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S02.E03: Force Majeure

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Barbie is from the the same big city, Zenith, that Pauline Verdreaux is living in (and Junior has dreamed about).  Where exactly is the big city of Zenith supposed to be ?

Not sure, except that it must be on the top of something. Or it's shaped like a big old console TV set.


Joe still has a working tablet at the high school -- after not having power for 2 weeks.  And it's fully charged ?

Hey, the New Microsoft Surface Tablet is JUST. THAT. AWESOME.


This show is so incredibly stupid, no wonder the actresses that played Angie and Linda are happy they got out when they did.

Seriously. I can't help but compare this to Jericho, which was set in a future directly after several major world cities had been attacked by nuclear bombs. There were plenty of inconsistencies and unrealistic survival strategies in that show, too, but there were characters I liked. Several of them! And while there was plenty in the show to mock, there was enough good writing that good actors had something to do. This show doesn't make anyone look good.


Ok. I'm really mad because I can't get that stupid Peter Gabriel song off my mind now. Thanks Dome.

Try replacing it with "It's raining blood! Hallelujah, it's raining blood!" That ran through my head when the rain started coming down. That, and Credence Clearwater Revival's "Who'll Stop the Rain," but that isn't funny.


But will Drownsie evolve into Hypno? (Sorry.  Couldn't resist the Pokémon reference.)

Good one!

Rebecca's sudden transformation from rational and interesting science teacher to Handmaiden of Our Lord Big Jim is so dumb and creepy it has crossed over into funny for me.


Wasn't Norrie's non-dead mother in the first episode (briefly)? I could be mixing up the first new episode of the season with the recap episode they did the week before, though.


If you're culling the population to save resources, why not take the people who consume the most, like men from 15-25, say? 

  • Love 1

Mom #2 is still alive. We just haven't seen her or even heard her name mentioned since last season.


I think Norrie did whine about her a bit in the first episode this season.  She got hurt when metal was flying around, but then was going to live with Norrie and Joe at Big Jim's.  She hasn't been seen since then.


Regarding the lockers....my high school used to scramble combinations when they assigned it to a new person.  So someone who graduated (or came back from the dead or whatever) couldn't come back and steal from the new person.  Also, what season is it? If school was in session when the dome went down you would think that there'd be stuff in the locker from whoever was using it.  But maybe the dome cleaned in out, since it can do everything else.


If they are going to start culling out the population, they should start with the guy who has been committing murder. (Do they know Big Jim did that)?  An eye for an eye and all that.

One other thought....I was really annoyed at Julia when science teacher through the red rain in Lyle's face, and Julia was all, "why'd you do that?" Like she was the one who did something wrong.


The teacher's annoying, but throwing the water/blood in his face was kind of awesome.


Not to mention he was going to do that to her in the first place.

  • Love 1

Wow, this show is stupid.  And not even just marginally stupid, but really, really, REALLY stupid !!


Julia is being bitchy to Barbie right after Barbie finds Dome girl going through his wallet -- you would think that Julia being a reporter would get both sides of the story before getting all judgemental.


Barbie is from the the same big city, Zenith, that Pauline Verdreaux is living in (and Junior has dreamed about).  Where exactly is the big city of Zenith supposed to be ?


Unless the high school or town hall has ditto machines, how did they print up all those questionnaires at the mandatory citizen registration ?


Fivehead is jealous of Joe's attentions of Dome girl.

Joe still has a working tablet at the high school -- after not having power for 2 weeks.  And it's fully charged ?


So Rebecca is going to build windmills as an alternate energy source -- where is the wind going to come from, they are UNDER A DOME !!!


Highly acidic red rain -- where's Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush when you need them ?

An abnormal algae bloom caused the red rain -- from the lake.  Sure it did Rebecca, sure it did. Because .... SCIENCE !!!!


How did the Scooby Doo gang get to the high school without getting acid rain all over themselves ?


That CGI red rain on the windows of Big Jim's car looked a lot like sperm.  And why weren't Big Jim's hands blistering from the acidic rain ? And why wasn't his clothing turning red from the rain ?  His clothes were simply wet, but that rain was bright red.  And for good measure, the sun was out during the rain storm while BIg Jim was being rescured.


Good call EMT Sam -- Big Jim is out cold due to anaphylactic shock from the rain.  How about he might have a concussion from the car accident ?


Blatant Microsoft Surface product placement.  I like the fact that Internet access was working at the high school -- how exactly ?  All landlines were cut and cell phones don't work through the dome, so how exactly was it suddenly working after 2 weeks of nothing ?  Better yet, why did they not contact anyone outside the dome telling them what happens, but they would rather check Twitter feeds and read e-mail. Idiots !!!  I'm starting to think the Scooby Doo gang are the dumbest of them all.  Better yet -- Joe's tablet shows the current weather conditions in Chester's Mill as 72 degrees and clear (despite the fact that it is clearly raining -- fucking Windows 8.1 can't do anything right)


How did crazy barber get outside of town to cause the car accident in the first place ?  He was helping out at the Sweetbriar Rose with the census.


Junior's mom is alive and leaving him video messages -- how did she get Junior's e-mail address ?  And Lyle Chumley used to bang Junior's mom -- and is crazy as a shithouse rat, going all Old Testament on Rebecca.  Crazy Lyle the barber gives Rebecca the spa treatment and she is non too appreciative -- as her back blisters from the acid rain.

How did the bowl of acid rain get from the floor (where Lyle placed it before the standoff) to Rebecca's lap when she threw it in his face ?  SCIENCE !!!

How did Barbie and Junior get their guns off the floor so fact ?  SCIENCE !!!


8 - 17 -1 -- Dome girl knows the combo to the mystery locker, and then the Internet disappears.  And it's Dome girl's old locker.  Priceless !!


Salination with some VH compounds -- that's good for the lake and all, Rebecca, but the entire town is soaked in acid rain.  And is she aware of how big that lake is ?  That truck full of hand-wavy compound wouldn't even make a dent in it.


Sam Verdreaux knew the dome was coming down. And told Lyle to lay low when it happened (well, he did lay low for two whole weeks).


This show is so incredibly stupid, no wonder the actresses that played Angie and Linda are happy they got out when they did.

You could have stopped after the first 2 sentences.  This could perhaps be the most stupid show ever!

  • Love 1

Oh this show! Why Stephen King, why?

The dumbest things under the dome this week:

Putting something in the lake to stop the acid rain - what science exactly is that dumb-ass teacher using?

The internet is back up! Let's see how we are trending on Twitter! OMG!

Let's still drive our cars everywhere even though we need all the gas for the magic generators

Dwight Yokum singing "Who'll Stop the Rain" Seriously????

The "good" parts:

Someone FINALLY opened that locker...and it was empty! ha!

Drownsy has probably been dead for 25 years. Now THAT is a Stephen King plot!

  • Love 1

It's a cheap pot shot at the actress's appearance. She has a large forehead, so "she doesn't have a four-head, she has a five-head!" 


In other words, middle school level insults :)


The first I heard of fiveheads was from Tyra Banks on her models contest show.  She said she herself had a fivehead.


Some kind of bangs or layers would help Norrie's face look more balanced.  She could visit Julia's hairdresser and get a makeover. 

Julia, you've known Barbie for two whole weeks!  And yet, you thought you "really knew him"?  Yikes.



Every week it starts to be even weirder that no time has gone by despite all that has happened.  You would think they would change the Previously On.... to in the past MONTH or something.  So Julia and Barbie have met, fallen in love, she found out the truth about her husband and that Barbie killed him, both almost died, and now had their first (or is their second) major fight?  Nice fast paced relationship.

Unrelated random thoughts:


1.  Did Angie have to die just so she could leave a bloody handprint on a school locker which only the amnesiac girl from the lake would be able to open because she remembered the combination from 26 years ago, when she looked exactly the same?  

I guess it's a good thing after all that no one had a crowbar.


2.   I can't remember if Joe's friend, the kid with the skateboard, is dead.  Is he over at Big Jim's, with Norrie's Other Mother? 

Will Other Mother finally get to make a guest appearance when they start the purge of "nonessential personnel"?


3.  It makes me happy when Lyle Lovett and Dwight Yoakum turn up on shows.  I don't know their music, but they aren't exactly matinee idols and I just like it that they must wake up on random mornings and say "Get me a guest gig." 

Who suggested Willie Nelson as a pot farmer?  That would be Dome-alicious!


4.  The Borneo tribe could streamline their system by requiring the old and infirm to climb up in that tree in the first place.


I think Stephen King was sitting in his recliner a few years ago, eyes glued to an episode of Lost, and he was thinking, "I could do something like this.  I can't have it be a plane crash, that would be obvious plagiarism, but I need them to be cut off from the rest of the world....hmm...hey, I could have a big dome come down and trap them!  Now, where did I put that typewriter...."


Jack = Barbie (guy with troubled past who knows how to do everything)

Sawyer = Big Jim (starts off as a lawbreaker tough guy, ends up being sweet and caring)

Kate = Julia (opinionated love interest of Jack/Barbie) or Angie (a feisty female who is a fast runner and is good at tracking down things)

Hurley =  skateboarder guy


I predict that when this show ends, we will be wondering why the army tried to blow up purgatory in the first season.


The high school keeps a written record of which locker number is assigned to each student for the past 50 years?

And Joe knows exactly which drawer it is kept in?  And if they are taking up file cabinet space with locker assignment storage, shouldn't there be a bunch more file cabinets filled with the important stuff?  Or was this the special Locker Assignment Storage Room?


I was cracking up over her outrage that Rebecca tossed acid rain on Dwight Yokum. 

Not fond of the character or the actress, but I loved the look Rebecca gave Julia - It was like she was thinking, "Huh!?! The guy was going to pour acid rain on me, then threatened to shoot me, and you were just spouting stuff he wasn't believing anyway and all the guns were on the floor, except for the one pointed at me!  We need to thin the herd, and I decided we should start with him. I just wish I would have realized a half hour ago that the ropes were so loose that I could just slip my hands out of them."


Specially if the blood water container was on the floor behind the chair and she didn't have to bend over to get it, it magically appeared on her lap!

It was magical blood water.  What else could explain -


  • When Big Jim gets rained on, it is clear, not red. Apparently the rain is only red when in is in contact with glass (store windows, car windows, etc...)
  • Big Jim's bald head gets wet, but he has no sores there
  • Big Jim gets a few drops on him before he pulls up his hood and ends up in shock and needing medical attention, while the Barber gets a container of the stuff thrown in his face, but he is good enough to go directly to jail with a towel
  • The barber has these horrible open sores from acid on his face that he is able to dab with a towel without flinching (well, dab the same spot on his face over and over again) - yet his towel doesn't get red or bloody - yet the redness around his eye decreases considerably
Edited by needschocolate

I think Stephen King was sitting in his recliner a few years ago, eyes glued to an episode of Lost, and he was thinking, "I could do something like this.  I can't have it be a plane crash, that would be obvious plagiarism, but I need them to be cut off from the rest of the world....hmm...hey, I could have a big dome come down and trap them!  Now, where did I put that typewriter...."


The only problem with this theory (because I like it and it seems obvious since King is also a Lost fan) is two little facts.


The idea for the book Under the Dome came to Steve something in the mid 1970s. He started it, and put it aside until he could figure out the science of it. So it didn't come to him while watching Lost.


Second, the characters are significantly different and the plotline is significantly different in the book. Barbie isn't a murderer at all, Julie is in her mid fifties and single. Angie dies in the first few pages. Big Jim actually has cronies and he and the cronies are essentially King's idea of Bush and Dick Cheney running a small town, and Big Jim sure as shit didn't get nicer. Now whoever was writing season 1 of this show probably had seen Lost....

  • Love 1

I need this show to get canceled because if I haven't stopped watching already, that's likely the only way I will.



Embrace the madness, shapeshifter.   Emmmmmbraaaaaaaaaaaace iiiiiiiiiiiiit!


Ahahaha God help me I got suckered back into this show after swearing off it last year. Thanks Amazon Prime!  I love the new voiceover at the start of the episode, something like "we will never stop trying to find a way out."  They stopped in the Pilot!  And even then it was half-hearted!  


Unrelated random thoughts:


4.  The Borneo tribe could streamline their system by requiring the old and infirm to climb up in that tree in the first place.

I did wonder if that was a real thing, because it seems pretty inefficient. Who's hauling the sick and elderly up the trees? Why don't the sick and elderly fight back? And if they're too old and sick to fight back, why bother putting them up a tree - isn't that pretty redundant? Damn, I'm more fascinated by this than anything going on in the Dome, not that this will stop me from watching this stupid show apparently.

I did wonder if that was a real thing, because it seems pretty inefficient. Who's hauling the sick and elderly up the trees? Why don't the sick and elderly fight back? And if they're too old and sick to fight back, why bother putting them up a tree - isn't that pretty redundant? Damn, I'm more fascinated by this than anything going on in the Dome, not that this will stop me from watching this stupid show apparently.


I know, right!?  If we don't get some Chester's Mill style elder tree shakin', I'm going to be very unhappy.


Also, welcome back to the fold, random chance.

  • Love 1

I did wonder if that was a real thing, because it seems pretty inefficient. Who's hauling the sick and elderly up the trees? Why don't the sick and elderly fight back? And if they're too old and sick to fight back, why bother putting them up a tree - isn't that pretty redundant? Damn, I'm more fascinated by this than anything going on in the Dome, not that this will stop me from watching this stupid show apparently.

HAHAHA!  Me, too.  I think I'm ALREADY too "old & infirm" to shinny up a tree--What if my life depended on it?  Can I pick a magnolia?--but if someone boosted me up there, I could hang on like a mo-fo.


And yes, that accounts for 100% of the time I've spent pondering anything "Dome."

  • Love 2

I don't like the Julia propping.  Since when would Barbie agree to selective population reduction??  This is the same guy who was running around the town last season saving lives left and right, and now Saint Julia is the voice of reason?  I feel like the show has pushed Julia and Big Jim into bigger roles and moved Barbie (who I find more interesting) into the peripheral.  Barbie would have been the first one out the door with Rebecca's suggestion.  I don't like where the show is going right now, but I'm going to keep watching.  I just feel like the show is more about the new characters and less about the characters I liked in the first season, and the characters I liked last season are different.


Let's hope it's get more interesting.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 3

Couldn't get myself to watch it until today, knowing the network will take it off the website Tuesday morning when the new one goes up.


The whole Barbie/Julia conflict is so manufactured.  Neither of them are acting like themselves, as Bishop said.  Actually, not even acting like normal people.  Julia not even asking the girl why she was going through Barbie's wallet?  Barbie calling that "his" home after less than 2 weeks?   Barbie saying the town needs a "firm hand"?  Isn't he supposed to be Mr. Anti-Authority figure?   If anything, he should trust Jim LESS after he tried to hang him.  But now he trusts Jim more?


Since when did the science teacher profess her love to Jim to the extent he thinks he has a date?  Did I fall asleep during the never-ending previouslies?


Joe's "Now we are 3 hands... maybe the Dome isn't trying to help us."  You think?  Since when has the Dome helped?  It's CREATING all your problems.  Julia is even more delusional.


There aren't enough resources for 25% of the population to survive, but there are enough resources to build a giant Windmill?   High school science class in Chester Mills is AP Windmill Engineering?  Highly unlikely given the collective IQ of the mob = 1.  


Dictator Science Teacher now says EVERYONE aged 14-18 is expected to participate.  Why would you want high school students building anything, much less a windmill?   Does she actually want it to work?  And since when does the mob follow her every instruction.  "Everyone!  Collect rainwater!"   There weren't too many citizens at "citizen registration" but they got the whole town listed?  Wouldn't the town hall be a better place than the diner?


So yesterday Joe was aiming a gun at New Girl, and now he's all googly eyes.  


Barbie and the rest of the "first responders" were wearing gloves but you could see exposed skin of their arm and acid rain would have gone down their sleeves.  Some people are running into the diner screaming in pain, but there were a few calmly walking in like nothing was wrong.  Nice work with the extras.


I guess they realized they shouldn't have killed the Reverend off last season.  So now they need a replacement "It's an act of God!" character, thus, Lyle the barber - he was always been there.  And dated Jim's wife.  Riiiiiiight.


"It's so strange... mine just did the same thing," said Joe when the internet went down.  What's so "strange" about the unexpected internet NOT working?  Most people get that screen, and they don't live under a dome.


So what did I learn about Microsoft Surface in this episode?  Its wireless reception is really erratic.  It has very poor security features, since Norrie handed the Surface to Junior, and it was ALREADY logged in to his email.  Outlook.com is horrible since when Joe logged in, his emails literally started rolling in, instead of refreshing and showing all the new ones.   Windows 8.1 is hella frustrating to use, as evidenced by Norrie slamming down the screen (it must be hella strong too to withstand that force).  


So the kids finally got internet and instead of sending SOS messages, and finding out what the outside world is doing to bring down the Dome, they check email and twitter and Norrie even got BORED after a few minutes? 


I'm not even going to touch the super hose which stopped the rain immediately.  No need to give the water cycle time to work, Dictator Science Teacher already commands the cooperation of evaporation and condensation.


At least the "carrying your wireless device to get better internet reception" subplot was relatable.  


Joe and Norrie have access to all the confidential records at the school?


I was SO sure there was going to be an egg in the locker.  I guess eggs are so last season.


You know what else is so last season?  A mysterious "burial" and a secret big bad threatening to silence his accomplice.  

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 2

When I saw that there is an Under the Dome thread for forgotten storylines, I thought if they start a thread titled "Things that Make No Sense" there would be so much traffic, we might shut down the internet. 


Speaking of shutting down the internet ...


"It's so strange... mine just did the same thing," said Joe when the internet went down.  What's so "strange" about the unexpected internet NOT working?  Most people get that screen, and they don't live under a dome.


If the unexpected internet I was using suddenly went down, I would assume everyone's unexpected internet was down too, not that it was only my computer.  It is actually a good thing the internet shut down, or we may have been stuck watching Joe and Junior playing video games. 


And if new girl died in 1988, shouldn't she have been a little curious about computers and email and internet? A simple "What's that thing? Is it like a small tv?" would have been nice. 

  • Love 3


Joe's "Now we are 3 hands... maybe the Dome isn't trying to help us."  You think?  Since when has the Dome helped?  It's CREATING all your problems.  Julia is even more delusional.


Exactly, it's so stupid, the dome hasn't helped them, it started the problems in the first place and these morons are too stupid to blindly follow this nonsense.

This is the same guy who was running around the town last season saving lives left and right, and now Saint Julia is the voice of reason?  I feel like the show has pushed Julia and Big Jim into bigger roles and moved Barbie (who I find more interesting) into the peripheral.  Barbie would have been the first one out the door with Rebecca's suggestion.


Well, here is the thing. If we were shown any character develeopement , then I could believe that Barbie is smart enough to realize that Rebecca's arguement, while morally questionable, is technically sound. They don't have enough resources for everyone so do they let the town doctor (for example) starve to death while the woman with MS gets a meal? Or vice versa? If they actually explored the unpleasant decisions instead of frosting them over with pink stars and green clovers and other lucky charms, the show might be interesting.


And if new girl died in 1988, shouldn't she have been a little curious about computers and email and internet? A simple "What's that thing? Is it like a small tv?" would have been nice.


I feel ancient saying this but I was in high school in 1988, and I knew what computers and email and the internet were. I mean, we had AOL and Compuserve and Prodigy and also the movie War Games and Whiz Kids. I think she'd be curious about the tablets, but she would have a clue.

The two most annoying characters are Joe and his girl. Could she be any more unlikeable with her interrogation of drownsy girl?

And who is writing Joe's dialogue? Joe: Who will get us out of here? Julia: I don't know. Joe: If you not you, then who?..... Whatttttt?

Joe: Don't go out into the rain. It's dangerous. (Next scene, he's out in the rain)

Notwithstanding the ridiculous plots, the actual dialogue is one of those ridiculous TV tropes where most of the characters don't speak like real people.

Or my personal favorite:

Joe: Norrie, stop.

Norrie: No! She just shows up here without any explanation on the day your sister gets killed in front of that locker and just happens to know the combination?

Joe: Why don't you trust her?

This episode was a riot. I also loved Barbie telling Julia not to bring strays into "our" house. Shouldn't he wait until, I don't know, the moon has made a full orbit around Earth before he claims a property right in his new girlfriend's house?

Maybe Dwight Yoakum is just really, really stupid and had to repeat high school 20 times. My brain is struggling enough to suspend disbelief that Junior's parents are Dean Norris and Sherry Stringfield instead of, say, Jeff Goldblum and (if we need an E.R. alumna) Julianna Marguiles.


That new TV Guide article in the Spoilers thread clarified that

Barbie only pretended to go along with Big Jim and Rebecca in order to learn what they're planning: "Barbie finds himself stuck in the middle between those two and Julia," says Vogel. "But for him, it's more about that old adage of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. Barbie wants to hear them out and see what they're up to so he can keep an eye on them."

Edited by tv echo

That new TV Guide article in the Spoilers thread clarified that

Barbie only pretended to go along with Big Jim and Rebecca in order to learn what they're planning: "Barbie finds himself stuck in the middle between those two and Julia," says Vogel. "But for him, it's more about that old adage of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. Barbie wants to hear them out and see what they're up to so he can keep an eye on them."

I saw that too, and it makes me feel much better.  It felt bizarre for Barbie to react the way he did considering what we have seen and know of his character.  So that was a nice reveal.  

That new TV Guide article in the Spoilers thread clarified that

Barbie only pretended to go along with Big Jim and Rebecca in order to learn what they're planning: "Barbie finds himself stuck in the middle between those two and Julia," says Vogel. "But for him, it's more about that old adage of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. Barbie wants to hear them out and see what they're up to so he can keep an eye on them."


Eh it was kind of already obvious, can't wait to see Julia make a fool of herself when she knows about Sam.

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