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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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Well, I think Kayser , from the moment he walked in the house, has been digging his own grave. Talking about his greatness, his strategic mind, his savageness, telling people how they need to play things, etc.
I hope Janelle can bounce back from this. Form her own alliance. She can play the sad, Ive lost my partner role when Kayser goes. Win an hoh and build her own team. I hope. I love seeing Janelle in the game.

1 minute ago, CrazyDog said:

Maybe I'm forgetting his season apart from Derrick, but since when is Cody this big power player that everyone wants to rally around? Is it really all pre-gaming? Is he that charismatic?

So disappointed to see this play out again. 

Derrick did this lol. Derrick ruining all stars like Boogie did and he ain’t even there lol.

Fucking hell this season went down the toilet in 3 days. New record. Congrats!

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23 minutes ago, missyb said:

Well, I think Kayser , from the moment he walked in the house, has been digging his own grave. Talking about his greatness, his strategic mind, his savageness, telling people how they need to play things, etc.

This is just what Kayser does. EVERY TIME. lol 

And I can't believe I gave Memphis a compliment and he turns around and stabs me in the back. 

Tyler has his hair up - I can finally look at him. 

Tyler says to Dani that no one is talking to him. He just sits in rooms by himself. 

Kevin thinks he's going home. Doesn't know what he did to be targeted first. I wonder who he thinks should be targeted to go home first? 

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Earlier Kayser and christmas were talking about how they don't like soda but they loooooove soda water. They want to ask BB to take away all the regular soda and replace it with soda water or a soda water machine.

*vomit*  like I really wish I could like carbonated water but it tastes horrible.  

Ian is rocking in one of the chairs 

Says he has been with his girlfriend 7-8 months. 

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24 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Memphis has a real hate-boner for Ian. I think it might be due to the BB14 Dan thing. 

Memphis wants to make a fake "renegades" alliance with Ian and then evict him the next week. 

I didn't watch Season 10, so I don't have an opinion on Memphis (or Keesha). But if he pulls this off, I will instantly be a huge fan. 

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Yeah, Derrick and Dan definitely set up the Memphis/Cody thing pre-game.

It seems like Cody has a pre-game thing with Nicole F., Memphis, Da'Vonne, and Tyler for sure. Not sure if Dani is pre-game or genuine in-game alliance. I only suspect it's pre-game because she seems really tight with him in terms of giving up information, and I'm not sure why.

Hopefully things shake up when Cody is not in power. But it's definitely a lot less fun to watch when everything happened behind the scenes. Shades of the first All Stars already.

ETA: I can't stand Derrick thinking he's a puppet master when he's not even on the show. Like, don't you have better things to do? (Says the person who watches this crap.)

Edited by mooses
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The vets should be wary of teaming up with the newer players and being the only vet in the group. In the end game, a newer person is not likely to the sit with someone with a better resume and history next to them.  

I had better hopes for this season but I do that every year watching this show. Maybe I am the definition of crazy. 🙂

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4 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I think her showmance that season also came off as sort of sweet and genuine, whereas by showmance number two people were like, “Oh I see; this is just what she does.” Does anyone have ay scoop on what actually went down between her and Corey? She really hates him now. I mean, other than him being Corey, which presumably is who he was the entire time she was cuddling up to him as well. I’m also interested to know what happened between her and Janelle, because I don’t remember them having a bad relationship on TAR. 

I'm pretty sure I've seen around that he cheated out of the House, or didn't really have an interest in giving her his time out of the House. Which is no surprise there. He didn't seem like a real winner.

Janelle, I think, actually really likes Nicole out of House - I'm pretty sure they got along during and after AR, and even after her smack talk, she said she felt bad and Nicole is actually really sweet. But she's such a superfan of Big Brother that she really seems to have a separate opinion of people as Big Brother Player, even if she likes genuinely as people - and she can't stand Nicole F. the Houseguest. Which I love, because it's such a Big Brother fan perspective. Like, I spend my summers ragging on people I don't even know, who I'm sure I'd actually enjoy in real life. She's doing the same thing, but she's also, you know, actually playing the game, too.

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5 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

Please. Knowing this show, they were well aware Boogie had his phone and just allowed it because it was him.


Kaysar is talking to Franzel. Telling her that he’s a fan of her as a person. She’s saying she doesn’t want to go against him and he reminds her a lot of Victor.

I expect Franzel to report this entire conversation to Cody within 5 minutes.

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

What is this "pre-gaming" everyone keeps mentioning? What does that mean?

In its most aggressive form, it's stuff like Derrick strategizing with Cody on how to play this season, but in its more general form, it is stuff like Day, Bay and Cody having an alliance before they entered the house based on them and Cody's brother all being regulars on MTV'S The Challenge. So were Kaycee and Josh, so clearly there was intended to have this big MTV alliance entering the house and that's why Tyler and Christmas have joined that group instantly, because Tyler had pre-gamed with Kaycee and Christmas had pre-gamed with Josh.

Pre- gaming is so rough because people act against their seeming self interest in the house because of relationships outside the house. It sucks. 

It doesn't seem to be quite as bad as the original All Stars season, but we shall see. 

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3 hours ago, UniqBlue69 said:

Which 'Big Brother' All-Stars are you rooting for during Season 22? (Choose up to 3)

Janelle Pierzina  13.35%     
Tyler Crispen  12.77%     
Cody Calafiore  10.04%     
Nicole Anthony  9.78%     
Nicole Franzel  9.33% 

Wow, look. Everyone under Janelle's name is my preferred boot list for the early stages of the game. 

Oh, Internet. You make shitty choices. Do better. Be best. 


1 hour ago, mooses said:

ETA: I can't stand Derrick thinking he's a puppet master when he's not even on the show. Like, don't you have better things to do? (Says the person who watches this crap.)

I fucking hate Derrick. Especially because *points to quote below*


1 hour ago, vb68 said:

I'm suddenly less annoyed at Franzel for calling this out pre-show if that actually did happen.


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