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MAFS Social Media, Spoilers & Speculation

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I don't want to be considered a creeper, but I am. The only two I have been able to find anything is Doug and Jamie.

1) I'm following Jamie on Instagram. There is a picture posted from her birthday that really looks like Doug photo bombing in the background. This was a realitively recent picture. I would post it, but don't know how on this forum.

2) She tagged Doug's real Facebook page (not a fan page) from her "real" Facebook and he has himself listed as married as of March 23, 2014. Not really a spoiler, though, since Jamie confirmed that date on twitter yesterday.

She's referred to herself as married a few times on twitter too.

I hope others know more scoop!

Well here's Jamie's Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamienotis


I don't think you need an account to read it, but before the show even started she was saying how the skeptics will be surprised, and when someone asked her if they're still married she said she can't answer that, but she's very happy (followed by a heart). This in addition to retweeting all messages wishing they made it and commenting on them with hearts etc. There was also a pic of her in a car going to some 4th of July party and she still had the ring in her finger. Last weekend she posted a pic of her feet and a man's feet on a beach in New Jersey. Somehow I doubt she would act like this, if the marriage had ended in tears. It was quite obvious during Bachelor Pad that she's not very good at keeping her feelings and excitement to herself, so I believe it's genuine.

Well here's Jamie's Twitter: https://twitter.com/jamienotis


There was also a pic of her in a car going to some 4th of July party and she still had the ring in her finger. Last weekend she posted a pic of her feet and a man's feet on a beach in New Jersey. Somehow I doubt she would act like this, if the marriage had ended in tears.

So, all the photos are of her and only obscure parts of Doug? You are newly married, very happy and there are no photos of who you are happy with even though your wedding was televised and we know who he is? This is crazy it seems. I think it's great that it worked out for her and she is no longer turned off. But it is all somewhat suspicious that we cannot see her and Doug skipping about on the beach, locked in a happy if not passionate pose or just a picture of Doug that she took. 

Ooh, good call on the ring! I hate twitter, but the same pic from the fourth is on Instagram. Now that I know to look for it, she's wearing it in many pictures! I love spoilers, can you tell?

So, all the photos are of her and only obscure parts of Doug? You are newly married, very happy and there are no photos of who you are happy with even though your wedding was televised and we know who he is? This is crazy it seems. I think it's great that it worked out for her and she is no longer turned off. But it is all somewhat suspicious that we cannot see her and Doug skipping about on the beach, locked in a happy if not passionate pose or just a picture of Doug that she took.

I don't know how it works for this show, but since the show was filmed months back and they are trying to build suspense with the show "do they make it? do they stay married??" they are probably encouraged not to "give it away" in interviews or social media. In shows like The Bachelor, they sign a contract to that effect. The rules regarding social media have varied over the years - the leads are now encouraged to keep their Instagram, facebook, twitter open and active during airing to keep people guessing and talking!

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Yes, I'm sure it's in their contract that they can't spoil the ending, but hinting must be encouraged to keep the viewers intrigued and invested. They are all posting things on Twitter that could be taken as meaning they're still together, but I think Jamie and Doug have gone the furthest. Obviously it could all just be for show, or they're just besties instead of lovers, but I'm hoping for the best.

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I hope others know more scoop!


Read on another board that Cortney and Jason were in North Carolina over July 4th.   That would be great if (1) they are together and (2) she has finally got to introduce him to her family. 


And unless Jamie is pulling the biggest fake out on social media, I too believe she and Doug are still together.    Whether its real or not, who knows.  

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There is some interesting stuff on The Married at First Sight Facebook page which aren't spoilers necessarily but there are people on there who are saying things about knowing stuff about Jason. 


I read those comments too.  That one poster seems really upset that Jason went on the show to promote his wrestlng career.  Guess they'd never watched the Bachelor/ette before.    That could mean that he and Cortney part ways after the five weeks but they seem pretty friendly on twitter so if they did split, it wasn't a bad one. 

Edited by CindyBee
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For all we know, all six of these people could have agents.  Doug is probably trying to have a career in stand-up.  The show could serve a dual purpose for them if they are also truly looking for a compatible spouse.  However, I would be the first person to say that there isn't much real about reality shows.   If I were one of the "experts" who matched them up, I would worry about my credibility if the show is found out to be a sham.

Edited by Babalooie
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First off, I don't agree with this forum's subtitle -- referring to it as a "train wreck."  Besides "train wreck" becoming such a cliche' description, it doesn't really fit here at al.  This show is utterly fascinating! 


Here are a couple of things I found while hunting for some info. on Monet and Vaughn. Maybe the 411 on Vaughn's modeling career was posted on the casting episode, but I didn't watch it so I wouldn't know.  (I am very skeptical about what is reported in that second link, below):



and this:


Can I just say I love this show? It's interesting how you can seem so right for someone on paper, and still deal with chemistry issues.


I do think Jamie and Doug are still married. She said something on Twitter about going strong for 4 months. I also saw her tweet a picture of her and Doug kissing, and she captioned it with saying they couldn't stop kissing by the end of their honeymoon.

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I do think Jamie and Doug are still married. She said something on Twitter about going strong for 4 months.


And followed it up by saying, "if we are together"  I had to reread it a few times because it was misleading.  She said "Today is 7/23 which marks 4 mo strong if we are together"



I also saw her tweet a picture of her and Doug kissing, and she captioned it with saying they couldn't stop kissing by the end of their honeymoon.


YMMV, but I took that one as kind of a confirmation of what we already know, of what was shown on TV since it was a picture of the scene on the show when they finally kissed.


I thought this one was interesting. Does the frame stay with the pic she asks. Well, if they didn't work out, I don't think she'd put a frame around the pic just to post that. And it looks like it's sitting there with a candle next to it as home decor.


Then again, this is Jamie. It doesn't mean the marriage is going to stay for long. Maybe she's the type to hold onto a man until someone better comes along?  She could also be totally wrapped up in this whole popularity media deal. She's been retweeting things her "fans" say, etc. etc. I'm more interested to see if they are still married when this dies down.

It has occurred to me that she may have visions of being the next Trista and Ryan, but only time will tell. I think they both enjoy the attention.

I have no idea how to post pics here, but yesterday she posted a cute picture to Instagram of her sleeping curled up with her dog with the caption "Someone snapped this pic of us sleeping. I do enjoy spooning."

And followed it up by saying, "if we are together"  I had to reread it a few times because it was misleading.  She said "Today is 7/23 which marks 4 mo strong if we are together"



YMMV, but I took that one as kind of a confirmation of what we already know, of what was shown on TV since it was a picture of the scene on the show when they finally kissed.


I thought this one was interesting. Does the frame stay with the pic she asks. Well, if they didn't work out, I don't think she'd put a frame around the pic just to post that. And it looks like it's sitting there with a candle next to it as home decor.


Aw, booo!! I misread. I got so excited when I read it.


I still think they're together though.

Her quote is "Today is 7/23 which marks 4 mo strong if we are together The sea lion brought us closer ❤ #MarriedAtFirstSight pic.twitter.com/C0iQdoaSZE"

I get what you guys are saying with the word if. There are two possibilities with the word one is that they are together, the other is they are not together.

If you are not together there is no way it would be 4 months strong. The keyword is strong. Think about it, if you breakup with someone you aren't going to say "oh today makes (is) 4 months strong if we would still be together."

Jamie & Doug are definitely still together. A family member posted on another site that they are happy and are thinking of starting their own family.


Also in this pic Jamie posted on July 17, there's a mirror in the background and it looks like Doug's the one taking the pic of Jamie & her friends -




Jamie & Doug are definitely still together. A family member posted on another site that they are happy and are thinking of starting their own family.

Also in this pic Jamie posted on July 17, there's a mirror in the background and it looks like Doug's the one taking the pic of Jamie & her friends -


Oooh, I am intrigued! I am far too invested, so I hope it's true.

I'm pretty sure her Instagram is full of "spoilers", As I mentioned above. I think Doug is the photo bomber in this pic..finally figured out how to link.


Edited by Secret
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I wonder if the couples get some additional payments for going past the month.


I can't really blame Jamie for not spilling details about her sex life to those hags on the View.

I bet that reveal is going to be part of the show. I'm still a little surprised by the "we had sex" admissions so far. The shows I watch usually never flat out state that.

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I bet that reveal is going to be part of the show. I'm still a little surprised by the "we had sex" admissions so far. The shows I watch usually never flat out state that.

You do have a point there. The blunt confirmations regarding marital relations have been interesting and kind of refreshing in that it has been matter-of-fact, not sensationalized.

Jamie said on Twitter that no question was off-limits, then clarified they wouldn't say if they were still married. Probably should have included this question, too, since Jamie & Doug are the only ones who haven't gone there yet.

Of course, that makes me think of the whole Fantasy suite comment brouhaha this week. Though, maybe it's a little different because this show starts with one mate and a wedding, which is the opposite of most shows...

Edited by Secret
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So, all the photos are of her and only obscure parts of Doug? You are newly married, very happy and there are no photos of who you are happy with even though your wedding was televised and we know who he is? This is crazy it seems. I think it's great that it worked out for her and she is no longer turned off. But it is all somewhat suspicious that we cannot see her and Doug skipping about on the beach, locked in a happy if not passionate pose or just a picture of Doug that she took. 

Participants like this on reality shows have to sign strict confidentiality clauses to ensure they don't give away the show results by doing just what you are suggesting: posting pictures of a loving, newly married couple happily frolicking about and doing what newlyweds do (outside the bedroom, of course). All of these couples are restricted as to what they can share with the public. It does sound, however, like Jamie is pushing the envelope a bit.

Yeah, I got that impression from watching last night that neither couple seemed to want to hide the fact that they had sex.

The fact that Monet and Vaughn had sex on their wedding night and that Courtney and Jason had sex a few days later on their honeymoon was clearly covered in more than one episode on the show itself. Maybe they confirmed it on The View because someone asked them about it, and if so, the person who asked the question clearly had not seen the shows, because it was already common knowledge, since both couples admitted when they had sex on at least two episodes of the show, if not more. Courtney talked about how she and Jason discussed it and decided together when the time was right, and Monet and Vaughn have talked about their first night together with a bit of TMI, if you ask me.

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Yes, there is going to be a second season. And this time it's going to be on both FYI and A&E


A&E Networks owns FYI and, if I understand the article correctly, will show a version of this show on A&E in order to both increase viewership and encourage more viewers to watch FYI. And why would they go to FYI to watch? Because the version on FYI is going to be 15 minutes longer each week.


So ... anticipate, speculate, moan, groan, exult, etc., about Season 2 in this thread. Please no spoilers - we have a regular spoiler thread and a media/social media spoiler thread (for whatever folks might pick up on Twitter feeds, for example).

Well that's just going to mess my DVR all up, now isn't it?  #firstworldproblem

Just set the DVR for the late night showing.


From the bits I could see in the commercials, the new people look a little more normal. They may also be getting more of the families involved. Then again, in season 1, everyone but Cortney and Jason had family at the wedding.


It's funny, including MAFS and the shows with the tiny houses, I watch more FYI than A&E, especially since they stopped making the NYC version of Storage Wars.

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