As to the one couple actually cohabiting, I remember Tom saying "a Latina' at the wedding then smiling a lot so we know his type was met from day one.  What a novel idea on this show. 

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On ‎9‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 5:47 AM, SaucyMommy said:

The full 3 minute clip of their fight is up on FYI app. I watched and Nick is very drunk when he is going off.

You're right - Nick was sauced out of his mind.  He was doing what drunk people do when they're trying to sound sober - saying words really slowly and carefully, but wowza, he slurred his way through that whole conversation.  I wonder how late the producers kept them up trying to get usable footage.  The combination of booze, fatigue and haranguing manipulation by Sonia and production to Open Up likely pushed him over the edge to blurt out his feelings in such a blunt way.  That was uncomfortable to watch.

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37 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

So Derek and Heather remember the good times they spent together? Seriously?

I bet the producers went into a frenzy when they decided to divorce so early. They already stretch this show out to the MAX.  Now, we'll be stuck with several more weeks of Heather and Derek reminiscing about their marriage that never was.

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Personally disturbed by the commercialism of the characters 

1 hour ago, HZAnita said:

Remember the "Section 8 Yacht Club" discussion many pages ago?  Here's a tweet from Sonia yesterday....



Anyone else irritated by the characters' commercialism?

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So apparently Sonia's niece spilled the beans on one of FYI's social media pages about her and Nick not being together anymore. I'm not sure how real it is, but the niece looks pretty young...i know FYI is super protective of spoilers so I'm not sure why they didn't delete the comment left...

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5 minutes ago, cecig75 said:

So apparently Sonia's niece spilled the beans on one of FYI's social media pages about her and Nick not being together anymore. I'm not sure how real it is, but the niece looks pretty young...i know FYI is super protective of spoilers so I'm not sure why they didn't delete the comment left...

Can you repost it?

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3 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

So, what is the secret Sonia and Nick going to reveal in the next episode?  

Its not tomorrow's but the episode on the 27th. I had said something a bit ago after I saw it too. Maybe they are both co-owners of that pathetic clothing line. SMH

BTW, that link says Tom is planning a birthday party for Lily...isn't it Lily who is planning one for Tom?

1 hour ago, Liberty said:

Personally disturbed by the commercialism of the characters 

Anyone else irritated by the characters' commercialism?

Oh I am!!! I am disgusted that it has allowed Nick to use the show in such a way for his "clothing line" and rentals and then to do it on their SM accts linked to the show. Now you have the other ones advertising it as well from this group? SMH Makes me even more disgusted seeing that too. IF by chance this show casts for a season after Chicago, how many will see this going on and think about how they can do that too? 

Editing to add, not sure on that post but if that is her niece, it does sound like she is giving it away but then you have to wonder why the hell she is advertising his crap clothing line? Is it to just throw people off or she in on that junk too? So many questions...LOL

Edited by Evil Queen
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9 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

Oh I am!!! I am disgusted that it has allowed Nick to use the show in such a way for his "clothing line" and rentals and then to do it on their SM accts linked to the show. Now you have the other ones advertising it as well from this group? SMH Makes me even more disgusted seeing that too. IF by chance this show casts for a season after Chicago, how many will see this going on and think about how they can do that too? 

I agree that they should not be allowed to do this, as this is about the marriage of 2 strangers, so IF the power behind the scenes were really concerned about the 'matches' they would take out as many other elements of -what can I get out of this for me- to make it more authentic, including any pay except for expenses incurred by the arrangement & any missed work.

2 hours ago, ctbabe said:

Heather is friends with everyone except Derek. Not as close as the rest though

Maybe due to traveling but also I never felt she was too into the whole TV thing - the others seem REALLY into it, which kind of bugs me, but, I suppose they are told to promote for ratings' sake.

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I didn't notice Nick's clothing line until it was brought up here in the forums.  And then I had to look for it in an episode.  None of what I've seen looks interesting. And the concept? Section 8 (poor people) Yacht (rich people) Club (members only)?  WTF?  Alanis Morissette level of irony I suppose.  Sonia should distance herself from that instead of helping him to promote it.  It gives a good insight into his character.

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On August 16, 2016 at 10:26 AM, ctbabe said:

More than a little surprising. My impression is that Nick is so repressed and anal that he's not even marriage material at all. I've felt that it's only a matter of time before she gives up on him.

And what's with her repeatedly describing Nick as "very funny?" Could there be a more humorless person on the planet?

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3 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Maybe due to traveling but also I never felt she was too into the whole TV thing - the others seem REALLY into it, which kind of bugs me, but, I suppose they are told to promote for ratings' sake.

I could find a lot of things not to love about Heather but I think her not being into the TV thing might show that she may have been a serious candidate.  I can see her as someone who "tried everything to find love and came up empty-handed" and thought "What the hell, I'll apply for the show, nothing else has worked so why not do something crazy, you never know?".  Like others have said, I thought she was more mature than Derek.  I almost felt like it could have been me reacting to him.  It was almost like a mother/son thing.  Mr. Snarkle said that Heather seemed so much more sophisticated than Derek in a lot of ways and I agree, although she won no points with me for acting toward Derek like he had no class compared to her.  She of the tacky plunging wedding gown. 

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Hey everyone.  Long time reader, first time poster!  I am ready to see what really brought on the big fight, as well as how it happened.  The weird thing is, the whole scenario could be changed if there was something said before Nick went off on Sonia, such as:

How do you want me to open up?  Do you want me to say.....*insert mean quote here*.

It could be blown out of proportion just as much as the kid convo between the love birds.  The edit made that seem like life and death, but it was really not much of an argument when they finally showed it.

 Also, while on the topic of "irony" isn't it weird he rated his marriage and 8, which is the same number in his clothing line?  I know it is a reach, but I love a good conspiracy theory.

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