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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Ian telling a story about how the other kids would throw rocks at him while he was running laps in gym class.  Dani thinks he must have been doing something to antagonize the other kids. That tells me all I need to know about her.

What The Fucks all around for this one. For the kids throwing rocks at Ian (MONSTERS), Dani for blaming him (MONSTER) AAAAAAAAAAAND for making me feel even worse for Ian (WORST MONSTER OF ALL TIME).

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

From the way Nicole tells it (and I believe it's true), Victor is very creepy. So many red flags in how he pursued her. And I truly do not believe she loves him as a person. However, I do think she loves that he's obsessed with her and I think she loves that she gets to act like a cute little girl and let him take care of her. They both suck lol.

I think the only person she loves, at least at this moment in time, is herself. Victor seems like he genuinely loves her, as weirdly as its manifesting itself, but I don't even get vibes from Nicole that she likes Victor. Not trying to psychoanalyze people I don't actually know or anything but based on what I see... yeesh.

56 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Call me a marshmallow, but I'm one who almost always accepts a genuine expression of remorse, and to me, Nicole's apologies seem genuine. She messed up her game but I still like her. 

Personally, I think Nicole is genuinely sorry but her apology is bullshit of the highest order. Just say you were an immature asshole who, for some reason, wanted in with who you considered the cool kids and let it cloud both your judgment and your character; don't feed me the strategy line like I'm an idiot.

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29 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is interesting: Apparently, Dani bought Janelle’s BB7 finale dress on eBay and wore it to the BB8 finale.


Really?? What in the Single White Female??!! I noticed it was the same dress! I knew production bought the black one she wore in finale night and the same exact red one that Janelle wore to the wrap party the next night because her dresses didn’t fit. She joked about it with Kaysar this season saying, “this Krackel is the gateway to my finale dress not fitting” and they both laughed hard. I noticed Daniele had the same exact dress the next year on the finale and I assumed that production bought her some options and she chose that one too. At the time, I thought that production bought them finale night dresses when they both had the EXACT same one. Did she think no one would notice? I definitely did!! I thought there is no way Dani would wear the same dress unless it was bought by production! She could not have bought it from Janelle because they were very different body types. Daniele was verrrry thin on BB8. She must have looked it up and bought it to bring on the show. Janie looked gorgeous in that dress. The red one too- it was exactly the same. Dani looked good too. Janie looked like complete fire though, as usual.

Edited by Luckylondon
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At the wrap party for BB8, they showed a highlight reel of the HGs (this was back when people could go to that and post their pics and videos) and when Daniele came on the intro it said “Janelle 2.0” and everyone laughed except Daniele. She did not like that. Even though that is a large part of why she was cast and then why Keesha was cast. 

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12 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I think the only person she loves, at least at this moment in time, is herself. Victor seems like he genuinely loves her, as weirdly as its manifesting itself, but I don't even get vibes from Nicole that she likes Victor. Not trying to psychoanalyze people I don't actually know or anything but based on what I see... yeesh.

I agree (and I AM a psychologist though I’m obviously not looking to diagnose reality tv people). Nicole is comfortable doing exactly what she wants, where she wants, how she wants. Victor was smart to basically shove himself into the tiny circle of people she cares about (her parents and brother) in the only place she wants to be (Ubly) and make it so easy for her to be with him that it wasn’t worth the effort of not being with him. But yeah, if Hayden or Corey or anyone else had done what he had, that’s probably who she’d be with right now. 

Edited by Jillibean
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34 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

David suuuuuuuucks.

And it's a very special kind of suuuuuuuuucking, where he's not even a jerk or anything. He's just so pointless. He's not an asshole and he's not toxic, he's just sort of THERE. And while Ian is doing a similar thing as strategy, there doesn't seem to be any strategy with David outside of "I trust Tyler will come through for me."

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16 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I agree (and I AM a psychologist though I’m obviously not looking to diagnose reality tv people). Nicole is comfortable doing exactly what she wants, where she wants, how she wants. Victor was smart to basically shove himself into the tiny circle of people she cares about (her parents and brother) in the only place she wants to be (Ubly) and make it so easy for her to be with him that it wasn’t worth the effort of not being with him. But yeah, if Hayden or Corey or anyone else had done what he had, that’s probably who she’d be with right now. 

I agree 100% on Vic and Nicole.

Edited by Luckylondon
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38 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

This is interesting: Apparently, Dani bought Janelle’s BB7 finale dress on eBay and wore it to the BB8 finale.

And it fit?  

If I remember correctly Jenelle is voluptuous while Dani (back then) was borderline anorexic. 

pictures anyone?


ETA:  Nevermind. Asked and answered. 

Edited by Pixiebomb
I really was only 10 minutes behind when I commented.
2 minutes ago, Pixiebomb said:

And it fit?  

If I remember correctly Jenelle is voluptuous while Dani (back then) was borderline anorexic. 

pictures anyone?

Janelle was very curvy and Daniele was extremely skeletal looking. I knew it was the same dress, yet it never occurred to me that it was the same dress that Janelle literally wore on her body. Was it? Or did she just buy the same dress on eBay in a different size? They were several sizes different. Janelle had breasts and hips and Daniele was scary thin looking. Like at least 40 pounds difference between them at the time of their respective BB7 and BB8 finales and Janelle is 4-5” taller.

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14 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

David is such a moron that he has no historical record of Janelle not lying. Dude she's been on three seasons. Maybe watch one of them?

That was a super awkward conversation.... as I was trying to fall asleep due to have two previous shitty nights of sleeping thanks to my asshole neighbors. (who the F----- stays outside in 90 degree heat and parties from 6 pm until 5 am!?!? 

13 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Eric thinks Janelle will forgive her so they'll be friends after this, I think she will eventually forgive Nicole like she did with Britney. It won't be right away. 

I think she will too. Especially after hearing Janelle talk to David about it- she doesn't seem to blame Nicole at all.

12 hours ago, KootieTaw said:

I don't think David is an idiot; but I do think he is scared shitless. He's scared that anything he says or does will be held against him & be the reason he gets put up again (and honestly, he's probably not wrong). So instead, he tries to give nothing away, even when asked specific questions, which just makes him sound idiotic or clueless. 

He's obviously not great at thinking of something on the fly or just straight out lying to someone.

11 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Kevin just told Janelle that he gets Ronnie vibes from Kaysar

What does that even mean!?!

9 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Ian telling a story about how the other kids would throw rocks at him while he was running laps in gym class.  Dani thinks he must have been doing something to antagonize the other kids. That tells me all I need to know about her.

That is terrible... Dani better hope her daughter isn't different and outcasted. 

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

And Dani can be up Cody's ass. And Dani and Ratcole can be constantly with each other. Hmmm, interesting.

The need to put this show (and me) out of it's misery already.

This guy... he thinks no one can go against what he thinks, wants, or feels. Being his girlfriend must be exhausting. 

58 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Kaysar's up now! He's asking David how he's voting. (I missed David getting up.) David said he is voting for whoever leaves the least amount of messes in the kitchen. Kaysar says that is a close call. David thinks if he votes Janelle, then Kaysar would come after him anyway. Kaysar says don't you remember our talk the other day? David says Kaysar has pretty low credit. Kaysar laughs.

Maybe his ex-wife.

So David can't trust Janelle OR Kaysar because they were trying to save Nicole A last week. Uhhh dude, sorry to break it to you... But Nicole A was their friend (or so they thought) and THEN they didn't even vote to keep her. This is BB where everyone talks about everyone else. You were on the block so yes your name gets tossed around. He can go.

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25 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

This was painful. Painful. This would be like listening to Victoria try to talk game. Also that's an amazing thumbnail.

Oh, there's a second part to the baffling madness.


I was pretty impressed that Janelle could keep her cool with him during the entire thing. And continue to talk reasonably to him. Especially after he started getting into how he was evicted day 1 last season and bla bla blaaaaaaaa... he wasn't even able to enjoy the time when Tyler came in to host a comp because he had to be upstairs to watch it.  blaaaaaaaa

I don't get David's constant refrain that because he cleans the kitchen, it doesn't make sense that people should want him out. I just want someone, anyone, to take this kid by the shoulders and shout "Because you're a coaster!" Both in game and in personality. Actually, I'm currently using an old Fofty 50 Cent CD as a coaster for my coffee mug and it probably has more personality than David does. 

In other news, our season of suck continues:


2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:


Can someone spill milk on the floor and leave it there causing David to DOR? Please?

How is/was Janelle still talking to him? I would have just been like "Okay, you're right. Whatever you think about me, you're spot on. You know me better than I know myself. I should have known better than to argue with an all-knowing oracle."

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1 minute ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

How is/was Janelle still talking to him? I would have just been like "Okay, you're right. Whatever you think about me, you're spot on. You know me better than I know myself. I should have known better than to argue with an all-knowing oracle."

Legit, I give her credit that she hasn’t jumped at him and punched him by now.

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David agreed to talk to Janelle in the Have Not room. WTF is David talking about? I legit don’t understand his point. At all. I am amazed at Janelle’s composure. She just offered him 3 weeks of safety and to use the veto on him. He is insisting that he knows Nicole A. and talked to him more and she was traumatized by last year and Janelle is bad. Whaaat in the WHAT? 

2 minutes ago, HkyLvr said:

Perhaps this is the 'David' that BB21 evicted and it had nothing to do with color! David would have been better off never coming back and letting everyone think he would have been "GREAT" if only he hadn't been unfairly evicted! 🤪

Two things can be true at once: David can be a complete and total idiot in BB22 and he could have been targeted in BB21 because of his skin colour but all right. 

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Just now, HkyLvr said:

I agree, but the houseguests are together for a while before anyone has access to the cameras. I know that racism is horrible and that season was bad. I'm just saying perhaps his eviction was just due to his personality. 

David lost the completion and got the boot on night 1 of BB21, right? Night 1 in the house, not night 1 of feeds.

9 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Corey says Janelle told him that there's someone she can't stand to look at and she will put that person on the block first chance she gets. And it's not Nicole. I wonder who it is - I'm thinking Kevin.

Corey? Should that say Cody?

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6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

That's just so gross and doesn't speak well on Dani's behalf at all. Blaming the victim is never ever a good thing and I just....I cannot believe this season has completely turned my opinion of Dani from loving her to loathing her. She is proving herself to be Dick's daughter (I never saw Dani's first season, to be fair; only her second). 

Imagine if someone told Dani that she was the reason she had no one but grandma. Imagine.  By your logic, you antagonized you’re parents. Right?

5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

harry potter idiot GIF

Wow, Dani is just something else. I can't wait until she gets out (soon hopefully lol) and sees how much she ruined her reputation lol.

From the way Nicole tells it (and I believe it's true), Victor is very creepy. So many red flags in how he pursued her. And I truly do not believe she loves him as a person. However, I do think she loves that he's obsessed with her and I think she loves that she gets to act like a cute little girl and let him take care of her. They both suck lol.

Unfortunately, Nicole is among the Twilight generation. They’ve been taught that obsessive love is romantic. 

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Bayleigh said to Da'Vonne that she doesn't want to touch the whole Dani situation. It's too sticky. Does anyone know what she means by that?

36 minutes ago, Michichick said:

David lost the completion and got the boot on night 1 of BB21, right? Night 1 in the house, not night 1 of feeds.

Corey? Should that say Cody?

Yes, it should say Cody. At the time I posted I couldn't remember which was which.

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