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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp

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On 8/19/2020 at 4:34 PM, ByTor said:

Brennan and Meredith, my 2 favorites, CUT!  Still trying to process this.  I don't even know these women, but I am BUMMED 😞 

I have to admit, when I heard Brennan had been cut, my first thought was “oh, Bytor is going be so mad and they’ll be hell to pay!”  

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20 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

I think any alumni who still lives in Dallas and doesn't want to anger Kelli will fall into the same category.  They don't want to risk losing references or clients or their reputation.

You have to watch Jessica P's first - her friends wanted to bring a cardboard cutout of her to a Friends and Family night and she wouldn't let them.  So she posted a story of her with her teammates when they had the cardboard cutouts.

Considering her job and how long it's been since she got to see family, I can see her being concerned.

Cue the owls... Who? Who are you speculating?

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3 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

While I would LOVE for Kelli to be shown the door and told "Tonight will be your last night", I'll wait until there's an official announcement that she has left the building.  I'd also love to know what Judy plans to do.  If she stays, she'll remember the good times she had with Kelli but not regret getting slapped down for speaking out or voicing her own opinion.  If Kelli will do THAT to someone who SHOULD have a say in things, no wonder Kelli is horrid to the girls and thinks that only her own opinion (and that of Charlotte) actually matter.  To Kelli, the girls should shut off their brains and their opinions the moment they join the squad unless it matches what the organization wants them to say.

I wonder if Charlotte is going to get called on the carpet about this.  Just because the girls aren't technically on the sidelines doesn't mean they should be dancing on the touchdown decks.  That STILL could be considered part of the sidelines if the NFL wants to push it.  Besides, didn't they STOP doing that in previous seasons because of safety reasons?  I guess Kelli and Charlotte are so focused on getting the girls seen that they don't care if the girls are safe or not.  I hope the NFL puts its foot down and says absolutely not to even having the girls anywhere NEAR the field.  Which will effectively holding make holding an in-person Training Camp useless and worthless.

The only thing that would make this whole situation better (other then blowing the lid off the toxicity of the whole DCC management) is if it gets MOST of that DCC management fired and new blood brought in.  Imagine if new blood was brought in (especially ones that don't have any connection to Tina and that she doesn't have any ties to or hold over) and they made the WHOLE group re-audition.  I wonder who would make it back.

One of my earlier posts was a "what if". As in, what if Kelli was fired, and fresh management brought in. I made a list of the vets that would be left standing due to dance ability and ambassadorship. A certain legacy wasn't on that list.

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I hope like hell Kelli is freaking out over the massive outrage over Brennan and Hannah and the info about Kat but knowing her from what we've seen I'm sure it just pisses her off

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3 hours ago, erikaelvis said:

This will be super unpopular and down voted BUT I cant help but think if Hannah was truly that concerned about training camp and the faux bubble, why didnt she decline to go.  I know she wanted to be apart of the "sisterhood"  but knowing what it was going to be like and the risks, she still CHOSE to go and didnt speak out until after she was cut.

I won't downvote you. I do think it's telling when Hannah said her concerns were heard and she expected going in to find a safer environment. TCC was only 2 weeks and a lot can happen in a short period of time. She may have continued to voice concerns thinking it would lead to more, instead of just throwing her hands up in the air, and then when reality hit she realized that they never intended the girls to be safe. 

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3 minutes ago, DancingDina13 said:

Do you really Kelli? And she can point out a fake ? Mmmm hmmm


Wait did she just post a BLM post while all this is going down. 
She believes in “Pastor Jackson”
She believes in “peaceful expression”

What is she talking a about???????

What is happening!?!?!? 

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7 minutes ago, Lona said:

So now it’s out that Cianas off SG and Kat’s lover has been named. Good grief this whole season is in free fall.

And with the cuts that are now known, there goes the drama for the season!

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38 minutes ago, CailynA said:

Suck it Kelli!!! You toxic self-centered sun scorched age spotted nepotistic old bitch!

Get it all out of your system, Girl.  BREATHE!

Therapy is free here!

Edited by go4luca
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1 minute ago, ByTor said:

@CailynA, tell us what you REALLY think 🤣

I know there are more adjectives to use for her but I drew a blank, sad state of affairs for an English teacher but my brain is fried after a week of training to go back to teaching in the age of Rona lol

1 minute ago, go4luca said:

Get it all out of your system, Girl.  Breathe!

Therapy is free here!

I feel better now but still not quite there might have to hunt out my thesaurus 😉

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10 minutes ago, moonchild81 said:

kelli's post is from june

Maybe so but it’s a joke that she wants to portray she is caring when she won’t allow more than 4 black cheerleaders in recent seasons and cuts hard working , great ambassadors for petty reasons. June or now , she’s full of it 

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8 minutes ago, ElenaFR said:

This forum is better than the show. ❤️

Dang right we are!

I spread this into one of the Facebook groups and the normally sunshine and rainbows is not so sunny anymore.

Oh, how the tides turn! 

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1 hour ago, MssdDrms said:

I have to admit, when I heard Brennan had been cut, my first thought was “oh, Bytor is going be so mad and they’ll be hell to pay!”  

We all thought that!!😂😂😂❤❤

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I did not watch any of season 14 shows because of my rather large dislike of Princess and Kelli. I came to this forum every day that season and I feel like I watched the show. 😂. I have been on this site for a few years, and I love it. I am on some of the Facebook pages with some of the members here, and I feel like all of you are friends. I love this forum, and I don't plan on watching any more until this forum tells me Victoria is gone!!! Love you guys!!!😂😂😊

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2 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I haven't had cable in years.  I don't have access to CMT on anything at all.  I can watch Pluto all I want on my tv/laptop/phone/tablet.  For the past few years, I have watched the first ep of the season on CMT's website the night it premieres - for free.  You don't have to sign in to watch it.  I think it's up for maybe the first week or so, but then you have to sign up if you want to watch any more eps.  

And you don't have to buy the season right away.  Last year, I just read the forums, watched the free video clips on the CMT website, and that held me until I decided to buy Season 14.  And someday I will even finish watching it - maybe.

I feel like a complete idiot now LOL.  I just went to see how I was logged into the Pluto site to watch MTT and I wasn't even logged in LOL🙃

I just logged in with my GOOGLE account and it's letting me watch the MTT channel.  I feel so stupid

Edited by BluegrassDCCFan
changed some wording
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7 minutes ago, jlc said:

I did not watch any of season 14 shows because of my rather large dislike of Princess and Kelli. I came to this forum every day that season and I feel like I watched the show. 😂. I have been on this site for a few years, and I love it. I am on some of the Facebook pages with some of the members here, and I feel like all of you are friends. I love this forum, and I don't plan on watching any more until this forum tells me Victoria is gone!!! Love you guys!!!😂😂😊

The only way Victoria will be gone is if Kelli's gone. She will find some way to keep that girl on the squad until hell freezes over.

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Just now, Muckypup61 said:

The only way Victoria will be gone is if Kelli's gone. She will find some way to keep that girl on the squad until hell freezes over.

Since Char isn't going anywhere, there is a chance Vikkie wouldn't go anywhere either. She seems to love her as much as Kelli does. 

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1 minute ago, Loves2Dance said:

Can someone cliff note me on the new TCC that followed her boyfriend to DCC? Is he playing for the Cowboys? And now she's a DCC? I've been distracted...

He has been with the cowboys since 2018 

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Just now, Loves2Dance said:

Can someone cliff note me on the new TCC that followed her boyfriend to DCC? Is he playing for the Cowboys? And now she's a DCC? I've been 

Sydney apparently followed a player from Atlanta.

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1 minute ago, BluegrassDCCFan said:


Thanks.  Do we know why the vets were cut?  

Hannah was cut for speaking out about unsafe conditions in TCC. We speculate that Brennan was cut for something similar and/or not being recovered enough from her 2 cases of COVID. We don't have answers for Lily or Meredith yet. 

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