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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Now we switch to little Nicola plaintively looking at her food like she's about to burst into tears all anew.

Exhausting is the word.

Edited by vb68
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12 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

AG better pull out the cou de whatever Jeff got that one season!

americas choice! 

Oh my goodness, YES!  Only question is would Dani or Nicole F go nuts and pull a Chima?  Hopefully production has two spare mic packs handy just in case!

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3 minutes ago, me5671 said:

Oh my goodness, YES!  Only question is would Dani or Nicole F go nuts and pull a Chima?  Hopefully production has two spare mic packs handy just in case!

And Kevin can whine please don't do that like he did last time.

Guys, I have a confession the other night I went through a bunch of season 7 live feed youtube clips of Kaysar/Janelle. I don't regret it at all. 

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Nicola did say in her tweet she wants to work with Jaysar, right? That was before she was on the block though. But who knows with her. Memphis refusing to make an alliance with them really has me worried one of them might get backdoored. He was pretty careful to not make any promises and never said he wouldn't renom them. They would still be pissed, though. 

Janelle really thought she and Kaysar were in an alliance with Nicola and Memphis? I hope she meant two separate alliances, and even that is a reach. But once someone you think you're in an alliance with does something against your interest this early in the game, clue #1 it's not a real alliance. C'mon Janelle. Get it together, girl. Less floater hate, more (any) perception please 😂😂.


Edited by Victim Noises
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It wouldn’t occur to Janie that Nicole F. hates her because she did BB interviews or commentary or answered questions in interviews and gave her opinion on the game. She wasn’t being personal about Nic F. When asked, she said she didn’t think she played the better game and Paul should have won. In Janie’s mind, that is part of her life to give commentary on the strategy game that she LOVES and watches as a fan every season! Nicole F. is all... she’s so mean and saying I didn’t deserve it! I’m the first girl to win against a guy! I’M THE LEGEND!!! She never even won!! (*dissolves in tears*) Seriously, Janie has NO IDEA why Nicole F. hates her or thinks Janie hates her... she is like... I don’t...why would I hate her (almost like... she is not important enough to to hate). But Nicole F.’s self help reading in sequester about anxiety and your subconscious mind and creating positive outcomes was a complete flop. Ever here of The Secret, Nicole? You manifested this war in your own mind with your own defensiveness, insecurity, and inability to tolerate an opinion that doesn’t lick you up and down as an iconic game changing winner. Instead of letting things that don’t align with her self-concept roll off her back, she gets so upset that people are personal and it is so embarassing for her on TV (whine) and she makes mountains out of molehills (out of no hills!) and has manifested this war with Janie that Janie barely even knew she was in. With all Nic F.’s talk of her discomfort, it IS getting back to Janelle, who is all 🙄 sigh, and then starts pressing hard for Nic F. backdoor. Nicole F. created the bad blood, the not being polite or talking to Janie and flat out ignoring her and trashing her to everyone. She is creating the tension, the “sides” of the house and is contributing to her downward game spiral this week where she is now being proposed as a back door, when she was really in a good position if she could keep her whining about how Janelle is a monster and her enemy out of her thoughts and mind! It’s drawing attention to her and attracting attention that makes her a target. Law of Attraction— the energy you put out is what you become and attract to you. No one was paying attention to Nicole and Janelle not talking until Nic F. kept bringing up how she is not with her and has beef. Giving people excuses to run with it. You self-identify as a major target, you manifest that in to reality and it becomes true as your energy has shifted and attracts more if that negative tension between you (from Nic F’s side) and Janelle and she made it a reality in the house that makes people uncomfortable. They are already looking to get rid of her!

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They’re getting irritated that it’s almost their bedtime and they haven’t played. 
Tyler says it’s in their contracts that they can go to bed at 10 

2 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Memphis just pacing around in the kitchen eating. Puts his dirty dish on the table and walks back upstairs. Does he know HOH is just one week?

And he was bitching last week that people don’t clean up after themselves. 

1 minute ago, zorak said:

Are they rolling slop?


rolling out the slop.png

Yes. I’m not sure what that is but Christmas was rolling the oats the other day to crush them since they’re pellets 

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Enzo claims he gets carded for liquor sometimes.

Now Memphis is rehashing his Janelle/Kaysar convo to Cody.

 Maybe at one of those stores that cards everyone under 40 just to be on the safe side. 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Cody says he doesn't like that Kaysar and Janelle have marked Cody, Tyler, Nicole F. and Danielle as the other side.  

Oh geez, did he think they were doing a good job of hiding their alliance? Huge eye roll from me.



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Just now, kellog010 said:

Memphis keeps trying to backtrack on Janelle and Kaysar naming the 4 people wasn't a huge deal while those 4 people spiral out of control. 

Cody is going to blow up and I can't wait to see it. I hope he blows up at Janelle and she puts him in his place.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Ian is asking Dani if his name is getting dragged around out there. Chances that Dani says "When I talk to [insert HG here], they say they loooove you."?

And she totally can see them working together...

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1 minute ago, kellog010 said:

Memphis keeps trying to backtrack on Janelle and Kaysar naming the 4 people wasn't a huge deal while those 4 people spiral out of control. 

Moron never should have told  Cody anything.

When it's America's vote they're all gonna bitch about how their side didn't get it. If you wanted the perks, you should have sided with the obvious vote getters - Kayser and Janelle.

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8 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

They’re getting irritated that it’s almost their bedtime and they haven’t played. 
Tyler says it’s in their contracts that they can go to bed at 10 

 Lol.  Contracts.  That contract says CBS owns their souls.  What does he think they're going to do, take them to...The People's Court?   I mean they're going to be doing Zoom episodes so maybe they can cross over.  "Mr. Tyler you're suing a major network studio for failing to live up to a contract. What say you?". "Well judge the contract says we can go to bed at 10 at they wouldn't let us".  "You want to go to bed at 10?  Do you have dinner at the local cafeteria before it closes at 5:30 too?  What adult your age with hair like that goes to bed at 10?" "Well Miss Millian...". "Did you just call me Miss?"

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Nicole A. to Tyler:  "Maybe it's me just being sensitive but suddenly Janelle is interested in talking to other people."  Nicole A. being sensitive?  Noooo.  Never.

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Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole found a new victim person to whine to: Tyler. Apparently Janelle and Kaysar are talking to other people and not tending to Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole's every need and drippy thought so they must have ditched her to go find new people to leech off of. 

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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole found a new victim person to whine to: Tyler.

Tyler was very nicely noncommittal on the veto, too.  Well played.

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When I turned off the feeds at 3am today, NicoleA was whining about how Janelle was responsible for putting her on the block. (Janelle’s long wine-fueled convo with Memphis provided evidence that she is controlling him and calling all the shots, apparently.) Cut to 20 hours later: I turn on the feeds, and NicoleA is whining to Tyler about how Evil Janelle is keeping her on the block and now in some kind of eye-wink alliance with Ian.  Has she even taken a break from her JanelleIsSoMean fixation?

I think the “Good Nicole” and “Bad Nicole” designations need to end. There are only Bad Nicoles in this house. (Or maybe Dumb and Dumber Nicoles.)

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This is the liveliest Ian has been in the house.

He actually seems like he has a sense of humor.

His little looks with raised eyebrows were hilarious.

Edited by vb68
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