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S02.E08: Rude Awakening

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On 7/21/2020 at 6:41 PM, mamadrama said:

It's funny isn't it? It took me forever to convince mine that refills truly are free.

Remember Jesse's wonderment at free refills? Memories!

On 7/21/2020 at 11:47 PM, ErikaOnline said:

I felt sorry for Brittany. She was probably embarrassed and surprised this happened and especially on tv. 

Heh. I don't think the word embarrassment is in her vocabulary. She copped to being a sugar baby and "dating" men as old as 80. She showed her ass, literally, on national television. She swigged wine right from the bottle in her packing scene. I think she ramped it all the way up to 11 and will continue to do so. 


On 7/23/2020 at 11:08 AM, monagatuna said:

Maybe, but, on the other hand, we forget that Armando is in his 30s, right? He's been married, had a child, had relationships, and come out to his parents. He's not some teenager on his first relationship. I can't speak for gay men, but I married the first woman I seriously dated after coming out, and am happier than I've been in any other relationship. At the start of our relationship there were discussions about whether I wanted to experiment or whatever, but I'm a bit older and knew a good thing when I saw it.

Of course, we don't have the distance or borders between us that these two do. And we have an age difference, but it's less than a decade. And, again, we're not men, so I don't know if that makes a difference. At any rate, it's still the best 90-day coupling we've seen in years, possibly ever.

I agree, Armando is not some 18 year old kid. He's over 30 and seems very wise for his years. Kenny's the one acting like an in over his head 20 year old. 

That said, not too many relationships really last forever. If they can get a solid 10 years happiness together, I'd call that a win. 

On 7/23/2020 at 11:14 AM, AZChristian said:

I, too, am confused that Kenneth appears to have had NO exposure to the Spanish language.  I live in Arizona.  He lived in Florida.  People in these two states are surrounded by Spanish-speaking people who could help us to learn the language.  Were we getting ready to move to Mexico (as many retirees do) we would immerse ourselves in the language and would "pick the brains" of Hispanic people for tips on how to thrive in the new culture.

Kenneth needs to try harder.

This. My son has Spanish in school starting in 3rd grade. He could never really get his head around it. But he went to culinary school and has worked in restaurants and hotel kitchens since 2013. Kitchen Spanish is a must skill for any chef. He'd get the guys in the kitchen to teach him stuff, and he can communicate well, now, at least in kitchen lingo!  He also lives in the heart of the Hispanic neighborhood in our city, and when he goes to the local bodega he conducts all his transactions in Spanish.  He can chat with a neighbor, order a beer, buy cigarettes. Practical use of the language taught him what his schooling couldn't! I had French in school, no Spanish at all, but I can make out Spanish language signs and say "dos mangos, por favor". I don't see how Kenny could be so completely inept at Spanish. He knew he was moving to Mexico and didn't invest in Rosetta Stone or Babbel? He knows no Spanish speaking people in Florida? 


On 7/24/2020 at 3:07 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Kenny and Armando need to move to PV! Very open gay friendly Mexico. Kenny, download DuoLingo, amigo.

My friend lived in PV for years, he owned a club and enjoyed life there. And according to him, Mexico was awash in people who came there from the US for quality medical and dental care--unaffordable in the US. Oh, and he shopped at Costco. Kenny's full of shit or production is just rolling out the "omg, foreign countries! Ew! The food is so weird and its so primitive here! There's not an ATM on every corner!". There are some who might say that the last was a point in its favor. That might say "this is such a beautiful spot! No tourists, no crowds, just a quiet laid back lifestyle!" Looking at you, Kenny. Do better. 

2 hours ago, RoadFullOfPromise said:

And I’m glad someone else pointed out that them moving to Florida is likely not really possible because of US immigration. Not only is there a backlog as noted above, but the feeling of the current administration towards Mexican people is not exactly welcoming.

In Armando's shoes  I would be very hesitant to move to the US as things are currently, much less bring his small daughter. 

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Kenny will have a much better quality of life in Mexico.   Medical and dental care is first rate, and so much cheaper than the U.S.   

My suspicion is producer driven story lines with the Kenny edit.      I'm hoping that Kenny and Armondo will move closer to PV, and take their time and find a great neighborhood for Hannah.  I wish the show would document the truth, and stop with the story lines for more drama. 

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Especially since the storylines are the same old tired ones they always crank out. Family doesn't trust fiance. Family members have "no filter" and "say what they think". Ew, the food is weird! Foreign fiancé's country is backward and primitive. American throws "sacrifices" in fiancé's face. American learns nothing about fiancé's culture, language or traditions. (Except Avery, who knew and respected her husband's culture and religion, a first!) Blah Blah Blah. 

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5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

He knew he was moving to Mexico and didn't invest in Rosetta Stone or Babbel? He knows no Spanish speaking people in Florida? 

He had a four day drive to listen to it on tape/CD.


5 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I don't think the word embarrassment is in her vocabulary. She copped to being a sugar baby and "dating" men as old as 80. She showed her ass, literally, on national television. She swigged wine right from the bottle in her packing scene. I think she ramped it all the way up to 11 and will continue to do so.

If I had been "dating" an 80 year old at her age, I would have told no one.  NO ONE.


1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Especially since the storylines are the same old tired ones they always crank out. Family doesn't trust fiance. Family members have "no filter" and "say what they think". Ew, the food is weird! Foreign fiancé's country is backward and primitive. American throws "sacrifices" in fiancé's face. American learns nothing about fiancé's culture, language or traditions. (Except Avery, who knew and respected her husband's culture and religion, a first!) Blah Blah Blah. 

I am already prepping (by that I mean drinking) in preparation for the Coven to meet Family Andddrei at the "wedding"  (I have to put it that way.....THEY ARE ALREADY MARRIED!") with the "Ewww!!  What is THIS?  Pork prepared by a professional chef in a way that looks odd to me so I will refuse to eat it?  And make stinky faces while doing it?  And make sure my hosts hear it?"

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I don't see how Kenny could be so completely inept at Spanish. He knew he was moving to Mexico and didn't invest in Rosetta Stone or Babbel? He knows no Spanish speaking people in Florida? 

I don't see how any of the Americans on any of the 90 Day Fiance franchises have been - and continue to be - completely inept in the language of their foreign fiances.

Duolingo is free. Every language* spoken by every one of the foreign fiances thus far is available for study on Duolingo.

All those months the Americans wait for visa approval? They could spend 15 minutes a day with Duolingo and by the time the visa is approved, they'd have at least a rudimentary command of the language - enough, perhaps, to understand the gist of what's being said and be able to speak in simple sentences.

Ya know, I've always given the 90 Day Fiance cast members the benefit of the doubt; moreso than most of the posters here do, I think. I chalk up much of their behavior to unrealistic expectations, cultural misunderstandings, etc..

But Angela. I truly hate the woman. There has never been any cast member from any of the 90 Day Fiance franchise shows I have felt this strongly about. 

For me, the looming question is whether Sharp/TLC could  get away with casting someone who speaks and acts exactly as Angela does - but male

A man who emotionally, verbally, and physically abuses his fianceé, on TV (so there's evidence!) but suffers no repercussions at all?

I guess we just have to wait and see. If Michael ever makes it to the U.S.** and Angela pulls any of that shit on him here, hopefully somebody will have the guts to call the cops on her. I'd love to see her abusive ass behind bars, "American taxpayer" notwithstanding.

*Except the three main languages spoken in Nigeria; Hausa, Igbo, or Yoruba. But who are we kidding? Angela wouldn't spend two minutes trying to learn Michael's and his family's language. She doesn't have to! She's an American taxpayer!

**Doubtful, since Nigeria was added to the visa/travel ban country list on Jan. 31. 

Edited by TwirlyGirly
Rearranged a couple of paragraphs
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On 7/21/2020 at 5:50 PM, alotmorestupider said:

Brittany’s mouth bothers me. It looks like she’s permanently grimacing. 

Yes! That's the word: grimacing!

I mentioned Brittany's mouth in a post in the topic for the previous episode, but couldn't think of the right word. But you nailed it; thank you!

That grimace is ugly.

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On 7/21/2020 at 9:35 AM, humbleopinion said:

La Mision is only 40 minute drive from Ensenada which is a mega cruise port for the west coast of Mexico.

La Mision is also only 75 minutes from San Ysidro, CA which is the US side from Tijuana.

From San Ysidro you drive another 10 minutes to San Diego  but SD is spread.

Gramps is just cranky because he will have to use Google translate.

Came to say this! San Diego resident here. La Mision proper is indeed a tiny town, but the gated community they live in is an expat haven.  There are tons of americans everywhere, most people will speak at least some english (if you're nice and not an asshole), and as we saw, the stores take american dollars.  Pure editing shenanigans!

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I honestly do not know why Deavan keeps trusting Jihoon, moving back for the 2nd time is a big mistake again so she needs to dump Jihoon for good and move back home and Jihoon needs to stop his complusive lying and grow up

Edited by DVDFreaker
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TLC is broadcasting this episode right now and I have it on in the background while I'm doing other things, and I just had an epiphany...

Hasidic Jewish women also have to cover their hair in public. Some use scarves, but many of them wear wigs!

I wonder why Brittany's wigs don't fulfill the rule pertaining to head coverings in Islam?

Although I've always felt the wearing of wigs (which oftentimes are indistinguishable from the wearer's natural hair) while following the letter of the rule, violates the spirit of the rule...so there's that.

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1 hour ago, TwirlyGirly said:

TLC is broadcasting this episode right now and I have it on in the background while I'm doing other things, and I just had an epiphany...

Hasidic Jewish women also have to cover their hair in public. Some use scarves, but many of them wear wigs!

I wonder why Brittany's wigs don't fulfill the rule pertaining to head coverings in Islam?

Although I've always felt the wearing of wigs (which oftentimes are indistinguishable from the wearer's natural hair) while following the letter of the rule, violates the spirit of the rule...so there's that.

It is probably because it costs $900 which is ridiculous for a wig

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10 minutes ago, DVDFreaker said:

It is probably because it costs $900 which is ridiculous for a wig

My husband has twin girls and both are Orthodox they are 34 and one of them just got married for the first time, Thing One's wig looks exactly like her own hair.  Also,  the wig makers are restricted from getting hair from certain countries, not sure of those details but interesting.

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On 7/26/2020 at 7:07 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Instead he blasted techno like he’s 25.

Why not? Dude LOOKS 25...

To be fair, we have no idea WHAT Kenny was listening to. TLC dubs over whatever the person is playing because they don't have the licensing for what's on the radio/CD player. When people on reality shows want some privacy they start singing because the show won't be able to air that footage.

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32 minutes ago, Dahlia said:

I like Mexico but that story line is FF time. Fake fake fake and blech


It's aggravating me. And what's frustrating is that people are going to think it's legit and start harassing Kenny for his attitude. No way would I agree to go along with it. People are nuts. 

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On 7/21/2020 at 12:26 AM, mamadrama said:


Despite having visited on many occasions and sharing a language, I had a complete meltdown during my first week living in England. My husband, likewise, had a full on breakdown on his first night living in the US. We were eating at Applebees and he'd never had to make so many choices before: how his steak was cooked, sides, dressing, margarita frozen or on the rocks...And after 15 years I still have to order his eggs for him because he doesn't understand that the server needs more information than just "fried." 


That is a great story!

On 7/21/2020 at 5:59 PM, Kath94 said:

 ...   I'm sure you know that "doggie bags" or taking leftovers (or even HAVING leftovers) at a restaurant in England is pretty rare.  ...

My funny cross-culture story is about doggie bags and Kath94 beat me to it, but I'm telling it anyway:


Traveling in Norway, my train conductor and I hit it off and I spent a few nights sleeping on her couch.  In restaurants, on TWO occasions, I asked to take home the leftovers--large portions of barely touched expensive leftovers.  Everyone smiled and politely ignored me.  Huh.  Okay, whatever.

Later, my new conductor friend came to visit me in DC.  She was starving when she got off the plane, so we ducked into an airport bar for drinks and a snack.  At the end, the bartender pointed to her half-eaten burger and said, "Pack that up for you to take home?" and my friend said, "I don't eat garbage!!"

Ha!  We were in hysterics by the time we got all the rules ironed out about leftovers in our respective countries.  She'd never heard the phrase "doggie bag" and hadn't known WTF I was doing asking to drag the gross partially consumed food back to her apartment.



Regarding the show:  I am now watching exclusively for Truffle sightings.

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44 minutes ago, candall said:

That is a great story!

My funny cross-culture story is about doggie bags and Kath94 beat me to it, but I'm telling it anyway:


Traveling in Norway, my train conductor and I hit it off and I spent a few nights sleeping on her couch.  In restaurants, on TWO occasions, I asked to take home the leftovers--large portions of barely touched expensive leftovers.  Everyone smiled and politely ignored me.  Huh.  Okay, whatever.

Later, my new conductor friend came to visit me in DC.  She was starving when she got off the plane, so we ducked into an airport bar for drinks and a snack.  At the end, the bartender pointed to her half-eaten burger and said, "Pack that up for you to take home?" and my friend said, "I don't eat garbage!!"

Ha!  We were in hysterics by the time we got all the rules ironed out about leftovers in our respective countries.  She'd never heard the phrase "doggie bag" and hadn't known WTF I was doing asking to drag the gross partially consumed food back to her apartment.



Regarding the show:  I am now watching exclusively for Truffle sightings.

I would love it if the show would go into things like this. They seem to think family drama and money issues are the only things the cross cultural couples face, but it's the little stuff that I find the most interesting.

19 years old and spending the summer in the resort town of Bregenz, Austria. Zero German language skills. I was too embarrassed to pronounce things on the menu or to ask questions. After two days of not eating, I realized I couldn't fast for 3 months so I gathered my nerve and went into a bakery. And there it was: the biggest, gooiest, most beautiful chocolate donut I'd ever seen. Unfortunately, it was nestled in amongst a cradle of other things. So I start pointing and using hand gestures. (And, yes, Pole's gesture for marriage may have been one...) Finally, 5 minutes later, the exasperated woman looks down at me and says, very plainly, "Donut?" Because it's the same in a lot of languages. Doh. 

Where are these "fish out of water" tales? Because they're the fun ones. The expats just trying to get through the day...

My husband's a marathon runner. During his second week in the US he went for a run around our rural home. He was doing 10 miles so I expected him to be gone awhile. After an hour, though, he was back. When I asked if he was okay he said, "Four different farmers stopped and asked if I was okay and needed a ride. By the fifth I finally just gave in." 

There are stories in these people. Too bad TLC doesn't trust us to hear them. 

Edited by mamadrama
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I think we are getting exposure to some of the small interesting differences, at least in the Kenny-Armando chapter.  I've been in Mexico enough to have plopped down in a plastic chair at a table halfway in the street, which I thought may or may not be connected to food service.  And then I've been caught the same as Kenny when the menu placard was replaced by a woman speaking a little too fast to fully comprehend the offerings.  Fingers crossed!

The sugared plums out of the portable candy box were new to me and interesting.


I'm trying to think what customs we've seen in the other countries that were different.  Free-ranging animals in India, for sure.  I keep waiting for a squat toilet to appear.  I'm okay without a toilet seat, but the hole with the porcelain foot pads on either side is a tough adjustment.

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On 7/20/2020 at 10:50 PM, Pondlass1 said:

This show can be educational in many ways despite often being fake and contrived. I didn’t realize how much clout the parents in so many cultures have in terms of interfering in the lives of their adult grown children. Families are important of course, but controlling families when you’re all growd up. It’s gotta be difficult.

Jenny’s glasses always look dirty or steamed up.

Then again, we have Coltee and Debbee.

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On 7/21/2020 at 8:39 PM, Starlight925 said:

I think they are both great guys, individually.  And I feel for Armando, living in a country where being gay is so unacceptable that it drove his wife to literally drive herself off the road.

Did this get revealed? I only saw Armando quote that she had a fatal car accident. 

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2 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Did this get revealed? I only saw Armando quote that she had a fatal car accident. 

Yes, Armando went into this story.  I could have sworn it was in a later episode?  He did post about his publicly on IG.

He had come out to his wife, and in her great upset, she chased him when they were both driving.  She tragically drove off the road and died.

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On 7/21/2020 at 9:21 AM, humbleopinion said:

Be glad you didn't take him to Cheesecake Factory with their encyclopedia sized menu he would have started rocking gently in the fetal position with the mind boggling choices....the portion size also is frightening....

Had to share this:  went out to dinner with my brother, sister in law & 8 year old nephew, Danny. We were trying to decide where to go,  Danny wanted to go to Cheesecake Factory.  He was so disappointed to discover that all of their dishes were not made from cheesecake,  lol! 

I wish Jenny would realize her long, thin stringy hair does not make her look younger!  

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On 7/28/2020 at 5:08 PM, mamadrama said:

Why not? Dude LOOKS 25...

To be fair, we have no idea WHAT Kenny was listening to. TLC dubs over whatever the person is playing because they don't have the licensing for what's on the radio/CD player. When people on reality shows want some privacy they start singing because the show won't be able to air that footage.

I'm 56, dress conservatively, and yet my musical tastes do not fit my demographic at ALL, and in my car I'm always blasting things in the psychedelic, hard rock, and punk genres. I also have a "Keep Music Evil" ornament hanging on the rear view mirror because that sums up my preference for things that have an edge or are raw or continuously defy any previously established parameters. The last one is what I love best about my favorite artist and why I think he's a musical genius.

Not saying I don't have lots of guilty pleasure that are the complete opposite; sometimes I'm singing the hell out of the songs on Taylor Swift's first few albums while I'm driving. And Limp Bizkit's "My Way or the Highway!" Point being, no one would ever guess by looking at me that the high percentage of the bands I listen to most of the time have never been played on the radio. It's embarrassing when I'm asked what bands I like and I have to say that they probably have never heard of them while trying not to sound like a condescending hipster!

Still holding out hope that Sharp doesn't screw us over when it comes to Armando and Kenny!

Edited by Scout Finch
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11 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

I'm 56, dress conservatively, and yet my musical tastes do not fit my demographic at ALL, and in my car I'm always blasting things in the psychedelic, hard rock, and punk genres. I also have a "Keep Music Evil" ornament hanging on the rear view mirror because that sums up my preference for things that have an edge or are raw or continuously defy any previously established parameters. The last one is what I love best about my favorite artist and why I think he's a musical genius.

Not saying I don't have lots of guilty pleasure that are the complete opposite; sometimes I'm singing the hell out of the songs on Taylor Swift's first few albums while I'm driving. And Limp Bizkit's "My Way or the Highway!" Point being, no one would ever guess by looking at me that the high percentage of the bands I listen to most of the time have never been played on the radio. It's embarrassing when I'm asked what bands I like and I have to say that they probably have never heard of them while trying not to sound like a condescending hipster!

Still holding out hope that Sharp doesn't screw us over when it comes to Armando and Kenny!

I've always just thought that music is music. We like what speaks to us. I love bluegrass and pre-1980s country, but when I'm driving I'll rock out to 80s big hair bands. 

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I didn't even get into psychedelia until a few years ago when the band I fell in love with led me to heavily immerse myself in the genre (without the associated drug culture). Since 2016, I've lost several loved ones and had multiple surgeries and hospitalizations, and sometimes the music is honestly the only thing that has kept me going. After so many challenges I feel like a new person and like to think of it as having a brand new soundtrack for the second half of my life!

Usually, I am able to find at least a little something likable about a couple--or half of one--or at least those associated with them. Debbie, Coltee, Jess, and Larissa? I got nothing. Okay, I'll go with Colt & Debbie's cats!

Edited by Scout Finch
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On 7/28/2020 at 8:08 PM, mamadrama said:

When people on reality shows want some privacy they start singing because the show won't be able to air that footage.

A woman who is a dogsledder/author/adventurer/all around awesome human went on Naked and Afraid. She recently did article and podcast talking about the process, and she said that her plan from the start had been to sing Hey Jude at the top of her lungs if she ever got diarrhea, for just this reason. Extra smart bc Beatles rights are wildly expensive and I think also tough to acquire! 

Edited by RoadFullOfPromise
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On 8/1/2020 at 12:39 PM, mamadrama said:

I've always just thought that music is music. We like what speaks to us. I love bluegrass and pre-1980s country, but when I'm driving I'll rock out to 80s big hair bands. 

Amen peeps!  I had the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever stuck in my CD player in my car, my older son and I have "a song"* "Style by Taylor Swift" I am a major Roger Waters/Pink Floyd fan, today I was listening to 60's/70's country program and was signing along to Loretta Lynn, jI am also in a major Van Halen phase (again) and I am the biggest Elvis/Buddy Holly freak you will ever meet.  And it makes me sad I will never see Donna Summer live as that woman was THE SHIT.

*= inside joke with my older son and I.  I do not give him my hair in a box.

I am 55.


On 8/1/2020 at 12:26 PM, Scout Finch said:

Still holding out hope that Sharp doesn't screw us over when it comes to Armando and Kenny!

I agree!!  I hope Kenny's "American" side is for production.  I am betting it is!  (Please????)

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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22 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Amen peeps!  I had the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever stuck in my CD player in my car, my older son and I have "a song"* "Style by Taylor Swift" I am a major Roger Waters/Pink Floyd fan, today I was listening to 60's/70's country program and was signing along to Loretta Lynn, jI am also in a major Van Halen phase (again) and I am the biggest Elvis/Buddy Holly freak you will ever meet.  And it makes me sad I will never see Donna Summer live as that woman was THE SHIT.

*= inside joke with my older son and I.  I do not give him my hair in a box.

I am 55.


I agree!!  I hope Kenny's "American" side is for production.  I am betting it is!  (Please????)

Oh man, I'm a huge Elvis/Buddy Holly freak, too. I'm also a big fan of Priscilla. I hate that I missed out on seeing them live.

I don't no d Larissa when she's not being so Larissa-y. Like when she met the roommate and started talking about being a nerd. More of THAT Larissa, please!

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18 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Oh man, I'm a huge Elvis/Buddy Holly freak, too. I'm also a big fan of Priscilla. I hate that I missed out on seeing them live.

I don't no d Larissa when she's not being so Larissa-y. Like when she met the roommate and started talking about being a nerd. More of THAT Larissa, please!

I agree about Larissa - she grates big time but when she was geeking out about video games she was actually likeable.

And I feel guilty as I forgot to mention my love for Bob Segar, Lionel Ritchie and the Beatles.

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