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There were a couple of clever lines, but the main character is a self-absorbed jerk who tries to trick his wife into touching his penis, doesn't seem to know much about his kids and mainly hangs out in a bar, getting stoned with his friends and strategizing how to get laid. He spends tons of time and energy and money chasing a girl--ice cream cones, puppies, hospitals, her apartment/grandmother/ex-boyfriend. Hijinks ensue.

You know what would REALLY get you some action, dude? Sitting on the couch, folding that mountain of laundry and giving your wife a fucking break.

  • Love 15

I thought it was pretty good at catching a couple of points. One, it sucks to have to beg your wife for sex, especially if you're trying hard and she says she's done with it for a while. The conversation about going to a hooker felt accurate -- for certain kinds of men, the concept isn't nearly as easy as its often portrayed -- even with permission, it's still kind of yucky. The second was that once you step out of the relationship, you've got no way to control the crazy that could follow.

I've started to really like Jenny Slate, but I thought the conversation with the waitress about being the mistress was way beyond forced.

", but the main character is a self-absorbed jerk who tries to trick his wife into touching his penis, doesn't seem to know much about his kids and mainly hangs out in a bar, getting stoned with his friends and strategizing how to get laid "

I don't think being in your mid 30s, married and desiring sex makes you self absorbed, and I don't think not knowing a fish's name means you don't know your kids.

It seemed to me he made reasonable efforts and was rebuffed. He didn't pout about it, but if your wife a) says no, b) knows you're hard and doesn't want you jacking off in bed so you end up not he couch again and c) suggests you look elsewhere for sexual release, it might be the kind of thing you talk to your friends about. That's not looking to get laid, that's trying to adapt to an unexpected reality shift.

  • Love 1

I think his efforts would be more rewarded if he seemed to do anything that resembled being helpful around the house. He seems to spend an inordinate amount of time at the bar for someone who is married.


The wife told him that the kids wear her out. Instead of offering to assist, he keeps bugging her for sex. This is not just a straight relationship issue. My ex was completely unhelpful around the house and left a path of destruction everywhere she went. But at nighttime, she expected me to be all hot and horny for her.


You want to turn me on? Wash a dish or two once in a while; do a load of laundry; run the damn vacuum; don't leave your hair all over the shower and bathroom counter! I had no sympathy for him and his plight to get laid.

  • Love 7

One, it sucks to have to beg your wife for sex, especially if you're trying hard and she says she's done with it for a while. 

It seemed to me he made reasonable efforts and was rebuffed.

Of course a healthy 30-year old man wants sex.  But look at the wife, at the books she reads and the movies she watches.  Vampire stuff is all about seduction.  She has decent communication skills--she says to him that 1) she's exhausted from dealing with the kids/household and 2) when they do have sex, he flips her around like a gymnast.


How many babysitter/dinners-for-two will $400 buy?  How about a spa day?  "Hey honey, how about I rub your back 'til you fall asleep (and don't poke you in the side while I'm doing it)?"


Sheesh, I could get Judy Greer going and I just met her 22 minutes ago.

  • Love 2

I did not think that this was good. He was really quick to act on his wife's suggestion that he have sex with other women. It never occurred to him that they needed to have a serious conversation setting ground rules to protect their relationship and children if they were going to have an open marriage. 


I agree with the posters above that the husband was self-absorbed and that not helping out around the house was a turn off for the wife, but I thought the porn sex was likely an even bigger turn off. Although how she put up with that for so long is beyond me. He needs to try romancing her and then engaging attentive foreplay before some meaningful non-porn sex.


Finally, where is the diversity? They could not cast one black person for their immediate circle of friends.

Edited by SimoneS

I am all for open marriages-- in fact, I was in one, and I don't regret it. But I agree with everyone who's saying that they're not setting it up in a way that makes any sense. The wife is exhausted, and the husband is spending his days and nights goofing off around town with his friends, and then coming home nagging her for nookie instead of paying any attention whatsoever to the household or spending any of his limitless free time with her. She has every reason to resent him!


If they had an equal and happy relationship in general, but just didn't want sex with each other, that would make sense. Or even if they did want sex with each other, but also wanted it with other people-- fine and dandy. There are other reasons also, that I'd be fine with it. But when your marriage is one-sided, and your partner is saying she's just too exhausted, the thing to do is pick up the slack, not look for someone else to keep you busy while your exhausted partner shoulders all the joint responsibilities.


I hope the show isn't going to be about him trawling for sex and trying to hide it and control the drama, and is going to be about them fixing their marriage. I think they have a lot of potential as a couple, as shown by the moments of levity, compatibility, and good will they did give us hints of. They don't seem so much mismatched as bizarrely unsavvy about obvious solutions to problems and a very weird 1950s idea about make-female roles. I don't want to see Nat Faxon as a poor man's 21st Century Don Draper to a hipper, more relaxed Judy Greer as Betty substitute. How could the answer to their problems be so obvious and neither they nor any of the other characters even consider it?

  • Love 1

This was kind of horrible.


Not only did I not laugh once, I found the husband really sleazy. He didn't have any interest in WHY his wife didn't want to have sex with him, just in what that meant for him. He didn't have any interest in why she liked the things she was turning to instead, her vampire stories, just in how he could use that as another lame trick in his fratboy routine to get laid. Not once in the entire episode did he give me any hint that he has ANY interest in his wife as a person at all, just as a sex toy that's not working.


Meanwhile, she's doing pretty much all the parenting and all of the chores, by the looks of things. Christ, woman, you can do that while you're single, and then get a good night's sleep. I've got an ex who spent his days acting like an overgrown child and his nights wondering why I had difficulty viewing him as a sexual being anymore -- it's really damn difficult to be attracted to someone when you feel like you're having to mother them. I should have left sooner, and I can't help but think the only way to redeem this show would be to change the title to Divorced and have Judy Greer look for an actual adult to remarry.


I think I'll stick with You're the Worst, where the leads might not be great people, but at least they actually demonstrate some interest in each other as human beings. And managed to make me laugh in the process.

  • Love 1

I'm going to try to make it one more episode--if it's like this one, then I'm out. I was looking forward to a sexy, funny show about being married. This was just the husband's story of hanging out with his friends and trying to get laid by someone, anyone. I don't get offended often, but it offended me when he went to the girl's apartment to try to have sex with her. Maybe a show just with Judy Greer as a divorcee would be better, after all!

  • Love 1

I gave this show another chance, despite not liking the male lead's character. Nope, I still don't like him.


It's weird because he and his wife have great chemistry in certain scenes, but I just really dislike him. He barged in on her in that tiny little shower when she was clearly exasperated from dealing with the kids. When she asked him to get out, he wouldn't. 


Did they ever say what he does for a living? I don't think I've seen any work scenes or heard any references to how he supports them financially. The wife doesn't work, either. Maybe I missed something.


Especially when she said part of the reason she's not interested in sex is because she's so worn out from taking care of the kids and the house.


But if he did all that we would probably not have a show right?  The premise is to put him in positions where he has his wife's okay to have sex with other women because she doesn't want it and while this sounds like every man's dream, it's anything but.  

Edited by sasha206

I guess I didn't realize that was the premise. i thought it was going to be a show about the marriage, and there are lots of ways to go with it. They could, for instance, show him taking on more household responsibilities and being too tired for sex himself, while she's finally gotten a break and is ssuddenly hot as hell and pestering him for nookie.


The thing about marriages and whether they go stale and how to revive them if they do, is rich territory for comedy. I am sure they can think of more ways to approach this than having the husband sneak around while the marriage itself continues to languish. I don't see how watching that scenario of him sneaking around would be funny. It's likely to just alienate the wife more and more and cause the husband to be even more distant from her, whether he enjoys the affairs or not. How is that a fun show to watch? They might as well have called it "Divorced"

  • Love 2
Did they ever say what he does for a living?

I guess they're leaving it out for now, but he did say to AJ that work was slow right now... which kind of implies he's not drawing a regular salary but instead is a freelancer or contractor.  Must be doing relatively well if Lina doesn't need to work.


I gave this show another chance, despite not liking the male lead's character. Nope, I still don't like him.

I want to like him, but Faxon's using up that Ben and Kate goodwill really fast.  I agree, he seems like an incredibly selfish jerk most of the time. Which would be something different if the show realized it, but it weirdly doesn't seem to. I don't think it goes so far as to sympathize with him either, but I guess I want him to either be a little more self-aware or for the show's world to deal out more comeuppance.

I gave up. I also liked Faxon in Ben and Kate but I just can't with this show. I shut it off and deleted the season pass as soon as he was doing cocaine recreationally. That makes me more angry than anything. He is a father and husband. That is irresponsible and stupid. I also didn't like the female friends description of her older husband. I get that he's older than her, but two things bugged me about that. 1- if what I read is true about the actor playing the husband he's not THAT old for crying out loud and 2- if you're that unhappy why stay married?? I just can't with any of these people.

  • Love 1

Wait, I don't recall that.


Jenny Slate was doing coke when she and the wife went off on their own.


But I don't recall drugs at AJ's place nor did he do anything with the hookers.

When they were in the bathroom, they showed Jess making lines (or whatever it's called) and do the coke. Then they showed Russ sniffing his nose and jumping up and down. That was a clear indicator, to me, that Russ did some too.


Yeah, I think it was clear Russ had partaken of the coke too. And while he didn't have sex with the hookers, I'm not sure he wouldn't have if his daughter hadn't called. As it was, he took off his pants, fondled one of the hookers' fairly naked asses and had one straddling him in the pool. Creepy. Add to that his constant harrassing of his wife for sex , neglecting the dog, apparent habit of borrowing money, and overall whininess, and he's just so unappealing. And I LIKE Nat Faxon. I loved 'ben and kate'. I love the movies he's co-written. But this character is so gross that all I can focus on are his bad teeth, which normally don't bother me.

Everyone on this show is unappealing, which is weird cuz I actually really normally like the cast. I love jenny slate but I'm already really tired of her character's constant sniping about her 'grandpa husband'. I do want to see Paul Reiser as her husband but don't know if I can hold out til he shows up..

Edited by luna1122

Well, this one wasn't horrible. It was nice to see some actual chemistry between Russ and Linda. I've so far been wondering why in the world they're still married to each other.


I didn't really get the secondary story in this episode. The couple that was babysitting for the kids ended up in a bar trying to lure a sexting neighbor to it. What happened to the kids while they were in the bar? Or weren't they the ones babysitting? I may have missed something.

It does appear to me that they just left the kids they were supposed to be looking after... unless the kids were arriving the next day, and he sexting escapades were for the night before?


If Jenny Slate's character's husband likes her behavior, why isn't he interested in having sex with her? Didi he marry her with the intention of a celibate but drama-filled life? I get that he's older and that has certain impacts, but still-- it's weird and almost sadistic that he would marry her, knowing what she's like, and be indifferent to her at the same time, as though he enjoys her frustration?

I think maybe she's putting on an act in regards to her "old, out of touch, no sex" husband. They seemed to have a good dynamic and enjoy each others company. Maybe she just doesn't want to admit to herself or her friends that she's actually happy. Also, when you see them talking to the sexting wife in their kitchen - you see the kids in the background. I have no idea what they did with the kids.

So Russ does freelance jobs and they have problems collecting money while Lina quit her job because she hated the boss' breath?


They're both irresponsible given that they have kids.


How much can designing banners for frats pay?


He didn't go on about getting laid this time, actually concerned about how young women are treated, given his daughters.

  • Love 1

I thought it was the best episode yet, and the first that dealt with something real. As a father of a daughter, some of the stuff that women go through makes me want to beat everyone with a Y chromosome on the planet up. So I can see where he was coming from in  being so angry in the way the frat guys were acting, and part of that was I'm sure he's acted the same way in the past. If you're someone who's prone toward guilt -- which I think he's been shown to be -- then having a daughter really can make you stay awake at night torn abut with your own actions. 


And also the panic of really not having enough money, and the steps you go through in order to get it. 


Also Lina's dilemma. I have a mantra I tell everyone if they lose/quit their job -- not working is better than working. Even hanging around the house and doing housework (and I say this from experience because that's what I've done for three years) is better than working. Having bosses sucks. So I understand her reluctance to want to go back to work even if you need the money. 


White people prices was a funny idea. 

White people prices was a funny idea.

As a Chinese-Canadian myself... It's funny because it's true. =)

Anyways, there's something about the fundamental lack of awareness about this show that grates for me. I know on some level the characters aren't that self-aware, but I really think the show itself doesn't know how badly Lina and esp Russ come off at times. The supporting characters are hard to sympathize with in a way too, but they're more gleefully owning their crappy behavior, so I dislike them less.

I liked this one, probably because I share the aversion to "light social occasions." The opening scene with the schoolteacher was too much for me-- going on and on about their sex life just seemed like something too far out even for this dude. But I enjoyed how the craziness of the mom at the playdate actually made things more comfortable. Also, the family not knowing their house was a porn icon was amusing enough, and I admit it was a very cheap humor, but for some reason I went with it.

I think this was my last episode. I don't particularly like Russ and Lina so they need to be doing interesting stuff, but mostly whatever they're doing is boring (or sometimes stupid which is worse). Russ spent half the episode wandering around saying "I know this place" and then why he knew it ended up being kind of lame. The other storyline seemed pointless as well, I don't have any sympathy for a 50+ man having an issue with a 19 year old he slept with.


The other storyline seemed pointless as well, I don't have any sympathy for a 50+ man having an issue with a 19 year old he slept with.

I liked that plot. Gelman's doing a good job of selling the creepiness and the sadness of AJ.  But since you bring him up, it makes me wonder. Normally, something like his storyline would be given to a main character in the pilot: the character is starting a major life change, so let's start the story here. Instead, we were given Russ and Lina, already mid-anomie.


Lina carried more of the episode this time than any ep before, and I think it really worked.  Bouncing Greer off Michaela Watkins was also a good idea.

I don't think this will turn into anything but an easy if profane watch. I think both leads have good chemistry with each other and with others. I like Reiser more than I may ever have, and, as a veteran of too many playdates, I felt their pain all the way through. The sex stuff in the cold open was over the top, but still enjoyable enough. And I find myself looking forward to it on Thursdays, so I hope it stays around for a while. 

The opening scene with the schoolteacher was too much for me-- going on and on about their sex life just seemed like something too far out even for this dude.


I see them as very lonely people. That they talked with the teacher also doesn't surprise me. I've heard of teachers that parents really overshare and want the third part to validate their feelings.

I'm liking it a lot better now, also. For one thing, it's less rushed. For another, it's more equal between Lina and Russ, in that he's not just pestering her and she's not just withdrawing. They're sometimes facing a problem as a team, other times at odds with each other, but it's clearer that they really do like each other and how they got to where they are.

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