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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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It's like the blind leading the blind. Even just the basics: why in the world would Janelle and Kaysar waste their one-use-only Safety Suite if they were working with Cody?


Da'Vonne: I don't think Cody is in a big group. Unless he's fooling the eff out of me. 

She better be secretly working with him and just trying to cover his butt. Otherwise, this is painful.

Edited by mooses
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And Kaysar is going absolutely bananas crazy paranoid. 

It's Week One! 🙌

Janelle: "I am not going to gun for a Veto tomorrow. We are safe. What the f***? Like, are you crazy? I mean, I hate to give advice, but maybe just a little bit...[calm down hands]."

She at least made Kaysar laugh out of his spiral for a second.

Edited by mooses
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I think Nicole A. is sweet, but yeah, she really sucks at this game. She was dragged as a goat until she then showed some unexpected spunk towards the end, including that big FF HOH and also wanting to eliminate Holly, but in general, she was dragged to the end because she was such a goat. Having some late game awareness is better than nothing, but it ain't much. 

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8 hours ago, CrazyDog said:


But hello, Kaysar and Memphis! It's really nice to see contestants other than 20 yr old influencers playing. (And get off my lawn TikTok whippersnappers!) For as long as they stick around.


Janelle and Dani were talking last night and said the avg age of player was mid-late 30s. Which is great! then they forgot Ian was still in his 20s because he no longer has a baby face lol 


These people are idiots if they dont think the first HOH is part of a big group. Since when is the first HOH NEVER part of a big group!?!?

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8 hours ago, urusai said:

LOL Gnatalie.  Lying about her age backfired because when they had booze deliveries, she couldn't partake.

I might be remembering incorrectly, but weren’t some of the houseguests (I actually want to say Kevin) at some post tipped off that she was lying because she did have a drink and BB didn’t say anything about it? And they knew that legally they wouldn’t let her drink if she wasn’t actually 21? I mean, Kevin said day one that she was lying about her age but I feel like that confirmed it, unless I totally just made that up in my head. That also makes me think of the world’s most awkward proposal in Pandora’s box from Natalie’s boyfriend, when he proposed and she basically said, “oh hey cool, yeah, okay,” and then her housemates couldn’t even summon up excitement because they were so bewildered. Did she end up actually marrying that guy?

7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

In BB14, Enzo called out Lane for using the F-word gay slur in the house. When Lane joked that he lost some fans from him saying that but who cares, Enzo very calmly just played with a Jenga set and talked about how he would never use that word, he was raised not to, and he has gay friends. It wasn't perfect allyship but it was a hell of a lot better than Lane. Enzo has his issues - he said some horrific things about women - but he does seem like he's trying to be better than the average dudebro. 

I think he was also the only one to respond to Lane’s story about the “rodeo game” people play with women by questioning whether it was rape. Ugh, Lane. His only redeeming quality was how madly in love he was with Britney.

7 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Reading about her here and remembering how she was on her second season, I just for the life of me cannot understand why I liked Bad Nicole so much the first time she played.  Is it because she was an underdog?  Was she that bad during that first season?  Is it because there were so many more people who were far more unlikable? 

I think her showmance that season also came off as sort of sweet and genuine, whereas by showmance number two people were like, “Oh I see; this is just what she does.” Does anyone have ay scoop on what actually went down between her and Corey? She really hates him now. I mean, other than him being Corey, which presumably is who he was the entire time she was cuddling up to him as well. I’m also interested to know what happened between her and Janelle, because I don’t remember them having a bad relationship on TAR. 

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Kevin has been taking to the camera for like a half hour. I'm half listening so I haven't heard much but he said something about Nicole F. being so genuine and I was like well then.

He also said something about someone being his ride or die but the feeds were on fish when he said the name. I'm assuming maybe Nicole A.

He just started to talk about Cody having an accidental bias and the feeds cut away lol.

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15 minutes ago, UniqBlue69 said:

He thinks Janie/Kaysar are with Cody/Tyler.. I mean, I just caaaaan't!

Day getting people involved in her terrible reads. Dammit!

I don't think Kevin knows how to play when he's not in the power alliance. He's struggling so much. I want him gone now because he just has no idea what's going on.

BB9 Natalie on Dani/Nicole F.:


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Started watching the feeds and I can't believe how bad some of these peoples reads are. After playing BB previously it should be obvious, if no one is talking game with you, they are talking it with someone else. How can some of them after 20 seasons think the first HOH is not up there making a group?

It's week one and already some of their paranoia already doesn't make sense and these are "all stars". It's early yet so this may change, but totally rooting for Kaysar to shake the house and break up the Cody/Nicole F crap. Nicole F. needs to be evicted pre-jury for my sanity. 

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't think Kevin knows how to play when he's not in the power alliance. He's struggling so much. I want him gone now because he just has no idea what's going on.

I hope he goes this week even though the votes look murky on that. I never really all the love for him. I remember thinking in his original season that he just kinda took up space. I already feel the same this time.  He was always low key annoying with really bad reads.

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Yeah, Kevin is another one, like Nicole A., who is seeking constant validation. He was telling Da'vonne and Nicole A. the other night that he would love to link up with some bros (I guess because he's always felt shunned by such types?). Nah he can go. Go to therapy to work on your unresolved high school trauma, Kevin, like the rest of us gaylings lol.

Edited by UniqBlue69
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3 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I hope he goes this week even though the votes look murky on that. I never really all the love for him. I remember thinking in his original season that he just kinda took up space. I already feel the same this time.  He was always low key annoying with really bad reads.

Right? I was just going to post similar. I don’t remember him playing AT ALL in his season. He was just kind of there. I like him but won’t be sad if he goes. 

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Kaysar needs to lay low, I'm enjoying him on my feeds too much. He sees everything but some of the players that's he's telling his insight to are not savvy enough to know what to do with the info and it's going to bite him in the butt.

Kaysar doesn't know how to play the game so I'm not surprised lol. 

Memphis doesn't trust Keesha as far as he can throw her.

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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

That's not the read I get at all. They had a great talk last night.

That's what he just told Kaysar. I'm not liking this talk at all.. it doesn't seem like Memphis is receptive to working with Kaysar/Janelle. I'm gettin BB12 vibes and I'm not liking it. It's going to be the bro alliance (brigade) vs Jani/Kaysar (Brendan/Rachel) with everyone else just coasting until they're ultimately evicted. Ugh! Someone tell me I'm reading this wrong, pleeeease!

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Just now, UniqBlue69 said:

That's what he just told Kaysar. I'm not liking this talk at all.. it doesn't seem like Memphis is receptive to working with Kaysar/Janelle. I'm gettin BB12 vibes and I'm not liking it. It's going to be the bro alliance (brigade) vs Jani/Kaysar (Brendan/Rachel) with everyone else just coasting until they're ultimately evicted. Ugh! Someone tell me I'm reading this wrong, pleeeease!

This is what I see happening too unfortunately. If Kaysar or Janelle don't win the next HOH there's no hope of this not happening imo.

Memphis isn't even that receptive to playing with Janelle/Kaysar. He thinks he can bro down. Which, he has a solid chance of doing that, but eventually they'll get rid of him.

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is what I see happening too unfortunately. If Kaysar or Janelle don't win the next HOH there's no hope of this not happening imo.

So, who do we think are the people willing to work full force with them? I feel like everyone is playing scared this season, which is really disappointing for an All Stars season.



Just now, UniqBlue69 said:

So, who do we think are the people willing to work full force with them? I feel like everyone is playing scared this season, which is really disappointing for an All Stars season.

I think pretty much everyone just wants to basically play the middle or they wanna play with Cody and co. unfortunately.

4 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

Kaysar / Janelle tried reaching out to Nicole A but she is not biting. They need to to scoop up at least Bay, Day, Xmas but fear it's too late. 

Bay and Day are tied to Tyler/Cody and they will 100% follow them imo.

Kevin: If I can work with the Derrick version then Cody will work with me.

That's it, Kevin for first eviction.

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1 minute ago, missyb said:

Kayser and Janelle have such huge targets on their backs, I can see why Memphis would be reluctant to hook up with them. Kayser needs younger allies who may not think that way and go for the "wow" i'm working with Janelle and Kayser.

That's what I don't get!! For people who are so acutely aware of fandom and popular opinion, I thought everyone would be tripping over themselves to play with BB legends like Jani and Kaysar. According to this poll on TVLine, everyone is rooting for Janelle to win with Tyler a close second, which is hella impressive for a player whose first season was 15 years ago:


Which 'Big Brother' All-Stars are you rooting for during Season 22? (Choose up to 3)

Janelle Pierzina  13.35%     

Tyler Crispen  12.77%     

Cody Calafiore  10.04%     

Nicole Anthony  9.78%     

Nicole Franzel  9.33% 


C'mon guys! Think about your social media points lol.

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12 hours ago, urusai said:

I remember watching live their "what kind of animal would you be?"  Jordan's reason for picking a squirrel was hilarious.


12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Was it BB11 when Jeff asked Jordan "If you could be any animal, what would you be?" and she thought so long and hard that you could hear the wheel squeaking in her head before she chirped out: "A squirrel." Because you can live in the neighbourhood and spy on your old human family or some bullshit like that. 

ETA: Yes, I'm not the only one who remembers the squirrel talk! 

I believe she said something like: "What's wrong with being a squirrel? Squirrels hang around the neighborhood and stuff." I have it ingrained in my memory for some reason. 😂😅

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It's going to be the bro alliance (brigade) vs Jani/Kaysar (Brendan/Rachel) with everyone else just coasting until they're ultimately evicted. Ugh! Someone tell me I'm reading this wrong, pleeeease!

You're not wrong. It's the same thing that happens every damn year, and it's because the show casts the same type of people every damn year. And this year, it's literally the same people. Why would we expect a different outcome just because they've played before?


I don't understand the pull at all. I guess he pre-gamed with most of them.

What is this "pre-gaming" everyone keeps mentioning? What does that mean?

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