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The Tucker-Prichetts: Cam, Mitchell and Lily

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Who's the biggest ham in the house: Cam, Mitch or Lily? Ever since they switched out actresses in the role, Lily's been giving it a run for her money.

I don't mind the lack of general kissing/sexual attraction between Mitch and Cam because I'm sensitive to the slow progress gay people have made in general in pop culture (that these two characters exist at all, are beloved by millions and treated with respect on TV is a sign of how far we've come). Having said that, it'd be nice if it didn't feel like Mitch loathed Cam so much all the time. There's probably a middle ground between snarky dismissal of your partner and blazing romance.

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I think that Cam is such a ham that I don't really enjoy when this family is featured. I feel that everything is forced and that there is no real affection. HOWEVER, saw a repeat last night of "Bringing Up Baby", the episode right after they don't get a baby (and Gloria is pregnant (and going to get so fat)) and their interactions were honest, true and funny. Lily actually made me laugh by acting like a 5 year old-"Then can we get a cat and name him Larry?" was a perfect line and funny. And the stuffed animals on the roof was laugh out loud funny.

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I have to admit, I've never cared for the "new" Lily and especially that the writers have made her such a sarcastic, world-weary little kid. Most of her dialogue doesn't ring true to me, and if my kid talked to me like that she'd be in trouble.

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'm sensitive to the slow progress gay people have made in general in pop culture (that these two characters exist at all, are beloved by millions and treated with respect on TV is a sign of how far we've come). Having said that, it'd be nice if it didn't feel like Mitch loathed Cam so much all the time. There's probably a middle ground between snarky dismissal of your partner and blazing romance.


My goodness thank you for saying this! I find their relationship so passive aggressive and unhealthy watching their storylines is like going to dinner with a couple on the brink of divorce. SO AWKWARD! I feel the love between Jay and Gloria and Phil and Claire, not these two. Do you think the actors loathe each other?


I adore new Lily just from that Halloween episode where Haley was babysitting, "I was outside and it was cold and wet." or "Is anyone watching me?' Crying laughing.

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I find their relationship so passive aggressive and unhealthy watching their storylines is like going to dinner with a couple on the brink of divorce. SO AWKWARD!


For the 1st time, I saw the episode where Cam finds out that Mitchell intentionally made "Tucker" Lily's middle name, ostensibly since he thought Cam might freak out and leave them. While I have always wondered why they were a couple this made me wonder how the hell they ever stayed together, especially after that kind of deceit and lack of trust. It was not funny, not justifiable and just plain uncomfortable and I doubt I will ever be able to look at them the same way and I will always question whether Mitchell actually cares for Cam.

On the other hand, I also the episode where the Dunphey kids walk in on their parents and it is so clear, even without seeing the sex that Phil and Claire really care about and for each other and the family they created. The episode also had a lot of really, really funny lines (whatever they were doing, I think Dad was winning) and visuals (Alex washing out her eyes)

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I think the lack of publicly displayed affection between Cam and Mitchell is in part to make them more palatable to the audience. If they were constantly cuddling or kissing, maybe some people would get squeegy about it.


But occasionally you see sweetness between them. Those are lovely moments.

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But occasionally you see sweetness between them. Those are lovely moments


But it seems like more often we see nastiness, pettiness and distrust without any real caring or affection. I am not talking about overt PDA, but just some level of caring would be nice.

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't quite... get Cam and Mitchell - if nothing else, they seem like a new couple still trying to understand each other, not a couple who've been together quite some time with a child. They do have great moments where I feel they love each other deeply, case in point being the more recent episode where Jay insults Mitchell's wedding and Cam just gives him this look, but the rest of the time they don't seem to really get one another. Then again, none of the couples on this show seem to. I actually like most of them as characters, just... not the way they sometimes treat each other.


And Lily just isn't funny, but while I'm not sure it's intentional or we're supposed to see it as cute, I do know parents who kind of condone their children's bratty comments, because "aww, well (s)he doesn't really know what that means." Except if you keep letting it happen, the kid's never going to stop, especially after they know perfectly well what it means because they can get away with it. But the showrunners may also think bratty kids are funny.

Edited by Azaelia
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the rest of the time they don't seem to really get one another. Then again, none of the couples on this show seem to.


Agree about Mitch and Cam, but don't really agree about the last part. Claire and Phil seem quite well matched - they both get each other's jokes, share goofy hobbies like watching bad horror movies, are frequently romantically/sexually affectionate, and regularly affirm that they love each other and are in it for life. Jay and Gloria seem mismatched on the surface - shallow rich guy and a golddigger - but they too genuinely love each other and seem to be on the same wavelength more often than not (with the exception of things like Gloria surprising Jay for Valentine's Day or expecting him to remember every date they've had, etc.) Mitch and Cam just seem to irritate one another.

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I find Lilly humorous and also find her comments believable and realistic growing up in that environment with Cam and Mitch

Cam annoys me more than anyone on the show. It seems he always has to be the focal point and center of attention. Very irritating.

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Cam annoys me more than anyone on the show. It seems he always has to be the focal point and center of attention. Very irritating.


At least he is consistently this way! Saw the episode where he plays the drums for Dylan's band and while it was funny when he showed his skills after saying "I had the sticks in the wrong hands", it was really telling when his drum solo went on so long that they didn't invite him back.

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Cam and Mitchell don't like each other. That's what comes across most of the time. I like Lily. Even though she's a snarky, worldly sitcom kid stereotype, she is also exactly the kind of child Cam and Mitchell would raise. When she said in an episode to her parents, "you two exhaust me," she was speaking for me. That line endeared her to me. 

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I don't know, as frustrating as Cam can be with his diva antics and as snarky and constantly put upon as Mitchell can be, I do see a friendship and love between them. What I don't and never have seen is sexual chemistry but I don't think the show's going for that so I guess it's fine. Of course my view may be colored by the fact that I watched Glee where their gay couple, Kurt and Blaine TRULY look like they can't stand each other. Or more to the point Kurt can barely stand the sight of Blaine and Blaine is a creepy, clingy nut. So in comparison to that hot mess, Cam and Mitchell don't look that bad.

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I like the physical comedy they give Lily, and occasionally she'll make me laugh. Cam was freaking out about something, walked out of the scene and Lily said to Mitch, "She's a MESS." (To which Mitch replied, "girrrrrrrrrrl.")

One of the sweetest moments with Mitch and Cam was when they realized It was the doll -- and not Lily -- saying "Mommy." I thought their shared relief and joy was touching.

Edited by Kiddvideofan
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One of the sweetest moments with Mitch and Cam was when they realized It was the doll -- and not Lily -- saying "Mommy."


For some reason that scene always feels "off" to me. Like, Lily saying "mommy" was really, to quote them, their worst nightmare? What if Lily is someday curious about her birth mother or her heritage and extended family, or wonders what it would be like to have a mom? Are Mitch and Cam going to freak out and dissolve into a puddle of hysterics at that too? Didn't seem like very good parenting.


Then again, Lily is turning into such a massive brat, so the parenting fails have really added up. She's being coddled by two dads who can't bear to shatter her precious self-esteem by telling her to retake the family picture because her smile looks weird. She's "exceptional", except that she's not.

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Are Mitch and Cam going to freak out and dissolve into a puddle of hysterics at that too? Didn't seem like very good parenting.



Is this a rhetorical question because when it comes to Cam especially, I feel like that's his default reaction to everything.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Think we will get another political statement from this couple in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision like they did in the episode when they got engaged?

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In rewatching early seasons it really becomes obvious, to me anyway, that they had no real choice but to replace original Lily if they wanted her to be an actual character instead of a prop. I think they did an outstanding job with the casting, Lily is one of my favorite characters now.

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I'm a relatively new viewer to Modern Family. The first eps I saw had the talking Lily & I didn't really like her that much. But now that I've seen more eps I prefer talking Lily to that prop baby. That first kid was beyond creepy. They could have just used a doll. I don't know how they were able to keep her so glum/quiet/un-animated & don't really want to know. I've since read that she's a regular little kid when not in a scene. In scene she doesn't look happy at all. They should have replaced her a lot sooner than they did.

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I'm a relatively new viewer to Modern Family. The first eps I saw had the talking Lily & I didn't really like her that much. But now that I've seen more eps I prefer talking Lily to that prop baby. That first kid was beyond creepy. They could have just used a doll. I don't know how they were able to keep her so glum/quiet/un-animated & don't really want to know. I've since read that she's a regular little kid when not in a scene. In scene she doesn't look happy at all. They should have replaced her a lot sooner than they did.

LOL you should go read the old MF posts and all the lamenting and beating of breasts regarding replacement of the old Lily when it first happened. Her "deadpan" demeanor was extremely popular.

Fortunately it all worked out and the current Lily has become just as popular.

I have been wracking my brain tryng to figure out who the more grown up Lily of this season reminds me of in her acting choices and line deliveries and I've finally figured it out: Kiernan Shipka of Mad Men fame. I think it's striking, does anyone else see this?

Edited by mansonlamps
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I love Eric Stonestreet, and Cam has some lovely moments on the show, but tonight's rerun on USA was my least favorite Cam ep of all time.

It's when Mitchell surprises him with the flash mob appearance, and Cam throws a hissy fit ("You cheated on me with choreography!").  Christ! Just idiotic, childish, unbearable reax.  

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10 hours ago, voiceover said:

I love Eric Stonestreet, and Cam has some lovely moments on the show, but tonight's rerun on USA was my least favorite Cam ep of all time.

It's when Mitchell surprises him with the flash mob appearance, and Cam throws a hissy fit ("You cheated on me with choreography!").  Christ! Just idiotic, childish, unbearable reax.  

Different strokes - that is my very favorite episode. I actually taped it so I could watch it again this morning. All 3 family story lines were funny, and literally came together at the end.

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Also, Cam's point was that Mitchell had been absent all this time instead of spending time with him even though participating in the flash mob was something Cam would have loved and it could have been something that they could do together thus spending quality time together.

I mean I don't think Mitchell is evil or anything and his heart was in the right place but I got where Cam was coming from.

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Mitchell is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.   Cam has observed more than once that Mitchell needs to lighten up and have some fun so he does the flash mob dance for Cam and still gets pinged.  Cam can't help himself.

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I still don't understand how Mitchell was ever attracted to Cam in the first place. While Mitchell certainly has his neurotic moments and odd habits, he's also very focused on seeing that things happen like paying the bills and keeping the house running. And then gets criticized by Cam for his trouble.

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On 10/3/2016 at 0:12 PM, MaryMitch said:

Different strokes - that is my very favorite episode. I actually taped it so I could watch it again this morning. All 3 family story lines were funny, and literally came together at the end.

I enjoy that episode too. "You cheated on me with choreography!!" will never not be funny.  Also the "adult adulterers" line. 

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So I'm not the only one who doesn't think they make a good couple. I dunno, maybe the writers have been trying to make an updated gay version of the Battling Bickersons.

But the thing that comes across to me is just how EXHAUSTING and truly DRAINING it must be for Mitchell to have to deal with all of Cam's shit or as I have dubbed it "The Cameron Tucker Experience." Cam comes across as a slightly turned down version of Nathan Lane's character in The Birdcage, but somehow Cam is nastier.

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19 hours ago, ShutUpLutz said:

So I'm not the only one who doesn't think they make a good couple. I dunno, maybe the writers have been trying to make an updated gay version of the Battling Bickersons.

But the thing that comes across to me is just how EXHAUSTING and truly DRAINING it must be for Mitchell to have to deal with all of Cam's shit or as I have dubbed it "The Cameron Tucker Experience." Cam comes across as a slightly turned down version of Nathan Lane's character in The Birdcage, but somehow Cam is nastier.

Mitchell can be quite nasty as well and they both manipulate the hell out of each other.

That being said, I quite like both characters when the brashest or most prominent traits are dialed back. I especially enjoy Jesse Tyler Ferguson's line delivery when he's being quietly snarky or self-deprecating. I really think the Claire/Mitchell relationship might be one of my favorites, especially when they're griping about their parents. Very believable and funny. 

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